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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 128
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 28, 1976
10 Cents
Eight Pages
Great moments in
Those imaginative reporters at The University
News on the U's Flint campus never cease to
amaze us. A couple of weeks ago, we told you
how they snagged a "personal interview" with
President Ford by mailing him their questions
and simply waiting for press release replies. Now
these enterprising journalists have printed a take-
off on "The First Time," a recent book describ-
ing how celebrities lost their virginity. The story
features some low-key and mostly evasive replies
from Flint professors and administrators ("Per-
sonally, I have yet to meet the man who seri-
ously wants to get stuck in the sack with a
virgin," said Prof. Joan Martin) and the News'
own Editor, Rick Pamplin ("She was a lanky
blonde from Chicago"). And it seems our col-
leagues in Flint have one-track minds. The front
page of the same issue carries an Action Line-
style column called "Sex Questions," one of which
asks, fervently, "What is my gender?" That may
make Flint students sound rather naive, and we
don't even want to think about the problems it
causes up there. If you're having trouble figur-
ing out your gender, send us a picture and we'll
do the best we can.
Marketbasket survey
Ann Arbor's least expensive supermarket is the
Meijer food store on Carpenter Rd., according to
a ,survey this week by the local PIRGIM. The
scientifically-designed study ranked Great Scott,
which is also on Carpenter, second and the Arbor-
land Kroger's third. Campus area stores, as you
may suspect, fared the worst in the study: A&P
at Plymouth Mall had the highest prices of all
ten stores surveyed and its sister at Stadium and
South Industrial had the second worst marketbas-
ket total-
... begin with an all-day forum on Lebanon, be-
ginning at 10:30 a.m. in MLB Aud. 3. The pro-
gram will include lectures on the nature of the
Arab-Palestinian conflict, involvement of the U.S.
government, and the prospects of a lasting solu-
tion to the conflict ... a Greek backgammon
tournament begins at The Village Bell (downstairs)
at 2 p.m. ... East Quad sponsors a dance with
jazz music at 9 p.m. ... and you can catch read-
ings by Jennifer Levine and Mary Hewlick at a
women's coffeehouse at 9, 802 Monroe St.
Students in heat
Students at Stockton State College in Pomona,
N.J. are getting steamed up over some trouble
in the college sauna, where students of both
sexes are mixing-nude. "I don't like it because
the guys don't dress," one woman students says.
"They wear towels, but they just fall off and they
don't care." "Girls have said it's disgusting,"
adds Athletic Director Don Bragg, an administra-
tor in charge of the complaints. "I immediately
go in to give them hell and there's two girls in
there with no clothes on." A male student offers
a bit of an explanation: "Everybody's over 18,,
I think," he says. "It's kind of dark in there
anyway." Another student said the campus po-
lice occasionally check the sauna, located be-
tween the men's and women's locker rooms. The
problem is apparently not as serious as it seems,
however, as Bragg guarantees "there's no promis-
cuity or sexual activity going on there." Play-
ing around in 200-degree heat probably wouldn't
be much fun, anyway.
Prime time
President Ford's recent televised news con-
ference on CIA reforms was set at 8 p.m. in-
stead of a more popular later hour to avoid
preempting "Police Woman," one of his favorite
shows. Ford's television advisor, Robert Mead,
said the President is so fond of the show star-
ring Angie Dickinson that it was the determin-
ing factor in choosing the time slot for his meet-
ing with the press. That's fine for Ford, but the
reporters had to write their stories, and prob-
ably missed the show anyway.
Call me Lindbergh
Kenneth Kerwin, a Honolulu man who claims
he's Charles Lindbergh Jr., has filed suit in
Hawaii to have himself declared an heir to the
estate of the late Charles A. Lindbergh. Ker-
win, who has tried unsuccessfully to convince the
Lindbergh family that he is the son of Charles
and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, says the body of the
baby discovered after the infamous 1932 kidnap-
ping was actually that of another child who died
of natural causes, not the Lindbergh boy.
On the inside ...
Be sure to catch the review by Kurt Harju of
the Joni Mitchell concert on our Arts Page ...
The Edit Page features a PNS report on Sino-
Soviet tensions ... and Sports' Scott Lewis takes
2.2% rise recorded
in composite index
. By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-The index compiled by the govern-
ment to signal the nation's economy future showed its
strongest gain in six months during January, the Com-
merce Department reported yesterday.
And reflecting the impact of the recovery on U.S.
international trade, the department also reported the
first monthly trade deficit in a year last month.
