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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 109
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 6, 1976
10 Cents
Eight Pages
I -
Double whammy?
It looks like the Regents' decision to hike dorm
rates next year may have off-campus repercus-
sions. Bill Tyler, a manager of McKinley Asso-
ciates, thinks the rates for his units will increase
"around five per cent" next year, adding that each
' may face tough labor isutes
building will be
woman for the
"the figures we
creases reflect
adds the group
search as yet.
considered separately. A spokes-
Ann Arbor Tenants Union says
have indicate that off-campus in-
dorm increases," although she
has not done any systematic re-
Tyler, however, maintains "our
Daily News Analysis
The University may face a tough series of labor disputes it
coming year when its contracts with five campus unions ex
With a combined membership of over 8,300, the unions are
fronting an administration already over-burdened with econ
The most volatile negotiations involve the Graduate Empl(
Organization (GEO), the clericals' union (UAW Local 2001),
the American Federation of State, County and Municipal
ployes (AFSCME). Less threatening are the House Officers
sociation (HOA) and the International Union of Operating I
THE GEO, which held a month-long strike a year ag
probably the most likely to stage a walkout. Not only is thei
leadership likely to remain adamant on its economic dem
despite the University's claims of poverty, but it will probably
make several non-economic demands as well. In last year's con-
tract the union won sexual preference and non-discrimination
clauses, but lost its battle for other non-economic proposals. They
will probably be brought up again this year.
These social issues require as much hard bargaining as the
economic ones. The administration is reluctant to allow its power
to be limited by provisions in GEO's contract. GEO is committed
both by ideology and internal political promises to fight for these
provisions as strongly as for the wage demands.
Since its birth in 1973-74, the union has been fraught with
tactical struggles between liberal and moderate factions. Last
year, after six months of negotiations with University bargainers,
the GEO leadership summoned enough strength from its mem-
bers to launch a massive job action. The strike was felt particu-
larly strongly in the School of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
where attendance dropped as much as 50 per cent.
A CONFRONTATION is also expected with the clericals' un-
ion. Representing 3,200 campus clerical workers, the union is in
the midst of a struggle between two factions which seek to lead
the union. Which ever prevails, the leadership will take a hard line
against the University to maintain its positon.
AFSCME is likewise involved in political infighting. The lead-
ership is uncertain of its support among its 2,300 workers. The un-
ion's demands are expected to be considerable, as President
Joel Block may attempt to make his competence clear to the
rank and file.
The administration views these developments with concern.
The University's position is that large wage increases are im-
possible unless employes are fired or productivity increases.
Likely to be less troublesome are negotiations with the HOA,
representing interns at area hospitals, and the 35 Operating Engi-
neers, who run the University's boilers. Leadership in both groups
appears to be stable and quick agreements are anticipated.
rates are independently set."
Happenings ...
can keep you occupied almost all day long.
ABC-TV documentary producer Marlene Sanders
discusses her program on women's health at 11
a.m., 2053 LSA . . . Continuing Education for Wo-
men offers a program on the return of women to
school and shifting family alignments at noon, 328
Thompson St. . . . Robert Hall explains "The Geo-
graphic Foundations of the Japanese Economy" at
3 p.m. in the Commons Rm. of Lane Hall .
Steve Rotschild of General Mills tells a "Product
Story" for the Marketing Club at 3:30 in Hale
Auditorium of the Business School . . . there's an
organizational meeting for students interested in
working on the Ed Pierce Congressional campaign
at 5:30 p.m. in Apt. B4 at 1700 Geddes . . . Cos-
mic Transmitter Tyagi Ji does his thing at 1420
Hill at 7 p.m. . . . and the People's Bicentennial
Commission holds a 8 p.m. dance in the Law
Licensing vice
A Trenton, N. J. city councilman wants to license
his city'sprostitutes because they "start traffic
jams in the center of town." Eugene Kalinowski
further complains the ladies "make money and
don't pay taxes" and are tarnishing the city's
downtown reputation. He recommends that they
be licensed "so that we know who the people are
and can control them." Prostitution is already
illegal in New Jersey, so we're not exactly sure
what kind of "control" Kalinowski has in mind.
