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February 29, 1976 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-29

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Page Eight


Sunday, February 29, 1976

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 29, 1976



F luck


Women's fast break
skins Northwestern'

The fast breaking dynamic
duo of guards Lydia Sims and
Melinda Fertig combined for
57 points last night as Michi-;
gan's women's basketball team!
outplayed Northwestern in ev-
ery phase of the game, crunch-
ing the Wildcats 92-50.
Freshwoman Fertig poured1
in 32 points hitting on 15 of
24 shots, many of them fast,
break layups for a 62 per cent
clip. This was the second
straight plus 30 night for Fertig1
as she pumped in 33 against
Adrian last Thursday.;
"MELINDA HAS gotten her
confidence down," said a pleas-!
ed Michigan coach Carmel Bor-;
ders, "and the support of the
team as a whole has really
helped her."1
Sims surpassed her own 18.31
scoring average, as she scored!
25 points, hitting on 12 of 211
from the floor.I
"Michigan is a really well
skilled and drilled team. They
are the best fast breaking team
I've seen," said an obviously
impressed Northwestern Coach<
Mary DiStanislo.
The Wildcats could not capita-c
lize on their height advantage
as their lack of speed and quick-i
ness prevented them from keep-t
ing pace with the high flying
RIGHT FROM the openingI
tipoff the sluggish Wildcat de-
fense was out hustled by the,
Blue who took an 8-0 lead inI
the first two minutes of action.I
Northwestern was forced toc
switch from a man-to-man de-c
fense to a zone defense in anc
attempt to halt the Michigan

With the one-two guard scoring
punch and effective board play
of Terry Conlin and Kathryn
Young, the Blue had a com-
fortable 50-24 advantage at
THE SECOND half was much
like the first as Michigan kept
fast breaking and dominated
the boards on rebounding.
"We were up against some
height and did a good job
blocking out on the boards,"
praised Borders. She was par-
ticularly happy with the speed
the guards showed and the
strong lead outlet passes byl
the forwards.
Going into the game, Borders
said she was looking for more
rebounding strength and scor-
ing from the forwards. A more
balanced attack was evident as
Conlin had 11 points and 10 re-
bounds and Young had eight
points and nine rebounds. Mich-
igan outrebounded Northwestern
"Yesterday at practice Mr.
Sims (Lydia's father) showed
Terry and I some moves for
driving to the basket and it
really helped tonight," com-
mented Young.
THE VICTORY is the seventh
in a row for the Blue and ups
their season mark to 12-4. The
stage is now set for the State
tournament March 4-6 in Kala-
Michigan is second seeded toI
Western, and is pitted against
Central in the opening game.
Although Michigan has already
defeated Central twice in reg-
ular season play, Borders is not
making any predictions.
"This is anybody's tourna-

IOWA CITY - The Michigan
Wolverines clinched s e c o n d
place in the Big Ten yesterday,
thrashing Iowa 88-74, before a
capacity crowd of 13,276.
The win gives the Wolverines
a 13-3 slate in league play with
two games remaining. Michigan
State and Purdue stand tied in
third place with identical 9-7
marks. Indiana has already lock-,
ed up the conference cham-
Michigan shot a blistering 63.6
per cent from the floor and
never trailed, racing to an 11-2
lead four minutes into the game.
John Robinson canned a twenty
foot jumper to start the rush,
and the Wolverine zone press
forced three consecutive turn-
their lead to 44-30 at intermis-
sion, Robinson swishing another
twenty footer with 5 secondsI
left in the half.
In the second period, Michi-
gan expanded its lead to as
much as 30 points before Iowa
could trim the margin to some-
thing respectable. However, the
Hawkeye charge was too little,
too late.
Phil Hubbard, Wayman Britt
and the ever-present Robinson
completely stifled Iowa's front
court. Hubbard held Bruce King,
who scored a career high 36
points against Michigan earlier
this season, to only one point in
the first half. And the 6-8 220

