T4C mirnarit sn Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 , January 9, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Gandhipulls allstrings on subcontinent Friday, a A U.S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION STUDY FOUND THAT 23 MILLION ADULTS ARE FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE! t/rt f t f aA , a Jepbp aJ i Omaa .06 \ \ a 0 doe ub 60\ a 0 bP y WELL, THAT EXPLAINS IT! 64 ' / f By MICHAEL CHINOY NEW DELHI, Dec. 18 (PNS) - Quietly - with India's cen- sored press barely able to mark the event under the state of emergency declared last June- two peasant activists have been put to deathtfora politically motivated crime after four years of appeals. It was the first legal execution of political prisoners since Mahat- ma Gandhi's assassin was hanged in 1948. The two men, Kista Gowd, 45, and Jangam Bhoomiah, 48, were hanged Dec. 1 at the Hy- derabad district jail in And- hra Pradesh province in eastern India. They were convicted in 1971 of killing two landlords during a terrorist raid. The executions had been post- poned twice since the death sentences were confirmed in 1972, and their appeals for clem- ency had sparked a nationwide campaign on behalf of the two radicals. But under the strict press censorship now in effect, few people were aware that the men were about to be exe- cuted. Press people here are distressed that they knew noth- ing of the imoending execu- tions and were therefore unable to even attempt to get stories on the case past the censors. THE TWO MEN WERE members of the Maoist - orient- ed Naxalite movement. Named for the district in West Bengal -India's poorest and most pop- ulous state - where it originat- ed, the movement spread rap- idly in eastern India in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Frustrated by the failure of parliamentary democracy to al- leviate India's grinding poverty, the Naxalites advocated armed revolt by poor peasants - first against landowners and money lenders and eventually against the state. They carried out guerrilla raids to kill village landlords and distribute their wealth among poor villagers. At the height of their movement in 1970, the Naxalites had driven landlords from 300 villages in Ondhra Pradesh, where they claimed to have established ru- dimentary communist councils to replace old governing bodies. Althought occasional bursts of Naxalite activity are still re- ported, the movement has now been largely crushed after hundreds of Naxalites were kill- ed and thousands arrested. Am- nestv International reports that in West Bengal alone, nearly 20,000 Naxalites are in prison. BHOOMIAH AND GOWD were charged with being mem- bers of a Naxalite guerrilla squad that killed two landlords in Adilabad in Andhra Pradesh in early 1970. The two were ar- rested and sentenced to death the following year. The sen- tences were upheld by the State High Court in January 1972, but were twice postponed daring mercy appeals to the highest authorities in New Delhi. The two men were members of the Giripan tribe, one of the most mistreated and backward minorities in India. Both were long-time activists who had par- ticipated in the famous Telen- gana uprising in the late 1940s against the feudal ruler of Hy- derabad. Lawyers for the men argued that as revolutionaries, their acts could not be treated as or- dinary crimes but had to be judged within the context of the poverty and oppression which had inspired them. At the least, the lawyers said, this warranted reducing a death sentence to life imprisonment. PRIOR TO PRESS censor- ship, the argument had won support in the editorial col- umns of many of India's lead- ing dailies - including the Hin- dustan Times which described the Naxlites as "by and large motivated by a high degree of idealism though the means they adopt are repugnant to demo- cratic norms." Supporters of clemency for the two men noted that another Naxalite leader, a lawyer who was a member of the pro-Naxa- lite Communist Party of India (Marxist -,Leninist), had had his death sentence commuted after public protests. They also pointed out that all death sen- tences passed before August 15, 1972, had been commuted on that date to mark the 25th an- niversary of Indian indepen- dence. The two Naxalites pea- sants, however, were left off the list of those reprieved. Even the pro-Moscow Com- munist Party of India (CPI), perhaps the most vehement ide- "Since Prime Minis- ter Indira Gandhi de- clared tle state of emergency in June, strict press censorship has been in effect. Press People here are distressed that they knew nothing of last month's executions. .. r.......... ..... "ii'"Pv ::rw:. rrr ological opponent of the Mao- ists, joined the campaign to save the two men. Intervention by top leaders in November 1974 had stayed their execution after President Fakhruddin Ali Ah- med rejected an appeal for clemency. ANOTHER APPEAL WAS re- jected by the president in April 1975, despite the backing of 75 members of Parliament. Presi- dent Ahmed, who had pardon- ed the other Naxalite leader, re- portedly believed that unlike the lawyer two poor peasants could not have a political un- dersitanding of their acts. There- fore, he concluded, their attacks on landlords were ordinary