Page Six, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 25, 1971 II _______________________________ - ----, ---------.- .------ -- -------- ---- .- .- - - -- ----- --..---- - -------- - - ----- -.---------- -.---- ____ - ____________________----.-- ______---.------- - - - ... - - -_____ .1 FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY -'I .. ... Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 0-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 INCHES 1 2 3 f 4 1( 5 1; 1 2 3 4 5 6 add. 1.15 1.40 . 1.65 1.90 2.1 5 S 2. 40 2.65 2.90 3.15 3.15 5.65 8.15 0.65 3.15 2.30 2.80 3.30 3.80 4.80 5.30 5.80 6.30 6 30 11.30 16.30 21.30 26.30 3.05 3.70 4.35 5.00 5 65 6.30 6.95 7.60 8.25 8.25 14.75 21.25 27.90 34.40 3.80 4.60 5.40 6.20 7.00 7.80 8.60 9.40 10.20 10 20 18.20 26.20 34.20 42.20 4.55 5.50 6.45 7.40 8.35 9.30 10.25 11 20 12.15 12.15 21.65 . 1.15 40.65 50.15 5.30 6.40 7.50 8.60 9.70 10.80 11.90 13.00 14.10 14.10 25.10 36.10 47.10 58.10 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1 .50 1 .65 1.80 1.95 1.95 3.45 4 95 6.45 8.95 N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hvphenated words over 5 chorocters count as two words .this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines ecauals 1 inch 5 words per line FOR RENT WANTED: Single person or couple (preferably with child) to share house with a couple and child. Cheap rent, 668-6012. 10C0229 PACKARD HOUSE, 526 Packard. 2- bdrm. apt. Furnished Fall, 8260- 290. Mgr. Apt. 103. 763-6703. 95C325 AVAILABLE MAY 1. Large efficien- cy, furnished, parking, close to cam- pus. 995-0195. 940302 ROOMMATE WANTED, $125 secur- ity. $82.50, utilities Nice house. 769- 0997. 88C302 2-BEDROOM unfurnished spacious apt. or (female) own room in par- tially furnished 2-bedroom apt. 761-1 2931. 060227{ FIVE-PERSON HOUSE available on campus, May lease. 995-2992, 0800229 BEAUTIFUL Pine panelled 2 bed- room apt. ?z2 block from diag and bus stop. Available immediately with Fall option. $260/month, in- cludes all utilities. 662-3432, Mary or Bil. dC302 University Student Faculty/ Staff Family Housing Furnished and unfurnished apart-I ments are available for immediate occupancy in University owned and operated housing. For further information contact: Housing Information Office Bldg. 1011 Student Activities Telephone 763-3164 Rentals from $123 00 to $214.50 600303 CAMPUS 1 BLOCK FALL 418 E. WASHINGTON LARGE, MODERN, FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM SUMMER SUBLET LIST AVAILABLE 668-6906, 663-3641 FOR RENT NOW RENTING FALL 1976 THOMPSON APARTMENTS (at corner of William & Thompson) Furnished efficiency, I & 2 bedroom apartments. See manager at Apt. 216 or call: 665-2289 SANS SOUCI Furnished I & 2 bedroom apart-, ments. Parking available. Buses to and from campus every ' hour. See manager at Apt. K-1 or call: 994-3955 THE HIGHLANDS One & two bedroom unfurnished1 apartments. Lighted tennis court, pool and security lock system. Buses to and from campus daily. 1697 Broadway, Apt. 303 769-3672 cCtc I-BEDROOM FURNISHED APT., wall-to-wall carpeting, parking, Im- mediate occupancy, between Campus and downtown. Also unfurnished 2-bedroom apt. near West Park. Campus Management, Inc. 662-7787. -- - cCtcf COMPLETELY FURNISHED Apart- ments. One block from campus. 8 month Fall and Winter leases, 2 and 4 month Summer leases. Tenants pay only electric and phone. UNI- VERSITY TOWERS APTS., 536 S. Forest. 