INVESTIGATE CIA, FBI See Editorial Page AW40W alt 4 Au dli SIBERIAN High-26 Low-16 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 110 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 7, 1976 10 Cents Eight Pages lr1iSEE SAPPENCAaj ,6y Scoop! Hearts fluttered at The Daily yesterday when the latest issue of University News, the student publication at the University's Flint campus, ar- rived with what purported to be a full-page inter- view with President Ford. Daily editors have been trying to no avail to obtain an hour of the Chief Executive's time for more than a year, and were understandably miffed at possibly being scooped by our little sister. But a call to 'U' News' faculty advisor Greg Waters soon revealed the truth: Editor Rick Pamplin simply sent a list of interview questionsrto press secretary Ron Nessen last October, and received in return a series of one-paragraph answers, which he billed as a spe- cial "interview." "I'd love to know who wrote them," Waters said. "It certainly wasn't Ford, but it sure captures his cadence." Pamplin ad- mitted that the News "normally does interviews face-to-face," but occasionally "does things that I guess are marginal journalism to call attention to the rest of the paper." "It's a real coup, don't you think?" Waters gloated. Sure we do. February stars The University's own Hazel "Doc" Losh says February will offer star-gazers an exceptionally good view of the "Big Dipper." The constellation will rise above our northeastern horizon shortly after sunset, rising higher and higher throughout the evening. Just beneath the Dipper, says Losh, will be Leo the Lion, a constellation formed by six stars. The brightest star of the group is Regulus which, Losh says, ancient astrologers regarded as having great influence. "An old tablet states, 'If the star of the great lion is gloomy, the heart of the people will not rejoice."' Ours certainly won't-midterms come this month. Happenings ... .. .are all but nonexistent today. The Chinese Student's Association will screen "Student Rebels," a film about the Chinese student movement, at 7 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Union. The rest of the day? We suggest staying in bed. Painted lady Betsy Ross in a polka-dot bikini? That's how someone in Winter Park, Fla. painted a down- town fireplug in a Junior League bicentennial pro- ject, and the city fathers say it has to go. It turned out the art was the work of staff mem- bers and residents of a home for troubled adol- escents, adding their own creation to similar hy- drant paintings of Uncle Sam, Paul Revere and others. "Indiscriminate painting of hydrants would jeopardize our posture as a fire-fighting unit," the fire chief says. "Next thing you know," chims in the city manager, "you'd have all kinds of themes." 0 Packing for Peking Ex-President Richard Nixon and his wife, Pat, have accepted "with pleasure" an invitation from the Chinese government to revisit China on Feb- ruary 21. It had been generally assumed that the Nixons would wait until after the November elec- tions before taking up Chairman Mao's invitation, and U.S. officials were not forewarned of the trip. Taxpayers can breathe a sigh of relief this time, for Nixon will be traveling as a private citi- zen. One report said China plans to send a plane to pick up the Nixons in California. Observers say the invitation shows the Chinese still respect the former President's role in restoring Sino-U.S. re- lations, despite the Watergate scandals. " Window dressing Prostitutes in Southampton, England can now display their wares in windows lit by red lights if they are only advertising (which is legal), not so- liciting (which isn't). A court ruling apparently opens the way for British ladies of the evening to copy their European colleagues, such as those in Amsterdam, who've showcased their charms be- hind glass for as long as anyone can remember. Lawyer David Griffiths convinced a magistrate's court that a prostitute who "does not project her- self by trying to signal men by any act" is not soliciting. That's good news, we guess, for the pro- stitutes in Trenton, N. J., who you'll recall, are raising havoc with the citV's downtown traffic. Most of them can probably afford a one-way ticket to jolly old England. On the inside ... Will the African nation of Djibouti be the next Angola? Our Editorial Page features a PNS re- port exploring that issue. Also, Arts Page offers a review of. the Ars Musica concert by Nancy Coons, and Sports features a complete account by Tom Duranceau of last night's hockey game against Michigan Tech. 0 By GLEN ALLER "Shoplifting is the worst part of t assistant manager of the Checkmate c ment that has had more than its fair shat "It's always something in the ba ments Fred Wilkins, manager of the St he sits in the "spy booth" inside his FOR THESE managers and others barely visible but persistent problem t year-end inventory sheet as an annoy: According to