See Editorial Page
i4 toor
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See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 134
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 16, 1976
10 Cents Ten Pages
3 1
Breaking up isn't
hard to do
The number of Washtenaw County couples filing
for divorce has been on a steady upswing, accord-
ing to the records from the county clerk's office. In
1974-75, the total number of filings jumped from
1906 to 2078. From January to February, the num-
ber rose from 176 to 185, although the actual num-
ber of divorces granted dropped from 164 to 122.
"If people would look more carefully at marriage
before crawling into it, these statistics would
change," says Circuit Court Marriage Counselor
Donald Haller. Since Michigan has a no-fault di-
vorce law, he could not cite the major reasons for
It ain't so
Yesterday's University Record erroneously re-
ported that the annual Henry Russel Lecture and
Award will take place at the Rackham Amphithea-
tre this afternoon at 4:00. It will actually be a
week from today, Tuesday, March 23. The award
is given every year to a young faculty member
of exceptional achievement and promise.
.. . are fair to middlin' today, starting at 12:00
with an Academic Women's Caucus meeting in
Rm. 1337 of the Ed. School, where Virginia Nordby
will speak on "Rights and Responsibilities of Aca-
demic Women" . .. Future Worlds features Dick
Gregory at 3:00 in Hill Aud., speaking on "World
Food Issues" . . . Gayle Jones reads from her
poetry and fiction at 4:10 in the Pendleton Rm.
of the Union . .. UAW 2001 clericals who wish to
picket with striking Eastern Michigan University
employes can get rides leaving the local office at
711 N. University every day at 5:30 . . . The Coa-
lition to stop Senate Bill One meets at 7:30 this
evening at 332 S. State . .. And you can learn to
meditate gratis by showing up at the Project Out-
reach Building, 504 Thompson, at 8:30.
Assassination note
Federal agents are investigating a terrorist plot
to assassinate President Ford and Ronald Reagan
at this summer's Republican National Convention
in Kansas City, the Chicago Tribune reported yes-
terday. According to the story, The Justice Depart-
ment learned of the plot from an informant who
is "a part of the violent underground in northern
California." Department sources said the plot in-
volved a commando-style assassination team of
persons from the San Francisco area who intend-
ed to "throw the convention into complete chaos."
Head for music
British Air Force Sergeant Jim Collins bangs
out tunes in his spare time-not with a piano, but
on his head with a nine-inch wrench. The maestro,
whose repertoire ranges from "Rule Britannia," to
"Deutschland Uber Alles," to "Onward Chris-
tian Soldiers," says he discovered his musical
gifts when he banged his head into another man's
at a rugby match. He must have really had his
bell rung, because the impact produced a clear
musical note. "People who hear me think I need
to have my head examined, but I don't even get a
headaches after a musical session," Collins added.
As long as he doesn't try the long version of In-A-
Gadda-Da-Vida, we guess he'll probably be okay.
Getting (a toehol1(
Police in New Orleans believe they have ended a
bizarre series of break-ins with the weekend ar-
rest of a burglar with a toe fetish. On Saturday,
they arrested Arthur Ford, 21, charging him with
nine counts of burglary stretching over a period
of several months. Police said Ford wore a ski
mask and entered the homes of his victims by cut-
ting screens, but that he never took much money.
They said his primary purpose was sucking his
victim's toes. You can make up your own joke'
On the inside...
Editorial Page has Paul O'Donnell examining
the civil discontent currently festering in Spain
. . Arts page features David Whiting's review of
last week's Patti Smith concert in Lansing . . .
and Sports Page has the results of last night's
hockey game with Michigan Tech.
on the oUtside ...
Wallace vs.
Carter in Ill.
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO--Jimmy Carter and George Wallace are
preparing for another head-to-head tussle for the Demo-
cratic presidential nomination, this time in today's tricky
and unpredictable Illinois primary.
At what was billed as a "major foreign policy speech"
here yesterday, Carter repeated his charge that Secre-
tary of State Henry Kissinger has shown a "deep mis-
trust of the American people" and then attacked the
Ford and Nixon administrations for making foreign
policy something in which Americans and their legis-
lators have very little say.
THE FORMER Georgia governor promised to return
to a foreign policy in which the people would be con-
sulted. "I have in mind something like the fireside chats
that Franklin Roosevelt used to have," he added.
Carter also stressed that "the time for balance-of-
See CARTER, Page 10
Daily Photo by KEN FINK
The Graduate Employes' Or-
ganization (GEO) announced
over spring vacation that it will
demand a full tuition waiver for
all Graduate Student Assistants
(GSAs) for 1977-78 when nego-
tiations with the University be-
gin in August.
