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February 25, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-25

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See Editorial Page


it 43zn


Cloudy, rain possible

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 125

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 25, 1976

10 Cents

Eight Pages








Udall takes
second spot;
Bayh third
Special To The Daily
gia's smooth - talking Jimmy Car-
tre capped an intensive month-
long blitz of New Hampshire with
a comfortable win in yesterday's
Democratic presidential primary.
The former governor grabbed 31
per cent of the vote to edge out
Arizona Congressman Morris Udall,
the early favorite, who received
23 per cent in early morning tal-
ily outpaced former Senator Fred Har-
ris to claim the third spot. Former Vice
Presidential candidate Sargent Shriver
trailed the field.
Last night's victory comes on the
heels of strong showings for Carter in
the Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Iowa
delegate caucuses.
A Carter victory was apparent by
8:30 p.m. In his election night headquar-
ters here, reserved optimism gave way
to giddiness as one television network
after another predicted a Carter victory.
"IT'S FANTASTIC," said Carter's son
Chip. "I didn't expect it to be this
Carter delivered his victory speech
shortly before midnight. A ring of sizzl-
ing television lights converged on him
as he scaled the steps of the Carpenter
Ballroom, flanked by his family and a
horde of secret service agents.
Smiling broadly over the crowd of
800, Carter said, "I think you know how
I feel about you, about the people of
New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and Iowa.
I want to repair the damage done by
THE WINNER praised his supporters
for their efforts, and urged them to
press on. "When we get to the conven-
tion in July, after a lot of hard work,
there's going to be a quick decision. I
think . . . first ballot."
Carter's easy win coupled with Udall's
See CARTER, Page 2
CONCORD, N. H. W)-Here are
the vote totals in the New Hamp-
shire primary with 89 per cent of
the state's 299 precincts, or ap-
proximately 70 per cent of the an-
ticipated vote, reporting:
Ford: 43,448 votes (50 per cent)
Reagan: 42,711 votes (50 per
Carter: 18,620 votes (30 per cent)
Udall: 14,511 votes (24 per cent)
Bayh: 10,036 votes (16 per cent)
Harris: 6,931 votes (11 per cent)
Shriver: 5,500 votes (9 per cent)
Humphrey: 3.122 votes (5 per

early lead
Special To The Daily
CONCORD, N.H.-President Ford
clung to a razor-thin lead over
conservative challenger R o n a I d
Reagan early this morning in New
IHampshire's Republican presiden-
tial primary.
With 89 per cent of the vote
counted, Ford leads Reagan by 737
votes, 43,448 to 42,711. As of 1:00
a.m., two major networks projected
Ford as a winner, but by a margin
.of no more than six per cent.
"I guess you could call it a win," Rea-
gan told a Daily reporter as he shook
hands with the press last night.
REAGAN, AFTER a day campaigning
in Illinois, an airplane jump to New
Hampshire late yesterday afternoon, and,
,n evening of awaiting returns, appoared
drawn and tired. At his midnight press
conference he said he was "sleepy" and
the lines of his face were etched more
clearly than during recent days.
But some Reagan workers conceded
last night that there was increasing
pressure on the former movie actor to
win the primary outright. This probably
resulted from Monday's news of a poll
showing Reagan way ahead of Ford in
Reagan scored well. in Manchester,
beating Ford soundly in the state's larg-
est city. He also far outdistanced the
President in most rural communities
and did surprisingly well in working
class communities like Franklin.
Ford easily beat Reagan in Portsmith,
Concord and Nashua, all of which are'
considered liberal cities. The President
was expected to widen a lead later to-
day on the basis of late results from
Keene, Dover and other liberal Repub-
lican cities.
"We're not sad," said press officer
John Breen. "We feel we're going to
win. Many of the places that aren't re-
ported we expect to do real well in."
"I guess by now the public says the
only kind of a win is a real numerical
win," said Ash Burton, Reagan's Con-
cord publicity coordinator.
"FOR FORD, a win is a win here, no
matter how small it is," Burton said.
See GOP, Page 8

the fo

DCily Photo by KEN FINK
Hampshire Democratic primary victor Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosa-
acknowledge cheers last night in Manchester following announcement of
ormer Georgia governor's victory.
voters. O

AP Photo
REPUBLICAN presidential contender Ronald Reagan reacts happily over his
strong showing early in the N.H. primary.


