Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1 48104 Wednesday, February 4, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Of PubI IF YOU REALLY want to understand the significance of 1976, take a tip from the American public, ignore the candi- dates. This election year, the first to be dominated by economic issues in the post-war era, should pose some very important questions about the future of the American economy. The fact that the presidential contest fails to do so is an indictment of the American politi- cal system, not the American people. Virtually every major poll in the country indicates that the public is very uncertain about the economic future of ic Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Moynihan. Spirited, puzzling Power and populism, DANIEL MOYNIHAN'S resignation as United States representative to the United Nations is unfortunate. The urbane, scholarly Irishman pumped new life, if not significant reform, into an institution that was slowly smothering in its own inac- tion and ineptitude. His candor was like a blast of arctic air, and when he pegged Ugandan President Idi Amin as a "racist murderer," we knew that this was not another tep- id-tongued member of the striped- pants-corps representing our inter- ests at the U.N. His departure is hardly a surprise. Despite public avowals to the con- trary, his lay-it-on-the-line style was obviously too hot for President Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kis- singer to handle. His revulsion at the dwindling number of democracies in the world probably ran sufficiently against his libertarian grain to be a factor in his resignation. But this Moynihan is a complicat- ed, enigmatic man. One sniffs a dili- gent careerist at work. His associates admit that he has been casting more than a random glance at the New York Senate race this year, and of course, thesedatekconfines of Har- vard yard are beckoning. THERE HAVE, however, been times when Moynihan has been out in left field. In 1972, as an adviser to President Nixon, he wrote a memo suggesting that the race problem in the U. S. could benefit from a period This article was written by members of the Ann Arbor chapter of Public Power. the nation and is willing to support seri- ous economic change. If the public seems politically indifferent in 1976 it is out of confusion not apathy. AFTER A DECADE of Vietnam and Watergate, there are many reasons for this confusion, but one factor is para- mount: what we are witnessing in 1976 is the collapse of traditional liberal poli- cies in the United States. That collapse brings the question of the redistribution of wealth and power squarely into the American political arena. Since the New Deal, liberalism has been able to skirt this question because it rested as a political ideology on the firm base of an ever expanding economy. As long as the economic pie was get- ting bigger every year, everyone's piece could increase in size without redistribu- ting the pie. Today that economic base is shaky and the question of redistribution is ready to become a dominant political issue in the United States. I say ready because it takes two sides to make an issue and as yet we only have one, the Right. Using the slogan of fiscal conservatism as a smokescreen, the Right opposes redistribution and seeks to place the burden of economic hard times on American working people. BUT WHERE IS the other side, the side that would argue that social pro- gress in the United States can only come about through a major redistribution of wealth and power? It's hardly the liberal Congress of the Democratic presidential candidates. In fact, liberals seem as con- fused by the new political realities as anyone else. The more opportunistic in their ranks have joined the Right under the banner of fiscal conservatism. Others cling to expensive band-aid solutions that even they admit can't solve long range problems. No, if there is to be a progressive force in the redistribution debate it will have to come from the American Left. The Left must do for the politics of redistribution in the 1970s what we did for the anti-war movement in the 60s- take it into the political mainstream. Our failure to do so allows the Right to keep winning the dedistribution debate by de- fault. THATIS ALL WELL AND GOOD, but where is the American Left? Where are the organizations and leaders that can put these issues into focus on the na- tional political scene? Well, we didn't have them in the 60s either-we built our own organizations and let the is- sues themselves, not charismatic lead- ers, drive the message home. And through a lot of creative hard work we won the majority of the American peo- ple to our side. Again in the seventies the issues them- selves must be the heart of our politics. In Michigan this year there is an ex- cellent opportunity for the Left to wage an effective campaign on a key economic issue, public ownership of utilities. For several months now a petition drive called Public Power has been taking shape around the state. If successful, it will place a proposal for public take- over of gas and electric utilities on the 1976 ballot. PUBLIC POWER is precisely the kind of issue we need to build a movement for economic change. And the format of a petition drive puts political power where we think it belongs, with the people. It is not a petition of grievance that can be ignored by the utilities or politicians. Public Power will place a constitutional amendment on the ballot that with voter approval will Michiganize the private utility companies. Several aspects of the Public Power amendment make it an ideal issue for the Left. 0 First, by calling for the elimination of private utility companies it makes a direct challenge to corporate domination of the economy. * Secondly, it offers consumers much needed rate relief through a non-profit service concept and the elimination of rate structures that subsidize giant in- dustrial and commercial users. 