Wednesday, February 25, 1 976 THE M}CHiGAN DAILY Page Three DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .':*--.:....... . .a . n, ~. E~ . ss. . :.. . :: . t'.. . .. .: . '.... .. . , . :>.a.. .;":. : n? ""n. X " ~. .n, ...' i . S'xS'E'k-w. -+ '.:.A .r Wednesday, February 25 ton;" "Moon," Arena Theatre, Day Calendar Frieze, 4:10 pm. . WUOM: Live Nat'l Town Meeting Romance Languages / Medieval, -panel discussion, "New Directions Renaissance Collegium: Paolo Cher. in the Arts," 10:30 am; Opera Night, chi, U. of Chicago, "Some Consid- 8:05 pm. erations on Traditions and Topoi," CREES: Percival Price, "Russian Lec. Rm. 2, MLB, 5 pm. Bells: Traditional Bell Ringing in Res. College Lecture Series. Ru- Russian, and Related Orthodox dof Arnheim, "How Picasso's Guer- Churches," Commons Rm., Lane nica Came About," 126 E. Quad, ' Hall, noon. pm. Commission for Women: "Budget Michigan Women in Science: and Operating Procedures," Re- Panel, "What Is It Like to Be a Fe- gents' Conf. Rm. Admin., noon. male Administrator at the Univer- Evaluation Seminar Series. Mal- sity," W. Conf. Rm., Rackham, 8 colm Cohen, "Planning an Informa- pm. tion System in a Public Sector Or- Music School: UM Concert Band, ganization," E. Conf. Rm., Rack- Hill Aud. 8 pm; Degree Recital - ham, 3 pm. Patricia Dabbs, viola, Recital Hall, Biological Sciences: Beatrice M. 8 pm. Sweeney, U. of Calif., Santa Bar-' General Notices bara, "Biological Clocks," Lee. Rm. Attention students receiving vet- 1, MLB, 4 pm. erans educational benefits: If you Industrial, Operations Eng.: Jim will be enrolled in Spring or Spring- Hamilton, "Performance Analysis of Summer Term and wish to receive Paging Hierarchies," 229 W. Eng., an advancement payment on your 4 pm. benefits, complete a request form Physics: P. Heller, 'cPhysics in the by March 1. These forms are avail- Elementary School and Teaching able in the Veterans Certification the Teachers," P&A Colloq. Rm., 4 Office, 1514 LSA Bldg. pm. Summer Placement Statistics: W. Allen Spivey, "A 3200 SAB, 763-4117 Class of Transformations for Box- Attention. Thurs. Mar. 4 at the Jenkins Seasonal Forecasting Mod- Sheraton..Southfield Hotel is the els " 3227 Angell, 4 pm. important date for auditioning for University Players: Studio Thea- the Talent Show Section of Cedar tre Series, "27 Wagons Full of Cot- Point. Go. Go. Go. A RADICAL FEMINIST SPEAKS OUT: ". is the psychological pivot in the persecution of women." TI-GRACE ATKINSON aparry Photos mm 4r 3 i 3 I 1+ a L rr l I a } f i .. t i t r 4 1 1 t !1 I A 1 1i PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Arthur Blessitt (left) crosses p Manchester. If elected, Blessitt says he'll put God in the Wh Holy- candidate runs God for president By DAN BIDDLE Special To The Daily MANCHESTER, N. H. - Among political genies and stunt men gathered here yesterday for the first presidential primary, it has been good business to look like somebody famous. Democrat Mo Udall likes to be accused of resembling Abe Lincoln. Fred Harris has not bent over sideways to avoid George Wallace comparisons, at least on his looks. And Jimmy Carter will not spit, cuss, and deny it when you say he looks like a Kennedy. Neither will Sargent Shriver. BUT WHEN presidential candidate Arthur Blessitt walked through Manchester streets last week, he was carrying a 12- foot wooden cross. What trustworthy leader-type was he trying to Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN p aths with vice-presidential candidate, Ray Rollinson, (right) in h ite House. Rollinson calls himself the "Yonkers poet." Adrien de Pauger drew up THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVI, No. 125 the plans for the city of New Wednesday, February 25, 1976 Orleans