criminal murders. This fall, 136 advocates of the Supreme Court - including sev- eral forn'ier chief justices and judges of high courts, chairmen of bar councils and a former solicitor-general of India-ap- pealed to the president to com- mute the sentences. They were again joined by the CPI, one of the strongest supporters of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi since she declared the state of emergency in June. But this time, there was no way of popularizing the appeal for clemency. Final pleas for mercy were turned down by President Ahmed. And at 4:30 a.m. on December 1, the two revolutionaries were hanged. EXPLAINS WHAT? a 00 S " \ i J G/ t " ._, O O d Op r% l" cp b pJ ; " 4 I . ° M O " "Oea°" oe \ G 0 s THE MYILWARUKEEL JJUi1 Field :Jewpaptr 3yadkate, I9il i Ford remains viable "Blue" chokers To The Daily: I AM A MICHIGAN alumnus (class of '71) and have watch- ed Wolverine football since 1967 with interest. From that time until the present one fact has shown itself to be true: Michi- gan has demonstrated that it cannot win the big ones. In recent years Ohio State also has played along the same lines. The reason is more than ob- vious. Against teams of equal quality neither team, since they have coached under the same Letteris philosophy, is able to mount a balanced offensive attack. Nei- ther Michigan nor Ohio State can pass. Our offense is' too predictable. In the important games it amounts to run two pass three. It is my feeling that a change in coaching along the California style lines is in order. Unless we switch to a balanced run- ning and passing attack, we may come out ahead on the win/loss record, but WE WILL NEVER WIN THE BTG ONES. Randall Mackie Galveston, Texas January 1 By JIM TOBIN SHE STORM IS BREWING in wintry New Hampshire. Ronald Reagan and the legions of dreaming Democrats are putting on their smiles, pumping up bal- loons, and shaking hands in preparation for the first of thirty long primary bat- tles. But when the dust settles and the thunder abates, Gerald Ford will walk up the steps of the Capitol a year from this month and outline four more years of Republican policy, earned on his own right. The press has found it fashionable in recent weeks to drop dark hints about the impending doom of the Ford candi- dacy, to allude to the fate of Herbert Hoover, the last incumbent to be defeat- ed, to nod significantly at Reagan's surg- ing candidacy. But despite his stumbling in Vail and Washington, his faltering campaign ef- forts under the direction of the foot-in- mouth Bo Callaway, and his debilitating battle with Congress, Ford is gradually building a record to which he will point in August and again in November which no rival will be able to challenge. RICHARD NIXON, yanked from the stage a year and a half ago, left his stand-in blinking into the searing lights of national politics, a little awe-struck and per- haps a little inebriated with the elixir of presidential decorum and power. Shucks, he'd made it to Minority Leader in the House, but nobody out in Grand Rapids ever thought of Jerry in the Oval Office. But it appeared he knew his limits bet- ter than everyone thought. A man with- out the vision of John Kennedy, without the towering personality of Lyndon John- son, without the shrewdness of Richard Nixon, he hoped that his presidency would be "a problem-solving administration," one which would wade into the national chal- lenge with Republican doctrine and belt the problems one at a time. Such a plan he has maintained for better or worse, boring much of the troubled electorate and many influential Republicans. IN STEPPED RONALD REAGAN, cow- boy extraordinaire, to take a pot shot or two from the adge of the fray. The former governor enjoyed for many months the sancrosanct position of being an undeclared candidate who could escape the wrath of the media by playing at critic rather than performer. Like Nixon, who in 1966 caught a few Republican eyes'with his newspaper column "Loyal Opposition," Reagan wrote for syndication and spoke on the radio, blasting the bureaucracy and stirring the public with visions of decentralization. But now that he is a candidate Reagan has stepped into the rigors of national scrutiny, and it is rapidly becoming clear 1o hit/ SGC tr oubles gan is already looking vulnerable in New Hampshire, where voters are raising their eyebrows as for the first time they seri- ously consider his potentially expensive plans for greater state financing. FURTHERMORE, REAGAN'S magic is on the stump, where his standard speech ignites conservative instincts into fiery par- tisanship. But newly-escalated television ex- posure may reveal the shallowness of much of Reagan's philosophy, paving the way for incumbent Gerald Ford to show off his "problem-solving.". On the major issues of the day, it is likely that by the convention in August Ford will have yanked the issues out from under the Democrats, having already pro- posed policy where their attacks are aim- ed. His new welfare program, to be out- lined in the upcoming State of the Union address, attacks the welfare problems about which voters have long been grumbling. He proposes to tighten eligibility, increase work incentives, and consolidate the morass of grant programs