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March 04, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-03-04

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See Editorial Page




Low-38 s
See Today for Details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 132

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 4, 1976

10 Ce

ents Eight Pages

10 C~


Fly, flown, flu
About one-third to one--half of Washtenaw Coun-
ty's residents will come down with the flu this
winter, according to the local public health direc-
tor. Symptoms, says John Atwater, will include
any, or all of the following: sore throat, fever,
muscle aches and pains, head aches and often
cramps and diarrhea and sometimes nausea and
vomiting. The discomfort should last four to five
days, but like the good doctor says, 'drink lots
of liquids and get plenty of sleep.'
Happenings ...
today include a preview of "Hello Dolly"
at the Pendleton Arts Theatre in the Union at 12
noon . . . and the Native American Solidarity
Committee (formerly Wounded Knee Support
Group) will hold a planning meeting on the fourth
floor of the Union at 8:00 tonight.
It's the next best
thing to being there
The Postal Service, alarmed by the drop in
mail use, is considering a nationwide advertising
campaign urging people to write more letters. The
ads would be "not unlike the telephone company's
campaign for long-distance calling," J.T. Elling-
ton, a senior assistant postmaster general, said in
an interview. An increase in long distance tele-
phone calling has been one factor in the recent
decline in mail usage. "In 1972, the average
household was mailing 3.8 pieces of first class
mail per week. In 1974, it was down to 3.2 and in
a survey last fall it was 2.6 sent per household
per week," Ellington said.
The day Geneva
stood still
The clocks have stopped, mail is piling up by
the ton, elevators and computers are idled and
there is no heat in the offices or toilet paper in
the bathrooms. The Geneva disarmament confer-
ence has been forced to cancel its meetings, and
the 32-nation U.N. Commission on Human Rights
has moved to emergency rooms outside the U. N.
complex. A week-old general strike, unprecedent-
ed in the history of the United Nations, has ef-
fectively paralyzed work at the European U. N.
headquarters in the mile-long Palace of Nations.
"We remain operational on an emergency basis,"
said a Dutch official at the office of the U. N. high
commissioner for refugees. "And we even manag-
ed to get one or two manual typewriters. But we
have to collect urgent cables downtown because
there is no power for our Telex machines. And
each of us has to walk up 10 flights several times
a day, enough to give you a heart failure. It is a
pain in the neck." Life sure is tough, isn't it?
Highway hijinks
Jack, Cissel was driving down a Miami road to
see his tax consultant yesterday when a single-
engine plane bounced off his car roof. "I thought
they were filming a movie," said a dumbfounded
bystander after the small plane descended, touched
the roof of Cissel's car and came to a rest. The
pilot's excuse? "We had an engine failure and it
was the only place to land." Cissel was unharmed,
and he's not entirely unhappy about the acci-
dent: "Now we have another deduction," he said.
Super ford
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's . . . a reaction by
President Ford to Ronald Reagan's calls for re-
duced government bureaucracies. Candidate Ford
yesterday told all federal agency officials to cut
10 per cent by June from the amount of informa-

tion collected in reports from the public. "To put
it bluntly," the ex-football star said, "regardless of
how necessary a program administrator or agency
head may believe reports to be, the American peo-
ple believe that they are too many, too long, too
frequent and take too much time to fill out." He
added that it was important "to protect the Ameri-
can people from unnecessary expenditures of time
and money in order to satisfy our information re-
quirements." Sorry, Jerry, but it won't wash.
On the inside..
Editorial Page presents a perspective by
Elaine Fletcher on Jimmy Carter and his chances
for the Presidency . . . Arts Page highlights "Side
One: Records in Review" . . . and Sports Page
will have the scores of last nights games.
On the outside...
With warm humid gulf air sitting just south of
us for the past few days, rain, drizzle and fog has

species. The new
alter the genetic
host organism as





In two information-packed forums yes-
terday, imported as well as resident ex-
perts made it clear that the scientists
themselves are in wide disagreement
over the recombinant DNA research con-
Over 650 persons poured into Mendels-
sohn Theatre yesterday afternoon and
again last night to hear some of the
nation's leading researchers from the
University, Harvard, MIT, and the Uni-
versity of Alabama discuss the values
and dangers of genetic engineering.
RECOMBINANT DNA research, a re-
lative newcomer to science, involves the
transplant and rearrangement of DNA
molecules from one organism to another

of a totally different
combinations of DNA
characteristics of the
the DNA replicates.