Steve Warren, gen Corner, "We lost between 2 and 5 per per year to shoplifting." Kevin Sheets, manager of the Disco Street, is in general agreement with 2 to 3 per cent. It's considerable in a After' -m.erchants fight HAND where between $100,000 and $150,000." HOW DO they meet the problem? "We've done the apprehen- he job," says Jim Carey, sion shtick. You look for them and prosecute," comments War- lothing store, an establish- ren. "We've also rearranged the store. With that, we're trying to re of heists. eliminate the stealability of items by putting small things closer ack of your mind," com- to the counter." ate Discount drug store as In addition, Campus Corner has a number of large circular s establishment. mirrors positioned around its shelves to eliminate the blind spots so helpful to a shoplifter. s, shoplifting constitutes a Other anti-theft measures used by promprietors include the in- hat shows up on a store's stallation of peep holes, the construction of spy booths with one- ing drain on merchandise. way mirrors, the addition of book shelves on which customers place eral manager of Campus their packages and backpacks, and the instruction of shop em- r cent of our merchandise ployees to be on the watch for shoplifters. unt Record outlet on State "ONE OF the best indicators that someone is trying to shoplift Warren. "We lose from is rubbernecking," Warren says. "Maybe his body is hidden from store with a stock some- view and he's looking all around. ,hocks rock ~shop ifters "There's not much to go on other than vibes," he adds. Discussing some of the methods used by shoplifters, State Dis- count's Wilkins says, "Backpacks are a real problem, and purses are bigger than ever nowadays." "We had a couple of people in the store last week who tried to take 13 albums. They stuffed them in their shirts and let them slip down into their pants a little," continues Wilkins. HE ADDS that all the albums were recovered and one of the would-be thieves was apprehended. "The latest tactic is putting the item on and running like hell," according to Bill White, an employe at Marty's Men's Clothing Store. "Last year we had two coats stolen off the manne- quins. One guy even stole an entire mannequin." A majority of store managers indicate that they will prosecute shoplifters. Wilkins explains, "We prosecute every one. If you have an easy reputation, you're in trouble." See LOCAL, Page 2 uatemala S45 .:"'3. : r > c i, Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS Three saleswomen admire merchandise at tha annual Kiwanis sale being held at 1st and Washington Sts. This coat is one of hundreds of items at the sale which started Thurs- day and ends today. Buyers seek treasures' at Kiwanis rummage sale By MARGARET YAO affair and the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor Rushing past a tired-looking mannequin Foundation expects to gross about $35,000, ac-? Rshingh pads a tired-long maneqin, cording to club Secretary Gene Maybee. with the word "sold" on its neck, a serious, Kiwanis is a national service organization young man carried his white picket fence out with an all-male membership. the door. Another man with an antique light fixture in EACH YEAR over 3,000 bargain-hunters hand, explained that EACHYgARogert,00tbargin-tttem hand xpltaed thatdigging to the bottom come to Kiwanis headquarters at First and of boxes stacked on the floor is the way to Washington Sts. to rummage through dishes, "find your goodies.". clothing, shoes, hardware, toys and furni- S A WOMAN, appearing a bit dazed, said in cltig shshdwrty adfu - AWMAN a ppeyri . a bit aed, said ture. American flags, dog collars, Easter bon- awe, "This is my first time. I gotta take it all nets, broken televisions, and plenty of other he was standing t attic fare are on hand to brighten up the se- Sh a tnig in the midst of a strange lection. assortment of humanity and merchandise The selection is so voluminous that one vet- brought together for the 49th annual Kiwanis e rs ervis soppesttonevto Sale. eran rummager advised shoppers to come to Today is the last day of the three-day gala See KIWANIS, Page 8 Bill maycontrol U'aid Death toll up thousands ByA A' and Renter - GUATEMALA CITY, Gua- temala - Powerful after- shocks spread panic through the battered streets of Guatemala City yesterday just two days af- ter a killer earthquake left at least 5,000 dead by offi- cial estim ate. Unofficial death t o l1 figures ranged as high as 14,000. Reports from the interior said e n t i r e villages were razed by W e d n e s d a y 's quake and starving surviv- ors were eating rats. THE AFTERSHOCKS, a big one shortly before noon followed by weaker ones, sent thousands of people into the streets and parks wailing in fear. "Porque, Dios mio! Porque, Dios mio!" one man screamed -"Why, my God! Why, my God!" The tremors-the hardest of about 60 aftershocks that have rattled Guatemala since Wed- nesday - opened cracks in the large downtown hospital