THE MICHIGAN DAILY ts & n ertain ment Tuesday, February 17, 1976 Page Five BACX T6 THE RED AND WHME, I Jarrett and sidemen: (' . 1 E ii x 1' + VIENNA (A') - The Vien- nese enjoyed a happy surprise in December when the city's streetcars suddenly blossomed out once more in the tradition- al red and white, replacing thej former blanket of advertise- ments. The return to the "old look" was made after a number of, residents appealed to the city administration, according to. the Press and Information; Service of the Austrian capital. Why not join the, DAILY? THE DAILY IS A GREAT PLACE TO! 1 meet other good people A drink 5c Cokes # learn the operations of a newspaper r write stories f see your name in print * earn a little money Come on down to 420 Maynard anytime and join the business, news, sports or photography staffs! a a energetic jazz trio .* i 4 * J '\ n J i M V i n 1 By STEPHEN HERSH with the accompaniment of because on the album it's a very ........ drums and bass. nice touch. T WAS an injustice to bill REDMAN and Haden, vet- Jarrett made the surprise Saturday night's Hill Audi erans of saxophonist Ornette move of playing some soprano torium jazz concert as simply Coleman's ensemble, play in saxophone, joining Redman in :.k w %starring Keith Jarrett. The Jar- styles so linked to Ornette's the delicate harmonies of a few ....... x rett quartet includes two rela- sound that the passages they themes at the beginning and end tively uncelebrated but master- played without Jarrett might of some tunes. Jarrett more than ful musicians-saxophonist Dew- have been lifted from one of held up his end of the counter- S,' t 'ey Redman and bassist Charlie Ornette's albums. The fast- point. !+<:Y u' k.~ Yn f ,,' f