pound forward could only muster bounds and had no turnovers.
9 points for his afternoon's ef- Grote did see some action,
forts. scoring 7 points.
"HUBBARD did a great job It marked the first time that
on King," said Michigan coach Orr has varied his starting line-
Johnny Orr. "They just couldn't= up all season.
get the ball to him."n ed Iowa
ynine points, well below his with 25 points,ahitting on 12 of
seasoni average of l 16.9.o Frost,! 6 uog range attempts and one
the Hawkeyes' leading rebound- of three. from the free throw
er for the year, gathered in only line. Mike Gatens was the only
three caroms. Britt despite giv- other Hawkeye in double figures,
ing away six inches in height scorig ten in a reserve role.
snared eight rebounds to go The win pushed Michigan's
along with his twenty points, record to 20-5, the first time a
"Britt did a great job for us," Michigan team has won that
Orr said, "He negated Frost."' many games without a player
Robinson scored 14 points, n a m e d Russell (Cazzie or
pulled down 10 rebounds and Campy) on the squad.
rendered Hawkeye center Fred The Wolverines play at Min-
Haberecht so ineffective, that nesota tomorrow night before
Iowa coach Lute Olson resorted returning to Crisler Arena to
to a three guard attack. battle Northwestern in the last
"They just outplayed us bad- regular season game, Saturday.
ly," said Olson. "They're quick- But their season will be extend-
er, they shoot better and they're ed, pending an almost certain
faster. We're just no match NCAA tournament bid Thursday.
when they play that well.
"WE DIDN'T get any play Fowl shot
from our frontcourt," Olson con- MICHIGAN
tinued. "You have to move to FG FT R F TP AS
get the ball. We were very Britt 9-14 2-2 8 4 20 2
lethargic in the front line and! Robinson 4-4 6-7 10 2 1 4
we're dead when that happens." Hubbard 2-3 2-2 3 46 1
we're;Green 10-16 2-2 1 4 22 1
Iowa shot only 35 per cent in Baxter 5-9 2-2 5 2 12 6
the first half and 39 per cent for Grote 2-4 3-5 0 2 7 1
teBergen 1-1 0-0 1 3 2 2
the game. Hardy 1-2 0-0 0 0 2 1
Rickey Green led Michigan in Th'mps'n 0-1 1-2 1 2 1 1
scoring for the fifteenth time Staton 1-1 0-1 1 2 2 0
this season. The junior guard Team 7
tallied 22 points. His accurate s IOWA
outside shooting forced Iowa out FG FT R F TP AS
of its tough zone defense. King 4-13 1-2 11 1 9 1
David Baxter joined Green, '.Frost 3 4-6 1-0 3 1 901
aHabere'ht 0-3 0-0 3 2 0 4
Britt and Robinson in double Th'mp'n 12-26 1-3 3 5 25 3
figures, hitting for 12 points. Weisberg 2-7 4-5 2 3 8 7
The sophomore guard started in Mays 3-6 9-1 3 2 6 1
place of Steve Grote who was Gatens 3-11 4-4 9 3 10 1
running a fever. Mayfield 2-2 0-0 1 0 4 0
IN ADDITION to his fine ATeam5
shooing Baxer ad a exel-TOTALS 30-76 14-21 41 18 74 20
shooting, Baxter had an excel- Halftime score:
lent floor game. He dished out MICHIGAN 44, Iowa 30
six assists, corralled five re- ATT. 13,276

AP Photo
SIX FOOT TWO forward Wayman Britt gets uphigh to tangle with 6-8 Dan Frost of Iowa in
yesterday's clash at Iowa City. The senior captain connected for 20 points, while limiting the
high scoring Frost to just nine, in the Wolverines' 88-74 victory. The win clinched second
place in the Big Ten for Michigan, while raising its season mark to 20-5.


