1 Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M! 48104 A Chile's By RAMON MARSANO SANTIAGO (PNS) - The Chilean jun- ta may be heading for a showdown as criticism of its policies mounts at home as well as abroad. Rumors of rifts between the generals over the role of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, head of the military government, have gained ground since the government's decision to allow publication of an essay by former Chilean President Eduardo Frei criticizing junta policies. Pinochet regime falters Wednesday, February 18, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Frei's 18,000-word essay, circulated clandestinely for a month, was recent- ly printed in full in the government newspaper El Cronista. Accusing the junta of seeking "to establish a type of nationalism with many totalitarian characteristics," Frei decried violations of human rights and called for reestablishing democracy. And Frei maintained that economically "while others advance, we are going backward." Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan "-r .. :: rl:.:.rxl: ::rrrw ." . J:{.;.',1: 1:.r. HEALTH SERVICE HANDBOOK Heart-wrecking foods By SYLVIA HACKER and indication of "normal" cholesterol NANCY PALCHIK GARWOOD level. Since certain foods such as egg yolk are high -in cholesterol, it would Question: Will a diet high in be prudent to limit intake of eggs to fatty foods eventually lead to a heart 3-5 per week. But, of course, since attack? other foods also influence cholesterol, Answer: We consulted Dr. Edmund limitation of eggs may not be thatr Whale, a Health Service staff mem- necessary if the remaining foods .eaten ber who is knowledgable in this area are relatively low in cholesterol. and who noted the following: In order to understand the effects QUESTION: My boyfriend and I of a diet high in cholesterol and have been using the condom as - a saturated fats on your chances of method of birth control for the past having a heart attack, you must con- year, but recently a friend told me< sider their effect on the middle sized that they weren't very safe because and larger arteries in the body. There they could easily rupture. Is this are certain growths or deposits that true? develop inside these arteries which can then undergo a series of processes Answer: Though it is probably true which may eventually result in ob- that the rupturing of the condom is ' struction of the artery by a blood responsible for many of the failures clot (thrombosis). A diet high in with this contraceptive method, this cholesterol and saturated fats may rupturing is usually due to its im- speed up this process. While many proper use. To prevent breakage. other factors are involved here, both. when the condom is unrolled onto the intrinsic (genetic factors, blood pres- erect penis about inch of space sure, blood sugar, etc.), and extrinsic should be left at the tip to hold the (cigarette smoking, environmental ejaculate as it comes out. Some con stresses. etc.), it is true that diet doms are made with an extended tip and cholesterol levels are often very to serve this function. Also the con- important. dom should be unrolled carefully to Does this mean that every one avoid catching air in the end.bIn must give up bacon, eggs, butter and addition, make certain that your boy- g. cream? Not really. Some people who friend holds the rim when he with-J have a relatively high intake of such draws after ejaculation to prevent the foods as these may not have high condom from slipping off his no longer blood levels of cholesterol and may erect penis and this allowing sperm never have a heart attack or stroke. to get into your vagina. But of all the various indications of When used properly the condom is future cardio-vascular events such as a very effective method of birth con- heart attacks and strokes, cholesterol trol. When used in combination with blood level is one of the best predic- a spermicidal foam or cream it is tors. And those persons whose diet is almost as effective as birth control? > high in eggs, meats, cheeses, etc. do pills. In addition, the condom is safe, tend to have higher cholesterol lev- easy to use, and easily available els. without a physician's prescription. We Blood cholesterol level varies con- sell the extended tip variety in our siderably in different people and in pharmacy, the price is 50 cents for different populations. Hopefully, young 3 ($1.75 for a dozen) and they are adult students will have a cholesterol very good quality. We also have other blood level of 200 or less. However, types which claim greater sensitivity 200 plus a person's age is a rough but these are more expensive. .":4 "::: *:. .ii:': ::'.. ... *.... *::.r.... Earlier this month the chiefs of the Navy, Air Force and Police - Pino- chet's junta partners - appeared on prime time TV to affirm their support for his policies. According to a widely circulated rumor, their performance was in response to a threat by Pinochet to resign unless they made a public state- ment of support. In January the London Sunday Times reported that 10 generals, including the Air Force chief, had signed an ultimatum demanding