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February 24, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-24

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See Editorial Page



See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol LXXXVI, No. 124

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 24, 1976

10 Cents

Ten Pages

Air Force im

a o





perfect bomb




and PAUL


Suecial To The Daily
Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter
established himself after Morris
Udall in the New Hampshire pri-
mary, but now he appears to have
gained a slight edge over former
front-runner Udall in the race-
one that is now only hours from
its conclusion.
Carter has been heralded by his sup-
porters as a new Kennedy, a political
phenomena; charismatic and competent.
AS CARTER'S popularity mounts, cri-
ticism directed towards him has inten-
sified. For the first time in New Hamp-

shire the national media has turned the
spotlight towards the ex-governor, large-
ly to scrutinize his proposal for reorgan-
ization of the executive branch of the
federal government. -
During his term as Georgia governor
(1970 to 1974), Carter devised and im-
plemented an overhaul of the state's
executive branch that reduced the num-
ber of departments from 200 to less than
a dozen.
Carter will propose a federal reform
along similar lines, if he is elected.
"Don't vote for me," he has said, "un-
less you want to reorganize the bureau-
cratic mess that we now have in Wash-
, See CARTER, Page 7

The United States Air Force is
apparently using a University de-
partment of Aerospace Engineer-
ing research project as a source of
information on its sophisticated
Fuel Air Explosive (FAE) weapon.
The FAE bomb, which can be
fired from fighter jets, works
through the explosion of a liquid
fuel cloud.
THE UNIVERSITY project studies the
properties of the detonation of fuel
clouds. The study may violate Regental
regulations which prohibit research
'any specific purpose of which is to de-
stroy human life or incapacitate human
The project, which was begun in 1972,
is being conducted under contract with
the Air Force ArmamentBLaboratory,
located at Eglin Air Force Base in Flor-
According to a retired Air Force col-
onel, who has worked on weapons de-
velopment at Eglin, the air Force's con-
cern with the research is itsausefulness
in weaponry. ,
who was Director of Development Plans
during part of the time the University
project has been in progress, said last
night "the emphasis at Eglin is almost
entirely on weapons."
Speaking by telephone from his Florida
Tome, Munyon explained that weapons
developers at Eglin are not interested in
the safety guidelines that can be drawn
from the explosion research .
"Undoubtedly there are some other ap-
Mayor tells
of right to
FBI query
Democratic Mayor Albert Wheeler will
inform the families of both youths in-
volved in the Pump and Pantry shooting
of their right to request a full FBI in-
vestigation into the incident, he an-
nounced last night.
Wheeler's announcement came in re-
sponse to public criticism of Police Chief
Walter Krasny's official police report,
which drew charges of inconsistency.
People for United Justice, a citizens'
group organized to protest the handling
of the affair, has been particularly vocal
in its dissatisfaction.
"PEOPLE FOR United Justice were
promised by our newly elected mayor
that City Manager Sylvester Murray
would carry out his own personal in-
vestigation. This was not done," the
group pointed out in a press release.
Wheeler remarked that, "some parts
of the police report may be proven to
be incorrect."
The police report does not mention the
presence of any witnesses to the Feb. 11
shooting of Larry Edwards and Richard
Bullock, who were fleeing from a gas
station when officers George Anderson
and Thomas Pressley arrived to investi-
gate a holdup.
EDWARDS was hit by two bullets and
See MAYOR, Page 10

plications," he said, "but down here on
Eglin, there is not much interest in
THE FAE WEAPON was one of the
subjects of an article on armament de-
velopment which appeared in a July
1974 magazine issue of Aviation Week &
Space Technology.
The magazine shows a photograph of
the bomb, which is a canister of explo-
3ive fuel with a long "probe" attached
at the front.
"The probe is designed," the article
says, "to provide the! correct distance
above the ground for the canister of
propylene oxide to burst open and distri-
bute a cloud over the target area for
subsequent detonation."
THE STORY goes on to say that the

FAE bomb "already has proved effec-
tive in simulated tests against troops and
actual detonations on bunkers."
Aerospace Engineering P r o f e s s o r
James Nicholls, one of the directors of
the research, asserted that the Univer-
sity project has not been instrumental
in the development of the bomb. "There
are certain areas of commonality," he
said. "But they've had this sort of in-
formation for many years.
"It may help them understand better
what's going on (during explosions of
the FAE device). But they cannot use
what we have to come up with a newer
The 'U' research project, entitled
"Fundamental Aspects of Unconfined Ex-
plosions," involves the setting up of fuel
explosions in the laboratory to study
their properties.

The method of setting up the explo-
sions in the laboratory is described in
the introduction of one of the progress
reports on the project. The report states
that "liquid fuel in an appropriate con-
tainer is dispersed into the atmosphere
as a cloud of fine droplets by the deto-
nation of a primary charge.
timed secondary explosion is then used
to detonate this cloud of fuel droplets."
The research project has been re-
viewed by the Classified Research Com-
mittee, which is charged with seeing
that classified science projects comply
with Regental policy on classified re-
The research itself is not classified,
but because the researchers have access
See USAF, Page 2

Dailv Photo by KEN FINK
RONALD AND NANCY REAGAN campaign yesterday outside Derry, New Hampshire. Reagan hopes to garner at least 40
per cent of the Republican votes.