Thincluds set


fast break. ' ment," cautioned Borders "and'
Numerous Wildcat turnovers I'm not thinking about Western,
and the inconsistency of their! I'm just thinking about Central.
offense, forced the play into The tournament can be ours if
the hands of the Wolverines. we play smart ball."j


full court


The Michigan track team set
three new varsity records onits
way to a strong showingin the
Wolverine Invitational at the
Track and Tennis Building last
The Michigan shuttle - hurdle
relay team of Arnett Chisholm,
Kevin Briggs, Don Wheeler and
C:huck Crouther easily wrn the}
event with a time of 28.3 sec-
onds. As well as a new school,
record, coach Jack Harvey said
it is the fastest time in the na-
tion this year.
Bill Donakowski smashed the
varsity mile record by 2.3 sec-
onds in a very exciting race.'
Even though he took second
place to Western Michigan's
Dan Landman, Donakowski set
the new school mark at 4:04.6.
T h e sophomore distance
man usually runs the three-
mile. After the meet, he said,
"It was more of a confidence
thing. I thought I could run
at least 4:06. I wanted to get
into something shorter, and

get my speed up." His time
easily qualifies for the NCAA
indoor championships at Cobo
in March, but he doesn't think
he'll run it.
The third record fell as Mike
McGuire blazed in the two-mile.
The sophomore from Farming-
ton, Michigan broke his own
record of 8:47.1 and the new one
sits at 8:44.8. Freshman Jack,
Sinclair took second with an j
impressive time of 9:02.0.
Aside from the new records,
there were other strong Wol-
verine performances. In the 60-
yard dash, Doug Hennigar took
second and Chisholm fourth,
with times of 6.2 and 6.3 sec- I
onds, respectively. Rob Lytle
ran a respectable 6.5.
The mile relay team of
Harlan Huckleby, Crouther,
Dave Furst and Dave Wil-

liams took off to an early
lead, then held off EMU at
the end to win with a 3:14.2
clocking. EMU's time of 3:15.0
qualified them for the March
Other Michigan winners were
Abe Butler in the triple jump,
Steve Elliot in the 1000-yard
run, Williams in the 600, and
Hennigar in the 300.
Prior to this meet, there was
speculation that the flu would!
really h u r t the Wolverines.
Coach Harvey said after thej
meet, "The flu did hurt us. Jeff
McLeod and Andy Johnson
didn't run at all. Jim Gracef
ran, but not very well, and Rob
Lytle was going to run the 300
and 60, but wound up only run-
ning the 60."
When asked if other teams
were having the same prob-

Attc iiic L wa Cl UIM-p tu

lem, Harvey mentioned a cou-
ple. "Central Michigan had itLmg
pretty bad, they were hurting.
Eastern had a little, but not!e
very bad at all." He was quite
pleased with the over-all re-
The meet was a tune-un for

many of the teams present. The
Wolverines travel to Madison,
Wisconsin next week for the
Big Ten championships. East-
ern, W e s t e r n and Central,
among others are preparing for
Central Collegiate champion-
ships, also next week.
One meet official, comment-
ing on the great number of peo-
ple who scratched out of many
events, said, "Most of these
teams have big meets coming
up. Some have a problem with
illness. There was no need for
most of them to go all out."

