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February 14, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-14

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See Editorial Page

Ink iga


See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 116

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 14, 1976

10 Cents

Eight Pages

A man who survived an attack in which 11 fel-
low patients were meticulously killed during a six-
week period last summer at the local Veteran's
Hospital, witnessed a police line-up Wednesday
night of 17 women dressed in nurses uniforms as
part of a federal grand jury investigation. The
line-up was also viewed by seven other persons,
including other patients, hospital visitors and staff-
ers, and, as a result, new leads in the case have
developed, according to police. Between July 1
and August 15, over 50 respiratory attacks occur-
red, resulting in 11 deaths. Federal officials con-
cluded that Pavulon, a powerful nero-muscular
relaxant normally'used during surgery, was ad-
ministered to the patients through their intra-
venous tubes. To date, however, no one has been
apprehended in the case - contrary to a publish-
ed report in another local newspaper.
.. . are slim today. Beginning today and run-
ning through Feb. 20, the Student Bar Association
and the Environmental Law Group of the Univer-
sity of Detroit will be sponsoring a symposium on
environmental law. Speakers will include such no-
tables as Sen. Edmund Muskie (D-Maine) and
Michigan Attorney General Frank Kelley; tickets
for the series will cost $2 and it will be held in
Detroit. For more information, call (313) 342-1000.
Your inooey or your eye
Los Angeles police are looking for a man who
allegedly stole his girlfriend's glass eye and is
holding it for $300 ransom. Felicia Williams com-
plained that her boyfriend came to her hotel
room demanding money. When she refused, he hit
her, grabbed $6 from the dresser and plucked her
artificial eye from her left socket. The ransom
is equal to the cost of a new glass eye.
Delight in delay
The Procrastinator's Club of America has de-
cided to give an award to the Betsy Ross Bridge
between Philadelphia and Pennsauken, N.J. Ap-
parently the bridge has been completed for a year,
and because of a budget error it still is not open
for passage. So, in true dilettante tradition, the
club plans a "minibanquet" tomorrow on the
bridge at which they will christen it the "Bridge
Over the River Why." They haven't yet decided
what the award will be, however. "We haven't got-
ten around to it, naturally," said the club's presi-
dent, Les Waas, adding, "and we won't until Sun-
day. We don't do these things until the last min-
ute." Waas says 'the club is also planning to cir-
culate a petition to have the sructure more accur-
ately renamed "The Betsy Elizabeth Griscom Ash-
burn Claypoole Bridge," since Betsy was married
twice more after her first husband died in a mu-
nitions explosion. Of course, if the name change
goes through, the opening of the bridge would have
to be further delayed.
Mineo murdered
Police yesterday searched for a young blond
'man wearing dark clothes wanted in connection
with the stabbing death of actor Sal Mineo. The
37-year-old Mineo, who played young toughs with
leather jackets and switchblades, was murdered
Thursday night in an alley behind his apartment
building near Hollywood's Sunset Strip. Police said
Mineo, who won an Academy Award nomination

for his portrayal of a misunderstood juvenile de-
linquet in "Rebel Without . a Cause," was at-
tacked in the alley near the parking lot of his
apartment. He also played the title role in "The
Gene Krupa Story" and more recently appeared
as an ape in "Escape from the Planet of the
Apes." The baby-faced Mineo also won an Acad-
emy award nomination for his performance as
'a youthful Israeli guerrilla in "Exodus."
On the inside...
the Editorial Page will highlight an article
by former Daily editor Gordon Atcheson on comic
book character Sgt. Rock and how he relates to
life at the big 'U' . . . weekly Happenings will be
on page 3 . . . the week's television listings will
appear on page 5 . . . and Sports Page will have
the results of last night's events.
On the (outs(i ....
Warmer weather is on the way. Two warm