The Commerce Department reported that in January its
composite index of 12 leading indicators rose 2.2 per cent, the
Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Sunshine students
Yesterday's warm weather brought the students out of the classroom and into the sunshine. These studious characters bask on the
steps of Angell Hall, preparing for midterms and other less enjoyable tasks.
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-The Supreme Court yes-
terday gave Congress an additional 20 days
to rebuild the Federal Election Commission
in a decision that at least temporarily
keeps the federal campaign funds spigot
turned on for presidential capdidates.
The court previously had ordered the
commission to close its books on Monday
because it violated the Constitution by hav-
ing some of its members named by Con-
gress while its chief function was not leg-
islative but executive.
THE COURT'S action was a compromise
to a petition filed by several public interest
groups who said if the commission was
permitted to die, some presidential candi-
dates might have to drop out of primary
elections because of lack of funds.
The commission distributes public money
to the candidates.
panel to continue
The court action will give Congress more line.
time to write legislation to reform the PRESIDENT FORD welcomed the Su-
commission so that Congress retains no preme Court action and urged Congress to
control over it and so its members are all act quickly in order "to ensure that we
named by the President. .. have clean and honest elections."
"Certainly no one is fully satisfied with
THE COMMISSION had been poised to the campaign laws now in the books," he
meet tomorrow to approve up to $1.5 mil- said in a statement. "When the current
lion in requests for matching funds hours nolitical season is behind us, I will ask
before the scheduled expiration of its cer- the Congress to work with me in conduct-
tification authority. That meeting was can- i'g a thorough review and revision of those
celed and certification will continue in its laws. But right now, the most pressing
normal pattern. t.2sk is to reestablish the Federal Election
Desires of candidates and the national Conmmission as quickly as possible," the
parties to keep funds coming for campaigns Pr-sident said.
and the national nominating conventions The Problem the Supreme Court found
constituted some of the strongest pressure it'h the commission was that its six mem-
on Congress to amend the election law, hers were not apnointed in a manner con-
There is no guarantee Congress can act cfitiltionally comnatible with their duties.
within the extra 20 days. Thus, the same Frnr were annointed by Congress and two
sort of atmosphere of crisis may simply others by the President with consent of
come up again by March 20, the new dead- both the House and Senate required.
largest single increase since one
THIS foreshadowed a con-
tinuing growth in the economy,
and came after a number of
other good signs such as a drop
in the unemployment rate and
a slowdown in the rate of price
The two factors exerting the
strongest upward influence on
thercomposite index in January
were stock prices and the vol-
ume of orders for new factories
and faciilties, which are the
capital goods which expand job
opportunities and foster more
e f f i c i e n t production. Stock
prices were up 9.2 per cent.
The contracts and orders were
up 13 per cent.
The initial recovery was pri-
marily the product of consumer
spending stimulated by federal
tax cuts and rebates. The latest
statistics reinforced earlier in-
dications of a possible upswing
in business spending and invest-
THE TRADE account, mean-
while, showed a $72.6 million
deficit, marking the first time
imports have exceeded exports
since last January's $262.1 mil-
lion deficit. The latest deficit
followed a surplus of $724.2 mil-
lion in December and $11.05 bil-
lion surplus for all of 1975.
Administration economists had
expected a decline in the sur-
plus through 1976. Commerce
Department officials said they
expected imports to increase as
theeconomic recovery con-
At the same time, the offi-
cials said they believed exports
would pick up again and they
predicted that U.S. trade should
be virtually in balance for most
of 1976.
of the increase in petroleum im-
ports last month was probably
due to the removal in Decem-
ber by President Ford of his
$2 per barrel oil import tax.
In December, the U n i t e d
States had a revised trade sur-
plus of $724,200,000 and finished
the year with an overall sur-
plus of $11.2 billion.
of 2.5 per cent last July.
A spokesman for the U.S.
Navy in Washington yesterday
"denied allegations that it has
deployed nuclear missiles on or
above the ocean floor.
T h e spokesman countered
charges arising from a report
by Tony Hodges, director of a
Hawaiian environmental group,
that claims "a group of per-
sons within the U.S. Department
of Defense has . . . undertaken
to emplant or emplace on the
sea-bed andthe ocean floor t..
nuclear weapons and' other
types of weapons of mass de-
struction. ."
HODGES'S report also alleges
that "there is a high probabil-
ity that both the U.S. and the
USSR have willfully violated
and are presently still violating
the Sea-Beds Arms Co nt ro l
Treaty and SALT" as a conse-
quence of the supposed missile
The full text of the Navy de-
nial is as follows: "With the
exception of mines, the U.S.
