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February 08, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-08

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:43 a ilk

See Inside

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 111

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 8, 1976

10 Cents

Eight Pages

Who knows what evil . .
Mysterious strangers have been making short
appearances in several of the Hill dorms. In the
past two weeks there have been two streaking in-
cidents in Stockwell as well as Peeping Toms get-
ting their jollies watching the women in Alice
Lloyd, Mosher-Jordan and Stockwell. Security in
the dorms has been increased, but officials lack
a good description of the intruder. Resident Direc-
tor Gloria Jeff reports "It's weird, we know it's
a white male, but no one will look at him."
are hard to find today. But Monday is
another story . . . at 7:00 there will be an orienta-
tion meeting for anyone interested in working for
Ozone House in the Henderson Room of the League
. . . at 7:30 the Michigan Association of geron-
tology students will meet in the East Conference
Room of Rackham . . . at 8:00 Common Cause
meets in the fourth floor conference room of City
Foreign friends
When four British mechanics arrived in North
Baltimore, Ohio, the small town's ladies went
wild. According to the men, some women factory
workers lined up to buy them food and drinks.
Some even pursued them to their motel - all
because the women were fascinated by the
mechanics' English accents. "All that most of the
girls wanted was to hear us talk," reported An-
thony Tew. "They reckoned our English accents
were cute. I tell you," he added, "anyone who goes
there with a British accent has got it made."
The great escape
A Texas man wanted for growing marijuana, in
violation of his parole, barricaded himself on an
island surrounded by an alligator-filled moat be-
fore surrendering to police Friday. Warren Lynch,
armed with a shotgun, spent most of Thursday
night and Friday morning on the reptile-surround-
ed island which he runs as a tourist attraction.
Officers waiting for Lynch to come to terms sat
on the shore drinking coffee and eating sand-
wiches as cold weather moved in. Asked why he
didn't rush the island, Sheriff Bob Hewes said,
"I think if a man could wade across there with-
out splashing he'd Te airight. But if you make
any noise, well . ..
Illegal meters
Angry at getting stuck with a parking ticket,
Hayes McClerkin decided to fight the rap, and dis-
covered much to the chagrin of Texarkana, Ark.
officials there is no law in the books authorizing
parking meters. The city says it will take about
30 days to get a new law, costing $3,000 in lost
revenue. Voters originally approved the meters in
1942, but when the city ordinances were recodified
in 1961, the parking meter law was overlooked. Who
says you can't fight city hall?
Presidential pensions
Presidential hopeful Ronald Reagan is now elig-
ible for Social Security payments - but the for-
mer California governor says he's not going to
accept them. Campaigning on his 65th birthday,
Reagan said he's not going to apply for the bene-
fits and that he doesn't even know how much he
would have coming. It turns out that the movie
star-turned politician would be eligible for full So-

cial Security - as long as his normal income does
not exceed $2,760 a year. The post Reagan's gun-
ning for is worth $200,000 annually.
Father, forgive me
Three French journalists have been excommuni-
cated for making phony confessions of sexual sins
to determine whether Catholic confessors really
went along with a recent Vatican document con-
demning homosexuality, masturbation and extra-
marital sex as serious sins. Vatican officials point
out that the journalists brought automatic excom-
munication on themselves for "committing con-
tempt of the sacrament of confession." The excom-
munication can be lifted if a genuine confession is
On the inside .. .

Chinu s


pr emier



From Wire Service Reports
PEKING - lin a surprise appointment, Hua Kuo-feng, a pro-
tege of Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse-tung, has been chos-
en acting successor to the late Premier Chou En-lai.
Hua's appointment was disclosed last night by the New
China News Agency in a routine dispatch from Peking that aston-
ished China watchers.
IN THE PAST, most acting appointments have become perm-
anent, but diplomatic analysts cautioned that Hua may be an in-
terim choice for the powerful post.
Other officials in Washington said the move reflected deep
divisions within the Chinese hierarchy, but that changes in China's
foreign policy and its attitude toward the United States were not
immediately foreseen.
After Chou died of cancer last month, most China watchers
predicted that Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-ping would take over as

