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March 04, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-03-04

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Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1 48104

Carter: Big smile, forked


Thursday, March 4, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

wIwti " ti'FORDES SEfC ECYACr1

EFFECT I(.,E 191'

Although Jimmy Carter's fourth place
finish in the Massachusetts democratic
presidential primary could signal the
last bright bursts of a dying firecrack-
er, if the ex-governor proves true to
form, he will not remain out of the
running for long. With one win already
tucked under his belt, the man from
Georgia will be depending on Florida
to show all those yankees that only
one frontrunner - himself - can pull
enough votes from above and below
the Mason-Dixon to win the nomina-
Carter's opponents may use his poor
showing in Massachusetts to discount his
candidacy. But a close look at his New
Hampshire win gives reason to fear him
as an opponent. Carter could quite easily
pull off a similar victory in Florida.
"The main issue, for someone who
is from the south is exposure," com-
mented a Carter supporter during his
blitz campaign of the "granite state."
Carter a heavy vote in New Hamp-
shire may again prove to be the key to
success in the state of sunshine and
retirement villages. While the Massa-
chusetts voters had to form their opin-
ion of Carter on the basis of what they
read in the newspapers, Florida citizens
will get to see him in person.
A hush spreads over the room as
Carter strolls into a senior citizens lunch
in New Hampshire. "Look, I got to
shake his hand" giggles one lady de-
lightedly. "He's so handsome, isn't he
- I touched him and look I gave him
one of these." She holds out her out-
stretched palm in which three of four
pink valentine hearts still set.
While Mo Udall plods through the
state of Florida taking time out to talk
to individuals about subjects ranging

from Lockheed to Watergate; Carter
could again prove that his "kiss and
run" strategy works best.
"He's young and good-looking," said
a New Hampshire building contractor
when asked to pinpoint just what he liked
about Carter. "He has a hell of a
Southern accent - it's all superficial."
A POLL THAT RAN concurrent with
the Massachusetts primary results
revealed that nearly half of the voters
questioned in that primary felt that too
much attention was being paid to blacks
and other minorities. Carter can be ex-
pected to win support from voters with
similar feelings in the South. For al-
though the yankees in his campaign may
believe differently, Carter's attitude to-
wards blacks can be summed up neatly
as one of "benign neglect."
Carter's opposition to a constitutional
amendment against forced busing (al-
though he opposes the desegregation
measure) lost him the support of South
Boston in the Massachusetts campaign.
But such a thing need not happen again
as he moves towards home territory
where his general attitude towards blacks
is more well known. In a state where
busing per se is not so much of an is-
sue, Carter can appear like just enough
of a racist to draw in the segregation-
ist vote, while appealing to "progres-
sive" southerners as well.
"I think that integration is better
accomplished not by busing but by open
housing laws," Carter said in a New
Hampshire interview. "Because the only
people that are ever bused are poor
people's children anyhow." However in
his next breath Carter indicated just
how far he would really want to de-
segregate the poor and the black. When
asked about an essential and logical alter-
native to forced busing in our urban
ghettos - the gradual development of
low and moderate income housing sites

Daijy Photo by STEVE KAGAN

in predominantly white or suburban
areas - Carter's response was that he
favors an end to restrictive zoning
practices that block such developments
"only if it's a matter of restrictive
zoning because of racial bias. I don't
think it's right to force a neighborhood
that averages $50,000 in income to put
up with low income high rise in their
A Georgia student at a Carter rally
best summed up Carter's condescend-
ing attitude towards the poor and black.
When asked just what he had done about
race problems in Georgia, she an-
swered, "He did more for the blacks
of Georgia than any other governor.
He gave them moral support."

tu n cIoc-ic
Student registration critical

Kissin' kin: Jimmy
and Ron on the road

ITH ALL THE excitement of the
presidential primaries, it is easy
to forget that another election is
coming up here in Ann Arbor. On
April fifth three important propos-
als Will be on the ballot, as well as
the names of council representative
In order to be eligible to vote you
must be registered by Monday.
It is all too easy, with spring
break coming up, to postpone regis-
tering. But slim voter registration
could have a drastic effect on the
outcome of the election. Currently
the Democrats hold the majority on
the Council by one seat. If they lose
a single seat, any hope of new pro-
gressive action from the city will be
Wards One and Two will most like-
ly retain their progressive look, and
wards Three and Five promise to re-
main in the hands of the Republi-
cans. But the Fourth ward, the
News: Mitch Dunitz, Jay Levin, Rob
Meachum, Cathy Reutter, Jeff Sor-
ensen, Bill Turque, Michael Yellin
Editorial Page: Michael Beckman,
Steven Hersh, Maureen Nolan, Tom
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski, J e f f
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens

swing ward, could go either way, de-
pending on whether or not the stu-
dents remain interested enough to
register to vote.
include door-to-door voter regis-
tration and a question on retain-
ing the controversial preferential vot-
ing system, are based on city-wide
totals. If the students don't vote, both
of these will be defeatd.
Students, as well as permanent
residents, are allowed to register in
the city. We live here eight months
of the year, and are affected by city
laws. We have the right to decide
what goes on in the city where we
spend most of our time.
It was a long and hard fight get-
ting the right to vote in the city
where we attend school. Let's not
lose it by ignoring our right to regis-
ter and vote.
. . . t D il

