DRINKING: 94c, 3Ridyigan .3il Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 A bubbly Ann Arbor New Year's... Thursday, February 12, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 4!I THE MILWAUIKEE JOU RNA~L Yld N..wspaper Syndic&14 'Frankly. Idon't see anything wrong with the watch,-'you 've got!' , By DAVID GARFINKEL ONE OF THE nicest things about living in Ann Arbor is being able to stay here when you're not going to school. Why else would there be hun- dreds of yong Ann Arborites just hnag- ing around, year 'round? I was here over Christmas break, tak- ing full advantage of those fringe bene- fits. But what I thought would be just another night on the town turned out to induce amnesia. I had an ethyl experi- ence SO POWERFUL that it has taken me a full month to remember enough of what happened to tell the story. It began like any New eYar's Eve: I had a string of party possibilities in mind, with a bottle of cheapo California champagne for the party I would end up at, at the stroke of midnight. My roommate Tom and his cousin Franck came back from a trip to Chi- cago, and we started the countdown in the afternoon, passing around a six-pack of Stroh's. Just after six we had din- ner, some hot chili and to accompany it, a liter of cooling red wine. I WAS OFF to a good start. Or was I? I should have remembered the old bar- tenders' maxim: "If you're going to drink, don't mix" It would have come in handy later on. The three of us began to route out our respective evenings, party-wise. This is very important, because contrary to pop- ular belief, Ann Arbor is no desert on New Year's Eve. In fact, people you may not have seen since your last CRISP pop up out of nowhere then. It is a time to party. So unless you plan it carefully, you may have to wait a whole year for the chance to see some of these people again. The first party we attended was given by neighbors who live upstairs from us. Linsey and Ellen are two women who waitress at a local restaurant that serves cocktails, and tey bring their bartending skills back home. They are nice, normal people, a point in their fa- vor but an Ann Arbor rarity. Perhaps their biggest conceivable variance with social norms is, say, playing a Linda Ronstadt record too loud, which they do quite often, in fact. LIKE THREE Musketeers we arrived. It was a friendly, pleasant party, with the people well-dressed, self-confident and sociable. The component stereo ooz- ed and undulated with Patti Smith as Ellen mixed me a Southern Comfort Manhattan - and I was content. A far cry from last New Year's, I mused in- wardly with a smile, recalling myself back then, stoned and terrified in Mar- rakesh. After an hour or two Tomn, Franck and I decided to move on to our next sched- uled party. We said goodbye to this cheerful crowd and headed in my car for the south side of campus, known to some as the "student ghetto." S.And By FRANK CREPEAU spitez Associated Press Writer laws,f MOSCOW - After nearly 60 ers, C years of Soviet power, drink and n still is the curse of the Soviet ing o. Union's working classes and the of str( Kremlin doesn't seem able to Ad do much about it . streets While many Western countries some also have serious problems with course alcohol, the issue is especially Restae touchy in the Soviet Union, Russia where the Communists proclaim glass they are creating a new - and Soviets sober - Soviet man. more Twenty years ago, Soviet au- try in thorities maintained that they had eliminated the basic causes WE for excess drinking: exploita- are to; tion, injustice and the "poverty laced of the toiling masses." Russia Yet drunkeness persists de- tionst Tom and Franck wanted to go to a house on Church Street, but my partying program and champagne led me to a house of some dear friends who call their abode "Chez Mouches," on Packard. . AFTER DROPPING MY fellow party- hoppers off, I sped down Packard and parked. Cheapo bubbly clasped behind my back, I knocked. Laura came to the door, and on see- ing me her eyes lit up like 100 watt bulbs. I was glad to see her, too. But when I produced the champagne her peepers changed to resemble mercury vapor lights, the kind used to illuminate ballparks. The partyers formed a motley crowd. And brave drinkers! Although the' in- hobitants of this house are bohemian by nature, three of them were at Times Square at that point in time, undoubted- ly just to be perverse. The fourth was working at a bar, and the fifth, head of household had just let me in. S0 THERE WAS Laura, Chuck who was to leave shortly, Captain Kath, already bombed and staring through a haze at me as she plucked an electric bass, Barb, Jay (seemingly a practicing existentialist), Dan, duly stoned and on his way out, and Carl, who hadn't arriv- ed yet, a debonaire croupier from a De- troit speakeasy. The crowd here had an arty flair about it; perhaps "gypsy-like" would be a better description. They were a little older, maybe a bit more sophisticated, and certainly a lot more stoned than the crowd before. I gunned down shots of tequila while Laura studied me with amused curiosity, nursing a Johnny Walker on the rocks. At 11:15 the party picked up a full head of steam. Captain Kath played notes on the elec- tric bass, and I tried to imitate them with the help of an Electro-Voice mike. The strange bird call of "Caw! Caw!" rang out from, another room. Jay beck- oned me to discuss the meaning of life. AT 11:30 SOMEONE turned on the T. C., leaving the sound off and replacing it with Goat's Head Soup. Laura brought out the champagne. My words were slur- red but my actions deft and quick as I offered and proceeded to uncork the first of two bottles. Joints were passed around and bubbles filled the air as we tried to find Marion, Krafty, Mark and Frank among the thousands of other specks on the T. V. representation of Times Square in New York. When the big ball dropped on the screen the second cork was popped, and as the wine flowed I rabidly kissed everyone present, except Jay, who as- sertively extended his hand. There was another party on Oakland which for some reason we all went to. Although I have since talked to ten of the people who were there, no one can really remember what happened and the only concensus has been that the crowd - - ~ ~1 \t Qn C1r Paul Tassie/Michigan Daily was diverse. t 1 Punish big business bribes TIDE TIME HAS COME for our gov- ernment to come down hard on large corporations which bribe for- eign officials to buy their way into new markets, In allowing the bribes, the govern- ment is only giving a shot in the arm to the bigger corporations. Small companies are not able to compete with the larger firms and as a result, the big companies may assume the role of monopolists. This could lead to higher prices and eventually, the consumer would bear the brunt of the increased cost. While President Ford has suggested that legislation be passed to curb these shady dealings, nothing has been done. Yesterday the President ordered a review of bribery and other alleged illegal activities by American firms abroad, but failed to elaborate on what action would be taken. As a result of the Lockheed Air- craft Corporation's admission to making millions of dollars worth of TODAY'S STAFF: NEWS: Rob Meachum, Jeff Ristine, Annemarie Schiavi, Karen Schul- kins, Bill Turque, Margaret Yao. EDITORIAL PAGE: Marc Basson, Steve Hersh, Jon Pansius, Tom Ste- vens. ARTS PAGE: Kevin Counihan, Jeff Sorensen. PHOTO TECHNICIAN: Pauline Lub- ens. bribes to government officials in Ja- pan ,the Netherlands, and other countries to obtain additional sales, the necessity of a commission to in- vestigate further illegal activities has become urgent.' SECRETARY OF STATE Henry Kissinger has requested that the names of Lockheed Corporation ex- ecutives involved in the scandal be kept secret. Such an action would serve to undermine the democratic p r o c e s s and encourage further abuses. Internal Revenue Agents should audit companies tax reports much more closely i nthe future to Insure against bribes to foreign govern- ments. Sports Staff BRIAN DEMING SportsEditor MARCIA MERKER Executive Editor LEBA HERTZ ..... Managing Editor JEFF SCHILLER Associate Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Al I rapsky, Jeff Liebster. Ray O'Hara, Michael Wilson NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Bonino, Tom Cameron, Tom Duranceau, Andy Glazer, Kathy Henne- ghan. Ed Lange, Rich Lerner, Scott Lewis, Bill Stieg ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Enid Goldman, Marcia Katz, John Niemeyer, Dave Wihak DESK ASSISTANTS: Paul Campbell. Marybeth Dillon, Larry Engle, AaronGerstman, Jerome Gilbert, Andy Lebet, Rick Maddock, Bob Miller, Joyce Moy, Patrick Rode, Arthur Wightman Stieg AND I WAS definitely druik on my ass, so drunk that I did not: know it. I headed straight fo rthe puuch, which was very strong but I couldn't feel it. I was thirsty and had another. People I knew kept drifting by, parts of my mind that had been asleep for y gars were rudely awakened, things start d spinning and got crazy. I did not black out but for an hour was involved in somel hing that's hard to remember. After a while I started to look for Laura and her crowd, but they had left to visit Cindy at the bar where she was stuck working. I stumbled o10t into the street, hiccoughing wildly, unable to' walk straight. I went back o Laura's house, shivering -hic!- and my head connected to my body at a 454legree an- gle. Nobody home. Oh, shit, I thought, and tried 'to sing. I was toci drunk to sing. Using the logic peculiar to the in- ebriated. I realized that if I couldn't sing, then I would have to drive home. ALONE, DRUNK AND wretched, I stopped by the party upstairs to finish off the night. Many people had left, but the party was still going. The lights were low. A group was singing John. Denver songs; I was so inspired by that not only could I sing, but I sang all three parts of the harmony during "Country Roads." All good things must end; and' thus did my New Years celebrations. Walking into my apartment with a big smile, I took off my coat. With a heave and a ho, too much variety in hard night's drink- ing went down the chute. I puked like a hero. David Garfinkel is a Daily staff writer. vodka guzzling iii the USSR - - -- ;: a series of antidrinking fulminations by top lead- ommunist party decrees newspaper articles point- ut the evil consequences ong drink. drive through Moscow in the evening can in areas become an obstacle of drunken pedestrians. urants are always fullof ans downing glass after of vodka and cognac. The is also probably produce home brew than any coun- the