Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, January 9., 1976 F __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ . - .--------.- -.--.------.-- .. .---.~..- ...- - -.--- .--.,. ____ ...-______ --...-....-., ______..___........___ --Il ! P r , p * I J- e .* I ow, j IF/ (e T fT/A F FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 0-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41 -45 46-50 INCHES 1 2 3 F 4 1 5 1; 1 2 3 4 5 6 add. } 1.15 1.40 1.65 1.90 2.15 2.40 2.65 2.90 3.15 3.15 5.65 8.15 0.65 3.15 2.30 2.80 3.30 3.80 4.30 4.80 5.30 5.80 6.30 6.30 11.30 16.30 21.30 26.30 3.05 3.70 4.35 5.00 5 65 6.30 6.95 7.60 8.25 8 25 14.75 21.25 27.90 34.40 3.80 4.60 5.40 6.20 7.00 7.80 8.60 9.40 10.20 10 20 18.20 26.20 34.20 42.20 4.55 5.50 6.45 7.40 8.35 9.30 10.25 11.20 12.15 12.15 21.65 I.15 40.65 50.15 5 30 6.40 7.50 8.60 9.70 10.80 11.90 13.00 14.10 14.10 25.10 36.10 47.10 58.10 .75 .90 1 .05 1 20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1 .95 1 .95 3.45 4 95 6.45 8.95 FOR SALE FOR RENT SUPER SALE: 20% off on all tapers. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Two "Two for one" on Gothic pillars and bedroom, furnished apt. with park- many bath products. Other items re- ing, air conditioning, etc. 2 blocks duced. Sal runs through Jan. 17. to Diag and near hospitals. 662-7787. Little Dipper Candles, 415 N. Fifth 1cC1113 Ave. in Kerrytown. 40B110 ------------- JAN.-AUG. Private, spacious furn- FOR SALE, 1 ladies Ige. down Jack- ished 2-room apt. with shared kit- et and 1 down vest. Price negotiable. chen and bathroom. Laundry fa-, 995-9733. 33B111 cilities on premises. $150/mo. Park- -- -"- --- ing included. Call Rick, 764-0452 or 2-BDRM. TOWNHOUSE: finished 995-8483. 31C0110 room n basement, stove, dishwash- ----- -- -- ,r, central air, drapes, and carpet- ROOM. $95. Near campus, utilities ing. $$29,900. 994-5218. 56B111 included. Call 665-8074. 5-7 p.m. 420113 MOUTON COAT, $20. Excellent con-.------.__- - --- dition. Hip length. Evenings, 763- FEMALE GRAD to share 2-bedroom., 6744. 45B110 Own room. Close to campus. 663- .-.-..-5407, 662-6161. 46C110 YAMAHA SKIS, BOOTS, 1012 Henke, poles. Must sell. Ted, 769-0111. 538114 FAIL176 SHEEPSKIN COATS for men An; EXTREMELY NICE k women. All sizes. Persian Huse of!ON-CAMPUS Imports. 769-8555. cBtc --- f.aAPARTMENTS WEIGHTS-5 ft. bar with collars, AND HOUSES 150 lbs., various size plates, official bench, excellent condition. 971-6902, Nancy and Jean will be glad to after 5:30. 83B0111 help you with your housing needs. FOR RENT STOP BY-OR CALL US ROOMMATES FEMALE looking for roommate. 1- bedroom, bath, kitchen, large living room. Carpeted. $97.50/mo. plus util- ities. Call 995-9781, 1309 South Uni- versity, Apt. 8. 30Y0110 ONE MALE needed to complete 4- man apt. near campus. $73/mon. 994- 5070. 01Y111 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS SONY stereo systems, TV's at just above wholesale prices. Write for free catalogue and price list. Also 1 mention other brands interested in. SIGHT & SOUND Elctronics, P.O. Box 35, Ann Arbor, 48107. 76X0120 METRONOME WANTED. 995-8341. 77X0109 MARTIN D12-28 guitar, perfect con- dition. 763-6269. 82X0115 NEW SHIPMENT of Upright Pianos from $175. Apollo Music Center, 761- 9430. cXtc TUESDAY SALE: up to 25% off. must mention ad. See Don, Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main, 761-9430. . " vt I ( N.B.: Each group of charocter counts as one word. Hvhenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 words Der line HELP WANTED SECRETARY/TYPIST job opening for registered work-study students. 15-20 hrs./wk. Call 994-HELP any- time. 71H113 150 INVENTORY CLERKS needed for Monday, January 12, 8-12 p.m. and/or Tuesday, January 13, 7 a.m. to Noon. Call Kelly Services. 973- 2300. 74H111 LUNCH HELP wanted - Exchange for meals immediately. Call Rick, 761-6281. 