r FBI RETICENSE Friday, Feb eiw £f tugan Bait Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Playing possum on Pine Ridge ruary 6, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan MEC. , cEp-LIGIA-r DI'ri~'Ic-r By ALAN KETTLER T HE DISRUPTION and destruction of Indian life on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota continues under the threats and abuses of the FBI. While in Washington over vacation I decided to hear the FBI's version of their deeds in South Dakota. Their re- sponse was both incredible and dis- heartening. A receptionist at the new J. Edgar Hoover Building sent me to a build- ing across the street, where, he said, I would talk to a receptionist on a phone. He would connect me with their South Dakota office there, at which point I would talk to someone over the phone, or more likely, someone would take me up to their office where we could talk. SO, I FOUND THE PHONE and be, gan my conversation with the reception- ist. He started off by telling me that there was no one there for me to talk to, that I would have to go to South Dakota to talk to someone about what the FBI is doing on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. I told him what the first reception- ist told me, at which point he asked me my name and address. When I asked him why he wanted to know these things, he answered, "Because the FBI needs to know." Then he ask- ed for my date of birth. Following this he asked what I want- ed to know, why I wanted to know it. what I had heard about the FBI in South Dakota, and who my sources of information were. At this he asked, "Do you need to know what the FBI is doing in South Dakota?" I said yes, and he asked, "Do you really need to know what the FBI is doing?" Again I said yes. Then the voice on the telephone an- swered my request to talk to someone about the FBI's activities in South Da- kota. His incredible answer was, "Only the FBI needs to know what the FBI is doing in South Dakota. You don't need to know anything about what the FBI is doing." He repeated these state- ments two or three times, and ended his remarks by saying, "The FBI doesn't have to tell you anything." TOO DUMBFOUNDED to muster a reply, I asked, "Is that it?" After a ten-second silence he hung up, appar- ently content with the Orwellian no- tion that "Ignorance is strength." According to Ellison, only the Asso- ciated Press provides any media in- formation about ongoing events in South Dakota, and they get their information when the FBI phones in their version of what happens on the reservation. But others in close contact with the reservation itself have their own account of the situation. Last winter I heard Mark Lane, de- fendant for Russel Means and Dennis Banks, describe numerous flagrant vio- lations of decency and law. During the FBI siege two summers ago when the Indians attempted to declare their sov- ereignty at Wounded Knee, Lane was arrested more than once by the FBI for the crime of trying to bring food and medicine into the reservation. The FBI's frustrated attempts to find a single witness to testify on their be- half finally turned up what Lane de- scribed as "an emotionally troubled young man." Through his own investi- gations, Lane discovered that the FBI had "wined and dined" this Indian for two weeks at "the kind of hotel where IBM executives would stay." Also, the FBI promised to drop rape charges against him if he would testify. These discoveries, along with other instances of illegality and misconduct by the FBI relating to the case caused the judge to drop charges. ON DECEMBER 10, 1975 Wounded Knee Legal Defense attorney Bruce El- lison described current FBI activities on the reservations. According to El- lison, 40 deaths have occurred on the reservation within the past year, while 100-200 FBI agents patrol the territory. In his words, they are equipped with "the latest weaponry and technology used in the Vietnam War." Last summer two FBI agents were supposedly "executed" on ground where bunkers and fighting ditches had sup- posedly been set up. Ellison had a look at the scene of the incident where the two constructions were, respectively, root cellars and drainage ditches. Finally, one of the agents was carrying two hand- guns, a shotgun, and another rifle when he was "executed." During Ellison's talk the trial of an 11-year-old Indian boy was under way. The FBI wanted him to testify on their pounds. He went to see the machine Russell Means Dennis Banks 'Only the FBI needs to know anything about what the FBI is doing in South Da- kota. You don't need to know anything about what the FBI is doing.' He repeated these statements two or three tines, and ended his remarks by saying, 'The FBI omesi't have to tell you anything.' ."l::t":.