"The University is giving in
one hand and taking back in the
other. This seems absurd to us,"
said GEO spokesman Dan
UNION treasurer Art Sch-
wartz explained that GSAs are
paid wages which then must be
immediately returned to the
University in the form of tui-
"It's like a revolving door,"
said Schwartz. "All we're inter-
ested in is the after-tuition
money," he added, referring to
the union's complaint that tui-
tion unfairly depletes the take-
horte pay of GSAs.
William Neff, assistant direc-
tor of personnel for the Univer-
sity, refused to comment on
the GEO demands until they are
officially placed on the bargain-
ing table.
ACCORDING to S c h w a r t z,
GSAs "have fallen way behind
cost-of-living standards."
"It's not that we want to live
in high style," said Schwartz,
"but we don't want to live on
food stamps."
The 1976-77 demands include
an 11 per cent raise in the min-
imum salary. The current salary
See GEO, Page 10
rises 2.5 pct.
Arrest warrants for Washtenaw County in 1975 were
up about 2.5 per cent over 1974, according to an annual
crime report issued yesterday by County Prosecutor Wil-
liam Delhey's office.
The nost significant increase was in narcotics, in
which 266 arrest warrants--a 57 per cent jump from the
previous year--were issued by the prosecutor's office.
THE OTHER major increase
arrests climbed from 58 in 1974
to 89 last year, more than a 50
per cent rise.
Though Delhey acknowledges
that the arrest increases "have
no direct relationship with the
commission of crime," he does
state the two are "indirectly
"Our report seems to parallel
the crime trend in the surround-
ing area," the prosecutor stated
DELHEY attributes the in-
crease in drug arrests to the
Washtenaw Area N a r c o t i c s
Team (WANT), a specialized
unit designed for full-time in-
vestigation of illegal drug ac-
tivity in the county.
According to the prosecutor's
report, the street value of the
drugs seized by the WANT team
was over $291,000.
Regarding sexual offenses, the
report states "there does not
appear to be an increase in the
number of sexually-perpetrated
offenses, however, the under-
signed (Delhey) is of the opinion
that local organization's involve-
ment and the anti-rape section
has caused willingness among
the victims to come forward not '
only to report the offenses but
to appear in court on the same.
See COUNTY, Page 2
was in sexual offenses, in which
to " e
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO - The Democratic
presidential candidates who
first visited Chicago with hopes
of winning Mayor Richard Dal-
ey's blessing will leave town af-
ter the Illinois primary tonight
without so much as a nod in
their direction.
In the non - binding prefer-
ential primary, Jimmy Carter's
expected victory over Alabama
Gov. George Wallace, Sargent
Shriver and Fred Harris will
be bittersweet when accompa-
nied by far less than half of
the state's delegates.
IN CHICAGO, "Boss" Daley
is expecfled to throw plenty of
wrenches in the candidates'
strategy by carrying at least
half of the Illinois delegation,
See DEMS, Page 7
Sorry, wrong number
Whether or not this young lady is upset with the Bell Telephone Company we were unable to
tell, as she doesn't talk yet. That was what was so surprising about her obvious determination
to make a few phone calls.
President confident
f whoppi g victory
special To The Tiaily
CHICAGO -- President Ford's Illinois campaign manager,
former Governor Richard Ogilvie, yesterday predicted a Ford
victory in today's primary but warned of "massive over-confi-
dence" in the Republican ranks.
"Ford's supporters should not let their exoectations run ahead
of their actual voting," Ogilvie said yesterday at Ford headquar-
ters here.
THE FORMER governor, who said that there would have to
be a large voter turnout for Ford to win big, urged Republicans
to "get out and vote."
Ogilvie was also concerned that mny Republican voters might
cross o0er to east a protest vote in the state's Democratic g'iber-
natorial primary, also being held today.
"Many people don't realize that if they vote Democratic in
the governor's race thev most also vote Democratic in the Presi-
denti-l nrim -ry," Ogilvie explained.
"LET THE Democrats have their own scran in the race for
Tin in Juni
Hometowners back
their boy Ronnie
special To The Daily
TAMPICO, Ill.-The town has one main street, two bars, a
supermarket, a couple of grain elevators, and a handful of other
drab-looking establishments. The occasional Sunday stroller finds
the place deserted and one wonders where the 850 residents of
this western-Illinois hamlet are hiding.
Not exactly the kind of place you'd expect a glamorous movie
star turned presidential hopeful to have spent his formative
years. But Ronald Reagan was born here 65 years ago, right on
Main Street in a turn-of-the-century apartment building which
now houses his honorary national headquarters, a polling place,
and the town's diminutive police force.
NEAL ROBINSON, editor of the area's weekly newspaper,
"The Echo," was the first to think of turning Reagan's birth-
place into his symbolic headquarters.
"At first I didn't know if Reagan would come out here to
speak or how he would feel about making this his honorary
national headquarters." said Robinson.
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