Poge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February, 15, 1y1r3 Page Twc THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February l~, 191t5 t Sexuality & Special A WORKSHOP People- UNITA factions flee MPLA drive Candidates stump -G some o the LWEST i town 2.OURSERVCE POICY-we-l -. * . .. *. A- p S 1 OUR PRICES ON CALCULATORS some of the LOWEST in town. 2.OUR SE RVICE POLICY- we'll handle all paperwork and l shipping for repair servicing A ND provide you with a FR E E LOAN ER until yours returns. .....:::3. WE KNOW T HE FIE L D- and can help you to select the BEST Fand LEAST E XPENSIVE ca lculator to sui t YOUR N E EDS. SEETHE S R252 NOW ON DISPLAY! S s- open sun 12-5 mon-thur 9-9 fri 9-5:30 sat 10-5 DR. MATT TRIPPE-Facilitators Friday, Feb. 20 at 1:30 A.B.C. room U.M.C. E.C. Washtenaw Intermediate School District sponsored 1819 S. Wagner Rd. FREE REFRESHMENTS Ann Arbor Info: 763-2374 Could your children have fun coming to school after school? The kids who come to our after-school program say, "YES !" We pick t h e m up from Angell, Stone, Burns Park, Pattengill & Clinton schools. CLONLARA SCHOOL CALL US FOR DETAILS, 769-4511 (Continued from Page 1) ! in the past week.I THE RADIO quoted captured UNITA soldiers as saying UNITA army commander Samual Chivale, 31, was killed in fighting on the Ljumbale - Alto road but gave no further detail. It said UNITA forces were reverting to guerrilla war tac- tics but did not elaborate. UN- ITA officials have said they willt abandon conventional war for guerrilla fighting. UNITA, alliednwith the Na- tional Front - FNLA - has been battling the MPLA for months for control of the min- eral - rich southwest African territory. Portugal granted An- gola independence on Nov. 11. SOUTH AFRICA reportedly has up to 20,000 troops along the southern border with up to 5,000: dug in around its $300 million= Cunene River hydroelectric and { irrigation project inside Ango- la. The project was built to1 supply water and power to Southwest Africa which South! Africa controls. Portugal's main reason for not recognizing t h e MPLA government, even though the MPLA already controls most of Angola, is that the parties do, not want to antagonize the 350,- 1 000 Angolan settler refugees liv- ing here just beforethe .spring elections for a legislative as- sembly. The refugees are mostly anti- MPLA and blame the Portu- guese government's decoloniza- tion policy for their plight. (Continued from Page 1) around. A WALLACE spokesman said the governor wasn't win- ning over as many of the un- committed delegates as they, had hoped he would. A substan- tial number of the delegates re- mained uncommitted. The dele- gates chosen go to congression- al district caucuses next Sat- urday. TWO GOLD RUSH STAIRCASES REMAIN WEAVERVILLE, Calif. ( P) - Seven spiral staircases leading from sidewalks to balconies adorned the outsides of buildings in Weaverville more than a cen- tury ago. This architectural fea- ture distinguished Weaverville from all other California gold rush towns. Today only two of these un- usual staircases still stand. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ----------------.- No BRUNCH or DELI at H I L L E L Sunday, February 15. Don't Forget to Stop by Next Sunday, February 22. It Pays to Advertise in The Daily 3 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE Transcendental Meditation (TM) Program as taught by MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Multipurpose Room UGLI5 -ALSO- Every Wed. at 12 noon and 8:00 p.m. and Every Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at the offices of the Students International Meditation Society Sunday, February 15 Day Calendar TV Ctr.: The Filmmaker: Visual Artist, wwJ TV, channel 4, noon.1 WUOM: States of the Union-bi centennial series, featuring Cali- fornia, 1 pm. Musical Society: Luciano Pava- rotti, tenor, Hill Aud., 2:30 pm. Music School: Degree Recital -- Judith Palac, violi, Recital Hall, 2 pm; piano chamber music, Recital Ball, 8 pm. Monday, February 16 WUOM: Amanda Blake of 'Gun- smoke" series, interviewed by Carl Matthusen, KMCR, 10 am. Industrial, Operations Eng.: Dr. Vijay Tipnis, METCUT, "Applica- tion of Cutting Tool Life