{":X... .L{:",f:^5:"Y^:'l. , gun in question, and said "The gun was at least as tall as the boy. All he would have to do is stand up next behalf, but he refused. As a result, the FBI charged him with stealing a ma- chine gun from a white rancher on the reservation. ELLISON SAID THE BOY was about four feet tall and weighed about 80 to the machine gun in court, and say 'Defense rests.' " At that time, Ellison said that the FBI was working on the boy's two nine-year-old friends. So, the destructive affairs of the FBI go on in South Dakota and elsewhere, known only to those who "need to know" -the victims and their assailants, who, I will remind you, are to "serve and to protect." Alan Kettler is an LSA Junior who occasionally contributes to the editorial Page. A chilly forecast for Latin America (EDITOR'S NOTE: This col- lection of reports is written by journalists working with the Pa- cific News Service, North Amer- ican Congress on Latin Amerl- America Press. It Is designed to give readers a quick sense of the dominant moods and trends of this region.) MONTEVIDEO - One out of 500 Uruguayans is a political prisoner in this country of 3 million. Uruguay - once called the Switzerland of Latin Ameri- ca - now outranks all countries in its per capita total of politi- cal prisoners. According to the prestigious London-based Am- nesty International, one out of 50 people have at one time been arrested for political reasons since the crackdown against political dissidents began in 1971. Meanwhile, with a stag- nant economy, the number of people emigrating from the country is higher than any- where else in Latin America. MONTEVIDEO- Eight math- ematicians at the University of California, Berkeley, have cabled the President here to protest the imprisonment of noted Uruguayan mathematic- ian Jose Luis Massera. The city government of Caracas, Venezuela, is demanding the release of popular film and theater director Hugo Ulive. The Mexican embassy here invited Uruguay's leading opposition figure, Liber Seregni, to inde- pendence day celebrations. When the military junta object- ed, the embassy cancelled its invitations to all high level mili- tary officials. Segni was subse- quently arrested. SANTIAGO - In this city - where American church people report that Chileans have been shot for spray-painting "I am hungry" on a wall - guerrilla actions by anonymous groups continue to protest the ruling junta. In recent weeks a group set fire to a warehouse - caus- ing $500,000 damage. Others raided a bank at night, steal- ing $6,000 and painting anti-jun- ta slogans on the wall. And the howntown sections were show- ered with leaflets bearing pho- tos of slain president Salvador Allende and the slogan "Chile with Allende." BOGOTA-Civil disorders are on the rise in this one of the few remaining civilian - ruled countries of Latin America. In the first guerrilla action of the year, an unidentified left wing group attacked a military train- ing school near here, seizing a cache of weapons. Last year a spate of political violence - in- cluding student clashes with po- lice and army units, massive strikes crippling the country's cement industry, and 68 politi- cal kidnappings - prompted the government to reinstate a state of seige that has all but barred democratic "reforms for 28 years. Though President Alfon- so Lopez Michelsen - elected last year on a liberal party platform - has promised to lift the siege in April, he is under heavy pressure not to do so by the powerful right wing, who represent Columbia's weal- thiest families. A military crackdown is reportedly now underway against strong guer- rilla groups based in the coun- try's jungle and mountain stret- ches. CARACAS - SELA (Latin American Economic System), a rival to the U.S.