It's possible he simply wants to regulate rates,
like a public utility. Or it could be he'd like to set
performance standards, which might be a bit
difficult to enforce. In any event, the council has
agreed to study the proposal.
A star is born
Remember James Salamites, the unemployed
high school dropout who rammed his Buick into
President Ford's limousine last October? Now, in
the best tradition of Fanne Foxe and Judith
Campbell Exner, Salamites is exploiting his media
event to the fullest. He's received $75 for an ap-
pearance on "To Tell The Truth," and will ap-
pear on Howard Cosell's program. He's getting
offers of up to $2,000 for his wreck - which now
sits, useless, in his back yardt- but he's holding
out for a possible national tour of the rusting
heap. Last month he signed on a manager, but
he has no definite engagements as yet. Through
it all, Salamites has stayed humble. "I just take
everything in stride," he says. "You never think
people would take a great interest in something
like this." Obviously, Salamites never met P. T.
McCarthy picks Ford
Independent presidential aspirant Eugene Mc-
Carthy says he wants a Ford as his vice-president
-William Ford, that is. Ford, owner of the De-
troit Lions and a member of the automobile fami-
ly, has been a substantial contributor to the Mc-
Carthy '76 campaign. The leader of the '68 "Chil-
dren's Crusade" says he's going to try to collect
2.5 million signatures in Maryland, Ohio, Pennsyl-
vania and Nebraska to get the McCarthy-Ford tic-
ket on the state ballots. We just hope the voters
don't get the names mixed up.
Rule of thumb
Researchers at the University of Washington
have unearthed new findings on the psychology
of hitchhiking. Well-endowed women have an
easier time getting rides from men than less
curvacioushitchhikers. Experimentseshowed that
women doubled the number of rides they obtain-
ed by using padding to increase their bustline
by two inches. When not wearing padding, the
women received rides from about one in 10 pass-
ing male motorists. With the extra two inches
they got rides from one in five. Next year re-
searchers will conduct a similar experiment us-
ing male volunteers to test whether exposing
more chest hair brings a better response. So
much for the world of science.
On the inside...
University student Alan Kettler comments on
the FBI's silence on the Wounded Knee incident
. . . Rick Bonino profiles the wrestling team's Ed
Neiswender for Sports . . . and Arts Page features
its regular Cinema Weekend.
start slow
By AP and Reuter
J O Y A B A X, Guatemala -
Weeping survivors yesterday
w a n d e r e d the rubble - filled
streets in search of food and
shelter in this little mountain
town almost totally destroyed
by Wednesday's earthquake.
With 100 bodies already buried
yesterday morning in a mass
grave, volunteer firemen were
slowly trying to penetrate acres
of rubble up to six feet deep in
an effort to find the 400 other
people listed as missing.
A FEW WERE brought out
alive after being trapped for 30
hours and were given emer-
gency treatment in a makeshift
tent in the main square. But
for the most part, the rescuers
found only corpses.
The National Emergency Com-
mittee, which is coordinating
rescue work, said Dednesday
night more than 3,000 people
were feared to have died and
15,000 injured throughout the
country. Ten thousand were left
Reports from the interior told
of widespread devastation from
the quake that struck Wednes-
day along a 2,000-mile strip of
CentralnAmerica and Mexico.
Rescue workers were trying to
get around landslides on moun-
tain roads to reach villages as
near as 20 miles from Guate-
mali City.
Massive American disaster as-
sistance was sent to Guatemala
in response to appeals for help.
Mirror image
This woman seeks a new image as she tries on a wig yesterday at the Kiwanis sale. The event,
which will continue today and tomorrow Is being held at Washington and First street.
Sirica suffers hecart seizure
Fund increase won't
match 1975-76 cuts
University President Robben Fleming yesterday said
there will "definitely be a tuition hike next fall" if the
state legislature approves Governor William Milliken's
Flemng's statement was made after Milliken recom-
mended a 4.2 per cent increase in the state budget for the
coming fiscal year, including a $1.48 million hike for the
University's Ann Arbor campus.