Blue day in Iowa .. .
... Wolverines devastating'
Special To the Daily
You could almost feel sorry for Iowa's players and fans
yesterday. They must have felt the confused panic of somebody
out for a stroll who suddenly finds himself in the middle of a
driving range.
The Hawkeyes were hemmed in and forced to surrender be-
fore they could even try out their game plan. Michigan, playing
lately with the accellerated precision of a Beethoven symphony
at 78 rpm, simply wasn't going to be stopped.
The Wolverines' 20th win was very similar to their last five:
no contest. The Hawkeyes didn't expect such a rout at all. They
certainly had reason for optimism.
Until yesterday, they had these crazy daydreams about
winning their last four in a row, tying Michigan for second
place and riding into the NCAA's with the gas pedal on the
floor. Of course, the dream was only slightly more probable
than Richard Nixon's re-election this November, but they
kept it in the backs of their minds, just in case .. .
They had other things going for them too: Michigan had
been know to let down, Steve Grote was sick and there would be
a field house full of some of the loudest, craziest sports fans in the
country. But now, the Hawks must be wondering if they can
even make it to the NIT.
"We were surprised," said Scott Thompson, who kept cool
enough to lead all scorers with 25. "They came on much
stronger defensively than the time we played them in Ann Arbor.
They forced us out of our game.
"They're known for their quickness and speed, so we came
out using a zone and slowed the game down. But they just slowed
down too, and played a good, patient offense."
The "slow, patient offense" kicked the Wolverines into a
quick seven-point lead and forced Iowa into a more aggressive
ball-chasing man-to-man, but that didn't work either.
"They mixed up their defense," said Michigan coach
Johnny Orr. "But we go at 'em no matter what." Soon the
racing Wolverines left the Hawkeyes far behind.
Yes, you really could feel some sympathy for the Iowa folks.
They don't hold back when it comes to sports. Iowa City is in an,
athletic tizzy this weekend with yesterday's game, an important
bowling tournament, and the Big Ten wrestling championship,
keeping the fans happy. Motels and bars are filled and buzzing
with sports talk.
A capacity crowd filled the field house yesterday, and almost
everyone stayed till the bitter end. The fans were as loud as
any in the country, and they would even get excited when the
home team would score a couple baskets in a row to cut Michi-
gan's lead to twenty or so.
But their team was in an unfortunate situation-they ran
into a Michigan team with a purpose. The Wolverines (ranked
from 13th in the Associated Press to sixth in the Sporting News)
haven't played a bad game since losing to Illinois a month ago.
They plan on continuing the pattern all the way to the NCAA
"The way they played today," said Thompson, "they're
one of the top teams in the nation. We just played Indiana.
Each team is unbelievably strong but in different ways.
Michigan has the outside shooting, speed and quickness, while

Gophers drub deekers

MICHIGAN 88, Iowa 74
Minnesota 71, Michigan State 61
Purdue 81, Illinois 62
Northwestern 87, Ohio State 78
Marquette 8.1, Notre Dame 75
Oregon St., 73, washington 64
Detroit 89, Loyola 85
Cincinnati 89 San Francisco 88
'Wake Forest 98,
North Carolina St. 96
Rutgers 103, Long Island U. 87
North Carolina 91, Duke 71
Alabama 93, Tennessee 90 (20T)
Central Michigan 66, Kent State 63
Toledo 83, Eastern Michigan 72
western Michigan 93, Ball State 67
Miami, Ohio 76, Ohio U. 75
Providence 67, St. Johns 53
Maryland 81, Virginia 73
New York 93, Chicago 85
washington 92, Phoenix 89
NY Islanders 4, Chicago 1
Montreal 3, Atlanta 2
Pittsburgh 5, Vancouver 4
Los Angeles 3, Detroit 1
Toronto 4, California 2
Kansas City 4 Buffalo 4
St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 2
Minnesota 5, NY Rangers 3
Notre Dame 10, Duluth 4
Michigan Tech 9, Wisconsin 6
Michigan St. 6, Colorado 4

Special To The DailyI
MINNEAPOLIS - Minnesotat
scored three goals in the first
one and a half minutes of the
second period and went on to
thrash an uninspired Michigan,
team 7-3 last night in ancientf
Williams Arena.
Down 1-0 after the first stanza,
the Gophers blazed out of the!E
locker r o o m. Tom Gorence
opened the offensive barrage :431
seconds into the period, skating
around two Michigan defense-1
men before slippingthe puck
past Michigan goalie Rick Pal-
Madson scored his second goal
of the series half a minute later,1
when teammate Warren Miller1
took a shot that was deflected
in front of Palmer. In the
scramble that ensued, Palmer'
lost sight of the puck and Mad-
son snuck in and scooped it by!
his right side.j
Before the announcer could1
finish telling the wildly scream-
ing crowd of 7,648 who had as-
sisted on Madson's goal, stellar1

sophomore defenseman Reed.
Learson completed the incredi-
ble Gopher rally. Breaking free
at the center red line, Larson
unleashed one of his lethal slap
shots. Palmer appeared to lose
sight of the rising disc, and be-
fore you could say "golly gee
whiz" Minnesota had a 3-1 lead.j
Michigan couldn't m a n a g e
even one shot on Minnesota
goalie Tom Mohr until 8:39 of
the period. But Dave DeBol
made the shot count, beating!
Mohr cleanly after stealing the
puck behind the goal.