8600122 PHOTO-COPIER--Person to run IBM photocopier, evenings & weekends, no experience necessary. $2.00/hr. Call 662-1770 for appointment. cHtc WE AT the Children's Community Cooperative are seeking a certified elementary school teacher to work at our alternative elementary school between 8-20 hrs./wk. at $2.50 an hour beginning soon and continu- ing at least through the summer, Call Annie, between 2-3 at 663-4392, or between 3-5 at 665-3943. 38H1091 BARGAIN CORNER j APARTMENT SALE Women's clothing, size 5; silver plate items, dishes, glassware. MA- MIYA C-33 camera and lens, men's, jackets, chair small tables, sleeping bags. 14" snow tires, coffee maker, antique sideboard, TV books, work- table and many misc. items. Fri., Jan. 9-Sun., Jan. 11. 10:00-6:00. 525# S. Division, No. 3. Cash only. 52W0110 HELP WANTED PART-TIME HELP needed, ticket taker for theatre. Evening hours on ly. Contact 994-0627. 35H0115 ELECTRONIC and Microcircuit as- sembly need part-time people to work approx. 20 hr./wk. Hours flex- ible, in city convenient transporta- tion. Call 663-3352. 39H111 EARN extra money throughout the semester by volunteering for the PSYCHOLOGY PAID SUBJECT POOL. Business hrs.: 9-12 call 764- 4209; 1-4 call 763-1101. 51H118 SALES PERSON WANTED. $50/wk. and 20% commission. Call 994-0627. CAR SERVICE, ACCES. 2 SNOW TIRES mounted on 1971- 73 Pinto wheels, $25. 663-6826 eve- nings, persistently. 79S0111 PERSONAL CONVICTED RAPISTS needed for research. Confidential interviews. All paid. Please help. Write Mich- igan Daily, Box 23. 62F0115 OPEN TONIGHT til 1 A.M. Billiards and Bowling At the Union cF110 FIRST PLAYER At the Cross-Eeyed Moose Receives 50c in free binball. Open every morning 10:00; Sun. at Noon cF117 UM BOWLING TEAMS challenge Roll-offs. Sign up at Union Lanes now through Jan. 11. Women's and Men's teams, nine game block. cF111 A COURSE OF ACTION . . . Air Force ROTC. If you've two aca- demic vears remaining in school (graduate or undergraduate) look into our AFROTC programs. It's one way of planning for a good future. Get all the details today. Contact: AFROTC, North Hall, Ph. 764-2403. 85F0113 PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS Through B e h a v i o r Modification. Weight Control National, 994-0019. cFtc NEW COURSE FOR CREDIT "Politics of Mass Education." How schools shape attitudes, personality, knowledge. How schools feed capi- talism. Endorsed by three University profs. Tuesday or Thursday evening. discussion group. Limit 10. Jeff Howard. Ph.D. pro-am, Univ, teach- ing experience. $20. Call 662-8193 for readings, course outline. 44F115 FREE PINBALL At the Cross-Eyed Moose 613 E. Liberty Fri. 12:30-1 p.m. All you can play cFll- PERSONAL ,THE CROSS EYED MOOSE home of the CLEAN MACHINE 613 E. LIBERTY cF116j Prepare yourselves for the return in- vasion of PROCTOR & BERGMAN! The dynamic duo will appear LIVE at the MATRIX THEATRE January 18th and 19th and will show FIRE- SIGN THEATRE movies in addition to their live performances. DON'T MISS THIS UNIQUE MULTI-MEDIA SHOW! For info: 994-0627. 97F118 POTTERY CLASSES: Stoneware Mon. and Thurs. 7:30-10:30 p.m. starts Jan. 12. Call persistently 668- 8873, 761-8540. Schoolhouse Pottery. 95F111 THINKING of Transferring? Dropping Out? . Check out PIE, a summer-based, winter independent study, alterna- tive BA program. Write PIE, Box 15, Goddard College, Plainfield, Ver- mont 05667. Goddard admits stu- dents of any race, color, national- ity, sex, age, or ethnic irigin. 82F011 TRAINING WORKSHOP in Gestalt, "Hot Seat" work & In- terpersonal group process. Wed. eve. Leaders: Michael Andes, Richard Kempter. 995-0088. 85F120 HAPPY BIRTHDAY WALLY, Love. Marv. PERSONAL EXPRESSIVE MOVEMENT/ CREATIVE DANCE WORKSHOP F'iday eve.-Sat.. Jan. 16-17. No ex- perience necessary. Margaret & Bob Blood. 769-0046. 