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February 24, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-24

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4 410 3 ttan t 111
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48104

Tuesday, February 24, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan


Din Psc 4?, *~a er M , W4?t m
'Believe mne, we're in the process

probably violating two ma-
jor treaties signed by over 50
nations, including the U.S.S.R.,
claims Tony Hodges, Hawaii's
foremost evnironmentalist. He
has found evidence which points
to the planning and deploying
of nuclear missilesites in the
ocean bed by the United States.
Hodges will speak in Ann Ar-
bor this Thursday, February 26
at 1:30 in Rackham Auditorium.
After investigating for eight
months, Hodges exposes Opera-
tion Desktop, the believed code-
word for the U.S. program, in
his 48-page "warning docu-
ment." He charges:
The deployment of nuclear
weapon systems on the sea-bed
is presently feasible and is con-
sistent with the perceived needs
of top military strategists.
" The Glomar Explorer, built
by Howard Hughes for $300 mil-
lion ostensibly to recover a Rus-
sian submarine, had the real
purpose of installing missile
silos in the deep ocean (prob-
ably in July and August of 1974).
The CIA's "Operation Jennifer"
was only a sham to protect the
ship's real mission. The most
probable locations appear to be
south-southwest of Honolulu.
0 Off-short drilling rigs pro-
vide another means and a per-
fect "cover" for the installation
of sea-bed missile silos. The first
silos off the East Coast may
have been installed in 1971.

Since the release of the warn-
ings document, a memberof
the Department of Defense has
admitted that holes indeed had
been drilled for the silos, but
for anti-submarine warfare de-
vices, rather than for nuclear
* The U.S. may be develop-
ing/deploying tidal wave and
earthquake generating systems
(TWEGS), useful as a credible
threat against third world coun-
tries to force export of vital
raw materials.
* Operation Desk Top may
help explain why the Navy is
pushing so hard to implement
Project Seafarer (formerly la-
belled Project Sanguine) in Up-
per Michigan. This project
would construct an extremely
low frequency radio transmitter
which could send messages di-
rectly to undersea receivers
around the world. Why the Si-
New Times magazine will fea-
ture a cover story of Hodges'
allegations at the end of Febru-
ary. However, until now Hodges
has tried unsuccessfully to get
both media coverage and ac-
knowledgement in Washington.
Jack Anderson and Les Whit-
ten had planned to reveal Hodg-
es' allegations on the December
17 ABC-TV morning news. They
changed their minds after An-
derson received late night phone
calls from CIA Director William
Colby, National Security Direc-
tor Scowcroft, and White

espionage on



'The deployment of nuclear weapon systems
on the sea-bed is presently feasible and is con-
sistent with the perceived needs of top mili-
tary strategists.'
:} ":;..:i.:ilia:':{ir"::ti}:ff:'":ee ::vaf.1 "{ i :. f f:

House's Richard Cheney, in
which each hotly denied these
charges. Hodges suggested that
Anderson and Whitten add these
denials to the end of their story,
but they refused.
During December 17-20 Hodg,
es delivered copies of his warn-
ing document to United Nations
ambassadors of 54 nations who
are signatory to the 1971 Sea-
bed Arms Control Treaty.
On December 15 Senator
Frank Church had stated that
he would begin an immediate
Senate investigation, but noth-
ing is known of his progress.
The Global Issues Forum, a
group of concerned faculty, stu-
dents, and campus and commu-
nity organizations, are bringing
Hodges to Ann Arbor. They be-
lieve that Hodges' allegations
demand public exposure and ex-
amination. A panel of technical
and legal experts will be pre-
sent to interpret the document
and to question the validity of'
Hodges' accusations. The Forum
also has invited participation by
Department of Defense officials,
key members of Congress, and

representatives of the 52 treaty
Tony Hodges is nationally
known as an articulate citizen
advocate. He is the Executive
Director of Life of the Land,
Hawaii's most widely respected
and active citizen's group. Hodg-
es entered the U.S. race for
Senate in 1970 to focas consider-
ation on environmental issues
and drew 25 per cent of the
In 1974 Hodges was spokes-
person for the New American
Revolution, a group which vis-
ited every U.S. state capitol to
advocate increased government-
responsiveness to citizen inter-
ests. Hodges has taught ecology-
related subjects at the Univer-
sity of Hawaii and regularly
Iosted a weekly radio talk show
devoted to the environment.
Hodges has received front
page attention in print media,
such as The Wall Street Jour-
nal, The National Observer, the
Washington Post and the Los