into more manageable and less expensive "block" grants. ) The Lighter Side:::::: Candidate handouts stave of f default 'm Dick West By DICK WEST WASHINGTON (UPI) - Everyone around here mopped brows, sighed With relief and performed other rituals of deliverance last week when the Treasury handed over $1.88 million to 11 presi- dential candidates. Some of those candidates already were borrowing money to keep their campaigns going. Without the transfusion of federal funds under the new campaign financing law, they might soon have defaulted. THEIR MONEY TROUBLES are by no means over, however. As the campaign wears on, financial emergencies almost certainly will recur. "It must not be allowed to happen," said a New York political economist with whom I discussed this prospect. "Default by a presidential candidate would be a catastrophe for the entire coun- try. If necessary, Congress should provide federally guaranteed loans to bail them out." "Oh, come now," I protested. "Aren't you overstating it a bit? With so many candidates in the race, one would hardly be missed. And nobody would be hurt except a few wealthy businessmen from whom he borrowed campaign funds." "WRONG!" CRIED the economist. "Default by one candidate would make lenders reluctant to invest in other campaigns. By convention time, there probably wouldn't be any candidates left. "Beyond that, the voters would be deprived of essential ser- vices, such as bumper stickers and lapel buttons." I asked why so many presidential candidates were in a bind financially. The economist said it was primarily the result of rising ex- pectations among the electorate. "VOTERS NO LONGER are content with whistlestop tours, torch-light parades and shopping center rallies. Now they demand paid political announcements on television, plus occasional prime time appearances by the candidates in place of their favorite regular shows. This adds greatly to the cost of campaigns." I said, "Why should the voters be dependent on the candidates for informational handouts about the platforms and issues? Aren't most people capable of informing themselves?" THE ECONOMIST SHOOK his head. "Many voters can't afford the balloons and hatbands through which basic political informa- tion is distributed." Iaily To The Daily: Once upon a time, Student Government Council had a Mi- nority Affairs Committee whose purpose it was to aid minority students on campus in their plan, for events, programs, and counseling. I don't know wheth- er this committee was indispen- sihl, but it was certainly help- ful to the actions of SGC and provided a useful source through which minority students could be found for adequate represen- tation on other committees. Well, around three weeks ago I got to thinking that such a committee could be put into ef- fect with SGC again. After all, there is only one Third World student on Council now, and none in any administrative posi- tions; perhaps a monitoring board could be instrumental in presenting the minority view to Council on controversial andor political issues. SGC - or, to be exact, the "radical" Student Organizing Committee and the conservative MOVE epresentatives-thought otherwise. They voted to table the motion involving reinstitu- tion, and refused to bring it back at the next meeting, effec- tivelv killing it. Minorities, ac- cording to SOC boss Debi Good- man, don't want a Minority Af- fairs Committee; it would be patronizing and demoralizing. What she's really saying, of course, is that minority students have an adequate say on Coun- cil right now. I don't buy that one at all, but I may be wrong ... so I leave it to all student organizations whose actions are directed toward students of a particular sex, sexual prefer- ence, race, creed, or ethnic background to send notices to SGC either criticizing or com- mending Goodman's stand. Af- ter all, the boss said herself that we should ask the minori- tics if they want a committee. G. J. DiGiuseppe, UCA December 18 election To The Daily: AT THE WRITING of this letter, the clerical union at the University of Michigan is in the process of electing officers. The outcome should prove interest- ing, considering how little pub- licity there was prior to the election. The local office did send out a notice of the election but it stated only the times and plac- es for voting. The members weren't even told who the can- didates were, what office each is seeking, or their qualifica- tions. I have to give a little credit to the CDU group for at least publicizing their candidates names and the office each is seeking. Of course that is all the information they printed on one ofetheir extremely biased newsletters. They also don't tell what qualifications each candi- date has to make them accept- nhl ,n h netn weren't told what was included in the final contract for ratifi- cation until the day we met to vote for or against the ratifica- tion of the contract. NOW DURING THE election of officers, we aren't notified of the candidates or their qualifi- cations. The only way we find out who to vote for is when we get to the voting places. What kind of election is this!!!! I am not a supporterof Unity Caucus or CDU but of the de- certification movement. I hate to sit back and watch a lot of