761-2880. cCtc NO RATE INCREASE FOR FALL '76 REDUCED SUMMER RATES completely furnished apartments. I block from campus. Laundromat and recreation room. Weekly maid service. Heated swimming pool. 2 and 4 month summer leases. 8 month fall and winter leases. FOR RENT ROOMMATES WANTED TO BUY APPLICATIONS now being ccept VELY APT for female house- NEED MONEY? Sell me your bi- ed for the Downtown Club, 110 N. mate. 994-0515 nights, very late. cycle, decent condition. Can spend Fourth Ave. 761-5846 any time be- 04Y0229 $20-25. Gary, 995-7664. 77K226 fore 5. Low monthly rent, no cook- ing. 750305 HOUSEMATE WANTED for older HELP WANTED home in quiet neighborhood with 3 early risers who share household CERTIFIED TEACHER, 5 years ex- responsibilities. $95 plus utilities. perience: Will tutor elementary FA L 76Lease to August. 1109 Spring St eine.Wl uo eeetr EXTREMELY NICE C albetwee n 9:30 65-50 school children in reading, etc. Call ON-CAMPUS 51Y227 Ellen, 663-7294. 01H227 APARTMENT_.FE__A_E: .----___ r 2 EARN $250.00 per 1000 stuffing-ad- APARTM NTS !FEMALE: Own room in large 2- dressing envelopes at home. Infor- Nancy and Jean will be glad to bedroom apt. on campus. Immedia- maton: send $1.00 plus stamped, help you with your housing needs. tely. Rent negotiable. Fay, 663-4047. addressed envelope to Heskey Asso- (across from U-M Stadim) 52Y26adrseeneo tHseyAs- SoPs romY- Lta LUciates, Box 8211, Covington, Ken-; STOP BY-OR CALL US ROOMMATE WANTED for lovely 4- tucky, 41012. 61H227 CAM PUS R EN TALS man apt. 521 Walnut. 663-3641 or MODELS WANTED to assist in .S v 994-0222.cY227 Nursing workshop, March 9-10, 1976.1 ]-335 S. Umversity $2.50 per hour. Continuing Educa- 665-8825 BUSINESS SERVICES tion for Nurses, 763-3105. 97H305 Monday-Friday 9:00-5:30 STUDENTS Make Money up to $95 CAREER CONSULTANTS Saturday 0:00-2:00 par week/part time at home address- 111 W. KINGSLEY ing envelopes. Companies want that ANN ARBOR SUBLET "personal touch." For further in- 665-8306 formation regarding opportunities COMPUTER TYPESETTER 1-BED)Rr)OM APT. Mav-Aug. Lease with these companies, send $3 to Can you type 50 wpm accurately? on! ion. Near campus. $185/mo. 995- Phoenix Advertising, Box 11707, Are you technically minded and 143 after 6 )m,. 49U225 Atlanta, Georgia 30305. 30J0229 able to learn rapidly? Do you want -~--~ --- -~------ --~a challenge with good growth po- OWN ROOM in 2-bdrm apt. March- BANDS FOR FRAT PARTIES. Don, tential? Are you available to work A "il. Option thru Aug. Rent nego- 761-9431 and 487-5526. cJtc the 4:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. shift? tiable. Debbie, 763-3824. 98U229 - UE G ....Would you like to earn $520/mo. - i ~~~~ACUPRESSURE MASSAGE. Cur- pu aea potnt oer JUNE 1-AUGUST 1 Summer Sublet. rently teaching at Ann Arbor plus have an opportunity to earn Entire house. 9 bedrooms. Quiet Y. Very good for relaxation. Call for overtime pay? If so, please call for stret^ I block from SAB; backyard, information. 995-2356, Mikki. 19J305 an appointment. Janine SeymoH26 :araac. Call 764-5911 or 764-5971. -- -- - - - --- - dU227 IKE'S MINI MOVER - Want to -- - - move I a hurry? Truck available SUMMER SUBLET, May-Aug. Own fr small moving within 25 miles. SUM M ER JO BS bedroom in modern 2-bedroom apt. 973-0763. 