Angeles Times. He has appear-
ed in lengthy articles in News-,
Neek, Life, Forbes and Der
Life of the Land was formed
in 1971 after the wind up of
Hodges' campaign. Its members
work through the news media,
through the state legislature to
influence sound legislation and
through the courts to seek legal
remedies. Its recent actions in-
clude forcing reappointments to
over 200 State Board and Com-
mission posts, scrutinizing a
land use review involving the
proposed rezoning of over 56,-
000 acres, and guaranteeing en-
vironmental safeguards for ma-
jor public and private develop-
ment projects. Presenily, they
are trying to expose corporate
theft of public resources.
Hodges, 36, is a graduate of
Stanford University. His first
career as an Air Force fighter
pilot led to his work as a com-
mercial airline pilot in Ifawaii.
Hodges has been a consultant
to various urban planners. His
work involved over 30 master
plans in the state of Hawaii,
as well as work in the continen-
tal U.S. Most notably, his mas-
ter plan 'for the Colorado State
Capitol was singled out by the
governor of Colorado for special
Laurie Young is a Residential
College junior and member of
the Global Issues Forum.

Munching 'mudbugs'for zip and verve

of hammering 6.a bill!'

Reagan wrong on welfare

N HIS LAST-MINUTE campaigning
in snowy New Hampshire, Re-
publican presidential candidate Ron-
ald Reagan has repeatedly attacked
"big government," and the welfare
system in particular.
Everyone, by now, has heard of
the Great Reagan $90 billion welfare
plan boondoggle. Reagan continues
to push this plan, although its flaws
have been brought to light again and
Unfortunately, the idea remains
attractive to some, and Reagan illus-
trates the shortcomings of the pres-
ent welfare system by telling audi-
Editorial Staff
JEF'F RISTINE. ............... Managing Editor
TIM SCHICK Executive Editor
STEPHEN HERSH Editorial Director
JEFF SORENSEN ................... Arts Editor
CHERYL PILATE..............Magazine Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Tom Allen, Glen
Allerhand, Marc Basson, Dana Bauman, David
Blomquist, James Burns, Kevin Counihan,
Jodi Dimick, Mitch Dunitz, Elaine Fletcher,
Phil Foley, Mark Friedlander, David Garfinkel,
Tom Godell, Kurt Harju, Charlotte Heeg,
Richard James, Lois Josimovich, Tom Kettler,
Chris Kochmanski, Jay Levin, Andy Lilly, Ann
Marie Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Lu-
bens, Teri Maneau, Angelique Matney, Jim
Nicoll, Maureen Nolan, Mike Norton, Ken Par-
sigian, Kim Potter, Cathy Reutter, Anne
Marie iSchiavi, Karen Schulkins, Jeff Selbst,
Rick Sobel, Tom Stevens, Steve Stojic, Cathi
Suyak, Jim Tobin, Jim Valk, Margaret Yao,
Andrew Zerman, David whiting, Michael Beck-
man and Jon Pansius.

ences of a Chicago woman who al-
legedly earned $150,000 annually
from illicit welfare payments.
Reagan's picture of welfare cheats
is shabby. The use of one bad apple
(if it is true) to indict the whole bar-
rel is a cheap and deplorable cam-
paign tactic.
CERTAINLY, Reagan can, discuss
the issues of welfare reform on
a more intelligent level than that of
shoddy, sensational horror stories.
The welfare issue is too important to
be left to the emotional rhetoric of
presidential hopefuls like Reagan.
At the same time, the former
movie star has raised specters from
the battlefields of Vietnam in a post-
mortem that holds all' the logic of
General Curtis LeMay's "Bombs
away" Stone Age philosophy.
Reagan has made clear that he
feels the U. S. should have fought to
win - although he correctly calls
the war a "unforgivable sin."
If any two issues show Reagan's
true stripes, these will. The tragedy
in New Hampshire is that the only
way to punish Reagan rhetoric is
through a vote for - you guessed
it-Gerald Ford.
News: Sue Ades, Rob Meachum, Mike
Norton, Ken Parsigian, Cathy Reut-
ter, Bill Turque.
Editorial Page: Stephen Hersh, T o m
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