SDecial To The Daily
Daily News Analysis
MANCHESTER, N.H. - As Ronald
Reagan's presidential campaign jet
wheeled into take-off position at the air-
port here Sunday, Hugh Gregg, Reagan's
tall, bristle-haired state campaign mana-
ger, stood by the runway with his hands
on his hips and loudly promoted his
"If he goes out of here with anything
better than 40 per cent, he'll go all the
way," Gregg shouted over the engine's
roar. "Better than 40," he repeated as
reporters asked him to predict the out-
come of today's Republican primary.
IT WAS windy and raining, but Gregg,
formerly New Hampshire's governor,
wore only a suit and did not seem to
mind as water dripped down his face.
An aide ran over and held an umbrella
over his head.

Reagan's campaign here has shown
clear signs of the same hard-line conser-
vatism that split the GOP in 1964, but
Gregg said this was no problem. "Not
at all," he said, "I assume all good Re-
publicans will support the Republican
nominee just as we will.
"We haven't been at all devisive
the Ford people have been very nega-
tive and distorted the truth but I
wouldn't say they've been too devisive
that they couldn't support us in Novem-
HE ALMOST barked his words, as if
his listeners could readily accept the as-
sumption that Reagan, not President
Ford, is the voice of mainstream Re-
But not so many people believe that
yet, and Reagan and his aides here'have
struggled to put a gloss of acceptability
on their conservative challenge to Ford.
Despite his claims to being a non-

politician, the former movie actor has
stumbled into the traditional problems
faced by non-centrist candidates of both
parties. He is trying to capture a portion
of the middle without losing his natural
loyalists on the right.
A SUCCESSFUL tactic in this strategy
has been left exploitation of Ford's
unique position: his weakness as a non-
elected President and his assumed
strength as an incumbent in the first
"We're up against an incumbent,",said
Reagan's chief advance man, Paul
Russo, one of the sophisticated national
aides who is more careful than Gregg in
calling Ford names. "If we just see a
crack, we'll jump onto it."
Asked how he would read a Ford vic-
tory by five to ten per cent, Russo said,
"That depends on what you guys write
about" - a comment which underscores
the press' ability to call the incumbent
See REAGAN, Page 2

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
FORMER GEORGIA Governor Jimmy Carter stumping yesterday in Manchester,
N.H. He is moving his campaign at a frantic pace to maintain his edge over
Arizona Congressman Mo Udall in their last day of campaigning.



and thep wound up back on the welfare polls,
died Sunday without fulfilling her dream of a
comeback. The Wayne County Medical Exam-
iner's office said Ballard, who was 32, had been
drinking and taking medication before she was
admitted to the emergency roor at Mt. Carmel
Mercy Hospital on Saturday. She died from what
hospital records described as a cardiac arrest.
F'ormer state Supreme Court Justice Thomas
Brennan formally announced his candidacy yes-
terday for the Republican nomination to the U.S.
Senate. Brennan-who became the fifth candidate

ganization at 7:30 tonight at the Ann Arbor
public library; afterwards there will be a party
at 1910 Hill St. to watch the results of the New
Hampshire primary . . . a brown-bag lunch will
be held at noon with Patrick Fridenson from the
University of Paris at 202 S. Thayer . . . former
FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson will speak
at Hill Aud. at 3:00 this afternoon as part of the
Future World's lecture series . . . an assertive-
ness training workshop will be held in Rm. 3205
of the Union . . . there will be a community work-
shop on Senate Bill 1 at 7:30 in E.Quad,Rm.126
. . . a meeting of the MSA Steering Committee
at 7 tonight at 3909 Union is open to the public
a tropical plant sale in the Union Ballroom
from 9:00 a.m. until 8 tonight ... and "The

imposing title


"Mound Building: A Psycho-
Mud." The 142nd annual meet-

Flak trap
A bomb scare-phoned in by an unidentified
person to The Daily Sunday night-sent East
Quad residents scurrying into the cold expecting
an explosion. The Daily called the dorm and the
Ann Arbor police, who were soon on the scene

ing of the American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science, which brought together some of
the top names in biology, sociology, medicine and
physics, has produced perhaps the nation's fore-
most authority on mud pies. Lest the less scien-
tific observer think it's all fun and games for a
grown man to watch toddlers play in the sand
and muid, Prof. Dennis Wood of North Carolina
State University explained what happened when
the youngsters-aged 10 months to 13 years, in-
cluding his son-discovered that dirt makes things
grow. "At one point the loan of our baby was

On the inside ...
. . . Editorial Page highlights an article by
Laurie Young on Operation Desktop, a Defense
Department project . . . Arts Page features a
review of Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver" by
Bruce Weber . . . and Sports Page has complete
coverage of last night's basketball game with
Ont the oiutside...
Where has winter gone? A deep storm over
central Canada will put us under the influence



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