See Editorial Page
Sir gui
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 113
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 11, 1976
10 Cents
Eight Pages
China note
A headline in yesterday's Daily may have led
readers to believe that University Profs. Michel
Oksenberg, Allen Whiting, and Albert Fuerwerker
view Teng Hsiao-ping to be the most likely suc-
cessor to Mao Tse-tung as Communist Party
Chairman. Oksenberg, however, emphasized yes-
terday that no one was trying to predict Mao's
successor, but merely mentioning his name as one
possibility, among others, in attempting to explain
why Hua Kuo-feng, and not Teng, became Pre-
. . . are the standard fare. There's a Latin-
American luncheon at the International Center in
the Union from 12-1, with Amaury de Souza speak-
ing on "Working Class and the State in Brazil"
... There's also a brown bag lunch at the Center
for Western European Studies, at 202 S. Thayer,
where Dennis Paz will lecture on "Politics and
Bureaucracy: Educational Policymaking in 19th
Century Britain" . . . A Library Value Seminar
on the third floor of the UGLI at 1:30 p.m. will
discuss "Problems of Minorities and Foreign Stu-
dents in U. S. Higher Education" . . . The Resi-
dential College lecture series presents Prof. Dennis
Baker on "Modern Methods of Weather Predic-
tion" at 7 p.m. in the Greene Lounge of East
Quad . . . The Marxist Forum and the Young
Workers Liberation League are presenting a tri-
bute to Paul Robeson, 7:30 p.m. at the Trotter
House, 1443 Washtenaw . . . The Spartacus Youth
League will be holding a class called "Out of
the Classrooms and into the Class Struggles," 68
Greene, East Quad, at 7:30 p.m.. . . and there will
be a meeting of the Sociology Undergraduates As-
sociation, 8 p.m. at the Union Station.
Bye, bye, Bentsen
Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D.-Tex) withdrew as a
national contender for the presidency yesterday,
saying he would confine any campaigning to his
home state. Bentsen, 55, was unable to gather
more than two per cent of the delegates in the
Mississippi caucuses on January 24. Last week in
Oklahom he finished third among four choices
with less than 12 per cent of the delegates. Cam-
paign sources have said Bentsen plans to run as
a favorite son candidate in his state "to give Tex-
as a bargaining chip" at the Democratic conven-
tion in New York next July.
The New York Times and CBS have denied
supporting the CIA's refusal to give the Senate
Intelligence Committee the names of U. S. jour-
nalists and news organizations who had worked
for the agency in the past. Yesterday's Washing-
ton Post reported that newly appointed CIA Direc-
tor George Bush had "found support" for the agen-
cy's position after a meeting with executives of
The Times and CBS last week. Arthur Sulzberger,
publisher of The Times, said yesterday that the
subject of disclosing such names to the Senate
committee never arose in the meeting with Bush.
Times managing editor A. M. Rosenthal said that
both he and the newspaper supported complete
disclosure of the names of any of its correspond-
ents who had worked or cooperated with the CIA.
Vocal Valentines
A quartet of women from Michigan State Uni-
versity's chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, a profes-
sional music sorority, are finding Valentine's Day
to be highly marketable. For a quarter, they'll
croon the sentiment and tune of your choice to
that special someone. Their most popular re-
quest is sung to the tune of "Five-Foot-Two" and
goes, in part, like this: "Eight-foot-three, bow-
legged knees, 0, you cutie, what you do to me,
so won't you be my valentine?" Their repertoire
includes 18 different selections. "You can't buy a
Valentine card for 25 cents anymore, and then
there's 13 cents postage," says Judy Evans, who
is plugging the project. Last year 500 vocal Valen-
tines were delivered by the sorority.
Billboard bard
There's a budding poet working for the Texas
Department of Highways and Public Transporta-
tion. The department has been posting rhyming
safety messages along construction sites. One
reads. "Your Car May be Sporty/But let's Hold it
to Forty." Another uses lingo from Citizen's Band
radio, now very much in vogue: "You've Been
Warned/So Don't Complain;/Old Smokey's Taking
Pictures/And He's in Your Lane." Engineers say
the signs have attracted so much attention that
some motorists are suggesting their own rhymes.
On the inside...