39J229 A 'C. parking, near both campus 4 -Cedar Point and hospitals Call 995-4524 after STEAM CARPET Amusement Park > p.m. dU227 Sandusky, Ohio, will hold on-cam- NEED 2-4 people to sublet centrally CLEANING pus interviews March 30 and 31 for located, large, modern 2-bdrm. apt. LEAP YEAR SPECIAL 10c/sq. ft. summer employment. Approximately Msy-Aug. Free parking, laundry. 9x12 carpet, $10.80. Excellent refer- 3,000 positions available for wide' Rent negotiable. 665-7882. 93U0229 ences. F r e e estimates. Insured, variety of jobs. Housing available. Tompkins Steam Extraction, 663- Contact Career Planning and Place- APARTMENT SUBLET from May 1, 4303, 662-5077. cJ0229 ment Office for information or ap- close to campus, negotiable terms. ! --- _________- pointment 67H330 995-5288. 79U27 i AM a full-time, free lance typist with considerable experience typing HONEST and conscientious people, SPRING-SUMMER: Modern 2-bed- nooks, dissertations, papers. I type M/F with skills and tools to do room bi-level Air conditioner, dish- over 100 wpm, perfect accuracy home and automotive repair of all washer. 3 blocks from campus. 995- I guaranteed. Base rate 70c per page. kinds. Work when you like. 665- 4027. 05U227 IBM Correcting Selectric. Call Bill, 4567. 68H226 365-0166. cJtc ---- THE NICEST! May-Aug. Large two ----FULL - TIME TYPIST. MeticulousI bedroom three person. 723 Oakland, MANUSCR IPT EDITING clerical typist, to work 8-5 for the No. 2. One block from ding Nego- DISSERTATIONSBOOKS, Center for Foreign Study. Must tiable. 995-0226, 76U229 D RTIOS, BOOKS, type 60 wpm, begin $2.50/hr Call ARTICLES769-293162-5575 orinterview cHt FOR SALE PERSONAL SKIS: 1 pair K-2 fives. 195 cm. ATTRACTIVE, discreet man seeking with Look Nevada II bindings. Only attractive women for zipless mati- used twice. Call Steve, 764-1832. nees. Daily, Box 17. 97F228 66B227 ___ MORE than just BOWLING, we MUSICAL MDSE., have an atmosphere-not to be du-I RADIOS, REPAIRS piicated-So who wants to be like us? BOWLING at the Union ! 8-TRACK SONY TC-228 Player-Re- cF0225 corder. Dual meters. Pause. MikeDO NOT enter the Cooley Contes 995-3120. dX227 unless you can handle immense 995-3120._______fame and riches without going all MARTIN SALE now in progress. to pieces. 90F225 Get yours at a discount price. See TO THE JITTERBUGGER out there. Don, Apollo Music Center, 323 S Absolutely amazing! Thanks for the Main. cXtc dance. Les. dF0226 HOWARD ROBERTS' SEMINAR is COMINGSOONisourannua I coming to Ann Arbor soon. Call COMING SOON is our annual Jon for details. 668-6995. 39X302 Spring Vacation special March 7-13. M pin, bowling and billiards at GUITARS-Classical, stee, violins special rates at the Union. cF0226 and flutes. 665-7348 or 429-9241. cXto GEORGE WALLACE HEADQUAR- REPAIR, adjustment and restora- TERS: Office hours 11:00 a.m.-5 p m. tion of all string instruments. Man.-Sat. 1882 E. Michigan Ave.,' Quality work, completely guaran- Ypsilanti, 481-1776. 50F0319 teed. Great Lakes Banjo Co., 1342 N. PROVIDE SUPPORT and temporary Main. 994-4964. cXtc housing for teenagers. 1 day to 2 GUITARS, 40% off list. Garcia, fler- weeks. Couch is fine. Call Ozone nandis, Ramirez. 665-7348 or 429- House, 769-6540. 11F0305 9241. eXtc WEDnING INVITATIONS -Mod or PETS AND SUPPLI ES traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFte ADORABLE 10-week Irish Setters. ANYONE wishing to know the AKC, shots, and wormed. $75. 1-694- whereabouts of the Cooley Awards 3799. 09T229 Committee. Please call 764-1420 SHOW PUPS, red AKO. Buy Family HANMADE WEDDING BANDS de- Protection. 461-~6272. 