bitten White Mountains of New
Hampshire, down the road and around
the bend, past the farm and over
the bridge, there's a fork in the
road. One fork comes from the right,
of course, and the other comes from
the left, but it's hard to tell just where
they meet. Anyway, it was just about
at dusk one evening last month when
two men who wanted to be president
came plodding down the different
forks, and they darned near bumped
into each other.
One of them was Jimmy Carter.
He used to be governor of Georgia,
and he made a name for himself
down there by cutting back on the
The other one was Ronald Reagan.
He used to be governor of California,
and he made. a name for himself
out there by cutting back on the
bureaucrats, too.
It was a narrow miss, and they
both looked a little startled to see
the other one standing there so close.
old son of a gun," Jimmy cried.
"What the hell you doin' back on
this little ole country road?"
"Well, I'm just running for presi-
dent the same as you, Governor Car-
ter," Ronald said. "Gosh, Nancy and
I are traveling all over the state,
trying to spread the word to the
good people of New Hampshire. I'm
trying to give America back to the
people, to whom it really belongs."

"Do tell!" Jimmy said with a sur-
prised grin. "You know that's the
same danged thing I've been talkin'
peoples' ears off about!"
"Goll, governor, do you mean to
say you're opposed to giantism in the
federal government as well?"
"How's that again, Ronnie?"
"Giantism, I say; that mass of
bureaucrats who turn out a stack of
documents every year which, all to-
gether, would make a stack of paper
seventeen feet high."
"SAY, I'M GLAD you brought that
up, Ronnie," Jimmy said confidenti-
ally. "I been tellin' the folks that
there stack was only twelve feet high.
You sure you're shootin' straight on
those figures?"
"Why, I'm one of the straightest
shooters there ever was, Governor.
Didn't you ever see me on 'Death
Valley Days'?"
The Georgian did a double-take,
eyes bulging at the Republican.
"Shucks, Ron - I knew I knew
you from somewheres else. You mean
to tell me you was in movin' pic-
"Many years ago, Governor, many
years ago. Yes, in my days in Holly-
wood I depicted many of those fron-
tier types who symbolize so much of
what we have lost in these great
United States. Take gun control, for
instance. Why, in the Wild West no
one ever talked of taking away peo-
ples' guns - back then your free-
dom was as good as the pistol you
packed, and now they want to take
that freedom away."

THE SOUTHERNER slapped his
thigh and let out a whoop.
"That's darned near what I've been
sayin', Ronnie! Shootin' stars, we got
to do some more jawin'!"
"Tell me, Governor Carter, what
are you telling the people of this, the
Granite State?"
"I'll tell ya true, Ron; I believe
the people of this country are fed up.
I believe they're fed up with big
government, fed up with Washington,
fed up with people who are fed up,
and fed up with bein' fed up. I'm
tryin' to restorenthe spirit of optim-
ism this country lost somewhere
along the way, tryin' to put the poli-
tics of love back in the Oval Office,
tryin' to bring back the majesty of
"Do you mean that purple-moun-
tained majesty which has been slow-
ly eroded away by a stream of offi-
cials who have gone beyond the con-
sent of the governed, who have stolen
the God-given Constitutional rights of
the citizens in do-gooding schemes
that don't do and aren't good?"
"You bet, Ron."
face flushed.
"Amen, Mr. Carter," he said. "I'm
fired with the desire to bring back
the same spirit of which you speak."
"Yes, Governor?"
"Let's you and me go run the coun-
try together."
And so they went, arm in arm,
down that winding road; sometimes
they wound right, sometimes . left.
The sun set slowly in the west.

such matters as race, and his phony,
slick campaign style hints at weakness
behind the polished exterior. Yet under-
neath one finds a personal drive to
acheive unmatched by any of the other
presidential candidates. While in New
Hampshire he campaigned eighteen
hours a day, nonstop. His earlier race
in Georgia which bumped him, an ob-
scure senator into the governor's chair
was conducted in just as dogged a man-
ner. It is this personal lust for the pre-
sidency that has helped make Carter one
of the top contenders.
"I have often been called an uncom-
promising man," darter commented in
New Hampshire. "But I would rather
stick to my principles than compromise
on some points like reform of the gbv-
erment bureaucracy."
Carter has approached his presiden-
tial bid much like he approached the
reorganization of the Georgia state gov-
ernment. When he encountered potent
legislative opposition to the F)ill ques-
tionable reform plan, he boasts 'of hav-
ing taken the issue "directly to the
people." With the help of popular emo-
tional sentiment he succeeded in push-
ing the plan through the state congress.
In the same way his presidential "mis-
sion" has appealed to the crowd's fer-
vor with its anti-Washington-bureaucracy
sentiments. The old guard Democrats
like Bayh, have been left to bite the
dust behind him.
than-expected showing in Massachu-
setts, a win in Florida is by no means
a sure bet. He cannot expect to triumph
by riding on the momentum kicked up
by his New Hampshire win.
Jackson has demonstrated that he is
as capable of winning as much racist
support as any segregationist, and Wal-
lace will siphon off a faithful following
no matter what happens. And if Udall
can make himself heard, the ambiguities
in Carter's political platform will be-
come more of an issue with the voters
than they already are.
On the day before the primary, en-
route to a New Hampshire factory, the
Carter entourage unwittingly passed right
by the building's front entrance. Laugh-
ter erupted in the press bus as the
long line of, cars turned on the high-
way, headed for the gate a second time
- but again slid by.
"He's (Carter) going to be mad at
this," chuckled ABC news correspon-
dent Sam Donelson, "I just hope I don't
have to watch him have a tantrum. As
we missed the gate yet a third time,
Donelson could stand it no longer, "I'm
going to do another piece," he shouted,
"None of this calculated smooth run-
ning - scary - campaign stuff."
"What a bumbler," said another.