,. -----

special To The Daily
MANCHESTER, N.H. - As the crowd
filed out of Saturday night's rally for
Ronald Reagan, a Manchester policeman
said he liked the former California gov-
ernor's style but hadn't made up his
mind on how to vote.
"It won't be Ford," he said. "That's
for sure. I'd say more if I didn't have
this badge on."
THEN HE SQUINTED. "I'll tell you
!his, though. The thing that gets me, is
that no matter which one wins, it won't
make much difference for us, will it?"
That was a common sentiment last
week of voters in the nation's first pres-
idential primary, among those who voted
as well as those who sat it out.
"You can't trust any of them 100 per
cent," said a waitress at the Cadillac
Restaurant. "They're all the same. You
nick out the one you think is going to
con you the least, and hope that he's the
most honest. They all get conned event-
rallv--either by the big corporations, or
by their cohorts in the government, or
what have you."
SHE SAXD SHE hadn't yet made up
her mind how to vote either. That was
S~ndav. Yesterday morning she had
c"'osen to vote for Jimmy Carter, "al-
ih-o-gh I understand he's for gun control,
and I don't like it."
"There's been too much of this cam-
paign," said a hotel manager on Satur-
day. "I tell you what I'm going to do,

me and five or six other guys. We're
doing to write in Hubert Humphrey. I
still trust him."
"What's the difference? They're all a
bunch of crooks," said an older waitress
at the Merrimack Restaurant. "They go
into it poor and come out of it million-
aires. Reagan, he's all right. What the
hell has Ford done for us? I don't sup-
port that welfare stuff, period. I went
for 31 years to raise my kids without a
father. His dad died when he was six
. . I like what Reagan says. Told 'em
to get off their duffs."
VOLUNTEERS at several, campaign
headquarters reported last weekend that
many voters had been over-politicized.
Contacted anywhere from one to a
dozen times by the several campaigns,
many citizens were slamming their
phones down to avoid hearing the repe-
titious r h e t o r i c as voting time ap-
"All of a sudden they're getting sick
of it, of all the candidates," said Clint
Chapel, a freshman at UM-Flint who
came here in January to work for Demo-
crat Morris Udall. "Or else they'll say
there's just too many candidates, I can't
"We live here," said the office man-
ager at Henry Jackson's Manchester
headquarters. "We know how the people

hate to be bothered over and over and
over again. It's not like someboy fami-
liar coming to the door and saying, 'Hey,
I'm supporting so-and-so.' They (the
volunteers) are from out of state. I don't
think the people in New Hampshire can
be bought. You have to earn their re-
Evidentally the Jackson people had the
right idea-at least in some voters' eyes.
One woman, Agnes Kerooch, has been
badgered by the vast field of candidates
for weeks.
"They called me up after ten the other
night," she said yesterday. "I was in
bed. I had a bad headache, you know.
I hang up on this one and two minutes
later another one calls."
"TOO DOG-GONE many phone calls!"
echoed another woman. "The one that
didn't call me is the one I voted for."
Virtually all of the candidates have
hustled to rid themselves of the politician
image, but a bakery saleswoman seemed
to see through the strategy. She said
she switched her preference from Udall
to Birch Bayh because, "Bayh doesn't
say he's not a politician."
In light of New Hampshire's small size
and comparatively high political aware-
A senator from the upper house of
India's Parliament yesterday lashed out
at the present regime of Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi for its "oppressive"
Dr. Subramanian Swami, in exile since
the declaration of a National Emergency
in India in June 1975, cited the illegal
imprisonment of thousands, the strict
press censorship and the suppression of

ness, personal contact with the ovters
is a vital tool in winning elections. Many
voters said they base their decisions on
a single contact with a given candidate.
"I LIKE TALKING to them, I think
it's a good thing that they come through
the factory," commented a secretary at
a Manchester shoe factory. "We can see
what they're like and make up our
Many voters just want to see the can-
didates; others like to ask a serious ques-
tion or two. But then there are always
a few who heckle the harried hand-
"Hey, Jimmy Carter, how come you
and your boys ain't w e a r i n g Thom
See VOTERS, Page 2

head blasts
boob tube5
Criticizing the c o mm e r c i a l
nature of television, former Fed-
eral Communications Commission
FCC) Chairman Nicholas Johnson
yesterday called for"an elevated
consciousness of the, effects of the
mass media."
. Johnson, now director of the Na-
tional Citizens Communications '
lobby, told a Future Worlds audi-I
anr a HttAn vp ct ardn that-

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