Society, according to Richard Gold-
stein, professor of Microbiology and
Molecular Genetics at the Harvard med-
ical school, must weigh the known bene-
fits of recombinant DNA research against
the potential hazards before scientists
continue with the experiments, some of
which have been suspended by self-im-
posed guidelines.
Nobel Prize-winner David Baltimore,
an MIT biology professor, cited numer-
ous potential health benefits of recom-
binant DNA experiments, noting its cur-
rent importance in research of cancer-
causing viruses.

FOR EXAMPLE, Baltimore said, the
research could lead to a genetic method
of producing a infinite supply of insulin.
A colleague of Baltimore's, however,
Biology Prof. Sonathan King, called Bal-
timore's predicted applications "a series
of social myths and half-truths."
In an impromptu, impassionate speech
to the afternoon session, King said fund-
ing for environmental problems would
be more important and more beneficial
than allocations for the genetic research.
AMIDST HISSES from the audience,
King also claimed there is no evidence
that viruses cause cancer, one of Balti-
more's supporting justifications for gene-
tic engineering.
King, who was not scheduled to speak

until the second series of forums today,
also said the DNA researchers are not
reliable sources of information about the
estimates of social risks and benefits.
"That's like a vinyl chloride manufac-
turer telling you the benefits of vinyl
chloride," he said.
Baltimore denied the accusations, de-
claring that King was "foolish" in dis-
claiming viruses as cancer - causing,
since some causes of the disease are
still unknown to scientists.
KING, WHO rapidly emerged as a
major personality at the forums, was
liter reprimanded by chairman of the
University's Human Genetics depart-
ment, James Neel. Neel asserted that
See EXPERTS, Page 8

'How much do w e
really need recombin-
ant DNA ? Fine, we
canl do without it. We
have lived with fam-
ine, viruos and cancer,
and we can continue
-David Baltimore,
Nobel Prize


at EMU
YPSILANTI - Two United
Auto Workers (UAW) locals
representing clerical, adminis-
trative, technical and profes-
sional workers went on strike ,
yesterday morning at Eastern
Michigan University.,
The walkout by 540 members
of Local 1975 and 1976 followed
a breakdown in negotiations be-
tween UAW and the EMU man-
agement for a new contract.
campus say the University is
bargaining in bad faith. "They %'
(EMU negotiators) simply
walked out ofthehmeeting on
Thursday, and haven't been
seen since," said one striker.
Dressed in warm clothing to A striking UP
ward off the day-long drizzle, 540 union me
See EMPLOYES, Page 8 management.

funding plan


A proposal to reorganize the funding of Michigan colleges and
universities was unveiled yesterday by the State Senate Fiscal
The proposal, sponsored by Sen. Bill Huffman (D-Madison
Heights) and Rep. Gary Owen (D-Ypsilanti), has been described as
a substantial change from traditional funding methods. Its sup-
porters claim it could add more than $100 million a year to state
institutions and raise their annual appropriations to almost $600
UNIVERSITY President Robben Fleming, however, expressed
hesitancy over the plan.
"I know what the formula suggests," said Fleming. "But I
would hesitate to say what we think about it until we've had time
to apply it to our own situation."
Fleming added the University would make a formal response
within "a week or ten days".
THE NEW funding formula would divide state appropriations
into three main areas: "foundation of support," "added costs"
and "special grants".
The so-called "foundation of support", would act as a basic
appropriation to meet institutional needs. It would be computed
according to what state fiscal experts call "performance expecta-
tions". This means the number of students and teachers'and the
See STATE, Page 2
Poorh nm
endBayh campaign

Daiv Photo by STEVE KAGAN
AW member pickets outside of Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. Some
mbers are striking as a result of a breakdown in negotiations with the University


