MSA WELL WISHERS See Editorial Page YI Sirt a Daiti (HARMING High--O0 Loaw-24 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 112 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 10, 1976 10 Cents Eight Pages TENG IS TOP CHOICE C, I-E!5KI lL 5 Swainsoni Former governor and state supreme court jus- tice John Swainson has donated his papers to the University's Michigan Historical Collections, it was announced yesterday. The materials, to be stored at the Bentley Historical Library on North Cam- pus cover the years 1957-73, and include his cor- respondence, position papers, speeches, photo- graphs, and scrapbooks. He donated the first sec- tion of his papers to the collection in January 1963. Swainson was convicted on Nov. 2 in Detroit on three counts of perjury in connection with the bur- glary trial of John Whalen, and soon after resigned from the court. 0 Happenings -*- ... start at noon today with a lecture by English Prof. Joseph Blotner and James Faulkner on "Finding William Faulkner," in the Pendleton Rm- of the Union . . . Eunice Burns, Chairwoman of the University's Commission for Women will speak at the Ann Arbor Public Library at 12:10 on "Wo- men Return to the Job Market" . . . Sam Hamod will read his poetry at 4:10 in the Pendleton Rm. of the Union, sponsored by the English dept. . . . The film "Last Grave at Dimbaza" will be shown tonight at 8:00 in the Blue Carpet Lounge of Alice Lloyd Hall . . . The Astronomical Film Festival kicks off another season tonight at 8:00 in MLB Aud. 3 with films about the sun, stars and the Apollo 14 mission . .. and last but not least, a special meeting of the Michigan Student Assem- bly (MSA) will be held at 8:00 on the third floor of the Union. s Space cadet Last week President Ford was meeting at the White House with several big city mayors when Charles Wheeler of Kansas City shook his hand and said, "Mr. President, we're looking forward to seeing you this summer." Ford looked per- plexed for several seconds, obviously forgetting for a moment that the Republicans will hold their na- tional convention in Kansas City in August. Maybe he wasn't planning on attending. " Presidential hopeful Speaking of jokers in the White House, a num- ber of Republican senators urged comedian Bob Hope to run in the 1968 presidential race, and he apparently gave the idea serious thought before declining. According to this week's National In- quirer, Hope was approached with the offer in 1967 after a Seattle radio station polled its listen- ers on their presidential choices. Hope topped everybody. "I told them they (the senators) were out of their minds," Hope said. "But I was flat- tered by their offer, and for several months I considered the possibility." Hope is ineligible any- way, having been born in England of British par- ents. The constitution limits the presidency to native-born Americans. Whew. On the inside... Editorial page features a Pacific News Service Roundup of independence efforts in Puerto Rico . . . Arts page has Andrew Zerman's review of the Acting Company's production of the Way of the World, and Sports Page has, sadly, Marcia Merker's last story for us, on the state paddleball tournament. On the outside... Our first thaw of the new year! A strong flow of very warm air ahead of a cold front will cause our temperatures to rise toa high of 45-50 by late afternoon. But since a cold front will be passing our way at the same time skies will be cloudy all day and rain should develop during the morning and continue through the afternoon. At night the cold front will come through, causing tempera- tures to drop and the showers to change to snow flurries. Temperatures by morning will fall to a low of 24-29. Wednesday will bring flurries and temperatures mostly in the twenties. i Profs predict Mao's successor Premier choice shocks experts By MARGARET YAO light of the r e c e n t surprise atment of Hua Kuo-feng as act- remier of China, several Uni- y professors who are among the ry's leading authorities on Chi- politics have speculated that Hsiao-ping may be the next se Communist Party Chairman. appointment of Hua shocked e experts who had previously d Teng as the top choice to re- former Premier Chou En-lai ied of cancer last month. versity political science Profs. 