world. STERN BUSINESSMEN [d to beware of the vodka- meals offered by their in hostst. Foreign delega- have hazy memories of being entertained at parties where toasts to "peace and friendship" become too numer- ous to count. In a statement that could be widely applied in the Soviet Union, the newspaper Izvestia pointed to one town where the people drank vodka "to cele- brate every conceivable occa- sion - birthdays, Saturdays, Sundays, paydays, the arrival of relatives, vacations, purchas- es, sales, etc." The frequent press reports on misuse of alcohol show the prob- lem is too serious to ignore in the Soviet Union. But the Krem- lin won't divulge the true de- mensions of alcoholic consump- tion because it probably would reflect unfavorably on life in I Letters, to The Daily the Soviet Union. Since 19635 statistical books have dropped figures on alcohol production ind there is no breakdown offered on the amount of st &te revenue derived from the sale of vodka and oth- er spirits. IN A PUB2LISHED discussion on the alc'a hol problem, one journal conceded that "it is very difficult to determine the level of its alcohol consumption with any accuracy." The reporit had to cite 1927 statistics aeiad a "rough esti- mate" from. a 1960 study in a Moscow pr ovince where each resident drank 3.35 gallons of vodka and 2,74 gallons of home brew a yeaa;, for a total of 6.09 gallons. ONE REVORT SPOKE of a Lithuanian district where 1973 consumptio on the average was 7.53 gallons. of vodka per per- son a year:; no mention was made of honv much home brew was consumxied. According to consumer re- search statistics in the United States, American per capita consumptio ut of alcohol - such as whiskey', gin and vodka - was 2.90 gillons in 1974. Andrei SAkharov, a leading Soviet dissedent, wrote that per capita con I;umption of alcohol in the So'iet Union "is three times more than in Czarist Rus- sia." THE FIGIURES cannot be ver- ified, but some Western evperts believe thO Soviet Union ranks first in the world in consumption of alcohol per person over 15 years of a ge. Some other West- erners havge calculated that the annual liq' or bill for Soviet citi- zens exceedls the announced de- fense budgt, announced as 17.4 billion rubls - $23.4 billion at the official! rate of exchange. To combat drunkeness, Soviet dents, juvenile delinquency, di- vorce and even drownings can be attributed to alcohol. While no firm statistics are available, some authorities maintain a complete sobering up for the Soviet Union would increase la- bor productivity by 10 per cent. TO WEAN the people from vodka, there is talk of banning its sale, "raising the cultural level of the people," better propaganda and recreation fa- ciiisand even trying to in- terest workers in "collective gardening." But as the journal "The Eco- nomics and Organization of In- 'The Soviet U n i o n ranks first in the world in consumption of alcohol. Some Wes- terners have calculat- ed that the annual liq- uor bill for Soviet cit- izens exceeds the an- nounced defense bud- get -- $23.4 billion at the official rate of ex- change.' rip-off dustrial Production" concluded, "Although considerable energy is being expended on the strug- gle against alcoholism, its ef- fectiveness is extremely low." While Soviet leaders and press talk of drinking as "relic of the past" and "alien to our culture," there seems little real eamination of the causes of e- cessive drinking. Sakharov, in his book "My Country and the World," said rip-off To The Daily: AT THE OUTSET of last term, the Daily's editorial page expressed the hope that repre- sentational democracy and hon- esty would return to student govenment. Sadly, totalitarian- ism and theft continue to be the order of the day. I am, of course, referring to the insolent refusal of Student Government Council (a.k.a. Michigan Student Assembly) to abide by the will of the student body and change over to a vol- untary funding system. Last term, the students on this campus voted to support student government by voluntary con- tribution. Unfortunately, SGC (MSA) doesn't seem to care what the students onthis cam- pus vote for. My last billing statement from the University informed me that I must still pay 75 cents to SGC or be faced been the victim of a theft. So much for honesty. THE DAILY must also share the responsibility for this mas- sive rip-off, to the extent that the Daily has failed to use what influence it has to put an end to the charade. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. In the absence of a responsive student govern- ment, it is imperative that the student press take up the bur- den of freeing students from this latest yoke of oppression. It is important to mention that this letter is not "politically mo- tivated." I couldn't care less about the different warring fac- tions in student government. I do care about being taken ad- vantage of. Hopefully, some of the sense of outrage that I share with literally thousands of other stu- dents will rub off on the Daily, and something will be done to end this travesty. James Whiteman Class of 1978 Feb. 3, 1976 Contact your reps- Sen. Phillip Hart (Derr), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol lill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol ;ill, I7.l ...c." tnn nr )ni c LV--- MIMIMMONNEW WMEME .1 MEM ,I