MW Mti443zrun OtZUti Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Tuesday, March 16, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 114G '(wZ 1'r HASOF-OED PUS ~oW 4IN 1MAE "04E iROWS CO - 6RE tUC'NrV MAK' Spain 's By PAUL O'DONNELL WITH FRANCO DEAD, Portugal lean- ing leftward, and Italy's people vot- ing Communist in greater and greater proportions, interest is increasing in Western Europe's least democratic na- tion. What will tomorrow's Spain be like ? "Revolution" is a word that holds many images to anyone who has ever seen "The Battleship Poltemkine," or read about the life of Che Guevara. Ob- viously, the reality of a revolution is quite different. Spain, which suffered approximately one million deaths in its own civil war-revolution, shies away from repeating such an event, even if the people are not always happy about the "regimen" (government). The image of the hauty Spaniard, standing up for his ideals like a torero facing a bull, and shouting "Viva la Muerte" as he dies, though in part valid, is in no way a typical representation of modern day in- habitants of this Mediterranean nation. The Spanish "character", and I use the word with caution, is changing. The Classical Iberia of beret-wearing Castillian goat farmers, toothless Anda- lusian olive pickers, and a cloisters, con- vents, and three - cornered "Guardia Civil" hats appearing over the horizon, still exists, but there are many other Spains. There is the new Spain of Small "SEAT" cars and Olivetti typewriters, Zanussi appliances and clover leaf high- way entrances, subway riding nine to fivers, and newspaper reading city dwellers, for example. Though the ma- terial possessions of a Madrid or Bar- celona suburbanite may seem unimport- ant to a New Yorker or Detroiter who's always had that and much, much (too future cool, a - by PAUL TASSIE much) more, to the son of a dirt farm- er from Badajoz who lived through the post-war famine, and whose brother emigrated to Germany, these gains are ones he wouldn't want to risk in an un- stabilizing political venture. Who can blame a Spaniard for enjoying the kinds of material advantages which many Europeans had twenty years ago? No matter how much he might dislike the current regime, why should he start an- other bloody revolution "to rid our- selves of the chains which the Fran- quists have put upon us?" IN 1936, TWO SPAINS confronted one another; they have been called the forces of "change" and the forces of "tradition." Others call them the forces of nationalism and internationalism, or revolution and reaction. Whatever these two forces were, the current politico-so- cial situation in Spain is considerably more complex. The creation of a "buffer class," the new urban and suburban bourgeoisie, would have a lot to lose in either a right wing or left wing coup or revolution. Any two factions wishing to confront one another on the battlefield as they did in the 1930's, would have to do so despite the wishes of this buffer class. Though often in disagreement with Iberia author James Michener's views on Spain, I respect highly what he said about political turmoil there. An Anda- lusian told Michener that the real trou- ble wouldn't come from the big cities, and that after Franco died, there would be "flashy headlines," but that any trou- ble would be easily handled. Atheistic Andalusia, according to the Spaniard, would be the real trouble spot. To this Michener replied that he though most or all of the daring souls in poor Andalucia have emigrated to the European coun- tries. Michener's point of view is supported by figures and facts. According to the geography department at the University of Barcelona, the money sent into Spain by emigrant laborers is the country's number two source of revenue, second only to tourism. There are only esti- mates as to how many Spaniards left, and are still leaving Spain, for economic reasons. In case these reasons aren't enough to convince Hemingway readers and re- volutionary enthusiasts that violent po- litical change is possible but hardly pro- bable in Spain, there is the example of Portugal. A revolutionary example to en- courage the Spaniards? Or a confused and confusing situation that is scaring away tourists, foreign investors, and American military bases? Whatever your point of view might be, there is Ik calculated t '1 K K I II Red Squads: New American Ik I' 3 5 ; : ... Don't slash mail service THE POSTAL SERVICE has floated a few trial balloons during the past few months concerning possible cutbacks in their already intoler- ably poor mail delivery. While the proposals are probably a ploy to per- suade the Ford Administration to hike federal subsidies for the foun- dering Service, they should go no further than the present talking stages. As one cost-cutting gimmick, the Postal Service says mail deliveries could