FLEMING SAID that the proposed funds wouldn't be enough
to "maintain the present level of service" here at the University.
"There will have to be cuts in many areas along with a tuition
increase just to meet costs,
Fleming said.
The University's budget was
cut by $1.6 million this year by
an unprecedented executive or-
der by Milliken. Fleming had
expected enough funds to return
the University's budget to the
1974-75 level, plus an increase.
"ANN ARBOR had its budget
cut by $100,000," Fleming ex-
plained. "This appears to us as
both disappointing and unfair as
we took the largest single cut of
any institution of higher learn-
ing in the State of Michigan in
1975-76," he continued.
University Vice-President for
See FLEMING, Page 3 Fleming
Soviet, Cuban aid
strengthens PLA
By AP and Reuter Affairs, told reporters that un-
WASHINGTON - The Marx- der these circumstances, the
ist Popular Movement for the MPLA had to prevail in the
Liberation of Angola (MPLA) civil war. But he qualified this
has received $200 million worth statement later by saying he
of Soviet military assistance was not taking into account the
and has 12,000 Cubans doing existence of guerrilla opposi-
most of the fighting on its side, tion.
a senior State Department of- A N A L Y S T S A R E
ficial said yesterday. uncertain whether the troop air-
William Schaufele, Assistant lift. has finally ended or has
Secretary of State for African been suspended temporarily.
By AP and Reuter
Sirica, the man who sentenced
leading members of the Nixon
Administration to prison terms
for the Watergate cover-up, suf-
fered a massive heart attack
yesterday and was in critical
condition last night.
A spokesman for G e o r g e
Washington University Hospital
said electric shocks were used
in the emergency room to re-
store the judge's heart to effec-
tive pumping action.
HE WAS then placed in one
of the hospital's intensive care
units. The spokesman said Sirica
had regained his ability to speak
and breathe normally. His heart
also was pumping normally. But
he described the judge's condi-
tion as critical.
Dr. Joel Gorfinkle, associate
director of the hospital's coro-
nary unit, said Sirica was "do-
ing as well as can be expected."
Gorfinkle noted that the cri-
tical period in heart attack
cases is the first 48 hours.
Sirica, a month shy of his
72nd birthday, pitched over the
lectern w h i l e delivering a
speech on the obligation of law-
yers to professional ethics. He
was speaking to 270 alumni of
George Washington University
Law School, including many fel-
low judges.
Sirica, who was called "Max-
imum John" for his harsh sen-
tences, was virtually unknown
before the trials of several of
former President Nixon's closest
advisers propelled him to na-
tional prominence.
Women the cause of
lowered SAJ
The average Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
score has been dropping in recent years because
of an increasing enrollment of "mediocre fe-
males," according to one prominent testing
Leo Munday, vice president of the American
College Testing (ACT) program, said Wednesday
in Washington that ACT and SAT scores have
dropped between 20 and 30 per cent over the last
decade. At the same time, female enrollment in
the nation's colleges has increased from 45 to
55 per cent.
MUNDAY explained the change as a result of
fewer men enrolling in college to avoid the draft.
stance taken by Munday. Last winter term, for
example, women undergraduates earned an aver-
age grade of 3.14, while their male counterparts
could only manage 3.02.
Concerning the upswing in grades, Swain points
to an increase in credits earned through Ad-
vanced Placement examinations.
"I'm a little reluctant to say that the quality of
students is going down," added Swain.
FROM THE time that this year's senior class
entered the University in 1972 until the fall of
1974, slightly less than 47 per cent of each enter-
ing class was female.
In the fall of 1972, undergraduate women earned
Pro gram
on Angyola
hits U.S.
"Let there be no confusion
about about Angola among
freedom - loving people," said
South African writer Phyllis
Jordan last night. "There is no
confusion among the Angolans.
They know who the exploiters
are. The U. S. government has
never fought for freedom and
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