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January 10, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-10

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 86

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 10, 1976

10 Cents Eight Pages

l. ,, k
Sign up
Students who would like to help deliver hot meals
to the homebound should call Motor Meals at
,763-2377, and ask for Marguerite Oliver at the
University Hospital.
Beating the tax man
The big winner of the state's Bicentennial Lottery
held last Oct. 14 has yet to claim his or her $1
million first prize. But lottery officials aren't too
concerned about it-they just figure it was done to
save money. If the prizes in the lottery are picked
up after the first of the year, the tax bite is re-
duced, and a number of winners in the game have
taken advantage of this. For example, a Detroit
man who won $250,000 accepted his check yester-
day. Still, because tickets for the contest went on
sale on July 4, it just could be that the grand
prize winner was .. . Jimmy Hoffa?
Happenings .. .
.. . nothing is happening today; it has been
cancelled. Practice intimidating strangers in the
Graduate Library. Better luck Tuesday.
Ballooning sales
Are you tired of being asked what size you wear
when you go to the druggist to purchase condoms?
If you lived in Seattle, you'd never have to worry
again. The local Zero Population Growth chapter
there has opened a "contraceptice boutique" in
that city with the slogan "What this world needs is
a good five-cent contraceptive." The store, The
Rubber Tree, provides just that. Opened last
March, The Rubber Tree offers 26 kinds of male
contraceptives in various colors, along with con-
traceptice fhams, jellies and creams. The store
has a clientele of about 4,000 persons, about a third
of them regulars.
Frankie and Johnnie
The Senate intelligence committee has decided
not to question Frank Sinatra about possible links
beween President- John Kennedy and the Mafia.
While they're not ruling out the action for the
future, the committee decided Ol' Blue Mouth's
testimony might focus on JFK's personal life rather
than the primary issue of CIA assassination plots
against Fidel Castro. Frankie, you recall, is the
suspected matchmaker between Kennedy and Ju-
dith Campbell Exner, who exchanged numerous
phone calls with the chief executive during the
early years of Camelot. Exner had also been link-
ed to Mafiosi Sam Giancana and John Rosseli.
But the committee considers it unlikely that the
woman told the President about the many plots to
waste Castro with the help of organized crime.
Former Nixon speechwriter William Safire, how-
ever, says Sinatra should be questioned, and charg-
es that Committee Chairman Frank Church is sim-
ply trying to protect the Kennedy name.
At least they're not lazy
Firemen in West Milford, N.J. are suspected of
stimulating a little business lately. It seems there
just weren't enough fires to go around in this quiet
little town, so four fire fighters allegedly took mat-
ters into their own hands and set fire in an
unoccupied private home. In addition to the lack
of business, it seems department morale was so
low and the men just weren't getting enough
practice battling blazes. Fire Chief Charles Krieger
was indicted by a grand jury on charges of mis-
conduct in office, and three of his men, Jack
Brooks, David Fairbanks and Edward Henderson
were charged with arson conspiracy and miscon-
duct. Brooks was charged with sneaking out of
the firehouse to set the blaze and then racing
back to receive the alarm. We're left wondering
what the town mortician does when he feels he has
too many empty caskets .
}ison tennial
What a way to start the morning. Police in Grand

Rapids yesterday received a flood of calls shortly
before sunrise from citizens who said they saw buf-
faloes "tromping down 28th Street" on the city's
south side. The cops sent to investigate the re-
ports, however, could find neither hide nor hair
of the critters. Like good Sherlocks, they even
checked for tracks, but again failed to find any
clues. A hoax? Maybe not -- "We do have a buf-
falo farm in the vicinity," said police, "but so far,
they haven't reported any missing." In fact, it
might be that the nation's current bicentennial
spirit has reached even the beasts of burden in
Jerry Ford's hometown. Rather than go out and
buy star-spangeled coffee mugs, however, the buf-
faloes may have chosen to relive 1776 by careless
roaming where the deer and the antelope also used
to play.
On the inside *
. Sports features a preview of today's game
with Indiana by Bill Steig . . . the Editorial
Page has a Pacific News Service report on life