head of the Chinese government. Teng had performed most of the
premier's duties since Chou was hospitalized in 1974.
HUA, WHO IS in his mid-50's, has not been openly identified
with either radicals or moderates in the leadership, unlike Teng.
The ninth-ranking vice-premier, he was recognized as one of
the fastest-rising politicians in the Communist hierarchy.
They linked the surprise development with an extraordinary
attack in the People's Daily newspaper yesterday on "capitalist
roaders" and rightist deviationists in positions of power
SOME SAW this as criticism of Teng-who was branded a
capitalist "roader" during the 1960s cultural revolution, so the
naming of Hua cauld mean that Teng is in a political dogfight
with the radical Chinese left. A more extreme interpretation is
that Teng has come to the end of his political rope and is once
more a victim of his Coltural Revolution foes. A third possibility
is that age and illness have taken their toll and that Teng has

decided to bow out of the premiership race voluntarily.
Hua received praise during the Cultural Revolution for his
ability to organize great masses of people. Later he made
a reputation for himself through his deft handling of the Lin
Piao incident in 1971.
Lin, defense minister and China's heir apparent, died in a
plane crash following an abortive coup attempt. Although the
role he played is still unclear, Hua is considered one of the few
who know all the details of the affair.
HE ALSO IS said to be one of China's top agricultural ex-
perts, credited with conducting successful water conservation and
irrigation projects in 1966 as head of the Shaoshan irrigation dis-
trict command in Hunan province.
Haa's early background is unknown here.
From 1958 to 1967 he served as vice governor of Hunan pro-
vince and as alternate secretary of the Communist party's Hunan
provincial committee.

Carter takes, lead in
Oklahoma caucuses

(/P) - Former Georgia Gov.
Jimmy Carter was running
slightly ahead of former Okla-
homa Sen. Fred Harris in yes-
terday's Oklahoma Democratic
precinct caucuses with nearly
half of the votes in, but uncom-
mitted delegates led the field.
With 1,248 precincts or about
45 per cent of the state's about
2,800 precincts reporting, 32 per
cent of the delegates were un-
committed n the race for the
Democratic presidential nomi-


didates with 21.7
lowed by Harris

the other can-
per cent, fol-
with 19.5 per

campaign 76
cent, Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen
with 13.7 per cent, and Ala-
bama Gov. George Wallace with
13 per cent. Minnesota Sen. Hu-
bert Humphrey , Indiana Sen.

Guatemala may face
. .a
disease, starvatin
By AP and Reuter
GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala - Foreign disaster experts
expressed fear yesterday that starvation and epidemics will en-
velop Guatemala in the aftermath of earthquakes that have
killed at least 7,375 people by official estimates.
Foreign rescue workers say the death toll could reach 14,000.
RUINED ROADS, broken bridges, landslides and fuel short-
ages blocked delivery of food into devastated areas outside Guate-
mala City.
Messengers rode mules and bicycles into the capital with tales
of whole communities leveled by the upheavals in this Central
American country of six million persons.
Guatemala's emergency relief committee said that according
to reports from burial details, at least 7,375 persons have perish-
ed since the first earthquake hit before dawn Wednesday.
HEALTH EXPERTS expressed fear that epidemics could cause
more deaths because many dead were being buried in shallow
graves, people were drinking untreated water and no sanitary
facilities exist for thousands living in makeshift shelters in city
See EXPERTS, Page 2

