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February 07, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-07

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s!I 5ic$t an 1M
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Another battleground in ica?

Saturday, February 7, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

FBI,ACIA: New probes
THE CALL BY Sen. Frank Church
(D-Idaho) for the appointment
Dof a special prosecutor to investigatef
the excesses o fthe CIA and the FBI :....
comes surprisingly late. Criticism of
our country's secret agencies has
been raging in a steady stream for rgn
several yearsand someintolerable
abuses have been uncovered. It is : ".v."}..o: "::;.;
about time that a methodicalbcorn
prh n ie investigation of the two ..,ii j:dii?{:}??":iY }:. :4 Civ ';':i:+".
groups be undertaken.
As with the Watergate probe, the :ir; iYYrii' ?si;i?3i:
Department of Justice is not the pro-
per body to carry on investigations of
the CIA and the FBI. The department
is legally required, as Church points
out, to defend government officials
charged with committing improper
official acts.
It could not very well act as bothf
prosecution and defense in the event
that some foul play turns up.
Also, the FBI is a subdivision of the Frank Church
Justice Department. The Attorney
General, in leading a department in-
vestigation, would be probing one of ih
his own departments. That would ....
have the flavor of a conflict of in- *
A White House statement has Indi-
cated President Ford's belief that
the Attorney General and the De- {
partment of Justice are fully capa-
ble of carrying out their responsibili-
ties" in investigating reported CIA nr
and FBI abuses. "There is no need,"h
the statement says, "There is no
need for a special prosecutor . . .
torney General Edward Levi told
him that the Justice Department is
capable of conducting a satisfactory
Levi is too confident of his depart-
ment's impartiality. So is Ford. A
thorough investigation of America's
intelligence community is overdue, r <'
and the more impartial the investi- dL
gator, the better. E wrd Levi
Quashing factory boredo-m

I ONDON (PNS) - Somewhere
in the Pentagon and the
Kremlin, dossiers on an obscure
French colony at the mouth of
the Red Sea are moving quiet-
ly to the top of the pile. Called
Djibouti, this tiny enclave of
130,000 could be Africa's next
After a century of colonial
rule, France announced Decem-
ber 31 that it would grant inde-
pendence to Djibouti - formal-
ly called the French Territory
of the Afars and fssas. But the
prospects for a peaceful trans-
fer of power look bad - and
conflict could easily escalate
into superpower confrontation.
At root is possible civil strife
between Djibouti's two nation-
alities, the Afars and the Is-
sas, that would likely trigger
intervention by neighboring So-
malia (with a population of Is-
sas) and Ethiopia (which con-
tains 200,000 nomadic Afars).
the Soviet Union, which trains
and equips the 20,000-man So-
mali army and has a missile
facility in Berbera, on the So-
mali coast. Behind Ethiopia is
the U.S., supplying the military
hardware for its war against
rebel Eritreans and using its
ports tfor naval purposes.
AND IN THE middle, keep-
ing 6,000 troops in Djibouti to
conduct aerial surveillance of
Somalia and radical South Ye-
men for her Western allies,
stands France.
Add to this the strategic im-
portance of Djibouti, command-
ing the narrow mouth of the
Red Sea - the Suez Canal's
southern gate - and all the in-
gredients emerge for a decolo-
nization dispute rivaling those
in the Congo, the Spanish Sa-
hara, and now Angola.
Tension is already high. De-
cember saw an assassination
attempt on the colony's pre-
mier, a border clash between
the French Foreign Legion and

troops of neighboring Somalia,
and a diplomatic flare-up be-
tween Somalia and Ethiopia fol-
lowing an attack by 1,000 dem-
onstrators on the Ethiopian em-
bassy in Somalia
AND MOST recently, France
flew 800 troops to its strategic
Red Sea base at Djibouti, to
reinforce the 6,000 soldiers al-
ready based in that country.
Meanwhile, guerrilla activity
is increasing: a group apparent-
ly based in adjoining Somalia
kidnapped a busload of French
school children near Djibouti,
i'eranding immediate indepen-
dence for the territory. One
child was killed, five were
wounded and another was re-
portedly spirited back to So-
The French decision to grant
Djibouti independence - if the
Afars and Issas vote for it in
a referendum - followed pres-
sure both frosnthe military jun
ta that took over Ethiopia in
1974 and from the UN, which
voted December 9 to ask France
to give up her colony.
But Paris wants to retain a
military presence in Djibouti to
continue its aerial surveillance
oerations. It thus plans to turn
the reigns of power over to its
hand - groomed candidate, the
colony's present premier, Ali
But Aref is an Afar, the mi-
nority tribe by some 20,000. The
French have relied upon the
Afars for local administration
since annexing the territory in
1862, rigging electoral rolls to
give the Afars a majority in
the colonial assembly.
hosT OF TIlE Afars live in
the capital city of Dhjibouti,
which is surrounded by 10 miles
of barbed wire and mines and
guarded by the French Foreign
Ler-ion. The barrier was erec-
ted to keep out "undesirables"
after anti-French riots in 1966.
The "undesirables" are the Is-
sas, dozens of whom have been
killed or maimed on the line

