° THE MICHIGAN DAILY rts & Entertainm ent Wednehday, March 3, 1976 Page Five w rrr Nimoy proves too comfortable for S By MITCH DUNITZ and DAVID DAITCH SHE AMAZING thing about the Fisher theatre's cur- rent production, S h e r 1 o c k Holmes, is that Leonard Nimoy and company manage to catch arch-villain Professor Moriarty and company without the use of phasers, Captain Kirk, and an assortment of other Star Trek goodies. Leonard Nimoy seems quite at home as the emotionally cold, intellectually superior Sherlock Holmes, and his char- acterization of Sir Arthur Con- an Doyle's famous detective greatly resembles the pointy- eared Vulcan. "Love, who spoke of love? That's opposed to rea- son and everything I hold dear" proclaims the detective to Dr. Watson in a particularly good scene. Yet ,while Nimoy seems quite comfortable in the role of me- ticulous sleuth, his Spockian portrayal has certain weak- nesses. His delivery at ?times contains all the warmth of a John Simon review, while his credibility as a human being 'Hoot N herlock Holmes ' role capable of love is greatly hin- dered by the way he recites lines as if it was the first time he was reading them. BUT WHILE Nimoy has bothf strong and weak moments, thej biggest problem in the play was George Ebeling's dismal! portrayal of the evil Professor Moriarty. If appearance was phasizing the error. Ebeling's drawbacks are not limited to his speech, but to his delivery as well. His schemes to destroy the elusive Holmes seemed as doomed' from the onset as a six-year- old trying to rob a bank. The supporting cast was1 mediocre at best, with the ex-; ception of Geoff Garland, as "While Nimoy seems quite comfortable in the role of meticulous sleuth, his Spock- ian portrayal has certain weaknesses." sufficient for the role, Ebel-I Sidney Prince, a small time ing would have passed. But as hood, who delighted the audi- soon as he began to speak, it ence time and again with his' became clear why he merely artful dodging. understudies Alan Sues. Ebel- ing has an uncanny ability RONALD BISHOP played to compound his mistakes on Holmes sidekick, Dr. Watson, stage. It was most annoying toI in a largely wasted effort. His hear Ebeling use words like red hair and huge size places' "being", only to correct him- him in these writer's list of' self and say "bring", thus em- possible understudy's for Cap- ite offers variety tain Kangaroo. The only other supporting ac- tor worth mentioning was Jef- frey Hillock who played Sher- lock Holmes protege with great energy., WHILE THE acting ranged from good to awful, the props and blocking were magnificent. The London streets were filled . ? ' " «"""' with appropriately smelly fog. Sherlock Holmes apartment at Baker street had all the neat r belongings that one would ex- pect of such a sleuth. The Step- Leonard NVimmoy ney gas chamber gave off a tone of eeriness that was far more intimidating than the characters who frequented it. JAMES CAGNEY in 1932 A certain level of suspense is necessary in any mystery. This must result from a confronta- (AT 7) tion between the good and evili Cgney leads a group of independent taxi forces. Leonard Nimoy as Sher- / rageyw etyaguoftin e nt tax of success from the onset that taxi fleet owners who are trying to control what could have been a tense, them. Cagney as an outlaw who is not outside exciting drama, instead turned the law. Co-starring Loretta Young. into a two-hour yawn. JOSEPH VON STERNBERG'S 1931 CURRENCY EXCHANGE BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (UPI) - Currency exchange DISHONORED houses here, closed since April \ (AT 9:05) 14, were authorized to open Marlene Dietrich and Victor McLaglen in what again in late November to many consider the best version of the Mata. facilitate money changing by Hari story. A prostitute becomes a secret tourists from neighboring coun- agent, falls in love and becomes a prostitute tries. again In the interim, visitors were Bgain. forced to stand in line at banks CINEMA GUILD BOTH SHOWS OLD ARCH. to buy Argentine pesos, or to FOR $2.00 AUD. use their own cirrenc- to . aabu " t ' Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN Leslie West, formerly of Mountain, rocked and rolled at Chances