Rush hour train
collision injures




By AP and Reuter
CHICAGO - Some 290 people were re-
ported injured yesterday when a train on
the ."Kennedy Rapid Transit Line slam-
med into the rear of a stationary train
here during the morning rush hour, po-
lice said.
No one was killed, but, nearly half of
the 600 people in the trains were hurt.
Two people were seriously injured and
about 60 remained in any of six hos-
pitals used. Most of the injured, however,
had been treated and released.
ABOUT 10 passengers were trapped in the
wreckage for about two hours while firemen
struggled to cut through the metal cars with
acetylene torches.
Two of the rear cars in the stationary train
were telescoped and most of the injured, in-

cluding school children, were in

these car-

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) was
not able to determine the cause of the crash
which happened despite several "fail-safe" de-
vices installed on the train to prevent such ac-
THE KENNEDY line was opened in Febru-
ary, 1970. The "fail-safe" system is designed
to control speed and spacing of trains, and an
investigation is being conducted into its appar-
ent failure.
CTA spokesman Tom Buck said the crash oc-
curred when a four-car "B-train" slammed into
the rear of a six-car "A-train" which was stop-
ped at the Addison Street station. The Northwest
Side line runs at street level down the median
strip of the Kennedy Expressway. It is one of
the most recent additions of the city's mass
See TRAIN, Page 7
prices fall
Sharply lower food prices
brought a 0.4 per cent decrease
in wholesale prices in Decem-
ber, but that good news was
clouded by a continuing 8.3 per
cent unemployment rate which
made 1975 the American work-
er's worst year since the Great
The year-end averages which
were completed with the De-
cember figures held a mixture
of good and bad news.
THE LABOR Department re-
ported dramatic improve-
ment in wholesale prices for
the year. Unadjusted prices in
December were 4.2 per cent
higher than the year before -
compared to a 20.9 per cent
jump in 1974, 15.4 per cent in
19-3 and 6.5 per cent in 1972.
Food prices to wholesalers
and grocers plunged 2.5 per
cent for the month, to more
than offset increases for non-
EVE KAGAN food items like building mater-
;y Services of ials and paper products.
f tarot cards The one-month decline in
yesterday's prices was an indication that
inflation might be easing, al-
though it will hardly lead to
rapid or widespread price cuts
in retail stores.
BUT unemployment h a s
shown less improvement than
any other economic indicator
since the current recession bot-
e ,tomed out last spring. It aver-
ages 8.5 per cent through 1975,
a rate highnenoughto cause
many economists to predict
dreams? persistent high joblessness
through next year.
your life? Unemployment averaged 8.5
never met the per cent through 1975 compar-
ed to 5.6 per cent in 1974. Al-
though down from a peak of 9.2
last May, the jobless rate has
ic Couples, Inc. persisted at a high rate of be-
strological con- tween 8.3 per cent and 8.6 per
of This World cent over the last six months.
you with any- Joblessness has not been as
ates. great in any year since 1941,
>mic," chuckled when the United States' entry
y Servicei, of into World War II finally
iy Seri, ofbrought an end to the lingering
ary. According high unemployment levels of
ch of elegance the Depression. Unemployment
lives of many averaged 9.4 per cent in 1941.
herwise meet." Some 7.8 million persons
pson. "It keeps were unemployed in December,
y's popularity unchanged from November. But
' the total employment rose by
230,000 to 85.5 million.