"And I think our guys showed
a lot of class by keeping Mich-
igan from tying the game."
The 5-3 score after the second
period was not indicative of the
Gophers' domination of the
game. They could have easily
scored half a dozen more goals
in the period: they hit the
goal posts at least that many
times. G o p h e r goalie Mohr
didn't make his first save of
the period until 12 minutes had
every phase of the game," mut-
tered dejected Michigan coachI

special To The Daily
IOWA CITY - Michigan's three seeded wrestlers, Mark
Churella, Amos Goodlow and Mark Johnson, as well as surpris-
ing Brad Holman, advanced to the semi-final round of the Big
Ten wrestling championships with wins here in the 2-Day. Big
Ten Wrestling Championship before over 4,000 fans and one
ominously circling, uninvited bat.
Iowa's Hawkeyes flew as high as the furred intruder, taking
a large early lead. The Wolverines only managed sixth place,
trailing Wisconsin, Minnesota, Northwestern, and MSU.
Rich Valley and Ed Neiswender lost to high seeds in rat-
tail matches, while Greg Haynes, Rich Lubell, Harold King
and John Ryan all lost quarter-final matches to drop into the
The Wolverines' second-seeded 150-pounder Churella, rou-
tinely handled Purdue senior Andy Watt, 14 to 4. Watt had cut
Churella's lead to 6 to 4 midway through the second period, but
a reversal and a near-fall put the match out of Watt's reach.
In tomorrow's semi-final, Churella tackles Minnesota's Bob
Schandle, one of the freshman's two conference conquerers this
Goodlow, the fourth seed at 126, came on strong with a 15-5
major superior decision over Minnesota's John Hughes. Goodlow
next meets Wisconsin's ton-seeded Jack Reinwand, who defeated
Goodlow, 12 to 11, in a fast, exciting match in Ann Arbor two
weeks ago.
Michigan cantain Johnson waited a mere 12 seconds before
taking down Northwestern's Terry Flannervand added eight
more points during his consistent performance to down the
Wildcat sonhomore, 10 to 2.
The Wolverine second seed next faces Wisconsin's Ron Jeidy,
whom he gamely hung on to tie, 2 to 2, after suffering a slight
concussion midway through their dual meet match two weeks
Sophomore 158-ounder Brad Holman pulled off a five
point play (takedown and near fall) in the waning seconds of
the second period and added two third period reversals to
upset Minnesota's third-seeded Jim Andre, 10-3.
Holman moves into a semi-final match with Iowa's Mike
McGivern, a number two seedwhodealt Holman. a4-0 loss in
Iowa's dual meet shutout of Michigan.
The other Wolverines were not as fortunate. Neiswander
(167) gave Minnesota's Larry Zilverberg a scare, leading 5-2
early in the second period, but the defending 158-pound Big Ten
cham) methodically out-muscled the lanky Pennsylvanian for
the pin.
Valley, the senior who surged late in the season to take
Michigan's tournament berth ,at 142, lost a thriller to Ohio
State's Andy DiSadito, 3-2. DiSadito defeated Valley by the same
score in dual meet competition.
Johnson; who had pinned King in a dual meet, didn't
prove as dominant this time around but still superior de-
cisioned King, 11-0. At 118, Haynes, who won 3-1 in earlier
Big Ten action, gave Illinois' third-seeded Gary Matlock a
challenge before succumbing, 6-4.
The Wolverines' little big man, John Ryan, fought valiantly
for seven minutes but suffered a pin at the hands of the con-