Are Monday night to a full house of his local fans. For nearly an hour, West and his newly-formed band played such favorites as Mississippi Queen, Honky Tonk By AMY EINSIDLER Woman, House of The Rising Sun and a medley of Roll EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT at The Ark Over Beethoven and Crossroads. EVERY WENSD NIs a The Ark -----------___= coffee house there is a genuine Ann Arbor happening - Hoot Nite. Musicians rang- ing from professionals to cooks in local res- taurants, from factory workers to grandmoth- University players ers, come to perform before a relaxed audi- o to represent midwest ence. The atmosphere is completely informal, with B R ID G I in Colege Nationals most people lying back on mats and joining in with the singing when the mood strikes. Those By MARK FRIEDLANDER in charge, Linda and David Siglin, help to set j the relaxed atmosphere and are very knowledg- North On the last spade South could able about the well-known and not-so-well-known SA J 9 8 3 1 afford to piteh a heart, but East performers there. David Siglin points out that V A 8 6 4 had no such luck. A discard "the music is basically folk-oriented and is * A 7 2 from either red suit would es- genuine," and that "the performers at The t4 5at tablish either North's third Ark are not, as a rule, students. There are West East heart or South's fourth diamond promr htmgt aebe ciei 4 4 4 10 6 5 2 as the slam-going trick. This performers that might have been active in V J 2 r Q 5 3 North-South scored 990 for a top the '20s. The people who perform at The Ark f 9 5 f*J 10 8 4 on the hand. are interested in singing to the kind of audi- . A Q 109 8 6 4 2 4 7 3 The six notrump slam can be ence uniquely possible in a place like Ann South made even with the opening lead Arbor." A K Q 7 of a small club. Declarer wins, VYK 10 9 7 and runs off the five spade THE ARK HAS THE KIND of atmosphere * K Q 6 3 tricks, forcing East to discard that characterized Greenwich Village in the 4 K J his last club in order to retain early '60s. Much of the music is "message" West North East South his red suit guards. Then South oriented - geared to ecology and other is- 34. Double pass 6NT cashes his diamonds and leads sues, but there is also plenty of "blue grass, All pass a fourth one, putting East on I 1Px n utingEas o guitar solos and mandolin playing - in es- sence everything that people with talent are interested in playing." Linda Siglin pointed out that "on other nights The Ark offers more professional en- tertainment at a slightly higher cost, though these performers might show up at Hoot Nite also." Last Wednesday night Deede Palazzola{ sang a few tunes and then appeared as the feature performer the following night. David Siglin explained the uniqueness of rapport between performer and audience at The Ark. "Many singers actually stay at The Ark: while performing in Ann Arbor," he explained," and this closeness to the audience is felt in their attitude, singing and desire to play to Ann Arbor people." BESIDES SINGING PERFORMERS, The Ark also has bards, jams, films discussion groups, benefits, and a mini folk festival every year. On Sundays there is Sacred Harp singing, the first indiginous, non-native music in the U.S. The Ark, once the home of an economics professor, was made into a coffee house about eight years ago and is sponsored by five local churches. Hoot Nite is a unique experience; the Ann Arbor influence is evident in the talent, the nature of the material, and the informality between performer and audience. UJ 11C1 W 1 :.i C1Cy ilUY goods in stores willing to accept foreign money. SONS FOLLOW DADS DES MOINES, Iowa (P)-Iowa sports families stick together. Doug Reichardt is the son of former Iowa fullback Bill Rei- chardt, the Big Ten's most valu- able player in 1951. Jim Hilgen- berg is the son of former Iowa center Jerry Hilgenberg. Bill Schultz's father formerly coach- ed Iowa basketball and Bobby E1liott is the son of Iowa ath- letic director Bump Elliott. 