Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Tuesday, March 2, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 'U' lax c "New truths are always being pre- pared in the cellars of violence." -Antoine de St. Exupery By ELHAM ELAHI QUESTIONS ARE BEING raised on campus as to the legitimacy of re- search being conducted by Aerospace Engineering Professors James Nicholls and Martin Sichel. Their study of the ex- plosion of clouds of fuel might be a source of weaponry information to the Air Force, and may violate University rules on warfare research. As the student member ,of the Classi- fied Research Review Committee, I am less concerned with the possible ill ef- fects of Nicholls and Sichel's research in particular than with the fact that many University research projects may have military applications. 'I am less concerned with the possible ill effects of Ni- choll's and Sichel's research in particular than with the fact that many University research projects may have military applications.' Only two of the many researchers I. have spoken with whose work is funded by the Department of Defense (DOD) have expressed any concern with the po- tential warfare benefits of their studies. In the course of my work on the Re- search committee, I have requested that the committee ask DOD for assurances that particular projects are not intended to provide weapons information. But I have been told repeatedly that a re- quest for such an assurance would be impossible, because DOD would cancel any contract the approval of which would be contingent on a statement of the purpose of the research. EVEN IF THE DOD would issue state- ments of purpose, their veracity could not be confirmed. At least one rea- son for this is the size of the organiz- ation's bureaucracy, which breeds a non-uniformity of information. DOD bestows many research grants at weapon research rule this university and at universities throughout the country. Grants are made in such diverse fields as molecul- ar biology, area studies (e.g. Chinese studies), and linguistics. In an interview published in Science magazine, several Air Force officials, accurately described the DOD's relation- ship with the University: "The Department of Defense makes a very thorough effort to insure funding only research projects directly rele- vant to the military's technological needs . . . DOD's interest in some particular area can stimulate growth and develop- ment planned to fill specific . .. techno- logical gaps in the military's capability "The extent to which a project aids the educational function of the Univer- sity is not important in the decision to grant a contract. This is presumably a consideraion of the University in approv- ing and forwarding the proposal." JN THE ABSENCE of DOD support many fields would have funds cut such as laser physics and theoretical sta- tistics. A former navy colonel has told me that most of the funding for arthritis research has been supported by the army. Indeed, research in such areas is undoubtedly to the benefit of all society. However, everyone's hands are revealed by the following statement: "The De- partment of Defense makes a very thor- ough effort to insure funding only re- search projects directly relevant to the military's technological needs." Military-funded research is not a new phenomenon - it has proliferated since World War II. Hence, many researchers now accept funding by the military as perhaps not only an acceptable prac- tise but even patriotic. For example, a former associate chairman of the Uni- versity told me he regretted that the University had turned down the offer to establish 20 years ago a center for ap- plied mathematics fully funded by the DOD. The center is now located at the University of Wisconsin. The man told me, "There isn't anything the military doesn't use." WHAT IS IMPORTANT is that Nicholls is being picked out for something that isn't really drastically different from what a lot of other people are do- ing. Indeed, Nicholls is unfortunate in that he requires a small amount of Dailv Photo by PAULINE LUBENS Nicholls Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN Carter: man of ambiguity ON THE DAY of the Massachusetts primary, a race that is expected to narrow the crowded Democratic field of candidates down to two or three contenders, a closer look at one front runner, Jimmy Carter, is in or- der. Because of Carter's recent New Hampshire "win," he stands to gain more than any other candidate from a strong Massachusetts showing. For if Carter can match his first place "granite state" finish with an en- dorsement from the more liberal Massachusetts constituency, he will be well on his way towards the nomi- nation at Madison Square Garden. But hopefully the Massachusetts voters will prove smarter than their New Hampshire neighbors before the day is out. Just a quick look behind Carter's toothy smile will show them the only political platform the ex- Georgian has consistently campaign- ed for is himself. A LL POLITICAL CANDIDATES are .A .guilty of spouting rhetoric, and Carter, not to be caught In any direct contradictions, can only be found guilty of being more ambigious than all the rest. Yet through his carefully planned public presentations, he seems to have almost deliberately misled liberals into thinking he is more liberal than he actually is. He tells liberals for examole, that he supports unilateral arms limita- tions, while assuring conservatives that he would in no way concede more militarily to the Russians than they concede to us. Carter has succeeded in making few real committments to the voters. His campaign promises are so politic- ally ambivalent that once in the White House he would be bound to nothing more than doing exactly as TODAY'S STAFF: he wishes. And this is not a pleasant thought in light of Carter's record as gover- nor of Georgia. He has boasted that he saved the state $50 million by a reorganization of the executive branch and has promised a similar federal reform if elected. But other reports have stated that the results of the reform were not so positive, an dthat Carter achieved his government re-organization only by steamrolling the plan through the Georgia state legislature. A MAN WHO stimulates these sorts of questions about