Cobb not. amonl

Jewel Cobb, the black woman dean of Connecticut
College-who last year was the unanimous choice of
the University Board of Regents to fill the vacant
position of LSA dean-was again a candidate for that
post this year, The Daily has learned.
Cobb, however, failed to make the deanship search
committee's list of ten finalists.
IT WAS ALSO learned that former acting LSA Dean
Billy Frye, the man who Vice President for Academic
Affairs Frank Rhodes announced Thursday was the
Regents unanimous choice for the deanship this year,
was supplied with information concerning the position
which the other candidates were not given.
Frye, Rhodes confirmed last night, knew the names
of the other two candidates which the search com-
mittee offered to the Regents, along with Frye's name,
as their list of three finalists for the deanship.
Cobb, who last year applied for the position of LSA

dean, said yesterday that she was nominated for the
position this year by an unknown source.
REGENTS David Laro (R-Flint) and Paul Brown
(D-Petosky) confirmed yesterday that Cobb did not
make the list of ten finalists-the only candidates for
the deanship who were actually interviewed by the
search committee.
"It seems rather logical now (that Frye was chosen
as dean)," said Cobb. "He's been working in that posi-
tion for over a year and his expelience was an im-
portant aspect in the eyes of the search committee."
When asked if she knew of any reason why she was
not selected as a finalist this year, in light of last
year's unanimous regental approval she, replied: "No.
I have no thoughts one way or the other."
LAST YEAR'S controversial selection process was
libeled by many student, Uni-ersity and government
soirces as both sexist and racist.
Cobb, after being chosen by the Regents from'a list

of three finalists which included Frye, was offered
only a two-year contract with no tenure by the Uni-
versity. The standard procedure has been to offer the
Regent's deanship choice a five-year contract with
Cobb originally declined this offer but later informed
University President Robben'Fleming that she would
accept the terms of the contract. Fleming, however,
then told Cobb that the offer no longer stood.
FLEMING THEN appointed Frye to the position of
acting dean in July, 1974-a position which he held
until Thursday.
"It is interesting," Laro said last night, "that she
(Cobb) didn't make the final, list this year. But, that
didn't effect the choice of Frye. He was very well
Concerning thefreport that Frye had prior knowledge
of the finalists before his appointment, Laro said, "fHe
may have known who the finalists were, but that
See COBB, Page 7

A morons
swarm to
"From your Valentine" has
been a popular way to sign
romantic notes ever since an
ancient Roman priest spent a
stretch in the local clink fan-
tasizing about the jailer's daugh-
The letters Valentine sent to
the only woman he could see
from his prison were the an-
cestors of contemporary hearts,
flowers, cards, gifts and heart-
studded men's briefs.
CLOSET romantics emerged
en masse yesterday to celebrate
Valentine's precedent, crowding
the city's flower, card and gift
Women, many appearing rath-
er embarrassed, left Wild's
Men's Shop with Valentine em-
blazoned pajamas, underwear
and bath kilts.
Salesman Bill Hoffman reports
that at least 50tpairs of Valen-
tine boxer shorts were sold in
gift sets which include a wind-
up vibrating heart that reads,
"My Heart Beats for You." The
underwear declares: "I want
the lion's share of your love."
See LOCAL, Page 2

Rebel coup
in Nigeria

One of Ann Arbor's Valentine buyers window-shops while deciding what to send a special .friend.
Local merchants report brisk sales of gifts, flowers and heart-printed boxer shorts.

Voters to face three city issues

By AP and Reuter
LAGOS, Nigeria - Nige-
ria's seven-month-old mili-
tary government headed by
Gen. Murtala Muhammed
crushed an attempted coup
yesterday by self-proclaim-
ed "young revolutionaries,"
Lagos radio announced.
There were early reports
that Muhammed and sev-
eral other p e r s o n s were
killed, but radio broadcasts
made after loyal troops had
recaptured the state radio
from the rebels m a d e no
mention of any deaths.
A LATE communique broad-
cast by the government said the
situation had returned to nor-
mal inLagos, the Nigerian cap-
ital, but the airport remained
closed. It called on Nigerians to
remain calm.
The announcement said a cur-
few remained in force in the
interests of national security.
The ruling National Supreme
Military Council was meeting
and f u r t h e r announcements
could' be expected, it said.
Military rebels seized the La-
gos radio station this morning
claiming to have replaced the
government and promised to
stamp out all opposition ruth-
THEY WERE led by Lt. Col.
Dimka, once head of the army's
physical training p r o g r a m.
Dimka's broadcast said the gov-
ernment had been dissolved,
travel was forbiddenand a 6
p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew would
be enforced.
The rebel announcement gave
no reason for the attempted
coup, but said all of the -19
military governors in the coun-
try would be dismissed.
Sources quoting eyewitness
accounts said the head of state,
General Muhammed, was shot
and killed by the rebels as he
drove the half mile from his
home to his headquarters in
Dodan barracks.