3I i I i t t Opening lead: 9 of diamonds -i--r-iposition: Congratulations are to be ex- North tended to Larry Robbins and At Larrry Mori of the University. lAts of Michigan for nosing out Jeff Schiller and Mark FriedlanderWE also from Michigan to win the West East Michigan-Ohio Regional Collegei A A J 1jjmth jJ Bridge Tournament. The Larrys V J 2 9 Q 5 3 will represent Michigan in the __A Jean Martinon, internationally- 1976 Collegt Nationals later this t4k A Jn4w areno mpin er andy year. The above hand was play- South known French composer and ed at the Regional. conductor, died in Paris March K 10 9 1. He was 66. When Larry and Larry werej North-South, the bidding did not The director of the Dusseldorf, go as shown. Instead of bidding' Israel Philharmonic and Chi- 6NT, South passed his partner's North-South need all three double because East-West were tricks and East, on lead, must cago Symphony Orchestra (all, vulnerable and he was not. They give them away. If he leads a within the last twenty years), took six tricks: two diamonds, small heart, North tops West's Martinon was also known for two hearts, a spade and a club jack to finesse East queen. If his opera Hecube, his Symphonyi to beat the contract two tricks East leads the queen, declarer No. 4, his piece Stalag Nine: and 500 points. 'must guess the location of the ' . Despite their excellent resultjack by winning in his hand and (written while incarcerated in a Robbins and Mori did not have dropping West's jack. Nazi prison camp during World the top result. They did beat the All it takes is a club lead! War II) and his motet Absolve, three pairs who only bid game. Domine. One bid three notrump and made Malnourishment caused byI five, losing a heart and a club. calorie deficiencies and by too He received the Grand Prix of; The others bid four hearts and little protein and other nutri- the city of Paris in 1943, the: five spadestrespectively, losing ents afflicts an estimated 400Bi thesam tw trcksto cor :million to 1.5 billion of the !Bela Bartok Prize of Hungary 460, 450 and 450 respectively. world's poor, National Geo- in 1948. Married twice, he had At two tables the bidding went graphic says. .three sons. as shown above. At Jeff Schiller and Mark Friedlander's table SCHON PRESENTS the opening lead was the nine of diamonds. Jeff had no real chance for the contract (he must lose the same tricks as every- one else) but gave it a try,; winning the diamond in hand and leading the ten of hearts. West wisely refused to cover with the jack, so the contract could not be made. Note that if West "covers an honor with an honor," Jeff would win and fi- nesse East's queen to make the contract. North-South at the last table were luckier. At that table, where the contract was also 6NT by South, the opening lead was the ace of clubs followed by another club. Declarer ran off five rounds of spades, bringing about this position just before L IVE ON STAGE the play of the last spade: North Michigan Theatre 4A9 A86 Ann Arbor -TON IGHT- GLENDA JACKSON . . . Double Feature WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAR. 3 & 4 THE TRIPLE ECHO (Michael Apted, 1974) AUD. A-7:15 only Alternate title SOLDIER IN SKIRTS, important study of sexual stereotypes and role playinq that may be too far ahead of its time. A morose younq army deserter reluctant- ly agrees to disauise himself as a woman in order to con- tinue living with an independent farmer's wife. (Glenda Jackson) during World War 11. With Oliver Reed. WOMEN IN LOVE (Ken Russell, 1970) AUD. A-9 only An encyclopedia of filmmakinq technique, and a masterful adaptation of the D.H. Lawrence novel. Glenda Jackson won an Academy Award for Best Actress. "It is difficult to recall another film that so successfully recreated the past with a depth that brinqs to life every album snapshot we hove seen of the time."-Judith Crist, Alan Bates, Oliver Reed, Jennie. Linden. In Aud. A, ANGELL HALL $1.25 Sinqle Show $2.00 Double Feature FRIDAY: DR. CHICAGO and THE KING OF HEARTS Detroit Institute of Arts March 7, 8,9 Sun. 7:30 P.M., Mon. & Tues. 8:30 P.M.--$5, $4, $3. Tues. Mat. 2 P.M.-Gen. Admission $3. Reserved Seating Mail orders to: Ticket Office, Detroit Institute of Arts, 5200 Woodward, Detroit, MI 48202. Checks payable to DETROIT C I T Y THEATRE ASSOC. En- close self-ad., stamped env. Information, 832-2730. iI STARTING FRIDAY-- One Week Only! from the people who gave you "The Jazz singer*t