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January 10, 1976 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-01-10

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Saturday, January 10, 1976


root 3 i

Saturday, January 10, 1976 iHE MICHIGAN DATLY rag. ~~V~r1


Cosmic couples;
the stars and love

,,...._...,. n .rw _



(Continued from Page 1) pany places no constraints on
and the renaissance of astrology matches racially or otherwise.
in general, to a rejection of She says that several handicap-
more traditional forms of self- ped people have used the serv-
enlightenment, like religion and ice.
psychotherapy. "It's against the law to dis-
Simpson claims that the com- criminate against handicapped
pany has had a hand in 22 mar- people," Simpson explained.
riages, three divorces, and a The local vice squad has ap-
couple of attempted rapes since phenlo wncsquadnhastsp-
its inception a little over three parently shown some interest in
years ago. Simpson's company. Simpson is
"A lot of people are living to- able to recall several visits from
gether, you know those kind, undercover cops who have tried
the'll never tell you," Simpson to nail her for running a pros-
tey'l ntitution ring, but she says her
says. operation is legitimate.
THOSE WHO want to use the SIMPSON admits that the ap-
service must fill out a small
yelow pplcaton ormasking plication process is not totally
yellow application formaskig effective in screening out po-
such information as race, reli- tnilydneosproai
gion, marital status, in addition tentially dangerous personali-
t. place, date, and time of birth. ties, as evidenced by the rape
From this a staff of astrologists icdents.nShe recounted t
create a full 'astrological profile story of one 52-year-old woman
of the applicant, matching himye a cpanon heSmpso
o her with compatible compan id she told the woman that at






It's still not too late to come down to the

Daily and

help us out.

The Business


Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN Simpson, who used to work for
Deborah Simpson, director of Cosmic Astrology Services of East Detroit, which participated a computer dating service, says
in yesterday's astrological convention at the Briarwood mall. that her company is not open to
----_g ay people.
"I have gay friends," she
An ola rou re ects unity bid said, "but it would be against
roup rej cts ty i* te law. My attorney checked it
gut. It's statute number some-,
thing or other."

ner age she "should have been
Simpson says her company isI
doing well and that she hopes to
open a franchise in Cleveland
in the near future. She adds
that the company is developing
other services, including "psy-
chic parties," financial astrolo-
gical charts, a n d astrology

(Continued from Page 1) E
tary of the Cuban cabinet, who
led a five-man delegation from4
Havana. He said he was in Ad-;
dis Ababa only for bilateral dis-
cussions with Ethiopian officials,
but the Cubans wore badges en-7
titling them to visit the OAU
conference center.
SEVERAL thousand Cuban
soldiers are reported ii Angola
fighting with the Soviet-ackE dj
TheoAU hm before 1 two ap-'

plicants for recognition as the and have received American and
legitimate government of An- South African aid.
gola, the oil- and mine.,al-rich MORE THAN 20 African states
west African territory set free have recognized the MPLA and
by Portugal two months ago. many diplomats predict the OAU
One is from the Popular Move- will seat MPLA delegates at its
ment (MPLA), whose Paople's conference. Some, however, said
Republic of Angola is suppo!ted the question is so divisive that
by the Soviet Union and Cuba. the three-day summit might not
The other is from the Na*ional even bring it up.
Union (UNITA) and National
Front (FNLA), who have formed Hawaii's sugar plantations
a battlefield alliance as the occupy 226,580 acres of land on
Democratic Republic of Angola four islands.

BUT SHE adds that the com-

Train crash injures
290; none killed
(Continued from Page 1) of the moving train, said,
transit system, dedicated in "People just flew around.
1970. j Many had bleeding mouths and
The "B-train" was not sched- noses and one woman was
tiled to stop at the station and screaming about her teeth.'
Buck said both trains were aigabuheteh.
Bqui sibth anutm ticr One alderman called for the
equipped with an automatic CTA to start daily examinations
cab-signalling system deemed of its motormen to ensure they
foolproof in preventing such ac- are "phyically, mentally and
emotionally fit to work."
"This accident was avoid-
ot SAIDntothoeereouldofable, said Alderman Roman
ot comm on rthe renort or Pucinski. "The motorman had
one passenger in the first car a clear sky and sunny day. He
of the second train that no one knew this was an A-train stop.
was in the motorman's cob There's no reason this should
hen te two trains struck rhave happened."
However, police were search- The last major crash on the
ing for the motnrnn of the CTA system was in May, 1974,
moving train, McKinley Rss , when 225 people were injured.
whom they irntedto iestion The worst one occurred in 1950
aoftr the ira',t. He disappeared when three people were killed
after the incident. when a train hit an oil truck.

partment NEEDS PEOPLE who want to:
* work preparing ads and learning the
operations of a daily paper
- meet other good, frustrated people
* party down once in a while
" drink 5c Cokes

* after the first month
of money

i, make a LITTLE bit



don't need any special skills,
nd we'll train you! Pleeease.

, just show

- -__,- 71


()ne of th tirst policemen
on the scene, Seraefnt Law-
rence SA , said "Peonle
were not s'renming, hut there
was bload nd broken hones.
One Idv's1 qts looked corn-
rl-tely crushed."
>PPAT) P'EDEFPvVN. who w-,
in the In zt car of the ztationari
train, said, "T looked li and
T onld sQe the other train clos-
m ~ n n ir S. T knew this wasj
it. That train was coming aw-
f1,11 fast."
Micklr Po-rson, who h d
been standirnv in the second car

A AutA SWOMd tl M MOW &Te 6MWI7W

dZAP Photo Universities, in the modern
Florida freeze sense of the term, sprang up in
the 12th and 13th centuries in
The sunshine state turned into the orangecycle state yesterday as temperatures dropped into response to the resurgence of
the low thirties. Sprinklers were being used ia this strawberry patch, near Tampa, to keep learning that preceded the Ren-
the pIants from freezing. aissance in Europe.

Probably not.All things considered you do
what you do pretty doggone well. After all, no one
has taken your job. And you're eating regularly.
But have you ever considered what doing your
job just a little better might mean?
Money. Cold hard coin of the realm.
If each of us cared just a smidge more about
what we do for a living, we could actually turn that
inflationary spiral around..Better products, better
service and better management would mean savings
for all of us. Savings of much of the cash and frayed
nerves its costing us now for repairs and inefficiency.
Point two..By taking more pride in our work
we'll more than likely see America regaining its
strength in the competitive world trade arena. When
the balance of payments swings our way again we'll
all be better off economically.
So you see-the only person who can really
do what you do any better is you.



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