81F0116 Offset Printing, Xerox, Wedding and Social Announcements ARBOR-INSTANT PRINTING 214 S. 4TH AVE. 994-4664 cFtc WEDING INVITATIONS -Mod or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc PREGNANT? Need help? Call Prob- lem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283 400 S. Division. Free pregnancy tests. cFtc COPIES - 2%c each L.west Prices Anywhere IMPRESS, 524 E. William, 665-4321 cFtc * 2 FREE GAMES 0 CAMPUS PINBALL 1217 S. University 1 ad per person cFte TRANSMOGRIFYING TYPING All electric. Serving the academic, professional and business communi- ties for 15 years. PRINTING, RESU- MES. EDII'NG. TASK, 761-4146. CJtc ; _4 t 0 3 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Large' single room in spacious two-person apartment for mature, considerate male. Very close to campus, parking included. Lease through August.' $112.50 a month plus electric. Call 995-3913, 5-7 p.m. dC113 LARGE BASEMENT ROOM in shared house. Good location. $89/month., 769-2919. 68C111 COMPLETELY FURNISHED APARTMENTS CAMPUS RENTALS GUITARS, 40% off list. Garcia, Her- 1335 S. University nandis, Ramirez. 665-7348 or 429- 665-8825 1 -t Monday-Friday 9:00-5:30 BUSIN ESS SERVICES Saturday 10:00-2:00 IKE'S MINI-MOVER VISCOUNT APARTMENTS Want to move ain a hurry? Truck 2 an 3 edrom available for small moving within 2 and 3 Bedroom 25 miles. 973-0763. 78J0131 Bi-Levels and Tr-Levels I __ _ -- ENGLISH for foreign students. MODEL OPEN Qualified, experienced teachers. Rea- M-F, 11-1, 6-8 Weekends, 2-4 sonable rates. Grammar. conversa- 1316 Geddes No. 3 tion, composition. Call 769-6076. 27 110 I i .,,.... .. . 36H01 16 _ .. Weekly housekeeping service, one NEEDED: Readers for blind student, block from campus. Four month SAM'S, STORE LEVI'S DEN IMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed paid and volunteer. Call Disabled winter lease. Rentals fro m on. Student Services, 8-5, 763-3000 for University Towers, 536 South Forest, EFFICIENCY on campus: Large- --- - more information. 06H109 761-2680. 720117,s modern, furnished $180. 418 E. Wash- : EXPERIENCED MOVERS-One piece -.-..--a.H1ington. Call 668-6906 or 663-3641. or a house load. Reasonable rates. ATTENTION GRAD STUDENTS: cCtc Excellent references. 994-9297. 02J109 SWorkStudy Opening-supervising TH E H G LAND fl students in the Ann Arbor Schools. .TH'H1 H' AN S ROOMS in friendly country house,. EDIT _RIAL SERVICES Contact Laura Rosa. 763-3548. One & two bedroom unfurnished nlarge many-windowed room big 88?09aprtents.o iged tenfnishcort, enough for couple. One small attic' Highest references 769-2931 H apartments. Lighted tennis court,;room. 663-3011. 120111 0--- 3 STUDENT BUYERS' ASSOCIATION pool and security lock system. Buses;--- - ---.. ..---- -.- - (U-M) Position of assistant coordi- to and from campus daily. ROOM IN HOUSE, $62.50/mo. No VIOLIN LESSONS I nator available in mid-January. Ap- Base, near campus. 453-8940 after 5. Beginning through advanced. U-M plicant should have some knowledge 1697 Broadway, Apt.303 180111Doctorate. For information call:; of food and supply ordering, billing, SINGLE ROOM in pleasant house 663-8392. 09J110 budgeting, bookkeeping, and typing/769 G-36a Em s94-6383.8 BA for rat parti Don, 761- fLiving experience in a frat, sorority,nercmu.9468. 210 BAD foPatptisDn,71 or co-op would be helpful. Bache- cCtc NEEDED: People for doubles $75. 9431 and 487-5526. cJtc lor's degree is preferred. Send resu-...................oerto Cmrde i 6-r~N._pyng. Bndng-Eitng me to: Coordinator, SBA, 4315 Mich- HOSPITAL LOCATION. large, fur-821o ed frat on Cambridge.1Jim3 PNG Coyngar SgEditing igan Union Bldg., Ann Arbor, 48109 nished efficiency. $190/mon. Call Kepuneing.NoEarervATe. no later than January 9th. 29H109 769-3639. 750111 WOMgN NEEDED to complete 5 per- I tHE SECRETARiAT nostyle house. Own room, ltDissertation Specialists SILK SCREENED ROOMMATE WANTED--Own room c oose to campus. Cal. 995-5879. 812 S. State Street in hise, $759mo5-. Cal7 995-4384.C 8 am.-10 p.m. 994-35 Experienced production worker part C384. -osetoca~~us~~~~l~~20C11~ time in textile pitn ln.A-63 C115 __._.. .. .. .IA_.------------ - - prnigFatA - -.. . .... . -- ul-ieirelnetps cott Corp., 1202 N. Main. 663-2023. ROOM. no lease, old house down- with c