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February 18, 1976 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-18

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Page Eight


Wednesday,. February 18, 1975

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 18, 1976

Europe to Ecologist calls for
recognize better energy use
Environmentalist and former
Sierra Club Executive Director =: f:::>o
(Continued from Page 1) David Brower called or
to delay any decision on recog- strict conservation of energy
nizing the MPLA regime. iduring yesterday's F u t u r e
World's lecture.
Asking h 0 natnac .
IN WASHINGTON, the Inter- i g the 500 i attendance, I
national Relations Committee of "What is the use of a house if
the House of Representatives you haven't got a decent planet.
approved a new ban on any U.S. to live on?" Brower pointed to
aid to Angolan factions without the wasteful use of energy as
specific approval from Con- the nation's key problem.
gress. Last month the House re-
jected a specific request from BROWER said that the prob-
President Ford for further U.S. lem is the recent belief in un-
aid to MPLA rivals, the Na- limited, unchecked growth. "The
tional Union and the National party is over that could be.
Front. fueled by cheap energy and
abundant resources." He said,
State Department spokesman "What we need is to use less4
John Trattner, asked if the energy and let a little sunshine
United States would extend rec- in." Brower
ognition, said, "I don't think we He explained that the increas-
are at that point. ed use of solar energy was what The 65-year-old environmental-
he meant by letting "a little ist, dressed in a blue suit, cited
"t rnn't think ifth h P b a sunshine in . . . The sun puts as a list of measures that would




Frye: unruffled after the storm cards

IU[L nlx n as een es-,
tablished who is in charge or
who controls the situation on
the ground in Angola," Trattner
said. "And while Cuban forces,
supported by Soviet arms, are
still fighting there, I do not
think it is appropriate, for that
recognition to be considered."
THE MPLA'S People's Repub-
lic of Angola was recognized
earlier by the Soviet bloc, the
Organization of African Unity
and 27 of its 46 African member
nations, North Korea, Brazil and
Cuba. Brazil, like the Soviet
Union, recognized the MPLA
last November 11 when Angola
gained independence from Por-

much energy on earth in two
weeks as is recoverable in all
fossel fuel energy.'
Attacking both fossil and
atomic-energy, Brower declar-
ed, "Fossil energy should be
considered only an emergency
source to be used slowly since
fossils have toxics locked up
with their energy.
"THE DEMAND for energy in
n"clear form will be so great
that eventually the oceans' tem-
neratures will be raised from
the reactors to a noint that the
ire caps will melt," he warned.
"That would add another 300
feet to the ocean's present

In Chances Are's
All Students With I.D. Pay ONLY
50c Cover Charge Every Wednes-
Cd0 *1 a00 mM44 7

curtail the use of energy. He
suggested "turning off the lights.
more in the daytime, using bet-1
ter insulation, making refrigera-
tors 60 per cent more efficient-
which could easily be done-and
getting electric motors back to
the efficiency of 1940."'
Brower called for "a near-
zero energy growth curve," and
I stated that a cut in energy
would not affect life styles.
"Will a cut to half our individ-
ual energy demands put us
back in caves?" he asked. "Itf
would be no snore than what'
Sweden and England use now,
and more than what France
is seeking qualifie
Senior Office posit
* .President
* Coordinating
* Public Relati
* Chief Financ
iPlease stop
2nd floor, Mi
for an ap,
Deadline for Applic

(Continued from Page 1)
While charges of sexism and
r a c i s m were being leveled
against University administra-
tors, Frye, undaunted, quietly
carried out his administrative
duties under the tenuous title of
acting dean.-
"I wasn't as shaken by the
whole affair as people suspect-
ed," Frye says in retrospect,
"I found certain moments dif-
ficult-times when I thought the
college was being torn up by it
all-but it wasn't very unpleas-
ant for me personally."
"IN FACT," he added, "I
kind of enjoyed the insecurity
of being the acting dean. If I
didn't do a good job,, it would
have been easy to rectify."
Admittedly apprehensive to
discuss the details surrounding
the deanship controversy, Frye
is more willing to outline his
plans for the future. While
acknowledging that s e v e r e
budget restrictions will create
his biggest administrative head-
ache, he saysheaviews that
problem as a "challenge."
"I don't mean to sound eup-
hemistic," said Frye, "but I
think we will be able to reallo-
cate our resources. What we
will have to do is develop an
extremely dynamic system of
"WE'RE GOING to be scrut-
inizing every program in the
college. But because most of
our departments are quite big,
it's far more likely that we'll be
looking at sub-programs within
the departments with more of
an eye to cutbacks," he said.
"Yot don't have to maintain
ed people to fill
ions for 1976-1977
ons Vice-President'
ial Officer
p by UAC
chigan Union
cation is Feb. 20th

