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February 12, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-12

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Vol. LXXXVI, No. 114

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 12, 1976

10 Cents

Twelve Pages


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Join the :arts staff
If you have a flair for writing about the arts or
a particular interest in local cultural events, we
at The Daily cordially invite you to join our Arts
and Entertainment Page staff. We have a need
for aspiring journalists who would like to tackle
record, movie, and concert reviews. For further
information, please attend a special meeting for
new staffers tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan Daily
offices on the Second Floor of the Student Publi-
cations Bldg. at 420 Maynard St. If you can't at-
tend the meeting, call 764-0552 and ask for Jeff
Happenn. s...
. . are about as diverse today as they're ever
likely to get. College Young Dems and Students for
O'Hara meet at 3 p.m. in the Kuenzel Rm. of the
Michigan Union . . . Canadian Barrister Peter
Grant talks about the border impact of Canada-
U.S. media at 3:10 in Aud. A, Angell Hall . .
the Advisory Committee for Recreational Intra-
mural and Club Sports meets in Waterman Gym,
Rm. 6, at 3:30 . . . Robert Clifford and Marty Hur-
witz read their poetry at Guild House, 802 Mon-
roe, at 7:30 . . . and the Japanese Music Study
Group offers "Three Japanese Music Traditions"
at 2 in Rackham Auditorium.
University of Nebraska Senior Bill Martin has
found a way to strike back-at least a little-at
tutition-gouging from his school. He paid his bill
this term with 4,145 dimes. "I thought I'd pay in
dimes because it hurts so much," Martin said.
"Maybe this will make it hurt a little less." Mar-
tin, however, added a note of contrition: "I was
sorry to do it to:these guys because they're not the
ones that are really responsible, but it was my
only outlet." With a little imagination, paying tui-
tion could become downright fun someday.
Spare change methodology
Panhandlers, take note: the most successful at-
titude for begging is a submissive, stoop-shoulder-
ed approach, according to a University of Wash-
ington project. The investigation also showed pan-
handling is most effective when beggars avoid
families and male-female pairs, when males ap-
proach a woman or a pair of women, or when
women use a submissive pose on men who are
eating. Seasonal influences may also determine
begging success, the report notes, since male pan-
handlers did better in the springtime than in the
The price of julstice



con fessions
Hearst trial

in Patti
By AP and Reuter
eral judge ruled yesterday
that damaging testimony
against Patricia Hearst could
be admitted into her armed
bank robbery trial, including
evidence of her later participa-
tion in a sporting goods store
shootout in Los Angeles.
Evidence the defense sought
to suppress were statements
Hearst made on tape and to
people she met during her time
as "Tania," the underground
convert of the Symbionese Lib-"

eration Army (SLA).
U. S. DISTRICT Court Judge
Oliver Carter ruled that
Hearst's admission of thebank
robbery were freely made, al-
though she had testified that
she spoke under threat of death
after brutal torment by her
SLA kidnapers.
The judge's decision allows
the prosecution to admit as evi-
dence its chief weapons againstt
the young heiress - her own
Hearst's parents, Randolph

Patterson urges life
in kidnapping trial,

and Catherine Hearst, appeared
stunned as thejudge announced
his ruling to a packed court-
room. Hearst looked question-
ingly at her attorney, F. Lee
Bailey, then popped a mint into
her mouth and sat back to
watch her jury return.
Judge Carter in his ruling
said: "By the preponderance of
the evidence the government
has established that the state-
ments made by the defendant
after the happening of the bank
robbery, whether by tape re-
cording or oral communication
or in writing, were made volun-
CARTER GAVE the brief an-
nouncement of his decision af-
ter hearing two days of testi-
mony with the jury absent and
arguments by Bailey and prose-
cutor James Browning.
His decision appeared to in-
sure that the 21-year-old de-
fendant eventually will return
to the witnessrstand and tell
her story of horror and degra-
dation at the hands of the ter-
rorist SLA.
Bailey, who called only one
expert witness, a psychologist,
See JUDGE, Page 8