Editorial Staff



JEFF RISTINE................Managing Editor
TIM SCHICK..........Executive Editor
STEPHEN HERSH............Editorial Director
JEFF SORENSEN ..... ........Arts Editor
CHERYL PILATE ......... . .... Magazine Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Tom Alien, Glen

) , S'6 0
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AtMItS \\ y

To The Daily:
March 8, International Wom-
en's Day, which commemorates
the heroic struggles of working
women, should be celebrated by
all those seeking an end to the
grueling oppression women face
under capitalism. The Revolu-
tionary Student Brigade's braz-
en posturing as "fighters for
women's liberation" is a slap in
the face to the masses of op-
pressed women matched only
in arrogance by the RSB's cyni-
cal attempt to "celebrate" In-
ternational Women's Day with
a forum.
The RSB, youth group of the
Revolutionary Communist Par-
tv and campus frontmen for the
Chinese Maoist bureaucracy of-
fers us the example of "wom-
en's liberation" in China as a
solution to the oppression wom-
en face. While the Spartacus
Youth League recognizes and
defends the real gains the Chi-
nese Revolution has won for

ishable by a six-month jail
term! Unlike the Bolsheviks
who sought to replace the fami-
ly which stifles women in a life
of domestic work, the Maoist
bureaucracy relies on the nu-
clear family to reinforce the
respect for authority it requires
to perpetuate its undemocratic
stranglehold on the Chinese
working class.
which bans gays from its
organization, sees this key op-
pressor of women, the family,
as "one of life's few bright
spots" and claims that this his-
toric brake on the militancy of
the working class can be "fight-
ing unit for socialism". Thoiuh
the RSB forum will include a
film lauding the striking Farah
women, the RSB/RCP's con-
temnt for working women's
struggles frenzied attack on
women trade union militants
demonstrating in favor of the
ER A in San Francisco in June


the SYL further fights for jobs alternative other than to allow
for all with free 24-hour day a flurry of court suits to block
care to link women to the real MSA from any effective action.
social power of the working It was the CSJ's policies of
class. The SYL sees that wom- blatant and extensive interven-
en's liberation will be won only tion in the affairs of the legis-
by international socialist revolu- lative branch - MSA - that
tion ,forged by the revolution- made this necessary. It was --
ary leadership of a united work- in fact - the CSJ's directive
ing class and not by the para- that the Michigan Students As-
sitic bureaucracies of Moscow sembly plan be implemented
and Peking. We urge all stu- suddenly in mid-semester, rath-
dents seeking the real strategy er than in an orderly, step-by-
for women's liberation to attend step manner as intended by the
our forum celebrating Interna- plan's backers that convinced
tional Women's Day: Thursday many of us to follow the recall
at 7:30 p.m. in the General procedures.
Assembly Room basement of The All Campus Constitution
the Michigan Union. under which student govern-
Crystal Colby, ment operated gives the MSA
Spartacus Youth the authority to recall CSJ jus-
League tices after a vote of three
Mar. 2 quarters of the members to do
so. As in the U. S. Constitution,
a very high percentage is re-
quired to impeach so that it will
MS be used only in extreme cir-
To The Daily: cumstances and not as a po-
litical move.

The courts are supposed to
be - but often aren't - above
politics. CSJ's political interfer-
ence in the affairs of the other
branches of student government
led to the recall decision. MSA
members hopes that the soon-to-
be-appointed new members of
The Central Student Judiciary
will actively pursue their con-
stitutionally - mandated duties
and firmly uphold the rights of
all students.
Which brings up one major
mistake innthesDaily's editorial.
David Schaper, the individual
behind much of the anti-stu-
dent government effort, is not
(as stated in the editorial) a
student in LSA. He is a former
student (who hasn't enrolled
since 1973), and former SGC
treasurer who is now being
sued in civil court for mis-ap-
propriation of tens of thousands
of dollars in student government
funds. My feeling is that he
may be pursuing revenge, but
certainly not the best interests
of students in what he is doing.



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