Vice President for Academic
Affairs Frank Rhodes to avoid I
faculty layoffs, he admits that
the present hiring freeze will
"damage" the college's already
lagging affirmative action pro-
"IT'S HARD enough to keep
up w i t h affirmative action!
guidelines even when we are!
hiring," he added.
However, the administration
is "thinking about making ex-
ceptions to the freeze if an
outstanding minority candidate
comes along," Frye added,
"WE'RE trying to get one
black candidate now, who is so
outstanding that everyone in the
country is trying to get him."
On the issue of student ap-
pointments to University and
department committees, Frye
claims he stands "parallel to
the position of most of the
Although admitting that stu-
dents "play an important role!
in the operation of many com-
mittees," Frye draws the line
on student input where the LSA
Executive Committee is con-
The college's executive com-
mittee has, among its other
functions, the power to review
recommendations for tenure.
tee is one of the few committeesI
that has no'student input, and
I'm not at all convinced that
we should expand student par-
ticipation to that level," saidI
"You need the best kind ofj
University take any political

Regarding reports that Frye
Commenting on the recent fu- had been negotiating adminis-
ror over the campus visit of trative offers with other uni-
CIA officials to interview stu- versities and colleges, before
dent applicants for that agen- his recent appointment, he said
cy, Frye said he believes the he had been offered the dean-
University should divorce itself ship at Vanderbilt University.
from the controversy. "And as they say down
South," Frye explained in his
"I'M VERY a-political," he easy Georgia drawl, "I came
said, "and reluctant to see the within a pea of accepting it.
Studen1t c irculates

the same budget," he said, "in input bearing into that commit- stand on that issue. Once you
order to maintain the same Lee, and I don't feel students begin to take political positions,
quality. have- yet had the kind of ex- you become very vulnerable to
Although Frye says he is op- perience to qualify them for political influence."
erating under strict order fromI that kind of input" he said. ,

'..an wa oh. any I anyJurtner lot-
teries to assign draft numbers.
Ilet t o n The action has the effect of
ending the requirements with
draft cards report changes of
By PHIL FOLEY the petition,to a new CSJ, now address or status to their local
A member of the Michigan in the process of being appoint-1 boards, he said.
Student Assembly (MSA) Con-
stitutional Convention revealed' The CSJ interviewing com-
last night that he is circulating mittee consists of: Karen Wil-
a petition to recall 16 members liams, a law student; Amy Ber-
of MSA - lin, Pres. of LSA Student Gov-
Bob Matthews, a Rackham ernment; Pam Hyde, the Law ' I-o
Bo Mttew, RckamSchool rep. to MSA; and Greg o n1 1 1
student, informed 25 MSA mem- Higby MSA member - at-large.
bers at yesterday's meeting The committee was selected by
that his petition cites."the blat- MSA last night.
antly illegal and unconstitu -As haf.fi1iation
tional removal of all ten mem-
bers of the Central Student Ju- IN RELATED MSA matters
diciary (CSJ)" as reason for David Goodman was elected (Continued from Page 1)
recalling most MSA members. Communications Coordinator Steve Tyma, the- lone execu-
and Amy Blumental was elect- tive member against affiliation
MSA removed the CSJ mem- ed Associate Vice President of said, "I think the prine con-
bers last week because they MSA. cern is that the membership
"wanted to start with a clean will be more complacent. This
slate." Blumenthal's post is not nam- is a big problem now. If GEO
Matthews claimed, "I have ed in the MSA Compiled Code, voted for affiliation, members
over 500 signatures now and I but MSA member Debra Good- will let the national union take
will have 5,000 before I'm man stated that she saw no care of business for them and
1 reason why the appointment the problem will grow worse."
tholch 1NPnnn t reet

men are no longer required to
carry their, draft cards at all
times, new ones will not be is-
sued to replace lost cards, Se-
lective Service Director Byron
Pepitone said yesterday.
Pepitone said all local draft
board offices will be closed by
the end of the month and all
files and records transferred
to federal record centers.
HE HALTED the requirement
for those turning age 18 to reg-
ister for the draft on Jan. 27
Snd rllm dnff evfm-brl4

inrou ;n... me pians LV pi.GbCill

APPLICA TIONS are now being taken
for residency in the


and Renaissance

Collegium House
Students interested in applying may
obtain application forms and furher in-
formation in MARC Office, N-12, N-
Entryway, Law Quad (Tel: 763-2066),
Mon.-Fri.9:30 a.m.-12:00 noon.