be cut back to a scanty three a week. This would presumably save labor costs, but it would also repre- sent a massive inconvenience for business and individuals who must rely on daily mail service for a vast number of personal or economic rea- sons. We can see one potential problem with the proposal right in our own offices. Like many newspapers, The Daily relies on mail deliveries for a healthy portion of its subscriptions. Under the three-day-a-week plan, a newspaper reader might receive Tuesday's news as late as Thursday, just in time to wrap the garbage. Daily mail delivery is essential to many other institutions where speed is an essential factor in smooth op- eration. THE POSTMASTER General has also warned that a first-class postage stamp may carry a 23-cent price tag in four years. The time is fast approaching, unfortunately, when the Postal Service's rates will simply not match the value of the service they provide, for the mail service has become slower and slow- er, and less reliable. The current incompetence of the postal service is staggering. Just yes- terday ,a spokesman for the Chicago post office said their new billion-dol- lar mail-handling system has mang- led 3.7 million items - losing pack- ages such as books from their origi- nal wrappers. Similar problems were discovered in the Detroit post office earlier this month. What we need is a commitment to lmorovement--faster delivery with fewer screw-ups-and not ill-thought threats designed to scare the govern- ment and, the public into providing unnecessarily high aid. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Mitch Dunitz, Michael Jordan, Stuart McConnell, Rob Meachum, Jeff Ristine, Jim Tobin, Bill Turque. Editorial Page: Stephen Hersh, Tom Stevens Arts Page: Jeff Sorensen Photo Technician: Steve Kagan By RICHARD GUTMAN and DAVID OSBORNE 'HICAGO, (PNS) - W h i l e C pugresicaattfntiofouses on Congressional investigations of FBI and CIA abuses, illegal ac- tivities by what may be the na- tion's largest army of political spies - local police "R e d Squads" -have gone virtually unnoticed at the national level. Two hundred of these political intelligence units from almost every major American city be- long to the federally-funded Law Enforcement Intelligencce Unit, through which they exchange fil- es and other information. Where investigations of R e d Squads have taken place, vio- lations of the law have been routinely documented. In Chicago last fall a Special Grand Jury charged the Chica- go Red Squad with illegal burg- laries and wiretapping, infiltra- tion of groups engaged in no criminal activity, incitement to violence and aid to a right-wing terrorist organization engaged in harassment of the left. The Grand Jury said the ac- tivity had "all the earmarks of a police state." SEVERAL WEEKS after the report was released, a class ac- tion lawsuit produced documents proving the police department had established a "neutraliza- tion" program to "expose, cause to cease or change in directeion . . . anti-social groups," among them the National Lawyers Guild. * The San Diego City Council is beginning hearings this month to investigate its Red Squad, fol- lowing press mention of its role in helping the FBI fund a right- wing organization which terror- ized the left in the early '70's. The publicity resulted largely from a report submitted to Sen- ator Church's Select Committee on Intelligence last summer by the American Civil Liberties Un- ion (ACLU), based on evidence gathered for a lawsuit. According to the ACLU re- port, the San Diego Red Squad worked closely with the Secret Army Organization in a cam- paign of break-ins and bomb- ings, culminating in a night- time shooting raid which left a victim permanently without the use of one arm. THE RED SQuad then moved to prevent a full investigation of the incident. Later, two Red Squad members plannedtun- successfully to assassinate ano- ther leading San Diego radical, as one of the agents later ad- mitted to the target and a local newspamer reporter. * In Houston a recent grand jiury investigation found exten- sire police surveillance from within the local telenhone com- nanv - resulting in files on over 1.000 citizens with no criminal records, including city counicl and school board members. * And in Michigan a c i r c u i t court Judge recently discovered the Michigan State Police R e d Satad had files on over 200,000 citizens. He declared the Squad "nconstitutionsl and ordered the files destroyed. Red Squads have also been investigated during the I a s t vear by state legislatures in Marvland and New York: by city councils in Detroit, New York and Washington, D.C.; and by coumty grand juries in Indianapolis and Baltimore. CLASS ACTION lawsuits have been filed in Los Angeles, Phil- adelnhia, New York, Chicago, Kansas City, Houston and De- troit. In