58T226 signed and made by Chris Gabel. Call Pickney, 878-9330. 00F302 PERSO N A L________________________ iC O U P L E S COMMUNICATION B WE. CARRY A r itA in ofU T~i- wTTfTTP Aa 9i n ~~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- ber of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment. i.e,, no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisers names may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of- charge to a maximum of 3 line. for 3 days. n PERSONAL COPYING CLOSEST TO CAMPUS COPY MILL Books-Class Notes-Papers-Resum Dissertation quality, low prices. From 22c per copy 211 S. State (by Gino's) 7 days/week plus evenings 662-3969 cFtc WEuntxa compiee tine o un- WORKSHOP, March 12-14. Bop. care hair products. U-M STYLISTS Margaret Blood, 769-0046. 63F305 at the Union. cF225 F n. c - LET ANN ARBOR'S only diamond VIVIAN, from Wilmot St., N Y., the expert help you style your engage- Movie, and the Grocery Store, not ment ring. It costs less. Over 5,000 necessarily in that order: I would U-M men have. Austin Diamond, have liked to have gotten to know 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc you better, but the long walk turn- --- ------ ed into a short ride. Please call, so BOARD EXAM TUTORING: enroll- I can talk to you. Gary, 662-0489. ments now being accepted for S. H. 03F226 Kaplan Tutoring Courses to pre- -- -- - pare for the MOATS, DAT, LSAT, YOU CAN'T do more than get bet- and Nat. Dent. Boards. Call (313) ter. BILLIARDS at the Union. 354-0085, locally, 662-3149. cFtc x'0225 .-..- - _-2 DOES ANYONE out there ever won- COPIES - 2c each der why it's so difficult to meet Lowest Prices Anywhere people willing to establish a re- IMFRESS, 524 E. William, 665-4321 lationship that can be fun as well cFtc as peaceful, sensitive and above all --mutual? If you understand what! DON'T PAY for a store's overhead I'm saying and feel that you can via high mark-up. For the area's relate to an often confused, inse- lowest prices and finest qualities cure Jewish girl, write Michigan possible on an engagement ring, Daily Box 21 soon. 23F2271 1-BDRM. APT. May-Aug. $140.00/mo. cJtc Negotiable. 668-6020 persistently. 78U227 TYPING, Copying, Binding, Editing, Keypunching, Notary Service. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Woman THE SECRE'T'ARIAT wanted to buy lease. Modern,4-man Dissertation Specialists apt. Forest-Hill area. 995-7625. 812 . State Street 53U227 ; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 994-3594 i OOG BIU lu 11161Y1C . U v TELEPHONE SALES Sell benefit tickets for Ann Arbor Optimist Club from our downtown office. Salary and bonus, mornings and afternoon shifts, pay daily 769- 6561. 64H229 BUMPER STICKERS. Custom print- ed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 121 Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0942. cFt XEROX AND OFFSET fast, low cost duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 cFt AWARENESS WORKSHOP sensi tivity training, group energy ex perience, March 5-7. Bob and Mar garet Blood, 769-0046. 62F3 SET A RECORD On any of our pinball machine and win a free submarine sandwich TOMMY'S ARCADE Packard and State THE CROSS EYED MOOSE 613 E. Liberty cF304 --- -MODELS WANTED to assist in MAY 1 - AUGUST 31 TICKETS Nursing Workshop, March 9-10, 1976. 3-bedroom house, completely furn- $2.50 per hour. Continuing Educa- ished; 5 minutes from Union. Call WILL PAY well for two Joni Mit- tion for Nurses, 763-3105. 