MINNESOTA defenseman Bill Dan Farrell. "Nothing was any
Baker put the Gophers back up good tonight."
by two goals at 11:06. Left Michigan's only lead of the
alone in front of the goal, he night came in the middle of the
leisurely pushed the puck past first period when Wolverine Pat
Palmer on a low drive. Hughes picked up an errant
Kris Manery tallied on a pow- pass at the Gopher blue line and
er play less than a minute later, slipped in shot from the right
but Pat Thippen made sure the face off circle. Both teams had
Wolverines wouldn't knot the many more scoring opportuni-
score when he scored on a re- ties in the period, but simply
bound to up the Minnesota lead could not convert.
to 5-3. Tom Younghans gave the
"Those three goals were a Gophers a 6-3 lead at 7:55 of
great psychological lift," said the third period when he scored
Minnesota coach Herb Brooks. while his team was one man
h. Ii Yc VnI .ahnnc' hird

Furlow sets record
From Wire Service Reports P'1
Minnesota, led by Mike Thompson and"
Ray Williams, outscored visiting Michigan WEST LAFAYETTE - Walter Jordan led
State 18-8 midway in the second half to notch all scorers with 24 points and Purdue moved
a 71-61 Big Ten basketball victory yesterday into a tie for third place in the Big Ten yes-
afternoon, but the Gophers failed to stop terday with an 81-62 conference victory over
Terry Furlow from becoming the greatest Illinois.
scorer in Spartan history. The Boilermakers, up by only 35-31 at the
half, broke the game open in the second half,
Furlow, the Big Ten's scoring leader, was shooting a blistering 69 per cent during the
held to 16 points but that was two more points period. Purdue finished with a 50 per cent
than he needed to break Michigan State's accuracy mark for the game.
career scoring record, formerly held by Mike r .
Robinson. N'western: 87-78
The 6-foot-5 senior forward from Flint EVANSTON. Ill.Bob Svete scored a Ca-

Slort. IT was Youngnans tnra
shorthanded goal against Mich-
igan this year.
MADSONeAND Manery ex-
changed tallies in the waning
seconds of the game to account
for the other scoring.

Twenty - one penalties w e r e I ference's top-seeded heavyweight,
called in the contest. The ref- Ryan, who usually wrestles at 167
erees whistled infractions 51 heavyweight due to injuries.
times in the wild two game.
series.:<:": >:.:::":::;:.:; ..
Only one major fight broke1 DAILY OFFICIAI
out during the game, but it re-
sulted in game misconducts for Sunday, February 29 atu
b o t h players involved. Mich- Day calendar Se
igan's Greg Fox seemed to get s TV Center: The Cinema: The pi
the ettr ofGoper Tm Yc- creenwriter, ww~r TV, channel 4, n
the better of Gopher Tom Yac- n "C
kel in their third period scuffle, wuOM- states of the Union-bi-!u
but he will be sorely missed in centennial series featuring Oregon, se
next Friday's game against Msi School: Trombone stu- "C
Michigan State. 1 dents recital - Recital Hall, 2:30 gu
First Period pm: Symphony Band, wind En- R
scoring, 1. Mich, Hughes (Fox semble, Hill Aud., 3 pm: Faculty
Klo --' 1 9/lChamber Concert, Rackham Aud.. "n,

Wisconsin's Gary Sommer..
or 177, was forced to go at
ore / Linguistics: S. K. Sharm-
n, Yale. "Linguistics as a Part of
miotics," Lec. Rm. 1, MLB 4
Biological Sciences: Ernest Small,
lassification of Cannabis (Maril-
ana) and the Law: Science and
mantics," 1025 ANGELL, 4 pm.
A4nthropology: Gary Witherspoon.
ulture in Language, and Lan-
age in Culture," E. Conf. Rm.,
ackham, 4 pm.'
Physics. J. Chanowski: J. Stone,

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