-dominated OAS, took a key step toward eco- nomic independence from the U.S. with a new plan for a cooperative food industry in Latin America. The plan was discussed at SELA's first tech- nical meeting here last month. The industry would be wholly financed by Latin American capital and aimed exclusively at a Latin American market. The desire for economic inde- pendence is in part fueled by the fact that much of Latin America's arable land, along with food production and dis- tribution, is now owned or con- trolled by foreign multinationals. ASUNCION-Poorest of South America's countries, Paraguay has taken another step into Brazil's ever expanding econom- ic orbit with the opening of a new industrial zone financed by Brazilian capital. The zone, lo- cated on the border with Bra- zil, is virtually a Brazilian en- clave, surrounded by 100,000 Brazilian settlers and with a predominantly Brazilian work- force of 1,200. In addition to the zone, centered on lumber and expected to bring a $5 mil- lion monthly profit, Brazilian investors are also financing ma- jor new steel developments here to process iron ore from Bra- zilian-owned reserves in neigh- boring Bolivia. BRASILIA - U.S. officials here are worried about the in- creasingly independent foreign policy of the Brazilian govern- ment - long regarded as Amer- ica's chief ally, and the emerg- ing super power, of Latin Amer- ica. Of particular concern, ac- cording to a U.S. state depart- ment official interviewed by one of Brazil's leading dailies, is Brazil's recognition of the MPLA as Angola's legitimate government. Already with em- bassies , in both Mozambique and Guinea Bissau, Brazil has now upgraded its diplomatic representation in Angola to em- bassy status - adding fuel to the controversy. Brazil defends its policy as part of an effort to improve relations with the former Portuguese colonies - where Brazilians as well as Portuguese dominated the co- lonial administration. The Af- rica policy comes, however, on the heels of two other policy initiatives that clashed directly with U.S. priorities - the UN vote on zionism and the West German agreement on provid- ing Brazil with a nuclear pow- er plant. Distributed by JosOngeles 'imes SYNDICATE TODAY'S STAFF: News: Sue Ades, Glen Allerhand, Ann Marie Lipinski, Pauline Lubens, Jeff Ristine, Tim Schick. Editorial Page: Michael Beckman, Stephen Hersh, Jon Pansius, Tom Stevens Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens Editorial Staff ROB MEACHUM BILL TURQUE Co-Editors-in-Chief JEFF RISTINE ................ Managing Editor TIM SCHICK ....... . Executive Editor STEPHEN HERSH Editorial Director JEFF SORENSEN .. . . Arts Editor CHERYL PILATE . Magazine Editor °.s?:i ? f:4:"::::1:'. . J.": '' J.. C; O56 !E RO MWYl (T JOaCP RY -E6T~H VJPE& h r, ) - iwm {uMp4& K LAX6$OMP I vCP612 M lrN CAME T PVSCP PV 0646F AI~JD r1 P~kJcUHt2 ML1cF ~~.4A4L S a~~WAS Ur CAME OFF ~J !-Y HAA)$. A dream for the futt By TOM STEVENS yowled ahead, bolting at ti FERRARI 365 GT4/BB 4.4, ultra-pimento and the valves sneezing the paint, 1,460 anti-social horsepower! power back against the Maser,t Chinchilla mudflaps! Becker Mexico $8500 carbon atoms slammingh AM/FM eight track roaring the Who's My yellow nose-paint with furl Generation; lucious supple corinthian leather tail no loss in velocity. buckets, radar snooper on the dash, roaring Now some little ICBM's V-12 at our backs, blurring our vision, indi- from beneath that car an gestible power; distilled ambrosia Cabernet been heat sensitive because Sauvingnon omnipotence, we rolled out onto up our tail pipes and into t Maynard, loafing in Zahnradfabrik Friedrich- jawed them into combustib schafen's third. Three of five. hammered ahead with ne Cruising along I-94 at 179 we pass several fast moving cows and a state police on the ENOUGH IS enough. Pull shoulder. We catch a fleeting glimpse of him 150 gallons of oil came p pulling out into traffic but soon there is no tom of our Ferrari. It spla more than a little blue micro-dot in the spe- the Maserati's windscreen chio retro visione. Eeeee . . . spinning out of control. He so times and explodes. NOW A MISSILE-Maserati patrol car is We accelerated up to 29 moving up on us. He must be pushing 180 middle line. Suddenly a gig because we've leveled at 165. He's flashing appeared in front of us. his gumballs at us and seconds hang while we motor along deciding. Tom Stevens is a mei It didn't take long. The beast Ferrari editorial Page staff. [tre he 'phalt, grabbing, eir solidjet of fumes the noxious hydro- into the screaming ry, but costing our were shooting out nd they must have e they shot straight he engine. V-12 just ble material and we w verve. r c Air. 9 i the rip-cord there; ouring out the bot- shed up and coated and sent the creep e rolled a dozen or 2 and stuck to the antic 590 ton bridge mber of the Daily , w I;:. ENUO SAIP "'WECAkYF 61A&)i2AJYM6OPEOF tXf(MCIMTS . -AW!5 A SE6AT 59xc&55C5 &C U' C:H'x~i s 5E(S WWPt .'"P l&)-r ,poW&l ~~W UA&4ETO ~HE." i% }: ' :.,try 4 it I mm?-l 1 AS. I I '1 " T -i T a I