in 1721. The area of is eitedand managed by students that original plan is today at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage known as Viex Carre Old paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Square or French Quarter. Published d a i1 y Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- pity year at 420 Maynard Street, AnnI Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- _______ ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Anni Arbor. The medal of honor was Another in a series of speakers in honor of International Women's Year WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25th POWER CENTER-8 P.M. NENANYEAL TICKETS $2.00-on sale now at UAC Ticket Central, Hill Aud. Box Office; Power Center Box Office Feb. 25th. III III IL'ai 11 FM7 -.... - ....t..... -.... A ! -. A T - W, --jr 1.11. W- W, -9 -1 n OOL"Is, i I confined to enlisted men when it was instituted in 1861 for the Navy and in 1862 for the Army. Only later were officers made eligible. look like? Actually, Blessitt wore a vinyl jacket and a tan, and looked more like Glenn Camp- bell than any other celebrity. "It's not a gimmick," Blessitt singsonged, as a covey of hisI supporters and children, bear-! ing leaflets, fanned out from his campaign trailer. "It's a sym- bol. I want to say to people that Jesus Christ is the cure for the ills of this nation. Arthur Bles-, sitt can't heal the wounds, but Jesus Christ can." CANDIDATE Udallhasj been boasting of late that he spent 31 days personally cam- paigning in New Hampshire. If mileage were votes, though, it would be a blessed landslide: the 35-year-old Mississippian' with the orange "God Is Love" button had walked through this chilly mountainous state for 311 weeks.; But does he have a chance? Two days before the primary Blessitt assessed his chances like a true pol. "I believe we'll beat one to three of the major candidates." He said. "I know the votes are there." REMARKABLY, the first passer by to walk up and shake Blessitt's hand was a Vice- Presidential candidate. Ray Rollinson, a burly white-haired man in a beany, billed himself as the "poet from Yonkers". He would make the best Demo- cratic veep, because he is "ob- sessed with telling the truth." Even more remarkably, Bles- sit did not ask him to join the "Put God in the White House" ticket. If elected, "by God's grace," Blessitt said rather accurately, he will push for a guaranteed minimum income, slashed mili- tary spending, a total Vietnam amnesty, and elimination of tax loopholes. NOT TO mention: cancellingj the inaugural ball, calling a na- tional all-night prayer meeting, and leading his 215 million dis- ciples in a week of fasting to "cleanse and heal our land." That is if, by God's grace, he gets elected. BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY THE JACOB HIATT INSTITUTE IN ISRAEL Year program, Fall term only, or Spring term only Earn 16 credits for the semester Juniors and Seniors eligible APPLICATIONS now being accepted for Fall and Year programs 1976-77: due March 15 (no language required). FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE Obtain information from: THE JACOB HIATT INSTITUTE Office of International Programs Brandeis University Waltham, Mass. 02154 wa own 15c H $1.00 PON 0 -TONIGHT- HAPPY HOUR f sun, I IALF-PRICE On DRINKS 7-9:30 vies every Mon. & Tues. Nites >OGS every Friday from 2-5 while they last. OFF ANY PIZZA with this ad his Sunday or Monday. NO COVER 310 MAYNARD bi'dr .. . NE' 5 J '3 eve siiu iI \ . . r , , , ' ' "' ' r ' ' ' "' ' ar . + COMING SOON Our Annual Spring Vacation Special 1 " 7 " I _^ ' I I C' i i I 1 I -1* _ y ^,,,,,,,.......,,,,,ti r /y r Ct '1"E' ,,. dbK W ,,,,, " .._..._.., , _..... r l 11 1 1 1 t 1 i _