could not be made.
MSA President Ken Bernies
reported at last night's meet-
ing that the Constitutional Con-
vention has yet to make a quor-
um to hold a meeting and that
"Con-Con". member Rick David
has resigned from the commit-
Study in
Guadalajara, Mexico
IMER SCHOOL, a. fully
accredited UNIVERSITY OF
ARIZONA proaram, will of-
fer July 5-August 13, an-
thropoloagy, a r t, education,
folklore, history, political
science, longuage and litera-
ture. Tuition and fees, $195;
board and room with Mexi-
can family $280. Write to
SCHOOL, Office of Interna-
tional Programs, University
of Arizona. Tucson, Arizona
S 85721.


FEB. 20, 1976
will be notified on Feb. 25, 1976

Aeschylus or Calculus?
Reach out* for a friend!i
Long distance is a great value anytime, but it's at
its best when you dial direct at these times:
after 5 p.m. within Michigan,
after 11 p.m. out of Michigan,
after 5 p.m. Friday till 5 p.m. Sunday.
So, if you're bogged down in a tragic dilemma (Greek
or mathematical), don't suffer in silence.
Pick up your phone...dial direct and,..

IF GEO WERE to' affiliate,
the union dues would go up to a
possible $18.00 a term. Many
GEO members are opposed to
such a raise.
Tyma said, "We will be pay-
ing apiproximately $25,000 a year
for affiliation."
"We will loss some control
over our destiny. We have a
strong position in affirmative
action which the MFT doesn't.
They say they will pay some of
GEO's arbitration costs but only
the ones they deem necessary.
This could work to our disad-
vantage. If GEO had the money,
we could spent it in our own
way," said Tyma.
"THEY CLAIM that we'll be
getting expertise in bargaining
and legal aid," said Tyma, "but
we get stuck with their law-
If GEO could take this money
and hire their own lawyers and
researchers, T y m a explained,
they would be assured that they
would receive aid that they
needed and wanted
Mindes said another drawback
to affiliation is that "local au-
tonomy' would be undermined."
IF GEO were to join MFT,
they would be one of the five
largest locals in MFT. Mindes
felt that this would give GEO a
considerable amount of power.
Mindes said, "They will only
give us help if we ask for it.
We have total control over
them. 'They can't exert any con-
trol over us."
Nancy Conklin, GEO presi-
dent. said, "It's hard -to say
what the voting tirn-out will be.
In the previous election we had
a 52 per cent turn-out." She
hd no idea if the membership
wo-ld be for or against affilia-
Schwartz said, "If we don't
have 600 people voting I'll be
very disaunointed. We are even
going around personally to get
members to vote.
S -'Iwartz felt that GEO would
vote for affiliation.

Michigan Bell

When someone drinks too
much and then drives, it's the silence
that kills. Your silence.
It kills your friends, your
relatives, and people you don't even
know. But they're all people you
could save.
If you knew what to say,
maybe you'd be less quiet. Maybe
fewer people would die.
What you should say is, "I'll
drive you home." Or, "Let me call a
cab." Or, "Sleep on my couch
Don't hesitate because your
friend may have been drinking only

coffee never made anyone sober.
Maybe it would keep him awake
long enough to have an accident;
But that's about all.
The best way to prevent a
drunk from becoming a dead drunk
is to stop him from driving.
Speak up. Don't let silence be
the last sound he hears.

Lunar Lqap
FRI. FEB. 27,
SAT. FEB. 28 8:00
Frieze Bldg.
i w~af

r -----------
BOX 2345
I don't want to remain silent.
Tell me what else I can do. t

Persons interested
in attending
Hebrew Univ.
from Heb~rewUn i rveArsitv'


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