Navy unequivocally denies that
it is conducting any program to
develop, test, procure, emplant,
emplace, operate or otherwise
employ any weapon or weapon
system for use in the seabed.
"Further, the Navy is not in-
volved in any activity in viola-
tion of the Treaty on the Prohi-
bition of the Emplacement of
See NAVY, Page 8
Hearst case to cIose
By Al' and UPI
attorney F. Lee Bailey, in a sur-
prise move, yesterday withdrew
his attempt to put before the
jury a lie detector test Patricia
Hearst took shortly before her
bank robbery trial.
The lawyer told the court
cryptically that he was doing so
"reluctantly" because introduc-
tion of the polygraph test could
be construed as a waiver of
Hearst's 5th amendment right
against self incrimination.
BAILEY previously pressed
for admission of the results of
the test, conducted in January
by experts picked by him, to
show the young woman was tell-
ing the truth about being forced
to join the Hibernia bank rob-
T h e prosecution indicated
Thursday it was finding severe
flaws in the way the lie detector
examinations w e r e adminis-
The trial entered its second
month yesterday, and Bailey
said he hoped to rest his case
on Monday. It was expected to
go to the jury at the end of next
week, although the trial could
be prolonged by lengthy final
arguments and the judge's in-
structions to the jury.
THE THIRD defense - called
psychiatrist, Dr. Robert Jay
Lifton of Yale University, was
on the witness stand throughout
the day to back up the conten-
tion that Hearst through "coer-
cive persuasion" was forced to
act as she did.
Lifton said he would stake his
23 years experience that she
could not have put on a per-
formance for him and faked a
"traumatic neurosis" during the
15 hours he interviewed her in
Like other defense witnesses,
Lifton told jurors that the 22-
year-old heiress never adopted
the party line of her captors.
"What she underwent was a
process of absolute compli-
ance," Lifton said, "but virtual-
ly no ideological conversion and
virtually no ideological influ-
She was never a con-
Hearst's testimony that SLA
See BAILEY, Page 8
Plus and minus has
little effect on GPA
Last term's grade report, re-
cently released by University
Statistical Services, showed no
significant changes in overall
student academic performance.
Despite the new plus and minus
grading instituted last term by
the Literary College (LSA) and
the School of Engineering, grade
averages have only fluctuated a
few hundreths of a point in most
schools and colleges of the Uni-
The new grading system, al-
ready used by the Business and
Dental Hygiene schools, in-
cludes pluses and minuses along
with conventional straight A,
B, and C scale when computing
student grade point averages
UNDER THE old system a
grade of 'B' counted three Michi-
gan Honor Points (MHP) per
credit hour. The new system
still awards three MHP for a
'B', but also gives 3.3 MHP for
a B+ and 2.7 MHP for a 'B-'.
The new plus and minus sys-
tem has had little effect on the
overall LSA average GPA, which
dropped only slightly from 3.107
for fall term 1974 to 3.069 for
fall 1975. This decrease, coupled
with a small increase in the
average GPA of the School of
Engineering, had only a minor
bearing on the average GPA
for all undergraduates which fell
from 3.022 in 1974 to 3.007 in
The schools and colleges that
didn't use the plus and minus
See CHANGES, Page a
AP Photo
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Sickle cell treatment studied at U'
Ray Gomillion has sickle cell anemia. He lies weakly in his
bed in the clinical research unit of University Hospital waiting
for the next dose of medication that he hopes will relieve the pain.
Every six months Gomillion experiences a sickle cell crisis,'
with sharp pains starting in his back and spreading throughout
his thin-framed body. An attack usually puts him in the hospital
TWO YEARS ago, University professor of human genetics Dr.
George Brewer was ready to begin patient trials with a new anti-
sickling medicine, and Gomillion was the first patient to volunteer
for these studies.
Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease found mainly in
the U.S. black population, eight per cent of whom are carriers.
Carriers, Brewer explains, "get only one dose of the gene and
are perfer.tly normal. It's the one in 400 who. like Rnv get the
the least significant, since most people can tolerate a reduction
to half their normal blood cell count," he noted.
In 1971, Brewer's co-researcher, Dr. Ananda Prasad of Wayne
State University, speculated that sickle cell patients might be
suffering a zinc deficiency since they tended to exhibit growth
problems associated with such a deprivation-dwarfism and re-
tarded sexual development in extreme cases.
After finrjina a 17 vanr nlri male eio-la r*all nntiantt ixrhn Am-