his past exec- utive record, is far from no the ideal candidate for the presidency. Carter has also pointed to his re- cord as governor to lead us to be- lieve that hs is not of the old school southern segregationist stock, but a representative of the "New South'', a progressive who welcomed black support and the end of Jim Crow in Georgia. Yet during his campaign for the governorship he won the endorse- ment of several obviously racist pub- lications, he was quoted as saying he could win the election "without a single black vote", and one of the first persons Carter invited to ad- dress the Georgia legislature after his election, was George Wallace. ONE LAST glance at his hecord in public office is sufficient to tell us that Carter has had no political experience except in the state of Georgia. His supporters have in fact lauded the positive gains to be made from putting an "outsider" with no legislative experience, in the White. House. But in view of the role Congress must play in enacting legislation that will stem the tide of urban woes, erase unemployment and a host of other problems, is it desirable to make an "outsider" the chief execu- five? classified parameters in which to con- duct his research, just as former Presi- dent Richard Nixon was picked out among all former presidents to be the one investigated. In March 1975 I recommended to Pro- fessor Carl Cohen of the Research Poli- cies Committee (of the University Senate Assembly) that all research proposals funded by agencies of the DOD should come under the same scrutiny that clas- sified research does at present. I added that it might be desirable to require re- searchers to explain the intended appli- cations of their research. My proposal was turned down. It was at this time that I realized the three problems to my proposal: (1) The DOD would simply not provide much in- formation; (2) Even if the DOD did pro- vide the information, the committee would only receive their version of the matter; and (3) Given the first two prob- lems were solved, there would be no w-v to verify the DOD's information. I would stress that classified status of University research is not the only indi- cator that it will have military applica- tions. UNIVERSITIES HAVE historically been placed in the role of advancing knowledge in the world, giving depth to human perception. From its genesis the university has had the service of pow- erful elites to perform its leading re- search. It is precisely because of the power elites' domination of universities that de facto regulation of research is possible. I believe unless research policies are viewed with some notion of social limita- tions in combination with this knowledge, rational interpretation of research is un- likely and unrealistic expectations would ensue. My suggestion to those wishing to alter the situation created by unregulated Uni- versity research, where the University community is told one thing and another thing is being done, is to first find out what is going on. They should then re- onest from the government that military research f'nding be directed under truly spn-rate nrganizations containing a mini- mum of bureaucrats. Flhem Flahi is on TSA senior who sm'es 0n the Classified Research Review Co 1,1 mi/ee. Nigeran hostlity hurts U.S. in Africa By CHARLES EBEL (PNS) - Among the long- range effects of America's An- gola policies, none may be more damaging to U.S. inter- ests in Africa than the recent rupture with Nigeria - black Africa's undisputed leader. Most populous black nation in the world, Nigeria has the larg- est military on the continent and an economy the size of the rest of black Africa combined. A POWER in the Organiza- tion for African Unity (OAU) and the moving force behind the recent formation of the West African Economic Com- munity, Nigeria is a leading ad- vocate of African unity against the white minority regimes of Rhodesia and South Africa. Now, with the threat of war- fare between black Africa and the white-ruled southern nations looming in the wake of Angola, the break with Nigeria may severely limit American diplo- matic leverage on the continent. This, added to Nigeria's role as America's largest foreign source of oil, set off a brief panic in Washington when Radio Nigeria announced last week that "revolutionary young offi- cers" had overthrown the Ni- gerian military government. The coup proved abortive, but concern with Nigeria did not. NIGERIA first broke with the U.S. last year when it condemn- ed American involvement in Angola and recognized the So- viet-backed MPLA - leading a gradual shift of African senti- ment which culminated in the OAU's recent recognition of the MPLA. The breach widened when President Gerald R. Ford sent a letter to the Nigerian head of state, suggesting that the OAU denounce Soviet interven- tion in Africa and require a Soviet withdrawal as a precon- dition for a pullback of South African forces. The Nigerian government bristled that the Ford letter was "overbearing" and "insult- ing to the intelligence of Afri- cans." After the government re- leased the text to the feisty Nigerian press, one paper pub- lished a front-page photo of Ford with the superimposed words, "To Hell with America." A WAVE OF anti-American demonstrations swept the coun- try. Students in four cities marched on U.S. buildings, rip- ping down American flags and in two cases burning them. Now, with the threat of warfare between black Africa and t h e white-ruled southern nations looming in the wake of Angola, t h e break with Nigeria may severely limit American diplomatic leverage on the conti- nent'. The State Department quick- ly protested that the letter was not meant as an insult, but most African observers agreed that the American maueuver was ill- conceived at best. The letter not only' equated the Soviet Union - long-term supporter of the Angolan inde- pendence struggle - with black Africa's arch enemy, South Af- rica, but was delivered so close to the opening of the OAU sum- mit that it appeared a flagrant attempt at arm-twisting. ALTHOUGH DIPLOMATS on both sides played down the dam- age to U.S.