:~} ' t
Doily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER
DAVE HELLER of Counter Measure Security Systems demonstrates sophisticated equip-
ment used i the security business,
runs proft e bsiness
By MICHAEL YELLIN Patrick, freely admitting- that "we deal in a
dirty business," credited the success of his
When David Cahill-investigating activities business to television programs, the wide pub-;
of the Ann Arbor police-feared that his phone licity of the Watergate scandal and disclosures
was being tapped, he became so rattled that of illegal snooping by the FBI and CIA.
he called in the high-priced services of a local There are only five other reputable de-bug-
Sde-bugging outfit. ging businesses in the U.S., according to Hel-
Counter Measure Security Systems (CMSS), ler. Of the firms in the business, CMSS claims
a small firm, uncovers bugs, wiretaps and to charge the lowest prices for their work.
other electronic surveillance equipment. "SWEEPS"-thorough checks for any elec-
HEAD OF CMSS Dan Patrick ahd his part- tronic devices-will cost the client a minimum
ner, electronics expert Dave Heller, both of of $300. For larger businesses, prices may run
whom have practiced private de-buggirg work, as high as $600 per day.
last year got together and went public be- During a "sweep," the de-buggers pok
cause of the increasing demand for their un- around bookcases, air ducts, and baseboards,
usual services. See BUGGED?, Page 9
Nes a per:publishesseliretai:ihatratsanal anssue}
Congressional stUdyon CIa
de-bggig otfit gig bsinesesin he US.,accrdin toHel

Defense attorney Curtis Run-
dell repeated yesterday his plea
for clemency for Darryl Wilson
and Clinton Williams, the two
local men who kidnapped Tim-
othy Stempel. Williams and Wil-
son pleaded guilty Tuesday
morning to the abduction of the
13-year-old son of a General
Motors executive.
Oakland County Prosecutor
Brooks Patterson has declared
his intention to press life sen-
tences for the pair.
BUT RUNDELL, who repre-
sents the 19-year-old Wilson,
says that life sentences would
be both cruel and useless.
"Punishment is supposed to
be based on three things," Run-
dell said. "It's supposed 'to pro-
tect society from the criminal,
it's supposed to rehabilitate the
offender, and it's supposed to
act as a deterrent to others who
might be tempted to follow in
his footsteps."
But as far as Rundell is con-
cerned, a life sentence would be
excessive on all three counts.
"THESE WERE a pair of
basically good kids who did a
very bad thing," he claimed.
"If sending them to prison is
g o i n g to rehabilitate them,
there's something wrong."
The attorney said, that his
client had been out of work for
14 months and was "on the edge
of desperation" at the time of
the kidnaping. "Society doesn't
need to be protected from him.
He did a stupid thing, and he's
sorry for it; I don't think there's
any chance at all of his doing it
Wilson had told the judge at
his trial, "I am indeed sorry
for what I have done. I'm not
asking for sympathy, but I am
sorry." He had earlier asked a
detective to apologize for him
to the Stempel family.

"AND AS far as deterrence
goes," Rundell continued, "you
don't deter someone from com-
mitting a crime by showing
them that he's going to get a
life sentence. What you're actu-
ally telling him is, 'You might
as well kill your victim or cut
See CLEMENCY, Page 9

Angry crowd calls
for murder trial
Chanting "We want the mayor now!" a throng of
over 200 angry people gathered at city hall last night
demanding that the two officers involved in Sunday's
fatal shooting of a black youth allegedly robbing a party
store be suspended and tried for murder.
The crowd voiced its objections to "differential law
enforcement" at a special session of city council called
to consider what appears to be a racially-oriented issue.
"FEELINGS ARE boiling like volcanoes ready to erupt,"
declared one speaker..
The controversial incident occurred Sunday night when a white
officer and his black partner
shot two black youths in the
back as they were fleeing from
a party store. One man, 18-
year-old Larry Edwards, was
killed, while his companion,w19-
year-old Richard Bullock, was
injured in the buttocks.
According to Councilwoman
Carol Jones (D-Second Ward),
Edwatds was shot in the head
by the black officer, Tom
Jf yPressley, who was wielding a
.357 magnum service revolver.

Forty-four federal judges, including Patty
Hearst's Judge Oliver Carter, are suing the United
States for more pay. Basing their legal position
on a constitutional requirement that salaries for
lifetime-appointed judges "shall not be diminish-
ed," the jurists say inflation has taken its toll on
their pay's purchasing power. The judges earn
around $40,000 per year, but say that hard eco-
nomic times have reduced their real salary by
about 34 per cent since 1969. In fact, one plaintiff
from Cleveland claims "judges could be out work-
ing as lawyers making two or three times their
judicial salaries." The suit, incidentally, was filed
with the U. S. Court of Claims-whose judges
would, of course, benefit from a favorable de-
No golden anniversary
The townsfolk of Coloma, Calif. have cancelled
next year's annual celebration of the discovery of
gold in their state because the event has been get-
ting too darn rowdy. "It's gotten out of hand in so
many ways," laments Gus Till, superintendent of
the Marshall Gold. Discovery State Historical Park
in the Sierra foothills. Last month's celebration
brought over 40,000 persons and, according to Till,
"we had nothing but problems-drinking, dope
and rowdyism. It was not a place you could bring
your kids and feel safe." Some people knocked
down fence rails and used them for bonfires, he
said, and women took over all the restrooms,
kicking out the men. We don't know if the Colo-
mans have ever seen a University dorm, but if
they had, they'd probably close it down, too.
On the inside...
The Editorial Page offers stories on drink-
ing - in Ann Arbor -and the Soviet Union . . . Arts
Page gives Bette Midler's new album a good go-
ing-over . . . and Sports features the latest Olym-
pic coverage.

