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February 11, 1976 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-11

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rts & Enterta inm ent Wednesday, February 11, 1976 Page Five


Bob White sings to packed house, -BRIDGE:



B (1B WHITE wrote a song
called "I Like to be Alone,"
but it's hard to believe he is
really a loner at heart. On the
cont'ary, he's an extremely gen-
ial, 'conversational person, who
seenied to have at least a few
words to say to just about ev-
eryotce in the audience at she
Ark, where he apeared w i t h
Paul Geremia last weekend.
It'so not surprising that Bob
is so at home in the Ark. Not
only has be been playing there
longer;, than anyone else, but
much of what makes the Ark
what it is today is due to his
origirnal suggestions, all of
which, he says proudly, have
been followed.
Bob was living in Ann Arbor
when ;the Ark first opened its
doors hack in 1964. At that time
the CInterbury House was Ann
Arbor'* most prominent f 1 k
club, fkbaturing such big names
as Doci Watson; while the Ark
catered primarily to local tal-
ent. In fact, one of the immed-
iate pioblems confronting the
Ark in its infancy - at the
height of the great folk music
revival - was in deciding which
kind of music it would feature.
Faced. with the choice of turn-
ing into! a slick club, featuring
equally .slick young folkies on
the mal"tV,, or a haven for au-
thentic, traditional folk music
of a hig h caliber, Bob Wu;te
advocated the latter, a decision
which i as placed the Ark is
virtually W a class by itself.
AS A RESULT of this decis-
ion, the Ark's distinctive trade-
marks "- Wednesday night
hoots, Miee refreshments a n d
living rfom set-up (all Bob
White sggestions) came iito
being. Even the choice of David
and Lindte Siglin as the Ark's'
managers was Bob's idea, when
he himself was unable to fill the
vacancy lbeft by the Ark's first
In term: of his musical offer-
ings, Bob provides his listeners
with sensiitive and personal in-
terpretatiohs of traditional folk-
songs and !Ballads. There's noth-
ing flashy or complicated about
his style, Ibut his performances
have a lom key, sincere qual-
ity which need no extra em-
bellismen. Significantly, he's
been rehired at every place he's
played proessionally - the best
proof of his staying power.
The sam* genuine feeling car-
ries over atmo his personal life
as well. Bob's recent appearanc-
es at the Ark mark the end of a
three year ihiatus from perform-
The sophtication of t h e
Warner Brothers cartoon studio
between th i years 1937-1957,
when such artists as Chuck
Jones, Friz Freleng, and Tex
Avery wrote and produced the
Looney Tunp and Merrie Mel-
odies series, is legendary.
The humor' in these films is
as much intended for adults as
children, the zany slapstick ac-
cessible to anyone. In those
days, cartooitis were made for
general theatrical release, and
had to be of high quality. These
films are still unequaled in car-
toon art.
And a whope festival of them
will be showilog at the Matrix,
Sat., February' 14, at 1:00, 2:30,
and 4:00 p.m.

ing. Finding himself hassled and'
disgusted by the - trappings of
the music world, the past three
years have been spent in search
of a simpler, more expressive
life style. This has involved a
switchover from the hectic,
fast-paced scene in Boston to the
quieter, more rugged existence
to be found in places sucn as
Spokane, Washington, w h e r e
Bob now makes his home.
mental, survival-oriented life-
style is in keeping with Bob's
search for some sort of perm-

or sing Guthrie songs anymore.
He attributes this to the ap-
parent feeling that singing Gu-
thrie songs isn't a cool thing to
do - and there was rothing
at all cool about Woody him-
self, who sang in a flat, nasal
voice and accompanied himself
with a plain, no-frills guitar
style. Yet Bob manages to
make the songs come alive,
without their sounding mawk-
ish or sentimental. He doesn't
try to ape Guthrie's singing
style, but the original intent
comes through.