Suez Canal
Addis Ababa ET--A
SOMALIA ====---2==
Mogadishu ___-_
KENYA _ndon Oceon
P S -_.. 0 Ms 300

Somalia and Ethiopia-already
watching each other closely for
moves toward annexation of
Djibouti after the French de-
part - will almost surely be-
come involved.
The Somalis still call Djibou-
ti "French Somaliland," its
name until 1967. Their presi-
dent, Siad Barre, has written
to French President Giscard d'-
Estaing opposing what he calls
"fake decolonization" and de-
manding that France remove
its troops, take down the fence
around Djibouti town, dissolve
the existing Afar-dominated as-
sembly and convene a meeting
of all political forces in the
is already active from Somalia,
calling itself the Front for the
Liberation of the Somali Coast.
Last May they kidnapped the
French ambassador to Somalia
and released him in return for
two Issas imprisoned in France
for attempting to kill Ali Aref
in 1968.
The Ethiopians, on the other
hand, are allied with Aref, de-
pend heavily on the port of Dji-
bouti for their trade, especially
when the roads to Ethiopian
ports are cut by Eritreans and
Ethiopian rebels, and cater to
Afar tourists from Djibouti.
Though militarily preoccupied
by the Eritrean revolt, the
Ethiopians are likely to give
Aref all the backing he needs
for fear he might ally with re-
bellious Afars in Ethiopia and
create an independent Afari
state if they refuse.
Any clash between Somalia
and Ethiopia along their lengthy
border would threaten to in-
volve both the U.S. and the
Soviets, especially given Dji-
bouti's strategic position at the
mouth of the Red Sea. Whether
the stakes are as high as those
in Angola remains to be seen.
Fred Halliday is a British
freelance writer who specializes
in the Mideast.

This map shows Djibouti,
cally located at the mouth
Aref himself came to power
on anranti-Issaplatform,call-
ing for continued adhesion to
France and the expulsion of all
Issas without proper identity
cards or' who voted for inde-
pendence in a 1967 referendum..
In 1973, in the most recent
colonial assembly elections, Ar-
ef was accused of bringing in
extra Afar voters trom Ethiopia
and preventing Issas from
standing for election.
Today Aref and his supporters
have changed the name of their
party from Union and Progress
Within the French Whole to the
National Unity Party for Inde-

the African country strategi-
of the Red Sea.
pendence, but they still call for
French economic and military
presence after independence.
THE MAIN opposition party,
the Popular African League for
Independence, is led by Hassan
Goulded (an Issa) and Ahmed
Dini (an Afar).,They advocate
"genuine independence," includ-
ing an end to the French mili-
tary presence. When Ali Aref
launched his new party last De-
cember an estimated 2,000 peo-
ple attended his rally, while
20,000 showed up for a simul-
taneous rally of the African
If tension erupts into violence,

Arts ntertainment

Happen ings

ing again over the high rates of
chronic absenteeism among industry
workers. But a steady number of em-
ployes continue to add an extra day
to the weekend, unfazed by hard
times and heavy unemployment.
Bonus points and merit systems
have been suggested as a cure for the
persistent problem. Yet industry ex-
ecutives remain blind to its real cause
--sheer boredom with assembly line
Union bosses have responded with
an equal lack of imagination, while
quality control continues to fall, and
tensions increase between the "de-
linquents" and those workers who do
continue to show up, day in and a
day out.

BUT UNTIL UNION officials take
positive steps to demand alter-
natives to assembly-line production,
such conflicts will persist.
After all no worker expected to
screw the same two parts together
day after day can be blamed for
being absent - who'd have ever
thought that one cog was so import-
News: Susan Ades, Elaine Fletcher,
Phil Foley, Ken Porsigian, Jeff Ris-
tine, Rick Soble, Jim Tobin

Editorial Page: Elaine Fletcher,
hen Hersh, Steve Kursman,


Arts Page: Jeff Sorensen
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

PERFORMERS rehearse for tonight's showing of "L'Histoire du Soldat (A Soldier's Tale)"
written by Igor Stravinsky. This musical drama, sponsored by the School of Music, will be
performed in the Trueblood Aud. at 8:30 p.m.
Baroque concert-aut1entic