Character- istic Functions to Metal Removal in C.A.M.," 325 w. Eng., 4 pm. Computer Information, Control Seminar: Philip L. Katz, U. of Illi- nois, Chicago Circle, "Maximizing Long-Run Yield of Alaska King Crab as an Optimal Control Prob- lem," 1504 E. Eng., 4 pm. Anthropology: Panel discussion, "Homonid Origins," E. Conf. Rm., Rackham, 4 pm. Particle Physics Seminar: W. Lee, Columbia U.. "U-Production at Fermilab," 2038 Randall Lab., 4:151 I pm. Human Physiology: Films on cir- culation and the heart, S. Lec. Hall, 1 Med. Sci. 11, 7 pm. Project Community: Art Tarnow, atty.. "Prison Conditions," Aud. C. Angell, 7:30 pm. Native American Affairs Conimit- tee; Program in Amer. Culture: Er- nie Stevens, Oneida, Exec. Diree- tor, American Indian Policy Review Commission, "Native Americans and the United States Govern- ment,"25 Angell, 7:30 pm. Ctr. Japanese Studies: Toyoda's. The Mistress, Aud. 3, MLB, 8 PM. IwY: Virginia Nordby, I'The Equal Rights Amendment," Clem- ents Library, 8 pm. Music School: Jazz Band, Edward L. Smith, conductor, Rackham Aud., 8 pm. Men's Basketball: UM vs. East- ern Michigan, Crisler Arena, 8:05 pm; broadcast, WUOM, 8 pm. Summer Placement 763-4117 Camp Sequoia, New York. Will interview students Mon. Feb. 23, from 9 to 5. Openings include wat- erfront (WSI), pioneering, nature, music, drama, photography, dance, ham radio, arts/crafts. Age must I be at least 20. Meanwhile, an Associated Press poll of all 77 Democratic county chairmen in Oklahoma showed that four of every 10 delegates to the county Demo- cratic conventions on Feb. 29 apparently will be uncommit- ted, and former Georgia Gov. Carter will have the largest block of committed delegates. The AP poll showed the un- committed delegates totaled 2,946 or 40.99 per cent; Carter had 1,323 delegates or 18.41 per cent, slightly ahead of former Senator Fred Harris, who had 1,187 or 16.51 per cent. Nigerian leader Slain (Continued from Page 1) of the state radio and claimed that they had taken over be- cause of unexplained "difficul- ties" with Muhammed's regime. Muhammed, the father of six, had joined the Nigerian army in 1958. He served with the United Nations peacekeeping force in what is now Zaire in 1962, rose rapidly through the ranks and became a colonel in 1968. Ie commanded a division that cap- ,ured key southern Nigerian cities during the Biafran seces- sion war in the late 1960s. GEN. YAKUBU Gowon, head of the government overthrown by M-hammed in July, said he hayed no part in Friday's at- temoted takeover. Gowon fled to Britain, where he is now studying at Warwick University in the Midlands. THE COUP attempt followed a major anticorruption drive by Mohammed and a sharp move to the left in foreign policy. In the 15 years since Nigeria gained independence from Brit- ain there have been three coups besides yesterday's abortive up- rising. Nigeria is the most populous and rich country in black Africa. Keeneland racetrack in Lex- ington, Ky., conducted its first meeting in 1936. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXV, No. 117 Sunday, February 15, 1976 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Published d a i y Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. subscription rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $36.50 in Ann Arbor; .,$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. 11 1207 PACKARD PHONE 761-8255 -"BEST FILM OF THE YEAR" AIONAL BOARD OF REVItW STANLEY KUBRICK sarrng PYAN O'NEALana'MARlA 'BERNSON* YG. from Warner Bros OA Warner Communcations Company kA the movie AT BRIARWOOD ADJACENT 10 J.C. PENNEY 0769-8780e 1-94 & S.STATE; ANN ARBOR' Showtimes: 10:45' 3:45; 8:00 I I i -COUPON- 2 for 1 Special -COUPON- UNBELIEVABLE SPECIAL Buy I WORLD'S BEST CHEESECAKE.-GET 1 FREE . Good Sunday & Monday FEB. 15th & 16th OkLY I f,.r (I NOT AVAILABLE FOR CARRY OUT Longevity Cookery 314 E. Liberty Ann Arbor, Mich. (313) 662-2019 GOURMET NATURAL FOOD RESTAURANT ' - m r - m m - rr -r sm - -r U m -A RIDDLE- WHAT IS .. . 2/6 of "PLAZA SUITE" by NEIL SIMON 3/6 of "LOVERS AND OTHER STRANGERS" by RENEE TAYLOR 2/6 of "YOU KNOW I CAN'T HEAR YOU WHEN THE WATER'S RUNNING" by ROBERT ANDERSON ANSWER: "The Time of Your Life, 7/6 of a Play" m I i _E