97H305 chell tickets, not necessarily togeth- MODELS WANTED er. Call 662-3801 evenings 02Q227 .MU E-- ------. -- No experience necessary, $8/hr. pos- TNEED 2 Joni Mitchell tickets. Price sible. Apply 215 S. 4th Avenue. AVAILABLE very negotiable. 663-5721. 92Q0225 94H304 418 E. WASH INGTON WNTED: 2 Joni Mitchell tickets. ADDRESSERS wanted immediately! COMPLETE LIST OF Call 663-7077. 91Q0226 Work at home-excellent pay Write --- -_____ - American Service, 1401 Wilson Blvd., 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS. WANTED-2 tickets on main floor Suite 101, Arlington, Va. 22209. AVAiLABLE for Joni Mitchell concert. Pay good 71H327 668-6906, 663-3641 price 994-4822. 73Q225 U227 WANTED-2, 4, or 6 JoniMithel LOST AND FOUND MAY-AUG. Modern one bdrm. apt. tickets. Main floor preferred. Leave ----- -------- ---- Close to campus. A/C, laundry, message at 484-0378 or 483-7598 per- FEMALE TABBY with white paws parkin,,. 761-0848. 46U227 sistently. 42Q225 found in William St.-Maynard area. _I Recently spayed, Call 761-7382. 2 BEDROOM APT. by Law Quad.: USED CARS dA227 Start May 17. Call 995-4743, after 9. OU-ngrs nidofCl- 28U0225 FUDo grass on side of Child- MGB-GT, 1972, 45,000 miles; evcei ren's Psychiatric Hospital on 2/23: FEMALE. Own room in deluxe 2- condition, reasonable price 971- One pair of glasses. Inquire at Daily bdrm. apt. Close to campus, city 2381. 11N0302 Classifieds dA228 buses. $112. 995-4585. 21U225,1969 CHEVY PICK-UP. Runs good. LOS - Gold star with six tur- ONE BEDROOM apt. with furniture, r bes o 699 87N302 quose stones, great sentimental fielcdishwasher, garbage dls- 1975 DODGE D10i o ikp value. Reward offered. Please call feplace, ''ira e't e 1d.~tD-100 ton pcu.Marsha 9 55141. frd la85A228 posal, central air and heat, tennis I 6-cylinder, stick, many functional Marsha, 995-5141. 85A228____ and swimming in season, sauna,extras. Only 4700 miles, still on LOST-Gold watch. If you find it, paddle ball, immediately. Tel: warrantee. Ron Adams, work phone cal7--461i., 1140 or 761-8910. 23U2261.662-3201, home phone 663-8413. cal7436.1A2 soAustin Damond, 1209S. Ui versity, 663-7151. cFtc BARGAIN CORNER Offset Printing, Xerox Copies Xerox reductions, photostats Halftones, Typesetting and much more ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING SAM'S STORE' LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 cFtc PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS Through B e h a v i o r Modification. Weight Control National, 994-0019. cFtc PREGNANT? Need help? Call Prob- lem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283 400 S. Division. Free pregnancy tests. cFtc BOARD EXAM tutoring - enroll- ments now being accepted for S.H. Kaplan Tutoring Courses to pre- pare for the MCATS, DAT, LSAT, and Nat. Dent. Boards. Call (313) 354-0085, locally, 662-3149. cFtc ANSWR TO PREYlOOS PUMZE PR AM B A T H SH N N D EM I T A U$ OT R O SN T TH F E HA R S V ON H A G A R I N E N G A M R 01 P EON Y S PEA R K IN FOL K S W HIlR Y E L 1 A T H R N 0LL E T0R E TA R T GOE0 N A W RO0B S DE WY i cC227 r SUMMER RATES. One bed UN IVERSITY apts. $155/mo.nOne block from f TOW ERS campus. For one or two people. Two and four month leases. Heated 536 S FOREST - 761-2680 swimming pool, weekly maid service. cCtc Phone 761-2680 Mon.-Fri. 9-5 cCtc .... - - -- _ -- - - ____--------- --- -~-FURNISHED one-bedroom .apt. 483-j AVAILABLE now on Campus. 