Sunrise sues

Sunrise Management C o m -
pany threw a spark into its cur-
rent rent strike dispute yester-
day when the rental agency fil-
ed a $1 million suit against the
Ann Arbor Tenants Union (AA-
TU), charging the TU with in-
ducing tenants to withhold their
rent by means of "moral and
social pressure".
The suit, filed in Washtenaw
County Circuit Court, was
brought by Sunrise's owner, De-
wey Black. The Tenants Union
organized the rent strike action
against the former Trony As-
sociates in November in protest
of what some tenants believe
to be inadequate maintenance
ani security measures.
NEITHER BLACK nor his at-
torney, Gerard Matuszak, were
available for comment yester-
Meanwhile, the Tenants Un-
ion announced that eight addi-
tional Sunrise units, comprising
twenty tenants, have joined the
strike by withholding their
March rent. The Sunrise escrow
account has ballooned to about
$27,000, which includes wsit h-
held monies from the 124 strik-
ing tenants.
The suit filed yesterday charg-
ed the Tenants Union with in-
ducing the tenants, as of last
November 1, not to perform
their lease contracts with t h e
management company by with-
holding rent and refusing to en-
gage in mediation talks, as stip-
ulated in the lease.
IN ADDITION, Sunrise charg-
ed that the Tenants Union ac-

ey fees.
irked that a hearing next'
day coincides with spring1
termed the suit a "nui
rather than a verys
"They're trying toc
what is a growing tenants
ment in Ann Arbor,"
Downs. He added that th
is "conclusive proof" th

strike has had a substantial
ficials, The TU disagrees with the
Thurs- legations stated in the suit,
break, pecially the charge that it co
sance" ced tenants with moral and s
serious ial pressure.
diffuse "WHAT DOES moral and s
move- ial pressure mean?" as]
said Downs. "We haven't coerc
he suit anybody."
at the "We only told people of th

ef- legal rights," said Keller, "and
they carried them out by them-
al- selves."
es- The Tenants Union was dis-
er- mayed over the claim that it
oc- should be enjoined from agitat-
ing and organizing.
"It's fairly standard," s a i d
oc- Downs. "It's a ploy manage-
ked ment uses against a union. It
ced prevents people from getting to-
gether to have some control over
eir their own lives."

By The Associated Press
Senator Birch Bayh (D.-Ind.)
plans to withdraw from the pre-
sidential campaign, a Demo-
cratic source said last night.
The decision followed a seventh-
place finish in Tuesday's Mas-
sachusetts primary and 5%
ho-irs of conferences with cam-
p-'ign aides last night.
Bayh plans a news conference
at 9:30 a.m. in New York to-
diy. Although he would make no
statement, he is reputedly not
going to make an immediate
endorsement of any other De-
mocratic contender.
MEANWHILE, Henry Jackson
(D.-Wash.) savored his triumph
in the Tuesday voting, which put
him atop the field with 23 per
cent of the vote in a splintered,
nine-way Democratic contest.
The Republican primaries in
Vermont, where Ford was alone

on the ballot, and Massachusetts
were overshadowed by the
Democratic show. Ford got 62
per cent of the Massachusetts
vote, and 84 per cent in Ver-
campaign '76
Rep. Morris Udall (D.-Ariz.)
was rejoicing, too, at a second
place showing (18 per cent) that
marked him the top man among
liberal Democrats.
UDALL'S task now is to con-
vince liberal Democrats that they
ought to coalesce around his
candidacy, and he worked at it
by arguing at a New York news
conference that he is now the
only champion the progessives
See POOR, Page 2

Pros titution, heroin ...::
thrive on The Block
First of two parts
Students are few and far between on The Block, where the
dice roll, the numbers run, the skin pops and people hustle for a
Located two blocks from City Hall, just east of the county
jail on E. Ann St. is The Block-the black hub of the city's heroin
trafficking and fencing of stolen goods.
PROSTITUTES, junkies, gamblers and thieves converge on
the Derbl Bar, which serves as the front office for many local
hustlers. What is not sold inside the bar is available in some
nearby parked car or the unnamed game hall two doors up.
"It's just like a little Detroit down here, maybe a little small-
er, friendlier," savs Roxanne, a young woman describing the 100
block of Ann St. "Eiverybody knows everybody."
The Block's small size creates a tightly-knit community which A ...
allows hustlers to know their competition as well as their custom-

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