(Continued from Page 3)
rock, 9, $1 to $1.50.
Loma Linda - JB & Com-
pany, 9:30, no cover.
Mr. Flood's Party - All Di-
rections, 9:30, 75c.
Shame - (Ann Arbor Film
Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 $ 9) -
One of Ingmar Bergman's least
esoteric and most accessible
films, depicting the effect of a
future world war on the lives
of a couple living on an isolat-
ed, unnamed island. Subtle and
horrifying, Shame draws a pow-
erful anti-war image as the
couple (both professional mu-
sicians) cling desperately to
the vestiges of their culture,
At Long Last Love - (New
World, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7 & 9:30)
- The critics' Potshot Film of
1975 - so thoroughly debunked,
mocked and scorned that as a
result practically no one has
ever seen it (this writer includ-
ed). Well, here's your chance,
folks - just could be it's not as
bad a flick as all the biggies
led us to believe (it wouldn't
be the first time).
Loving Couples - (Cinema
Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05)-
Mai Zetterling film of three
pregnant women comparing
their lives, loves and ultimate
bitterness toward men.
Harry and Tonto - (Matrix,
7 & 9:30) - See Wednesday
A Concert of Japanese Classi-
cal and Folk Music - esoterica
from the Music School, Rack-
ham, 8 p.m.
The Creation, Disobedience,
and Fall of Man and the De-
luge -- The University Players
presents a show which vies with
Marat/Sade for the distinction
of having the longest title. Are-
na Theater, Frieze Bldg., 4:10
Loma Linda - JB & Com-
pany, 9:30, no cover..
Pretzel Bell - RFD Boys,
bluegrass, 9:30, $1.
Golden Falcon - Melodioso,
jazz, 9, $1.
Ark - Leo Kretzner, Cheryl
Dawdy, and friends, folk, 9,
Heidelberg Rathskeller -
Mustard's Retreat, folk, 9:30,
no cover.
Chances Are - Sky King,
rock . 9$ tn 1SO

Skin - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op,
Jules and Jim in MLB at 7 &
9, The Soft Skin in MLB 4 at 7
only) - Truffaut's best - known
and perhaps least - known film
combined in a double feature.
Rider on the Rain - (Ann Ar-
bor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 9 only)
- French suspense thriller
starring Charles Bronson (oh,
The Asphalt Jungle - (Cine-
ma II, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9) - A
gang of crooks attempts a mas-
ter caper.
film is one of the best crime
dramas ever made, carrying
Huston's common theme of the
wages of human greed. There
aren't any really nice people
in the film (another Huston
trademark), but you find your-
self absorbed in the intracacies
of their heist and subsequent
escape attempt. ****
The Fortune - (Mediatrics,
Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 & 9:30) -
This nasty little comedy in-
volves among other things mar-
riage, the Mann Act and mur-
der, but is primarily noteworthy
as the latest chapter in the de-
cline and fall of director Mike
Nichols. Warren Beatty and
Jack Nicholson fight a losing
battle against the dynamic duo
of offensiveness and tedium.
Harry and Tonto - (Matrix,
7 & 9:30) - See Wednesday
The Sixth Ann Arbor 8MM
Film Festival - (Schorling Au-
ditorium, School of Education)
- The first of a three-night
competition, featuring filmmak-
ers from all over the U. S. All
different films, many doubtless
worth seeing. The best bet of
the week.**
Wee Willie Winkle - (Cine-
ma Guild, Arch. And., 7 & 9:05)
Hidden Treasures - Moody
Science films, and the title
makes you wonder a bit. 2235
Angell, 12:15 p.m.
Bimbo's - Gaslighters, rag-
time singalong, 6-1:30, 50c after
Ark - Heddy West, folk, 9,
$2 50.
Blind Pie - A-San red Ex
press. C & W & R & B, 9:30. $1.
Chances Are - Sky King,
rock, 8, $2 to $2.50.
Loma Linda - Mixed Bag,
jazz, 9:30, no cover.
Rubaiyat - Open Road, top
40's, 9, no cover.
Mr. Flood's Party - Stoney
Creek. country, 9:30, $1.

A RS MUSICA presented a pro-
gram of Baroque music
Wednesday evening with enthus-
iasm and lots of authenticity.
Filling the Pendleton Room at
the Union, the audience respond-
ed appreciatively to the ensem-
ble, and seemed disappointed
when the performance ended
without an encore.
There is always a basic dif-
ficulty in approaching historic
music with its original instru-
ments. Modern-day Isteners are
accustomed to sophisticated
winds and strings, and have had
even their Baroque fare serv-
ed with nineteenth-century or-
chestration. Listeners can sit
back at an 'authentic concert
and feel edified, knowing that
their Bach and Vivaldi are be-
ing handled as authentically as

soiiynds. Pitches may have been
adjusted to an oldr _rterval
system, but random pitches have
never been stylish. The program
notes claim that 18th century
instruments are more fiexible
and less opaque, but ther flex-
ibility should have been ex-
ploited for a more c ir:fal mat-
ching to the stable -itch of the
Complaints aside, the concert
went smoothly.
Both the Handel and the Nau-
dot pieces features the oboes,
b'it as they were the most diffi-
cult to listen to, the low strings
and harpsichord gracefully up-
staged them. The Vivaldi fea-
tured the flute as performed
by Michael Lynn. Isis gente ap-
Proach flattered the rone of the
instrument, and the bin-call ef-
facts were charming.
FOUR VOCAL solos i, Vhr

Crawford. Her performance was
outstanding, involving flawless
runs down the length of the
keyboard, complex ornamenta-
tions, and a sensitive touch that
shaped the gymnastics into mu-
sic. It was her share of the
Brandenburg that saved the
program from being simply in-
teresting: she was stunning.
an absence of almost three
years from the concert circuit,
Car le King will give an ex-
pected series of limited tours
through 1976.
The first will be from Jan. 23
at Illinois State University at
Normal and the last of the first
tour will be Feb. 7 at Van-
derbilt University, Nashville.
Each tour will be in one geo-
u. , ar, n Nn forA ( it

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