THEY SAID a man in civilian
clothes approached the Gen-
eral's black Mercedes as it was
halted in a traffic jam and
pumped a whole magazine of
bullets into it.
The gunman then returned to
his own car, fitted a new maga-
zine, walked backed to the Mer-
cedes and once more sprayed
it with bullets.
The revolt Game on the heels
of a major anticorruption cam-
paign by Muhammed and a
sharp move to the left in foreign
of SLA
tricia Hearst, weeping and
straining for breath, .recalled
for jurors yesterday the night-
mare scenes of her captivity -
a tale of violent abduction, tor-
ture and fear that her terror-
ist kidnapers intended to bury
her alive.
Testifying in her own de-
fense at her bank robbery trial,
the pale and slender defendant
told for the first time in pub-
lic how she was blindfolded,
dragged from her apartment
and knocked unconscious, then
dumped into the trunk of a car
as she heard gunshots and
screams behind her.
HEARST SPENT nearly two
hours on the witness stand af-
ter the prosecution rested its
case against her.
See PATTY, Page 2

City voters will ponder three ballot proposals when they visit
the polls on April 5, including an amendment that would repeal
the controversial preferential voting system in mayoral elections.
City Council placed a second proposal on the ballot, asking
whether the city should keep its system of door-to-door registration.
The third ballot item proposes an annual tax of one mill earmarked
for street repairs and maintenance.
THE PROPOSAL to eliminate preferential voting was placed
on the ballot by a petition raised by local Republicans.
Preferential voting allows each voter to choose more than one
candidate for an office, in order of preference. If no candidate
receives a majority of the first preference votes, the one with
the fewest votes is elimiinated. The secondary choices of voters for
that candidate are then apportioned among the remaining candi-
Republicans claim that the system is unconstitutional because
it doesn't conform with the American ideal of "one man, one vote."
"WHEN ONE PERSON gets his vote counted twice and I don't,

it isn't a legitimate election," said Councilman Roger Bertoia
(R-Third Ward).
Preferential voting debuted here during last year's mayoral
election. Incumbent Republican mayor Jim Stephenson, who led
the balloting after the first preference votes were counted, lost
to Democrat Albert Wheeler after the second preference votes were
"Jim Stephenson won that mayoral election by a greater mar-
gin than anyone else ever has," commented Bertoia.
ACCORDING TO Councilwoman Carol Jones (D-Second Ward),
Republicans often capture the mayoral seat in municipal elections
although most city voters choose a Democrat ticket in national
and state elections.
"This is because the Democrats here have an HRP (Human
Rights Party) option," she explaiined. The non-Republican vote
is split by Democrats and HRP, allowing the Republican candidate
to win with less than half the votes.
But with preferential voting, if one liberal candidate is elim-
inated after the first preference votes are counted, all the
See VOTERS, Page 7

Court rulings favor Tenants
Union in Sunrise rent strike

Eight separate default judgments were
granted to the Ann Arbor Tenants Union
(AATU) against Sunrise Management Co. yes-
terday in 15th District Court.
AATU Steering Committee Member Robert
Miller claimed Sunrise failed to reply in time
to counterclaims filed by striking tenants in
the current Sunrise rent strike.
UNION ORGANIZER Steve Downes termed
the judgments a "moral uplift" for TU, but

GERARD MATUSZAK, attorney for Sunrise,
dismissed the judgments, however, as incon-
"It's a very technical, perfunctory and min-
or thing," said Matuszak. He added, however,
that the judgment "has nothing to do" with
Dewey Black, Sunrise's owner.
Matuszak expressed annoyance toward Don
Koster, a TU counsel, for initiating the default
"HE'S TELLING ME I didn't answer within
fifteen days with the counterclaim," said Ma-

Feldkamp praises
this year's lottery
The drawing for reapplication to the dorms "went smoothly,"
University Housing Director John Feldkamp said yesterday. Hous-
ing staff members drew 4,378 names in the lottery for 3,259 spaces.
Last March's lottery contained an element of surprise for the
participants, but this year's earlier date and better-prepared staff
helped the second drawing run more efficiently, Feldkamp said.
HE ADVISED students who lost their reapplication bids:
"Don't panic, stay close to your building director." Many lottery
losers will not be positive of their final status until all fall con-
tracts are signed.
The number of students reapplying jumped 209 from last year's


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