AP Photo
CHICAGO FIREMEN REMOVE A woman passenger from a commuter train following a rush
houIr crash with another train yesterday morning. 290 people were injured. The crash occured
when "failsafe" devices intended to prevent trains from colliding failed to work. Police are
se-rching for the motorman who was working on one of the trains at the time of the crash.
The Chicago Transit Authority is investigating the accident.
Angola goupse s
bi d f or1"- na t1*tionl u iy

Daily Photo by STE
David Weime, psychic reader for Cosmic Astrolog
East Detroit, reveals the future in the form of
for a customer at the Briarwood Mall during
astrological convention.
Cosmic conuples
the stars and h
Are you an Aries lusting for the Scorpio of your
A Leo waiting for the Pisces Mr. Right to enter
OR AN AQUARIUS wondering why you'ven
Gemini that set you on fire?
Well, for a mere 30 bucks, East Detroit's Cosmi
may provide the answer. Just part of yesterday's a
vention at the Briarwood Mall, billed as an "Out
Day," Cosmic Couples claims that it will match
where from two to six astrologically compatible ma
"They become couples after we make them cos
Deborah Simpson, director of Cosmic Astrology
which Cosmic Couples is the most lucrative subsidi
to its literature, Cosmic Couples "has added a tou
to the dating world, bringing new richness into the
interesting and compatible people who might not ot
"IT'S A GOOD way to meet people," says Simp
them out of the bars." She attributes the compan
See COSMIC, Page 7

By AP and Reuter
BELGRADE-The leader of
the Soviet-backed Popular Move-
ment for the Liberation of An-
gola (MPLA) yesterday con-
demned proposals for a govern-
ment of national unity put for-
ward by a rival independence
movement, the Yugoslav news
agency Tanjug reported from
Dr. Agostinho Neto told Bel-
grade's new ambassador to Lu-
anda, Nikola Sasic, that the
formula of national unity "had
exclusively a propaganda-tacti-
cal character designed to cause
constant conflicts and disturb-
ances among the Angolan
people," Tanjug said.
HIS REJECTION of the pro-
posals, which have been bucked
by several western and scme
African states, came on the eve
of a summit of the Organization
of African Unity (OAU) in A dis
Ababa called to seek a wv out
of the Angolan Civil War.
The National Union frtoc te
Total Independence of Angola
(UNITA), which is fihtiaig the
MPLA, has urged the summit to
consider such a government as
the best solution to the Angolan
Tan.ig quoted the MPLA chef
as telling the envoy he hoped
the weekend meeting would con-
demn "the foreign in vemion
in Angola and find w iys really
to eliminate it."

Uganda, arriving in Addis
Ababa for the summit onfer-
ence, told reporters it was the
,African continent's first priority
to stop bloodshed in Angola,
and that it was not up to the
OAU to endorse any of t 'ree
factions in Angola.
"It is not for Africa to dic~ate
to Angolans wh'at is to ne cone
by Angolans," he said.
Arnin is the current chairman
of the 0AU and will oreside at
the emergency neaniug of chief
COMMENTING on intervEn-
tion, Amin said "We have not
come here to discuss Russia,

Cuba or anybody. Any force in
Angola-South Africa,,, Europe,
Russia-they are killing Ango-
lans. We condemn everybody,
even black Africans, If they ar
Amin, wearing a blue ai; force
pniform with a pistol on his hip,
also said he was "very, very
happy" with American qolcy
on Angola after he received a
letter from President Ford as-
serting that Washington would
not interfere in the former Por-
tugese colony's internal affairs.
Among dignitaries arriving
was Osmany Cinfuegos, secre-
See ANGOLA, Page 7

China prepares to bury Chou

PEKING (Reuter) - China announced
yesterday it would not invite foreign lead-
ers to the funeral of Premier Chou En-Lai.
The tributes to Chou, who died of can-
cer Wednesday after a long illness, will last

country asked to be allowed to come to
Peking, informed sources said. A western
government head also expressed a wish
to attend, they added.
But a statement from the committee or-

foreigners will attend will be to express
condolences to relatives at the Workers'
Cultural Palace in the ancient Forbidden
City on Monday.
CHOU'S BODY will lie in state here this

.v........ .. . E . t .

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