that Pinochet make changes or step down. ALTHOUGH DIPLOMATIC sources here could not verify the existence of such a document, one said, "It no longer matters whether the document exists or not, since everyone is convinced that something of that sort is going on." But in an open split, third-ranking General Sergio Arellano Stark, former aide to Frei, was forced to resign from the army in January over "policy dis- agreements." The divisions were brought out by the junta's November crackdown on church efforts to give humanitarian aid to political prisoners and fugitives. The embarrassing publicity-worsened by the testimony of British Dr. Sheila Cassidy that she had been tortured for helping the priests give medical treat- ment - apparently convinced some fac- tions in the military that the junta had gone too far. WORRIED BY CHILE'S isolation on the international scene-highlighted by a UN Human Rights Commission report issued Feb. 10 - these factions have begun to urge a let-up in the most, conspicuous forms of repression. they have even suggested abolition of the feared secret police, DINA. The UN report charged that "denial of hu- man rights and inhuman, cruel and degrading treatment have become a pat- tern of governmental policies in Chile." But the chief cause of discontent in the military is the country's deteriorat- ing economic situation. The government's austeritybprogram adopted 10 months ago to beat inflation has brought an official unemployment rate of 16 per cent and 12 per cent drop in GNP. Inflation still runs at eight per cent a month. A 17.3 per cent currency de- valuation in January further reduced consumer buying power. The government's rigid adherence to free-market principles precludes in- tervening in the economy with price controls, unemployment insurance or welfare programs to ease the hard- ship imposed by recession. PINOCHET TOLD audiences in south- ern Chile he would restudy economic policy this month. Meanwhile, however, his chief eco- nomic" adviser, Jorge Cauas, who de- vised the austerity program, has been boasting of its success in improving Gen. Augusto Pinochet Chile's balance of payments and re- ducing inflation to eight per cent month- ly. He insists the economy will soon come out of its slump. Criticism of present economic policies was one of former President Frei's main points in the essay. Frei has been join- ed in his call for a more active govern- ment role in the economy by rightwing industrialist Orlando Saenz and head of the extreme rightist Fatherland and Lib- erty movement Pablo Rodriguez. And last fall, open debate followed a sweeping purge of moderate univer- sity professors and administrators. They were replaced by members and sympa- thizers of the Fatherland and Liberty movement. The "Earthquake at the U," as the press called the purge, was op- posed publicly by El Mercurio, Santi- ago's leading conservative newspaper, moderate rightists and Christian Demo- crats. HOWEVER, AS THE SIGNS of dis- agreement over policies within the gov- ernment increase, Pinochet still claims to feel secure in his job. On a tour of southern Chile in late January, he told sparse crowds at every stop, "To those who are constantly spreading rumors that the president of the republic does not have sufficient support to remain in government or who believe they can expel me from it, I want to say that I am able to travel the length of Chile without fear because I know that everybody is with the government." Such assertions - and the need to make them - call up memories of Richard Nixon in the last days of his nresidency. Meanwhile, more and more people here believe there is a grow- ing consensus in the military that Pino- chet must be renlaced with a more flexible and able figure. Ramon Marsano is a writer for Latinamerica Press in Lima, Peru. 'Quite true, Ms. Gandhi. Americans simply don't understand what a champion of democracv you are.' Go to CIA debate tonight THIS EVENING IN the Union Ball- room, a public forum will be held to air the views of the univer- sity community on the question of CIA/NSA recruitment on campus. University President Robben Flem- ing and a representative of the coa- lition to stop this recruiting will be the principal participants. We support this public forum and strongly recommend attendance by persons affiliated with the Univer- sity. The question of CIA/NSA re- cruitment on campus reaches far deeper than just the matter of whe- ther an agency of the Federal Gov- ernment should be allowed to actively solicit itself on a publicly-supported campus. We have no qualms about the CIA invoking the American right to free speech and free assembly. But the University should not lend its facilities to an organization that has not only conducted illicit covert ac- tivities against foreign governments and citizens, but has conducted these same activities against citizens of the United States. TIE CIA HAS BEEN recruiting on campus for many years. We as- sume that by Fleming's continued silence throughout this period, that in this case, the old maxim, "silence is consent" holds true. Yesterday, Fleming offered no com- ment on the issue. He stated that he "did not want to pre-empt" any of the comments he will make during the debate. He did say that he would be espousing the official Board of Regents position on the matter. The CIA/NSA should not be al- lowed to use University owned facili- ties to recruit students into their or- ganization and that large and vocal numbers in protest to this recruiting should turn out to the Union Ball- room tonight. TODAY'S STAFF: News: David Garfinkle, Ann Marie Schiavi, Tim Schick, Bill Turque, I Dave Whiting Editorial Page: Michael Bec Stephen Hersh, Karen Schul Tom Stevens Arts Page: Jeff Selbst Photo Technician: Steve Kagan kman, Ulkins, -WTM6 Y" I'55%' l) "7O8T AFTR ERR , 1 ZI YtAM 112 A -lr HIS ;IS P k16 AL- ' A LOA DIPCU26! cA J W AK' L6ADCR - R J 1 0 ORDR r (POT A RA1-TUr~( GOVERQHEkT AP RWMAO)AY PCmr~k O ul irl igau ti1 J YQAOJ c AGRZO- UPWk F13QPE O BACK,. Editorial Staff ROB MEACHUMT Co-Editors-in-Chief BILL TURQUE JEFF RISTINE ................ Managing Editor TIM SCHICK .................,Executive Editor STEPHEN HERSH ..,......... Editorial Director JEFF SORENSEN si.................. Arts Editor CHERYL PILATE .............. Magazine Editor /t~p IJIEARE YO0UR l7 Ct2(9AC 'IF - OVUh NJ~4, AFFAgK)O DltT 0 AEA VOU CAM C6 UP Y _ I r - ".t r _ -- . )1 _. j 1 t . ' LOgr tr5 64A Letters to Th TA *0 clericals To The Daily: On FEBRUARY 4, you print- ed a letter from Sue Ellen Han- sen which contained several li- belous statements about mem- bers of UAW Local 2001, and about me specifically. I hope that, in a spirit of balance and responsibility, you will permit me the following response. Ms. Hansen objected strongly to the following statement: "Do the major CDU candidates have any loyalties or obligations, po- litical or financial, which will compromise them, and which may conflict ultimately with the interests of clericals." She read into the question of McCarthyist meaning and a right - wing smear campaign. She is wrong. for the following reason: I could choose at random any CDU re- mark a b o u t bureaucracy, ,.n. t+e wordng seblhly with Reagan and Wallace: An obsessive quest for power, an ethical obtuseness, and the fact that they don't know what the hell they're talking about. Ms. Hansen is on shakey ground, in any case. Let me illustrate: Over the past seven months she and CDU have ac- cused people with whom they disagree of the following: sell- ing out the union; accepting a kickback; tampering with bal-. lot boxes; contemplating brib- ery; and colluding with the university. The list is far from comprehensive, but adequate. In light of the constant barrage of lies which Ms. Hansen and her compatriots have distribut- ed in order to acquire power, and to misinform clericals, she has little room in which to on- erate. She hides her hypocrisy very poorly. In fnct Ms Hansen ain understood the pathological ha- tred which CDU has shown for Ms. Forrest, but certainly they have subjected her to a cruel and inhumane abuse which goes beyond rationally normna- tive behavior. I will return to the original point - the question to which Ms. Hansen objected. She and CDU must answer it eventual- ly for the following reason: Se- cretive politics is, by definition, corrupt politics. Union mem- bers have the right to know _ and CDU the responsibility to disclose - any assistance which they have gotten from outside the union. The issue is practic- al, not political. For example, over the past seven months CDU has barraged clericals with literature which, if paid for, would amount to several hundred dollars at a minimum. What was the source of that fi- nancial support? Why must the J Suayii now justify to the union the following facts: By monopoliz- ing the services of a volunteer printer, they cost the union several hundred dollars which belonged to the membership. But more importantly, by ex- ploiting their labor services for the partisan pursuit of political power, CDU actively denied the membership of the union what they needed 'most - an inex- pensive means of communica- tion. At the very 'moment that CDU stidently screamed for greater communication, they in- tentionally prevented it. What Ms. Hansen treated as a po- litical issue was not political after all. It was a question of candor, integrity, and ethics. And frankly. Ms. Hansen and CDU failed rather badly on all three points. Ronald R. Jones Feb. 15 pointment, and even then the statements are given in nega- tive context. Nowhere do you mention Frye's qualifications for the position. You mighi have recalled his long - stand ing reputation as a teacher o undergraduates, his nationa reputation for creative re search, his service as associ ate chairman of Zoology, hi time on the LSA executive corn mittee, and his year as asso ciate dean of LSA. For reason I cannot understand you mad absolutely no mention of hi three semester's service as ac ing dean of LSA during whic trying time all of us, student and faculty, saw him functio in the post to which he has no been appointed. Thus he ha earned the widespread suppo that he enjoys. We are no "simply trying to maintain th status quo"; we recognize th nan fnr :mn:inSMA . fairI I I . J A I L ^4 t I w;: _a..,...u .ttr_....n