-Nigeria relations, only a short time later Nigeria ordered the closing of a U.S. communications facility in the northern city of Kaduna. The base was part of the CIA-run "Foreign BroadcasttInformation Service," which monitors radio transmissions worldwide for U.S. policymakers. The Kaduna facility's CIA link had stirred protests before, but the sudden and unexplain- ed decision to shut it down probably reflects Nigeria's de- sire to have nothing more to do with America's intelligence ma- chinery. The coup attempt provided a new spark for anti-Western sen- timent. When the government announced the plot had been in- stigated by Britain, angry mobs - ignoring British denials - sacked the British High Com mission and attacked the U.S. Embassy next door. BUT NIGERIA'S leaders are unlikely to force a complete break with the U.S., on which they depend for much of their economic backing. The Nigerian economy is built largely on the oil industry - at present run by Gulf, Mobil and Texaco and dependent on the U.S. market. In addition, Nigeria's ambiti- ous Third Development Plan- a $45 billion project to bring the nation into the circle of "de- veloped countries by 1990"-will draw considerably on American investment and technical assist- ance. But Nigeria's new diplomatic toolness toward the U.S. will likely continue, reflecting a re- newed African concern about ties between white-ruled South Africa and its Angolan partner, the U.S. AND IF RUMORS that the OAU is considering armed war- fare against the white-ruled mi- nority regimes prove true, America's diplomatic loss over Angola may severely weaken its ability to intervene on the diplomatic level. Charles Ebel is an editor of Africa News in Durham, North Carolina. Africa News moni- tors African affairs for radio markets through a network of Africa specialists in this coun- try and in Africa. Ebel has also travelled extensively in Ni- geria and West Africa. News: Susan Ades, Charlotte Heeg, Carter's candidacy could ultimately Rob Meachum, Jeff Ristine, T i m mean four years of a President who Schick, Margaret Yao has neither the experience nor any Editorial Page: Michael Beckman, inclination towards cooperating with Stephen Hersh, George Lobsenz the legislative branch. And after Nix- Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski on, do we need to elect another one- Photo Technician: Ken Fink man government? * 4 - a i Letters to T'he Daily DNA I'd like to present a few facts To The Daily: about the last membership THE RECENT PIECE by Ann meeting, facts which President THEorcieceNfoteeo Weeks has chosen not to make Abor Science for he2 P e known. (The Daily), February 25, 1976) discussing the political and eco- At the last membership meet- nomic impact of experimenta- ing, the membership voted to tion with recombinant DNA fails recognize and install the Bar- to assume the appropriate per- gaining Committee elected by spective with respect to politi- the membership in January. cal pollution of pure science. It Ms. Weeks should remember would seem that if it is true this event; she herself admin- that it is the elite of the land istered the oath of office to the who benefit exclusively while committee. the poor suffer further oppres- sion by scientific advancement, In her recent mailing to the the logical and appropriate ac- membership, Ms. Weeks stated tion is to modify the political that her interpretations of the system of economic distribu- bylaws were defeated by a tion and not to abort scientific "two-vote margin". The vote and technological advancement, margin is inaccurate, but even It is my firm belief that the if it were only 2 votes, would hope and promise of the future that make her defeat less valid? lie in the advancement of scien- After all, Ms. Weeks was de- tific knowledge which is itself clared the President on the ba- pure and which is poisoned on- sis of 1 vote! lv by political avarice. In suite of this gross political distortion, THE PRESIDENT SEEKS to it is imperative that the pursuit abolish the Bargaining Com- The one point Weeks used to stress, and which gained her a lot of support, is that the lo- cal should be run for the good of the membership by the mem- bership. Now that she's in of- fice, is there any reason why she now believes that her will should overrule that of the mem- bership? There is one concern greater than the question of who han- dles grievances. The most im- portant thing is that grievances must be handled. Several cler- icals are sitting at home job- less while, this political folly continues; they're out of jobs and our contract isybeing vio- latedi with impunity because the President thinks her "griev- ance committee" is more im- portant than grievances. It is time to stop all the foolishness. The membership decided on Februarv 17,rwho was going to handle brievances, so let the Bargaining Committee get busy doing it. iwonIen To The Daily: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY is an import- ant holiday, celebrated around the world on March. 8. On that date in 1908, 30,000 working and poor women marched in the streets of New York City to de- iand an end to sweatshop con- ditions and child labor, and for shorter hours, a minimum wage, decent housing, and for women's rights, including the right to vote. It is time to cele- brate the role women have play- ed, and are still playing, in all struggles to end oppression and exploitation in the world. It is a time to expose the source of women's opuression and show the way to fight it: a time to speak to the problems women face in the home, the workplace, the community. We are celebrating Women's Day this year with a program which includes songs, speakers, event will take place on Thurs- day, March 4th at 7:30 p.m. in the International Center. We hope to see you and your friends there. The Revolutionary Student Brigade Mar. 1, 1976 anti-Americanism To The Daily: ON FEBRUARY 26, the Daily printed yet another article on the editorial page critical of an ally of the United States-Zaire. The Daily appears to have an obsession with articles that cast the United States in a villainous light. If the Daily is truth- fully concerned about publish- ing articles condemning totali- tarian rulers in Africa, then the government of Zaire's President Mobuti is not the place to be- gin. Rather, a good target would be Soviet backed regimes of Colonel Qadaffi and Idi Amin, the tyrannical dictators