ance. Throughout his long ca- AT A RECENT benefit at the
reer, he has never been hanpy Ark for Sing-Out magazine, Tom
leading the uprooted life of a Paxton suggested to Bob that
musician, but has always pre- he was ripe for a record, a feel-
ferred to live in one place for a ing echoed by many. He's shun-
span of time, not only tj give ned making a record for the
him a sense of place, but so same reasons that led to his re-
his music can reflect a know- treat from music in general-
ledge and sensitivity to his sur- too much hype and commercial
roundings. orientation. However, in recent
If Bob does have a specialty, years, small independent r ecord
it's Woody Guthrie songs. Guth- companies (other set uo by the
rie first came into his life at (performers themselves) have
the age of 19 or 20, a pe: iod been appearing throughout the
when Bob was at the crossroads country, designed to be more
in terms of deciding whether or sensitive to musician's needs.
not to embark on a musical Bob is negotiating plans to
career. Since that time he's be- cut an album with a small up-
come an expert of sorts on state New York campony, ard
Woody and has been asked to it is my hope that thes plans
do tributes and benefits for the become concrete, as a recording
Guthrie Memorial Fund. would enhance rather tnan di-
Bob claims that very few per- minish his musical accomplish-
formers either really knew about ments.

4 K 9
V A K 5 4
.4e8 5 2
West East
4 Q1083 A none
YJ 9 8 YQ1073
f5 4 + QJ962
4QJ109 47643
A A J 7 6 5 4 2
* A 10
.. A K
South West North East!
1 Spade Pass 2 NT Pass
6 Spades All Pass
Opening lead: Q of clubs
West led the queen of clubs,
and South could see no losers in
the side suits. So declarer tack-
led trumps. A spade to the king
revealed the bad break and the
fact that West had two sure
trump tricks to beat the con-!
tract .a trick.
Declarer should have been on
guard for a 4-0 trump breaK. le
can afford to lose one trump so!
long as he does not los2 two.
South should have led a small
trump from his hand, incend-
ing to finesse the nine if West
follows low. This will guard!
against any 4-0 break, bause
if West shows out, the king will
be put up and the finesse taken
the other direction. And if the
nine loses, as expected, then
the king and ace can always
pick up the outstanding trumps.

finesses were off.
South could have guaranteed
his contract if he had resisted
little thought can the urge to take a finesse. After
re even puling trumps, he should -ash
cIoo med contract the ace of hearts and play the,
jack. West can win, but noth-
ing can prevent declarer from
FRIEDLANDER pitching his losing diamond on
the queen of hetarts.
Sometimes declarer will 1 o s e North
one trick instead of none, but 4 K J 9 8
he will always make the slam. V Q 8 4
Northf A K 7 3
North 4105
4 A 5 West East
V Q 8 3 2 4Q64 45
f A Q 7 5 V J1093 Y A K 6 2
4J98 f85 +Q942
West East .4 Q J 7 2 49863
4 9 4 8 6 4 South
V K 9 7 6 4 r 105 4A10732
+ J 108 * K 9 6 2 - 7 5
4KQ104 . A 7 6 3 f*J 106
South 4 A K 4
4 K Q J 10 7 3 2 South West North Fast
V A J 1 Spade Pass 3 Spades Pass
f 4 3 4 Spades All Pass
4 5 2 Opening lead: J of hearts
South West North East Declarer ruffed the third heart
1 Spade Pass 2 NT Pass and made the percentage p.ay
4 Spades All Pass of cashing the ace and the king
Opening lead: K of clubs of spades. When the quee-i fail-
In bridge the safety of the con- ed to drop, South hid to tely
tract is of paramount import- on the diamond finesse, but the
ance. A thirty-point overtrick is unfortunate position of the queen
insignificant when compared to: See BRIDGE, Page 8
the bonus for winning a rubber. -
A minute or two of reflection
could have saved the declarers
of these three hands hundreds
of points.
When this hand was first play-
ed, declarer ruffed the third h, P
club and pulled trumps. HeT:20-3:15-
took the diamond finesse, which T5:10-7 -10-9:10
lost, and won the diamond re- open at 1:00
turn on the board. Next came All seats $1.00 till 5:00
the heart finesse, but the un-
lucky placement of the hearti An unspeakable
king doomed the contract.hBad
luck, declarer complained, both crime anon

Bob White

Campus Flicks





Dog': Dismal

officers and ladies:

by James Valk

Banjo, Guitar

WITH ALL the trends that have swept the motion-picture
industry, it is strange to note that the field of science fic-
tion has been consistently ignored. Few intelligent endeavors
have been made, ever fewer have succeeded.
In the past few years, only Kubrick's 2001 and Lucas' THX-
1138 come to mind as major contributions to cinema art. Yet
science fiction has always been a factional cult, harboring devo-
tees who assemble at such outings as the World Science Fiction
Convention, following the winers of the Hugos as avidly as other
people follow the Oscars.
But when the followers number thousands rather than the
millions that movie studios count on, it's no wonder that the