11/2 3795 482-7329. 37C226 mths. rent free. Own or share bed- . room in 4 woman apt. Spacious, ONE BEDROOM, $195, Packard near windows, laundry, sauna. 665-4221 State Available March. Call 5:30-7,, after 3:30. 5300225 995-3141. 860225} TRAVEL SUMMER FLIGHTS TO LONDON 14 to 119 days from $259. Also Frankfurt. Amsterdam, Zagreb. UAC Travel, 2nd floor, Michigan Union. 763-2147. 80P331 96N227 FOR SALE I LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SALE ITEMS Hooded Sweatshirts 4.88 C.P.O.'s ..........4.88 Selected Pants from 4.00 COATS: Down and Fiber Fill 11 30% off More in-store bargains 207 E. Liberty 663-86 1 1 t ii t r CROSSWORD PUZZLE What Kind of People Sign Up for a UAC Computer Date? u ire- 2 DOWN SLEEPING BAGS: Alpine liable, cheap transportation. $3004 or 2-ONSEPNGBG:Apn best offer. 995-3663 after 5 p.m. designs Nordic sleepers, 1 regular, 22N226 1 XL. Zip together or separately., Just cleaned, like new. $450 for WANTED TO RENT both. 663-7715. 07B227 ___---SHEEPSKIN COATS for men and FEMALE GRAD seeks quiet unfur- women. All sizes. Persian House of nished two bedroom, Sept. 668-8131. Imports. 769-8555. cBtc I 30L227 - SCELLANE_ US - PEUGOT 10-speed, 19 in. unisex ! MISCELLANEOUS frame, $80. Adler portable type- - ---- - ..writer, $30. Cowhide jacket, size 12, MUST HAVE 2 Joni Mitchell tickets. $20. Lg. Columbian wall hanging, Name your price! Call 971-9389. blue, black, orange, $25. 662-6717 33M226 evenings 43B225 I 9' PUT i I ' I ACROSS 1 Bedouin's headband 5 Snares 10 Merchantman 14 Adriatic port of Italy 15 Actor Jack 16 Ruckus 17 Ramshackle 19 Modern Christiania 20 Historic town of the Old West 21 Water witch 23 Son of Isaac 24 Tree 25 Have - (eat) 28 Polo 30 Youth gp. 33 Havana bigwig 35 Bartlett 36 Part of L.A. 37 Broz 38 Grassland of South Africa 40 Bisque 41 - aboard! 42 Andean country 43 Sensational revelation 45 Compass point 46 -stew 48 Type style 49 Malde- 50 Munich's river Q 1976 LOS ANGELES TIMES 52 Historic date 55 - night (remain as guest) 58 Tantrum 59 Keen interest 62 - la! 63 T square 64 Asiatic palm 65 Runyon characters 66 Largest of the Kuriles 67 Author of "Three Weeks" DOWN &Corg Altijtg n i4 ON YOUR DOORSTEP! If you live on campus, why wait until the atfernoon to find out what's happening when THE DAILY r " 22 - about 24 Part of a sen- tence: Abbr. 25 Perform the functions of 26 Dips out water 27 Cordage fiber 29 Very high grade 30 Flower 31 Famous bandmaster 32 Colorado ski resort 34 Memorable patriotic song 39 Canal of 1825 40 Fair 42 Magpie 44 Discovery of 1895 47 Nearer 49 Club officer: 1 German com poser 2 Frenchman 3 First word of the "Aeneid" 4 Important part of an opera 5 Topic: Lat. 6 Discovery of 1898 7 African lily 8 Church bench 9 Newspaper chain 0 Harriet Beecher .1 Cayuse .2 Pointless 3 Inferior .8 Light device , 1TT 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 Abbr. Lizard: Prefix Ornamental braid loop Waikiki site Ill-favored Historic French city Weather word Catch sight of Pecan Exclamation akin to "Boy!" 10l 111l1113 P l: Meet 'em and greet 'em can be on your doorstep in time for breakfast-? Read THE DAILY and keep up on world, local and campus news, and sports. ONLY X6.50 NOW THROUGH APRIL ,,i a 1 2 14 17 18 i i i + -1 - -i ---61 - i i i I 2 22 I 7 i i 6mmlmq i Love 'em and leave 'em and break 'em in rinht 33 37 41 2s 27 29 35 24 I T 42 L I 1 11 144 1, _ I I I1 I- I I M - I