1 Oksenberg and Allen Whiting, with Director of Chinese Stu- lbert Fauerwerker, have all sug- U,|| I| gested-contrary to reports by other China watchers-that Teng may be the successor to ailing Mao Tse-tung. The recent disclosure that eleventh- ranking p a r t y m e m b e r Hua was named acting premier r a i s e d the question of Teng's new status. Teng was almost universally expected to be China's next premier following his showing during Ford's China trip, and his takeover of Chou En-lai's duties when the late premier was hospital- ized in 1974. Oksenberg asserted that Hua's rise to power was "very unusual in Chi- nese politics." Following a rapid rise up through the military, provicincial government, and the Peking govern- ment, Hua was last year unexpectedly appointed minister of public secur- ity. He also led "a prestigious delega- tion to Tibet celebrations" and was given unusually wide publicity after his address on agricultural develop- ment last fall, according to Oksen- berg. Whiting n o t e d that Hua's age, which the State Department esti- mates at 55-60, was an important factor in his appointment because he "represents a younger generation of leadership." Some China observers have sug- gested that Hua may be only an in- terim figure, citing the lack of Chi- nese publicity for his appointment as evidence. Oksenberg, however, said See TENG, Page 2 Doily Photo by KEN FINK Oksenberg AATU c housing policy for sophomore gridders By MIKE NORTON The Ann Arbor Tenants Union (AATU) yester- day joined what appears to' be a growing tide of criticism against the Housing Office's guarantee of dorm space to returning sophomore football players. "This is just another indication of where the University has its priorities," said Kim Heller, a spokeswoman for the AATU. "And-as usual- the average undergraduate is at the bottom of their list." WHILE THE overwhelming majority of stu- dents will be forced to compete for dorm space in the imminent re-application lottery, football players are assured of rooms. They will partici- pate in the lottery along with everyone else, but will be assigned living space even if they fail to draw a winning number. Housing officials defend the practice on grounds that Head Football Coach Bo Schemnbech- ler requires his athletes to live on campus dur- ing their freshman and sophomore years. But Schembechler was not even aware that the exemptions existed. "I didn't know anything about exemptions for anybody," he said Friday. HE HAS BEEN recruiting new football players without assurances of dorm space, he said. "I tell them they're guaranteed campus housing when they're freshmen, but after that they're on their own." Housing Director John Feldkamp expressed surprise at Schembechler's ignorance of the ex- emptions. However, "We didn't make any spe- cial effort to inform (him)," he admitted. Feldkamp insists that the exemptions were given only because of the football coach's on- campus requirement. "The information we have is that the requirement exists," he said. "When we held a lottery last spring without any exemp- tions at all, it created a lot of trouble." HE ADDED that if Schembechler had relaxed the rule the Housing Office would have to "re- consider" the granting of exemptions. Assistant Football Coach Gary Moeller "could not say" whether the requirement had been eased or not. "But we do encourage our kids to live on cam- pus as much as possible," he said. "We want them to be a part of regular University life." THE AATU is opposed to the idea of a lottery, said Kelly. "But if they're going to have one, it could at least be fair," she added. See AATU, Page 2 Doily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER A MEMBER OF Briarwood's security force issues Ken Hunter, a custom designer of vans, a mock parking citation. The 'illegally parked' vehicle is one of eight being displayed at the mall's van show. PARKED FOR A WEEK: Souped-up vans dazzle at IBriarwoo Mall showing Hearst claims sexual assault, threats, forced bank robbery By AP and Reuter SAN FRANCISCO - Heiress Patricia Hearst yesterday claimed she was sexually as- saulted in a closet by several members of the Symbionese Liberation Army group which kidnaped her two years ago. In a dramatic day of testimony with the jury absent, Hearst said William Wolfe, the Sym- bionese Liberation Army "sold- ier" for whom she once declar- ed her love, was only the first of a number of SLA members to attack her sexually. THE SLIM defendant answer- ed questions for nearly four hours at a hearing to decide whether the jury should hear some of the most crucial evi- dence against her - tape re- cordings from the underground and the testimony of a witness who heard her confess to the bank robbery. That witness - Los Angeles teen-ager Tom Matthews - was to be the first government witness when the hearing re- sumed