ITS' DISTURBING resemblance to Peter Fonda's ill-fated"
Idaho Transfer indicates the emergence of a type that might
be called "science fiction on a shoestring" - the first half is
filmed in some barren desert (symbolic of man's destroyed en-
vironment), while the finale moves underground to the new stalk-
ing grounds of civilization.
Logistically, science fiction is expensive. While its aesthetic
scope is nearly boundless, transformation from word, to image
requires considerable effort - contemporary sets are no longer
acceptable, the world must somehow be altered to conform to the'
visual futurism of sci-fi.

". . - finesse, uncompromisinq honesty,
and great excitement."-Alan Lomax
".:. . one of the leadinq revivalist
singers to emerqe from the American folk
word."-New York Times
' >. "Dynamite performer.."-Rosalie Sorrels
j. ."Don't miss her."-Tom Paxton
1421 HILL 8:30 P.M. 761-1451

medium hasn't opened itself more generously. So why doesn't this film work? Perhaps because the film
is a too-direct adaptation of literature, with little alignment made
NOW THE bizarre duo of Harlan Ellison and Alvy Moore for the necessities of film. Ellison thought that it was the only
has surfaced. These two are the primary movers and shakers 'true' version of his tale; film critics found it junk.
behind A Boy and His Dog, a film based on Ellison's short The film, then, is no better nor worse that the story; and it
novel of the same name.,h im hn sn etrnrwreta h tr;adi
nEllionhseenahg. etnsinmay appear dooming to suggest the film never have been made,
Elhison has been a high priest in science fiction circles since but Ellison is right. It is faithful to the original, which ought
the mid-sixties, receiving vrtually every major award in the never tohave been made a film.
field. The film's producer, Alvy Moore (widely known as Hank ___-_
Kimball on Green Acres,) appears to have no grounding in the
genre. His talents lie in getting a project to the screen, with!
little filmmaking judgement to mar the proceedings. - *. * * *
The film itself, another low-budget crack at forecasting man's
fate in the near future, falls considerably short of successful
cinema, ultimately resorting to old cliches and "kinky" endings TONIGHT-
to lurecrowds.--Wednesday, Feb. 11



A Riddle:

We want COUNSELORS and
SPECIALISTS to work with
emotionally disturbed children
in a residential summer camp
Contact ANN COOPER at 763-
3117 for more information and
an appointment.
Interviews will be held Feb. 20

(John Boorman, 1974) AUD. A-7 only
2293 A.D. and the world is desolate except for Vortex, a
Utopian commune ruled by the eternals who have every
thing except the right to die. Into their paradise comes a
kind of reverse messiah with the gift of death. A complex
futuristic allegory. "One of the most imaginative, tech-
nically ingenious and provocative films I've seen in some
time."-Time. Sean Connery, Charlotte Romplinq.
(Billy Wilder, 1970) AUD. A-9:15 only
From the director of SOME LIKE IT HOT, THE APART-
MENT, and IRMA LA DOUCE. A charming, witty, sophis-
ticated and underrated film about the case. that Holmes
bungled which comes to us via the secret memoirs of Dr.
Watson. The brilliant detectives fondness for the myster-
ious is rivalled only by his fondness for curing boredom
with cocaine. A neglected gem mounted with class and
style in Panavision and marvelous color photography.
$1.25 single show $2.00 double feature

2 6 of "PLAZA SUITE"
2 6 of "You Know I Can't Hear You
When The Water's Running"
7/6 of a Play"
A Lively Collecetion of four one-act comedies.
Feb. 19, 20, 21-8:15 p.m.
Feb. 22-330 p.m.
Reserved Seats $3.00/2.50 Hill Aud. Box Office
763-1107 A UAC/Ars Comedia Production
THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE will be touring Michigan prior
to openina night,









__.._ ._


Ann Arbor Civic


eclipse presents

The Night Thoreau
Spent in Jail
Jerome Lawrence

Exquisite heirt shaped
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Robert E.



11 -'AI



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