LAFAYETTE, La. (PNS) - One un-
discovered answer to the world's
food shortage lurks in the bayous and
swamps in this area-"mudbugs."
More commonly called crawfish, cray-
fish, or crawdads, the freshwater cousin
to lobster and shrimp is highly under-
rated as a food source, says Donald
Gooch, crawfish researcher at the Uni-
versity of Southern Louisiana.
"I predict that in the not-too-distant
future, farmers can harvest a ton of
crawfish from a one-acre pond or flood-
ed field," Gooch said. The per-acre yield
would be roughly the same as the amount
of wheat, corn or rice raised in the same
Crawfish are a popular food during
the cooler months around southern Louis-
iana. There are 300 species of crawfish
around the world, Gooch said, and many
types will grow anywhere with swampy
conditions and a few months of warm
Someday soon, Gooch suspects, mid-
western farmers and northeastern busi-
nessmen may also be able to enjoy the
relatively new, Gooch says he and oth-
ers have found that the creature-which
looks like a miniature lobster - is very
efficient-atconverting refuse and waste
into high-protein food. And the crawfish
adapts quickly and easily to many en-
Crawfish are omnivorous.
"They prefer meat," Gooch said, "but
if they can't find meat, they'll eat any-
thing - dead leaves, grass, straw or
even each other. What's more, it all
makes them grow."
The crawfish are rapid growers -
reaching bite size of four inches long
in about four months. In earlier days,
simple traps baited with meat were
used in swamps and bayous to catch
wild crawfish.
Recently Gooch and other research-
ers have perfected new systems of rais-
ing crawfish on Louisiana rice farms
during the late fall and winter. Craw-
fish could prove a protein source for
countries where rice is the major food
"WE HAVE A LOT of rice farmers
in the crawfish business now," Gooch
said. "And there could be many more,
if they understood just how simple the

growing process really is."
Crawfish grown in rice ponds need
no special food. They eat the rice har-
vest leftovers and are resistant to almost
all diseases. With modern trapping meth-
ods, one person and a specially modified-
boat can harvest hundreds of pounds of
crawfish each day.
Discarded crawfish shells - crawfish
shed their shells 15 or 16 times during
their life - are rich in calcium and
other trace minerals which go into the
soil. When crawfish die, their bodies
become a natural fertilizer.
"'Louisiana rice farmers plant rice

on a plot for a couple of years," Gooch
said, "then must give the land a rest
for rejuvenation." Researchers have
found when crawfish are raised be-
tween rice crops, they rejuvenate the
warm, sub-tropical climates. However,
Gooch says, further research into the
growth habits of the crawfish will most
certainly shorten the period from egg
to mature adult.
"I can see the time coming when
crawfish can be grown in any area

where there are warm summer months.
That means anybody nearly anywhere
with a small fish pond will be able to
raise their own crawfish."
Crawfish are traditional in southern
Louisiana. They're served in the finest
New Orleans restaurants as well as the
mom-and-pop eateries in the rural areas.
They're at home on tables set for kings
as well as those set for oilfield rough-
necks. Now, crawfish could become food
enjoyed around the world.
David Peyton is a staff writer on the
'West Virginia Huntington Advertiser.

q p I I 1


On Democracy in the factory


WORKERS' CONTROL over their work
place is a subject which is being
given more attention that ever before
in the United States. While workers'
participation and control has been the
subject of a great deal of politics and
legislation in Europe for decades, it is
only recently that activists (such as the
People's Bicentennial Commission) and
intellectuals have organized in this coun-
try to promote "industrial democracy."
Perhaps the broadest based group 'to be
formed here so far is People for Self-
Management (PSM):
People for Self.Management was
founded in 1972 at Cornell University by
a economist named Jaroslav Vanek.
PSM has defined itself as "an open,
democratic association for the study of
self-management and the enhancement
and development of self-management
and organizational democracy." Its sole
purpose is to study and facilitate work-
ers' control over their environments.
established about eight local "chapters"
and sponsored two international confer-
ences. The last international conference
was held at Cornell in June of 1975, and
attracted about 500 persons. While the
academic community was heavily repre-
sented, their were many representatives
of political groups, labor unions, and
even a scattering of workers.
The concept of self-management is
one that needs a bit of defining; specifi-
cally to differentiate it from the notions
of workers' participation and control.