. . . Edit page offers Jeffrey Selbst and Mitch
Dunitz writing about their mad efforts to get an
interview with Bette Midler . . . on the Arts page
Joan Borus reviews Bob White at the Ark . - .
and Sports features Marcia Katz on the women's
basketball Rame.
arents ac
Parents of a black city youth shot by C i
police late Sunday evening after an al-
leged robbery attempt have accused the Edwards suf
officers of "murdering" their son, the back of the
"It was murder, that's what we feel" sustained a gui
said Viola Edwards during a gathering BULLOCK,
of friends and relatives at her Pear rently being he
Street home, last night. "It was senseless Charlene Ric
coldblooded murder." there were s
LARRY EDWARDS, 18, died early Monday should be rais
morning of gunshot wounds after he and a com- questioned why
panion were shat by police while fleeing the why Edwards
Pump and Pantry store on Broadway. Accord- merely tryingt
ing to police, they were called to the scene by using a "riotg
an employe who said there was a robbery in While Polic
progress. were no warni
Police said the officers fired their guns after officers were u:
chasing the youths and ordering them to stop. call the weapo
_MPLA ]i
Flem1g asked
to quit -new post
Leaders of the campus's largest unions Monday demanded
that University President Robben Fleming resign the chairman-
ship of a special committee to advise the Departments of Labor
and Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) on affirmative action
Fleming was appointed to the committee about two weeks ago
with several other university presidents and deans. The panel,
which will first meet on February 27, is to advise the two depart-
ments regarding federal guidelines for the recruitment and hiring
of minorities in the field of higher education.
THE STATEMENT calling for Fleming's resignation from the
committee was authorized by Joel Block, President of the Ameri-
e discrepancies in report
fered wounds in the shoulder and
e head, while Richard Bullock, 18,
unshot wound in the buttock.
LISTED in fair condition, is cur-
eld by police on a $75,000 bond.
hardson, Ms. Edwards' niece, said
everal crucial questions she felt
ed about the incident. Richardson
y there was no warning shot fired,
was shot twice if police were
to stop him, and why police were
e Chief Krasny admitted there
ng shots fired, he denied that the
sing a "riot gun" but preferred to
n a "shotgun" and said it was "a
12 gauge pumpgun. Krasney said the other of-
ficer used a .357 magnum service revolver.
"THEY SHOULD not be allowed to get away
with it," said Richardson. "They do it to a
black kid, they'll do it to a white kid too."
"I can't see when anyone is running why you
should just gun him down. You wouldn't do that
to an animal," said Rev. Albert Lightfoot, who
baptized Edwards and is a long time friend of
he family.
Both Richardson and Edwards raised doubts
as to whether there actually was a robbery at-
tempt and implied that police fabricated the in-
cident after intentionally shooting the youths.
EDWARDS cited loopholes in police reports as
See PARENTS, Page 2
I can't see when anyone is run-
ning why you should just gun him
down. You wouldn't do that to an
Rev. Albert Lightfoot, a
friend of Larry Edwards
torngl it
The University will hold its
second annual dorm lottery at
7:30 tonight to determine which
students will be allowed to re-
apply for 'U' housing spaces
next fall.
Slightly more than 40 per cent
of the dorm spaces have been
reserved for returning students.
The admissions office expects
that 4475 freshpersons, 100 fewer
than last year, will enroll next
September. Fletcher, Oxford,
Baits and the traditional resi-
dence halls will allow 3835 stu-
dents to reapply for the remain-
ing spaces,
THE LOTTERY, dubbed a
'drawing' by Housing officials,
makes 'categorical exceptions'
for groups such as students who
will not be 18 by September 1
and sophomore football players.
Those who qualify as cate-
gorical exceptions must parti-
See HOUSING, Page 8
can Federation of State, Coun-
ty, and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME) Local 1583; Bazel
Allen, co-chairman of the Fair
Practices Committee of the
Graduate Employes' Organiza-
tion (GEO); Gary Richwald,
former official of the House Of-
ficers Association (HOA), the
union which represents the Uni-
versity's medical interns and
"That Fleming would even
have the guts to accept the
chairmanship of the committee
without f i r s t rectifying the
abuses and injustices at Mich-
igan only points out how lightly
he intends to take his assign-
ment," they said.
"Fleming's own house is not
in order," said GEO Fair Prac-
tices Committee co-chairperson
Donna Gabaccia last night.