of San Juan de Dios and all the patients were evacuated to the court- yard. Some were moved later to the showrooms of an indus- trial exhibition park and tents were erected for others. REPORTS FROM Mexico City and the U.S. Geological Survey said the bigger shock registered between 5.75 and 6 on the Richter scale, far less than the 7.5 reported for Wednesday's" quake but still considered suf- ficient to cause "severe dam- age." The United States and other nations and international relief agencies launched massIve aid efforts, but getting the food, medicine, water and workers to the hardest hit regions outside Guatemala City was made near- ly impossible by landslides and collapsed bridges. "They're eating rats and any- thing else they can get their hands on," a Guatemalan Red Cross official said of the devas- tated interior. Authorities said the hardest hit regions stretched across three-fourth of this na- tion of six million. THE NATIONAL Emergency Committee reported that in ad- dition to the dead, 15,000 had been injured and at least 200,000 were homeless. Caritas, the Roman Catholic aid organization, said its reports indicated at least 14,000 had been killed and 40.000 injured. The Guatemalan Red Cross es- timated 8,000 dead while the U.N. Disaster Relief Organiza- See TREMORS, Page 8 Unemployment level hits I13-month low WASHINGTON (') - The na- tion's unemployment rate de- clined to 7.8 per cent in Jan- uary, the lowest in 13 months, as workers began finding jobs again in near-record numbers, the government reported yes- terday. The monthly decline f r o m 8.3 per cent was the biggest monthly drop in 16 years. Total employment rose 800,000 to 86.2 million, while unemployment fell 450,000 to 7.3 million. The monthly increase in em- ployment, was also the fourth highest since the Labor Depart- ment started keeping records in 1947. Officials said many Gf the gains were in the auto industry. "That's going in the right di- rection and we want to keep it that way," President Ford said in a speech in Arlington, Va. He called for new support for his policy of encouraging jobs in private industry rather than in government. Job gains were widespread throughout the economy, espec- ially for blue-collar workers. The Labor Department's Job- less report is based oi a regu- lar monthly survey o 47,000 households by the Census Bur- eau. One of the administration's strongest critics on jobs in Cn- gress, Sen. William Prox Tiire, (D-Wis.), said he is pleased with the January rep -rt, al- th -7gh he closely (pinstioned whether the fig'ires might rot be misleading in some way By MIKE NORTON A constitutional amendment calling for tighter government control over spending by state colleges and universities has been introduced in the s t a t e House. The measure, sponsored by Rep. Thaddeus Stopczynski (D- Detroit) would require the legis- lature to appropriate funds for the various state colleges and universities by category, rather than in lump sums. CURRENTLY, state -duca- tional institutions are autono- mous in their operations a n d spending decisions. The Stopczynski amendmnent would make supervision of state schools subject to legislative mandates. "These elected or appointed boards are 'ar too autonomous in their abiliy to spend state funds," Stopczynski said. University officials reacted with surprise to news of Stp- czynski's action. "THAT SORT of thing h a s been tried in a lot of states and it's not a very good way to do things," said University Presi- dent Robben Fleming. "It tends to expose the pro- cess of funding to a lot of poli- tical factors," Fleming s a i d . "I think that's very undesirable and I'm sure most educators would agree with me." Richard Kennedy, Secretary to the University and Vice President for State Relations, was equally- opposed to the bill. "While an institution has a re- latively high degree of auto- nomy about how it spends the fonds allotted to it, I think the legislature is fully able to ex- press its concern under the existing system," he said. KENNEDY SAID that the le- islature could already d 3 a 1 with any abuses by an i'itu- tion, and added, "There is cer- tninly no need for anything like ! " Woman journalist gains top T post By DANA BAUMANN The token Barbie doll image of women in television news is hnn :- tr __n 1-a l- h rxie-. a- - M_, ln n -- n-2 _ Daily Photo by KEN FINK University Professor of Natural Resources Dr. James McFadden testifies at a congressional hear- ing held yesterday at the Michigan Union. The he aring was conducted by representatives Marvin Esch (R-Mich.) and George Brown (D-Cal). Profs ify o cologyaid By ROBERT SPAULDING Ecology experts from regional universities tes- tified at a congressional hearing held yesterday .tth A- i hi:a-T n: n - n- th - - quate" for the intent of the bill. Dr. Robert Kaufman of Western Michigan Uni- versity suggested that "research centers are not what is needed" and commented on the "im- - - - -- o-.. -.l ,- 9