inexperienced clericals trying to do something none of them knows anything about. Each one tries to run the show his way. Jean Jones even has her rela- tive (ref. letter from Ron Jones in the Michigan Daily on Janu- ary 7, 1976) trying to tell us how things should be run and he isn't even a clerical at the Uni- versity. Well I care and that is why I feel the best way for the clericals to go is to decertify this union before it goes too far. There are too many cleri- cals who 'just don't care! what happens or they say they 'can't be bothered'. I certainly hope these are the people who com- plain later if by some slim chance we aren't successful, in decertifying, and are then stuck with this lousy union telling us how to do our jobs. If you real- ly care, support decertification. Pat Ardner Jan. 9 negotiations To The Daily: AT THIS TIME in the short history of the U-M Clerical UAW Local 2001, many feel that things are not going well. I can only agree when I re- flect that while there are 3,200 people in the bargaining unit, only nine actually knew what went on at the bargaining table in the negotiation of our first contract. We can be sure that far more than nine U-M admin- istrators were involved in and consistently supplied with de- tailed knowledge of the negotia- tions. In November 1974 nine bar- gaining committee people were elected to negotiate our con- tract. They are the only per- sons ever elected to positions of power in Local 2001; only they were at the bargaining ses- sions; only they were privy to communications, counsels and directives from the Internation- al: only they know what issues went 'to the bargaining table (and what issues they were un- willing to fight for); only they know the role of International Representative Carolyn Forrest; only they know the role of the University. As a result on August 21, 1975 w: had on the one hand an ad- ministration well-prepared to dole out a $43 per month raise andl on the other hand a con- fused uninforme membership, hauled into an auditorium and forced to simply say "Yes" or "No." We in the bargaining unit pay for this madness and lack of information in dues and agen proxy. Bargaining committee- people represent a constituency. In both cases there exists an inherent relationship between the elected and the electorate. The union bargainer asks for and is granted a position of power; the electors must re- ceive in return skilled repre- sentation and strict accountabil- i'v - ideally, that is., When this something for something relationship ceases to exist, democ-acy suffers - or internal stress is generated. Clericals fir a Democratic Union (CDU) hve correctly placed the blame for present stress and resentment within Local 2001 on the pre-Watergate mentality of those elected bar- gaining committee people who failed to meet the primary test - a willingness to level with the membership. The elections schediled for January 6, 7, 8 and 9 will gk',e our local a chance to make amends. The people running on the CDU slate have consistently fought elitism, secrecy, dishonesty and dcwnriht ineptness in o lo- ca's affairs. A victory for CDU will see an intelligent and im- agnative leadership working to build a democratic and effective Local 2001 Walter Brauninger January 6 Palestinians To The Daily: AS THE ISRAELI professor mentioned in Abdeen Jabara's letter of December 4, allow me to comment briefly. True, I wvas not ready to de- bate on "Is Zionism Racism?" because I do not believe that this should be discussed in a vacuum, apart from Palestinian nationalism. I have yet to learn of a society totally devoid of prejudice and discrimination. Israel's record in this respect seems better than any other Mid-Eastern and most other states. In the discussion which renlaced the debate, Zionism was widelv discussed. I view Zionism as a prototype for the self-determination of all home- less, onpressed peoples. It is striking to notice in an histori- cal perspective that the Pales- tinian struggle of today is in fact a kind of Palestinian Zion- ism - their aspirations, their pi)As, and even some of their rhetoric is remarkably similar to pre-State Jewish Zionism. I wish td publicize the fact that in a last minute attempt to salvage the debate with Mr. Jahra, late on Tuesday night, I offered to sneak on a com- nromise tonic "The role of Zion- ism and Palestinian Nationalism in arhieving Peace in the Mid- dIe East." I am sorry that at that time Mr. Jobara felt un- able to accent this comromise. IT WAS REGRETTABLE that some of the self critical remarks ahnut present-day Israeli policy did not find their equivalent by an Arab speaker, andprefer- ably one residing in an Arab country: however, I was pleased that a sizeble part of the Arab students sat throughout my sneech withot any evident Reagan S, *shooting blanks AFTER MANY WEEKS of refusal to help New York City out of its financial ditch, he came to the rescue after some needed belt-tightening by state and city officials. Ford's compromise with Congress on energy is likely to level off gasoline and oil prices by the election, leaving little room for Democratic criticism. His proposal to extend tax cuts has not been viewed as visionary, but may appeal to pocketboock-checking voters in Novem- ber. I