most cases extensive coon- ermtion between local Red Sotnads and federal agencies - nartici'larly the FBI - has been documented. Files have been freely exchanged and agencies have often worked together in disruption tactics. The Rockefeller report on the CIA and recent documents ob- tained by the Washington Star News show the CIA has also held special sembinars for p o I i c e officials and trained domestic police departments in clandes- 'In Michigan, a ci r- cuit judge recently dis- covered the Michigan State Police Red Squad spy organization h ad files on over 200,000 citizens. He declared the Squad unconstitu- tional and ordered the files destroyed.' tine operations such as burglary and safe-cracking. Local investigations demon- strated a consistent pattern of Red Squad activity across t h e countrly, including infiltration, electronic surveillance, disrup- tion and the occasional use of right-wing terrorists. Few of the Red Squad targets have been engaged in criminal activity. In Chicago the Red Squad in- filtrated civil rights groups like J e s s e Jackson's Operation PUSH, community groups like the Organization for a Better Austin and civic watchdogs like the Alliance to End Repression. THE GRAND JURY, pointing ot that all "at one time or ano- ther were critical of the policies of the Mayor of Chicago," con- cluded that "the true motivation for spying on community groups was political." Infiltrators not only s ted reports on membershi dership and financial so but in several cases we structed to assume lead roles in the groups they trated. Electronic surveillance been discovered with equt quency. Manufacturers o tronic surveillance equi testified recently before tl tional Wiretap Commissio half their sales are to pol partmetns in jurisdictions wiretapping is illegal. The total number of Squad files resulting from ligence opereations is secr recent announcementsc purges suggest staggerin bers. Last April the LosA Public Disorder Intelligen vision destroyed nearly to lion "outdated and irrel index cards; in 1973, af ing sued, the New York Red Squad purged rough million cards. NEW YORK CITY C o President Paid O'Dwyer the police still maintain active cards, with infor on groups including th gress on Racial Equali National Association fort vancement of ColoredI the American Jewisht and the ACLU. Disruption of communi political organizations ha surfaced repeatedly. Th cago Grand Jury repo, nounces the use of agen vacateurs - one of whon urged members of thea zation he had infiltrate risen to nreside over t nolice officers, demons the most strategic nlacef pers in downtown Chicag In Detroit several peo sting the Red Squad foi edly giving their employ E -I by PAUL TASSIE little doubt that Spain in 1976 is not a replica of 1917 Russia of Cuba in the late 1950s' MANY FORCES AND personalities surround the young Prince Juan Car- los and his ministers. The influences are as subtle as they are surreptitious. The prince's own personality, the tra- ditional though not monolithic army, the changing role of the Catholic church, Spain's young oepple, America's desire to see a country it uses as a military base become more democratic, and the wishes of the common market countries are all factors that will shape Spain's fu- ture. But this observer doesn't see armed revolution as being on the agenda in the forseeable future. LSA senior Paul O'Donnell, who writes regularly for The Daily's Editor- ial Page, has studied at the Universiti of Barcelona. fascists ubmit- formation about their political ip, lea- activities, leading to their dis- ources, missal. ere in- dership The San Diego Red Squad, ac- pene- cording to the ACLU report, car- ried on a continuing campaign of disruption against anti-war h as leftists, including pressure on al fre- landlords and employers and the f elec- use of informers. iipment he Na- The most serious disruption- on that both in San Diego and Chicago- ice de- was carried on by right-wing where terrorist organizations working with Red Squads. R e d IN CHICAGO the Grand Jury n intel- found evidence that Red Squad ret, but members had aided the right- of file wing Legion of Justice in sev- g num- eral burglaries against I e f t Angeles groups, watched as Legion mem- nce Di- bers assaulted people in those wo mil- groups and gave Legion mem- evant" bers tear gas grenades which ter be- were exloded at performances C i t y of the Russian Moiseyev Danc- ly one ers and the Chinese Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe. u n c i t Lawers in the ACLU case claims think San Diego's Red Squad - 240,000 and perhaps others - was be- rmation ine used in a national effort, co- e Con- ordinated first by the FBI and ty, the later by the White House, to the Ad- make war on the left. People, Pointing to a "striking resem- Council hlance" between events in San Diego and