Workers' participation implies a shar-
ing by workers to participate in owner-
ship without participating in manage-
ment, and vice-versa. Employee stock
ownership plans are an example of the
former, and are catching on in numer-
ous large companies. There are very
few examples of control without owner-
ship, however. This goes to point out
that the key question in the workers'
control movement has less to do with
'ownership than with decision-making
WORKERS' CONTROL implies dom-
ination of the management function by
workers. In a completely worker-con-
trolled firm, the workers make all the
decisions of the firm; from wages and
working conditions (the typical domain
of labor unions), to production deci-
sions (the normal domain of "manage-
ment.") This is not to say that there
is no management in a worker-controlled
firm. Rather, that the ,management is
responsible to their colleagues, and not
to outside stock-holders.
Where does this all leave the "own-
er?" the question almost answers itself,
as the entire definition of "ownership"
is changed when control does not go
along with it. If the workers, who con-
trol the firm, also "own" it, there exists
a classically defined "producer coopera-
tive." This is the apogee of workers con-
trol in a capitalist framework. If the
workers, who control the firm, do not
also own it, then the issue of owner-
ship, indeed, the very issue of property,
is a very interesting one.
Self-management has been defined by

members of People for Self-Management
as worker control, with the separation
of ownership from control. As you can
see, beginning with the definition, there
is a lot to discuss. Some of the relevant
issues are: if one is "for" self-manage-
ment, can one also be "for" participa-
tion, or for producer cooperatives. (In
general, most folks in PSM would give
a hearty yes.) What is the likelihood
of transforming a society of non-worker
controlled firms into a society of coopera-
tives; or into a society of self-managed
firms? Is this a feasivle prospect, and
what, if anything, can be done to facili-
tate it? (PSM has set up a fund to be
used to start self-managed firms. This,
however, is far from all that can be
come before all the others: is self-man-
agement a positive good to be strived
If you are interested in these ques-
tions, please come to our meetings. We
will be meeting next on Sunday, Febru-
ary 29 in Room 3209 of the Michigan
Union at 3:30 p.m., not at 2:30 as an-
nounced in the Rackham newsletter. We
will be discussing the experience of a
group of cooperatives that has been
operating in Oregon for over 30 years.
Future topics of discussion are open to
Mike Conte is a graduate
student in economics and a
'n ember of People for Self-



rhe Daily

DNA sequences) the research should
not be carried out; or at least
To The Daily postponed. Actually, in my first
IS THERE A ban on Recom- letter to the Record I never
binant DNA research? Yes, used the term "ban", but only
there is - a moral ban. Nobody suggested that, to my know-
is in a position, or should be in ledge, unless Committee B ap-
a position to control or forcibly proves the research, the Re-
determine what kind of prob- gents will not allocate money
lems a scientist or a scholar necessary for the conversion of
should investigate; unless of labs; and then in actuality 'the
course the results of this re- research would become non
search may impair or harm grata.
others. It is precisely because
there still are some large unre- SCIENTISTS ARE responsible
solved doubts about possible ef- people. If there are serious
fects of the DNA research (on (and justifiable) doubts about
the community at large, and so- the consequences of their re-
ciety in the long run) that cau- search they should not rush on
tion and restraint has been with the research, but re-exam-
urged. ine the issue carefully a n d
If there is no ban of any sort, thoroughly, and prove to others

To The Daily:
bate between the Coalition to
Stop NSA/CIA Recruitment on
Campus and U-M President
Fleming served the sole, pur-
pose of underscoring the bound-
less hypocrisy of the University
administration. Fleming's claim
to be the champion of the "ma-
jority of students", defending
their "right" to join the blood-
soaked imperialist spy agencies,
rang only too hollow in the
ears of the majority of students
whose right to an education was
clearly not a consideration
when Fleming imposed hikes in
tuition and dorm rates this
year. His defense of the NSA/

ist class which requires these
secret spy agencies to impose
its rule. It is equally clear that
the administration won't be con-
vinced to stop NSA/CIA recruit-
ing through debates with the
students. The only "arguments"
that will convince Fleming and
his cohorts to stop NSA/CIA
campus recruiting are those of
militant action by students,
teachers, and campus workers
who must take it upon them-
selves to DRIVE the NSA/CIA
off campus.
Fleming because we saw it as
a substitute for such militant
action. A main proponent of the
debate, the YSA, argued that it
wold attract students and in-
spire them to future struggle:

admitted that the coalition
"does not claim that it will pre-
vent people from interviewing
with the CIA" and in fact re-
spectfully suggested that such
people desiring campus inter-
views instead simply "drop a
card in the mail". While the
Maoist RSB correctly noted that
no amount of reform will curb
CIA/NSA terror campaigns,
these thumpers of the Red Book
likewise stopped short of de-
manding the abolition of the
NSA'CIA. No wonder - CIA
agents have been all to helpfull
allies to Mao's military advis-
ors in Angola fighting the so
called "Soviet Social Imperial-
ist" hacked MPLA.
THE SYL ALONE urged stu-
dents to link up with the work-

; ';

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