"He's scarcely the person to be
reviewing affirmative action in
higher education."
THE FAIR Practices Commit-
tee was established to review
the implementation of the GEO
contract provisions on affirma-
tive action and non-discrimina-
tion. The group was chiefly re-
snonsible for the complaint,
which was sent to HEW, the
Denartment of Labor, the con-
gressional Black Caucus, and
the House and Senate education
See FLEMING, Page 2
(MPLAovit OAUtaper
X"B} AP and Reutir
Svet - backed troops of
the Popular Movement for
the Liberation of Angola
(MPLA) last night appear-
ed to be on the threshhold
S~ of victory over rival na-
tionalist forces in the An-
golan civil war.
They were reported to
have seized the major ports
>># of Lobito and Benguela and
to be poised to capture the
strategic Benguela railway
in their thrust southwards.
reported that South African
troops had gulled back to the
OTT ECCKER arid scrubland of Southern An-
gola for a possible showdown
with the Cuban-led forces
smashing their way through
former strongholds of the West-
ern-supported Union for t h e
aotal Liberation of Angola
Meanwhile, the Organization
of African Unity has recogniz-
ed the Soviet-backed faction as
Kozol added the sole government of war-torn
ioards.''Angola, OAU chairman Idi
Amin said yesterday. The move
ator, author of handed Western-supported fac-
work Death at tions a diplomatic defeat on top
glasses and a of battlefield reverses.
with his some- Amin, president of Uganda,
announced at a cabinet meet-
ing yesterday in Kampala that
incing expres- his country had become the
cts, Kozol en- 26th of the OAU's 46 members
.e on what he to recognize the government
tation" of the formed by MPLA.
AMIN, in a broadcast by
on't work well Uganda radio that was monitor-
ed in Nairobi, said recognition
to raise our by a majority of OAU member
a one story states automatically settled the
question of which faction legi-
See MPLA, Page 2
Daily Photo by SC
Award-wivnning author tel
into U.S. educational syst
In the spring of 1965, ten days before the end of
the school year, Jonathan Kozol was fired from
his Boston teaching position for "curriculum de-
He had read a selection from black poet
Langston Hughes' work to a largely black class.
The school board was upset not because Hughes
was such a radical poet, but "because he is an
eighth-grade poet and I was teaching a fourth
grade class," Kozol told a Future Worlds audi-
ence at Hill Auditorium yesterday.
SLOUCHING on the podium and glancing at
notes on a legal pad, the Harvard-educated
Rhodes scholar reported that this "rather in-
glorious" start in his teaching career led him
to agree with Mark Twain that "In the begin-
ning, God created idiots."
"That was just for practice,"
dryly. "Then he created school b
The 39-year-old writer and educa
the National Book Award winningv
an Early Age, wore wire-rimmed
United Farm Workers pin along w
what scraggly black hair.
WITH GRAPPLING gestures, wi
sions, and a variety of vocal effe
tertained his audience as he spok
termed the "mandatory self-debili
American school system.
"The problem isn't that schools d
-it's that they do," he claimed.
"For twelve years we learned
hands to 'go downstairs,' even in
See AUTHOR, Page 8
VGreeks' encounter
renewed popularity.
Steadily rising apartment rents and the im-
pending dorm lotteries are proving a boon to
the campus's 50 sororities and fraternities, which
are experiencing their largest and most produc-
tive rush in recent years.
After nearly a decade of serious decline during
which several houses closed and many more
were seriously depleted, the Greeks are being
flooded with students-mostly freshpersons-who
are seeking an alternative to dorm and apartment
THE NEW INTEREST is most dramatic among
fraternities, where more than twice as many men
went through rush this term as last term. The
inrrne.,s ,vn ian,.ntr npr lnct r. C'ri mh nto
able for rush all year long.
WILLIAMS STRESSED that while fear of the
lottery may have prompted many students to in-
spect fraternities and sororities, they found more
that appealed to them once they got there.
"Despite the fact that they (Greek members)
weren't all rah-rah frat-rat types they had
trouble communicating that to people in the
dorms," she said.
"People are starting to realize that they really
do need each other. It really meets the needs of
some people who weren't quite ready to live on
their own."
SORORITY RUSH increased only seven per
cent, but just nine of the 15 houses participated
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