Nixon administration ity and nronosals to heighten anti-left as also intelligence and disrution, they e Chi- hope to subpoena high officials rt d e - in the Nixon adminstration to its pro- discover whether the San Diego m even Red Sanad was part of a cen- organi- tralized network of intimidation d and and harassment. o shoot strating Richard Gutman is Director for snm- of the Citizens Alert Police Liti- ple are gation Project in Chicago and r alleg- David Osborne is an editor at yers in- Pacific News. Letters to T'he Daily employment To The Daily: IN THE PAST year many people have encountered a situ- ation new to them: Unemploy- ment. Because people who are unemployed often feel that be- ing out of work is their own fault, they become isolated and immobilized. Unemployment has his people who have been work- ing at the same job for years as well as people just entering the job market. The Washtenew County Un- employed Council ((WCUC) was formed last spring by employed and unemployed persons in the area to bring people together to work on the problems of the unemployed. The WCUC has worked to provide a source of advocacy and mutual support for the unemployed as well as to increase public awareness of the problems of unemployment. We have referred numerous un- employed persons to legal as- cA iel-.n,, -nnl r, ,.v, , MESC and throughout the com- munity. The Washtenaw County Un- employed Council is now at a most crucial point in its devel- opment. We have been working totally with volunteers up to now but will soon have a full- time coordinator. However, at the same time as this step for- ward, we are faced by a set- back. We had been using space in the Model Cities office on N. 4th Avenue as our base of op- erations and for meetings. At the end of January Model Cities ceased to occupy that location so the WCUC no longer has an office or a place for our week- ly meetings. We are appealing to you in the Ann Arbor community for assistance. We have no budget for office space at this time. If you know of possible free office space available to the WCUC, please call 665-3122 im- mediately. Larry Bassett me.hta.s C-un portunity to heap lies and abuse upon China's people and the na- ture of her state. About two weeks ago, a letter was printed here that once again utlized distortions and lies about Peo- ple's China to attack socialism, the rule of the working class. The letter stated that in China, "...divorce is permitted only when 'in the interests of the People's Republic', homosexu- ality is suppressed and pre-mar- ital sex is punishable by a six- month jail term!" I would like to respond to these distortions with some of the facts. To analyze the nature of sex- ual attitudes and customs in China, it is useless to use Amer- ican standards as a ruler. Chi- na's moral traditions have al- ways been very strict and alien to American culture. We must look first at China's heritage from the past 2,500 years of Confucian tradition, dictating absolute subserviance of all women to men, and proclaiming marriage, and has succeeded in eliminating the double standard in regards to morality. The Chi- nese people are building a new type of society, a socialist so- ciety, not according to the situ- ation in other countries or the desires of foreign critics, but according to China's own ways and needs. Thousands of years of feudal tradition are not dis- persed overnight, nor in 26 years for that matter. The Chi- nese government has passed no laws, nor does it seek to enforce any standards, in the realm of pre-marital sex. It has always been, and remains, purely the private affair of the individual. Copies of the Marriage Law '(in its early stages known as the Divorce Law because it allowed countless women to rid them- selves of husbands they had not chosen and did not love) are available in the United States. It provides for marriage of women at eighteen, men at twenty, free birth control for mrip nniD ,mle..nrnvriAdd b and treated through community care and sometimes psychiatric treatment. However, homesexu- als are not oppressed in terms of jobs or discrimination, and in fact are encouraged to work and participate in society. Having visited People's China myself, I can say from personal experience that China's women enjoy full child care available anywhere, anytime, along with maternity benefits, and pensions equal to men's. In most areas, women get equal pay for equal work, and in recent years many more women have been taking up political posts in and out of the party, all the way up to the Central Committee. China is not a blueprint for other countries to mirror; it is a struggling young country that indeed has its problems. How- ever, China's outstanding achievements in industry and agriculture, low-cost widespread health care that has wiped out diseases we in the U.S. can "\W 4 , 71 IMMEMMOMMEM