HE WAS struck in the back
by the white officer, George
Anderson, firing from a shot-
.gun, according to Jones.
The crowd, however, accused
Anderson of firing both the
See ANGRY, Page 9

By AP and Reuter
NEW YORK - The Congres-
sional committee that investi-
gated abuses by the Central In-
telligence Agency (CIA) has
reason to believe that Soviet
intervention in Angola was
largely a reaction to U.S.-inter-
ference in the former Portu-
guese colony, according to a
weekly newspaper here.
The Village Voice yesterday
published what it said was

the entire report of the House
of . Representatives Intelligence
Committee investigating the
CIA. The report is still secret,
although parts of it have been
leaked to the press.
ACCORDING to the text pub-
lished in The Voice, the CIA
told the committee that since
January, 1975, it had spent more
than $31 million on military
hardware, transportation costs

and cash payments to the two
pro-Western factions in Angola.
But the report said the Com-
mittee had reason 'to believe
that the actual U.S.. investment
was much higher.
"Information supplied to the
Committee also suggests that
military intervention of the So-
viet Union and Cuba is in large
part a reaction to U.S. efforts
to break a political stalemate in
See CIA, Page 2





Tension-filled dorm drawing
yields ecstasy and despair

An air of tension hung over the Markley
dining hall.
Knots of people played cards, trying to
hide their apprehension in eager conversa-
tions as numbers and names rolled off the
lips of a bearded staff member-the second
annual dorm "drawing" was underway.
"TERRY- I can't read the last name,"
the announcer called out, and spelled it.
Frantic cheers broke out from a group of
women surrounding the fortunate winner.
"Yeah, Terry!"
From the other side of the room, where
contestants for the male spaces in the dorm
were congregated, loud roars of approval
and frequent cries of "Oh, shit" from
rivals erupted as a second announcer call-
ed out their numbers.
TOWARD THE middle of the drawing
an ecstatic woman rushed across the floor,
screaming incoherently and clenching her
fist high in the air.
"This is boring," fretted a so-far unsuc-
nn c ). . l .n - n onrin m- "A h ,_

yelled the delighted young man who had
pulled through with 297.
"I feel relieved," said freshwoman Jody
Greenstone, adding that if she had not
been accepted she would have "cried, I
OTHER RESIDENTS of Markley were
not so happy.
"My biggest concern is what I'm going to
do," said freshman Doug Goldstein, who
got number 304.
He added that although he had a good
chance of getting in if winners dropped out
of the race; he had not yet decided whether
or not to stay after all. As people above
the cut-off point drop out, losers will be
accepted according to ascending lottery
"I THINK you should be allowed to stay
two years in the dorm," winner Mary Doyle
Meanwhile, a block away in Mosher-Jor-
dan, Vince Bryson was drawing women's
names. Freshwoman Julia Pitkin was pick-
ed first,

to stay in will be kicked out."
Mosher resident Jim Stewart viewed the
lottery differently. Although he felt it was
fair, he noted "It doesn't really determine
who wants to be in the dorm. People put
their names in for the hell of it."
THE DRAWING at Mosher began prompt-
ly. None of the speeches and fanfare from
last year's lottery were evident, but the
tension was still there.
Some people were allegedly stoned,.
Less than 60 per cent of the men who
wished to reapply to Mosher were part of
the 123 quota. More than 75 per cent of the
women made the cut-off point: 83.
Throughout the system, varying percent-
ages of people will be allowed to return to
their dorms. At Baits II, fewer people
wished to reapply than the quota, so all
will be allowed to return.
AT SOUTH Quad, Ken Rahn drew the
first slip of paper from the waste basket
containing women's names.
"The number 1 female is Susan Miller,"
he intoned. She smiled and walked out.

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