Birch Bayh, and former vice
presidential nominee Sargent
Shriver received scattered sup-
About half of the precincts
tabulated were from Oklahoma
and Tulsa counties. The rural
vote was slow coming in, and
both Wallace and Bentsen were
counting on good showings in
rural areas to strengthen their
The caucuses are the first
step toward selecting Oklaho-
ma's 37 delegates to the na-
tional convention. Participants
in the precinct meetings choose
representatives to the Feb. 28
county conventions where dele-
gate to the six congressional
district conventions will be se-
AT THE congressional district
conventions, 28 national dele-
gates will be chosen and nine
others will be picked at the
state convention in April.
Democratic party officials
had predicted a record turnout
and almost every precinct re-
ported standing room only
crowds. In a normal presidential
year, about 30,000 Democrats
attend their precinctrcaucuses,
but the total appeared certain
to exceed 50,000 this year be-
cause of intensive compaigning
by Carter, Wallace, Bentsen and
Harris, who now makes his
home in Washington, made his
strongest showing in the metro-
politan areas of Tulsa and
Oklahoma City. He led the field
in Oklahoma City but trailed
the uncommitted bloc in Tulsa
See CARTER, Page 2

MICHIGAN'S SPEEDY RICKEY GREEN chases after a loose ball with
cious in yesterday's overtime game. Green led the Wolverines with 23
enough as Michigan lost to the undefeated Hoos ers, 72-67.

AP Photo
Indiana's Rich Valavi-
points but it wasn't

special To The Daily
BLOOMINGTON-After Indiana's Kent Benson
tipped in a missed shot at the buzzer to send the
game into overtime, the number - one ranked
Hoosiers scored the last eight points in the extra
period to beat Michigan 72-67 yesterday.
With Michigan ahead 60-58 and 14 seconds re-
maining, the Wolverines' Steve Grote missed a
free throw and All-American Scott May controlled
the rebound for Indiana.
INDIANA CALLED time out to set up a final
play with ten seconds remaining. With five sec-
onds left, Quinn Buckner launched a high arching
shot from 18 feet out that bounced high off the
rim. The ball headed out of bounds and Hoosier
Jim Crews grabbed it, and tossed up an off-
balance shot towards the basket, which the 6-10
Benson tipped in as regulation time ran out.
"Crews got the ball and threw it up to keep it
alive," said Indiana coach Bobby Knight. "He
made a very intelligent play."
According to NCAA rules, there is a difference
between a tip and a shot. A tip must be in the
basket when the buzzer sounds for it to be count-
ed, while a shot need only be in the air when



time runs out. The referees ruled that Benson
had control of the tip and thus, technically, it
was considered a shot.
"THAT TIP WAS a judgment thing," said
Michigan coach Johnny Orr. "At Illinois, the
reeferee said there was no control of the tip.
We lost the game. Today they went and tipped
it in, and the ref said he had control of the tip.
At Illinois they said he had to catch it, then shoot
it. And the situation in the Illinois game looked
identical to me."
The television replay indicated that Michigan's
Phil Hubbard had a hand on the final tip.
Michigan scored the first four points of the
five-minute overtime to take a 64-60 lead, on
two free throws by John Robinson and a basket
by Grote. Grote was called for charging on the
play, his fifth foul, and May's foul shots brought
Indiana back to within two, 64-62.
INDIANA REGAINED possession after Robin-
son missed from underneath. Phil Hubbard then
picked up his fifth foul, sending Indiana's Wayne
Radford to the line to shoot one-and-one. Radford
collected on both ends to tie the game 64-64, with
3:18 left.
See MICHIGAN, Page 8

Health panel sets rules for
controversial DNA research

. . . Al Hrapsky
team in the Sunday
of the Sports paget
day's basketball loss

writes about the gymnastics
Magazine . . . Andy Glazer
offers an analysis of yester-
to Indiana.

From AP and Staff Reports
WASHINGTON - Guidelines
to help control potentially lethal
genetic research have been
drawn up by a panel of scien-
tists for the National Institutes
of Health, an NTH official said
The University, one of many
institutions which intendsato
carry out the research, will fol-
low the NIH guidelines if a Uni-

committee, said the proposed
regulations on so-called genetic
engineering would be examined
during public hearings this
week at the institutes' sprawl-
ing complex in suburban Be-
thesda, Md.
"What we're worried about is
that some lunatic who's clever
could do this in a college or uni-
versity laboratory and produce
a variant strain for which there

'What we're worried
about is that some
lunatic w o 's clever
coulud do this in a col-
lege or university lab-

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