today. Also, it was learned that three other wit- UNITA VOWS 'GUERRILLA WAR': MPLA takes major rail city nesses would testify about see- ing a docile Hearst in an SLA hideout after the kidnap. The testimony was expected to be followed by arguments on whether to admit the evidence. There was no indication when U. S. District Court Judge Oli- ver Carter would rule on the question, which could deter- mine in large measure the path taken by the trial. IN ONE OF the strangest con- fessions ever given on a wit- ness stand, Hearst admitted that she had robbed the Hiber- na Bank on April 15, 1974, but said she was forced to do so by her SLA captors. "I was told I would be killed," she said as she incriminated a long list of participants in her violent underground odyssey and, under questioning, told of being assaulted by someone she once described as "the gentlest, most beautiful man I've ever known." After the robbery, she said, she and eight Symbionese Lib- eration Army companions re- turned to a hideout on San Francisco's Golden Gate Ave- nue where she was forced to By JAY LEVIN Eight sparkling customized vans, looking more like miniature apartments - on - wheels than the voluminous vehicles they actually are, glittered before wide-eyed shoppers yester- day at Briarwood Mall - host of the'week- long van show. "We thought vans were of interest to the University students - they're in right now," said Briarwood promotional director Sybil Lit- tle, who engineered the display which began last Friday. VAN ENTHUSIASTS, however, view their vehicles as more than a fad-to them it's a way of life. "It's for your own personal pride," said ir . irpin r i.. . r . r r r n . Local Dems throw party to hielp Swainson finance hiis defense Joe Provenzano of the $12,000 eyecatcher he uses for work and pleasure. Provenzano, show manager of the Michigan based American Van Association (AVA), did not lend his AVA- owned vehicle to the mall show, but kept it parked outside to the awe of spectators. "They're so universal-look at how much more comfort you get and how many people you can get in it," he said, adding that the van's gas mileage of 16 to 18 mpg beats out many passenger cars. PROVENZANO'S van, dubbed the "Mystic," sports a nautical-look paint job and such do- mestic comforts as an icebox, television, white See SOUPED-UP, Page 2 By AP and Reuter Soviet-backed forces scored a major victory yesterday in Angola, capturing the railroad city of Huambo that served as administrative capital of the pro-Western National Union (UNITA) faction. In London, the government acknowledg- ed that "substantial numbers" of British mercenaries hired to fight with UNITA or its ally, the National Front (FNLA), have been killed in the Angolan civil war. UNITA and FNLA forces have lost near- iers 'will be involved.' " Sangumba said "an overwhelming force" of MPLA units, spearheaded by 6,000 Cubans and backed by Russian- made tanks, helicopters, jet fighters and heavy artillery, overran Huambo in cen- tral Angola before dawn yesterday. "THERE WAS indiscriminate killing of men, women and children by the advanc- ing MPLA," Sangumba said. British press reports filed from Luanda, "U NIT4 i a s lost one town but our determin- ation (ndw ill to fight By DAVID WHITING Local Democratic party lead- ers gathered here Sunday to listen to former Gov. John Swainson, contribute to his de- fense fund and nibble on hors d'oeuvres. Swainson's 1 e g a l problems, which began last summer with an indictmenton bribery con- spiracy charges, have already cost him over $100,000. But if Sunday's affair, held at local Democratic party chairwoman Margorie Brazer's house, is in- dicative of a growing support for the former governor, Swain- son may soon find himself out of the red. days in jail. The former Democratic gov- ernor, once regarded as a ma- jor contender for Senator Phil- lip Hart's (D-Mich.) seat in Washington, was convicted on three counts of perjury stem- ming from his bribery conspir- acy trial. Although he was acquitted on the br ib er y charges, he resigned from his position on the State Supreme Court following the Nov. 2 per- jury convictions. SWAINSON and his co-defend- ant, former bail bondsman Har- vey Wish, were indicted last summerafter convicted burglar John Whalen claimed the two Swainson's trial. "The concept of due process was totally violated," he said. "'The manner of selecting the jury was incredible. . . Th gov- ernment was allowed to con- sciously and deliberately ex- clude every black person from the jury." See SWAINSON, Page 2 ,: . ;