0 And finally, Public Power calls for public not private decision making on vital issues like nuclear power plant construction, energy conservation, and resource use. BUT THERE IS MORE to the Pub- lic Power campaign than the amend- ment itself. The general political im- pact of a public takeover of utilities in Michigan could be felt around the nation. The political system may move to the Right in November but Public Power offers people in this state a chance to move to the Left. For the Left, Public Power is a con- crete campaign that can unite people who have been turned off by the sectar- ian infighting that characterize many radical groups. But more importantly it allows us to reach out to thousands of people whothavenever been part of any political movement, but who are will- ing to work for progressive economic change. We have the opportunity to offer the people of Michigan a real choice next fall, the choice betweenna utility sys- tem run as a profit making monopoly or a public system responsible to the people they serve. In a larger sense it is a choice between two economic fu- tures, one of inflation, budget cuts, and unemployment and another based on the redistribution of wealth and power. "If there is to be a progressive force in the redistribu- tion debate, it will have to come from the American Left. The Left must do for the politics of redistribution in the 1970s what we did for the anti-war movement in the 60s-take it into the political mainstream. Our failure to do so allows the Right to keep winning the re- distribution debate by default.' rtar.-a.;r;;.}"t n;:." :v.1, ,.. ^.; "r :":.""v.;. w .. Daniel Moynihan of "benign neglect." This indicates that his U. N. floor criticism of ra- cism did not exactly spring from a deep understanding of the problem. And his manner of criticism may have blunted the persuasive effect his views might have had on the ob- jects of his opprobrium. But any voice speaking against ra- cial injustice should be welcome. In his outspoken criticism of the U. N. Zionism resolution, Moynihan was in the right. HEALTH SERVIC',E HANDBOOK: Veggies in combination make protein Paying the bill for PIRGIM THE UNIVERSITY Board of Re- gents will vote today on a new method of funding PIRGIM, the student - run public interest group. PIRGIM works for the students on this campus. When Michigan Bell wanted to raise telephone rates PIR- GIM fought them every step of the way. It lobbied in Lansing and con- vinced enough people to block the rate hike. Right now, PIRGIM is working to push through a bill that will prevent the sale of products us- ing the ozone damaging propellant freon. These are just two of the 26 pro- jects that PIRGIM has worked on in the last five months. But to continue to serve the public as it has, PIRGIM needs money. UNDER THE GROUP'S funding sys- tem students are automatically TODAY'S STAFF: News: David Garfinkel, Ann-Marie Lipinski, Rob Mtachum, Annmarie Schiavi, Tim Schick, Bill Turque Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Michael Beckman, Steven Hersh, Maureen Nolan Arts Page: Jeff Selbst Photo Technician: Scott Eccker charged the $1.50 PIRGIM fee. To get a refund, students must only fill out and return a form that will be sent out with each tuition,bill. This system is unfair in that it places the burden on the wrong group. It is wrong to require those who don't wish to contribute to have to do anything, even something as simple as filling out a form. PIRGIM should be supported by those who wish to contribute and only by those students. The alternative before the Regents is a positive check-off system. This would still call for a form to be sent out, but a student would fill the form out only if he or she wanted to contribute to PIRGIM. WHILE THIS PLAN is certainly more equitable, it will make it harder for PIRGIM to collect money. PIRGIM is the students only voice in this state's government and we can't afford to lose it. With a posi- tive check-off system it will be easy to just ivnore the form and not con- tribute. But we can't let this happen. We have to keep PIRGIM alive and the only way to do that is to care. To care enough to take 20 seconds to fill out a form and give $1.50 to PIRGIM. By SILVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHIK GARWOOD Question: In your October 9th column you mentioned the fact that different plant foods had different amino acids and so in order to get the balance the body needs, some of these plants ought to be eaten togeth- er. Can you give some exam- ples? Answer: Certainly. From the well - stocked mental cupboard of our nutritionist, Irene Hieber, we have extracted the follow- ing: As was noted in our earlier column (but we feel is worth repeating), the value of any protein depends on the number and the proportions of the 8 essential amino acids (EAAs) it contains. (Actually, all 22 amino acids are essential but these eight cannot be manu- factured by your body and must thereforebbe obtained from the food you eat). In terms of quality of protein, egg protein is the highest, closely followed by milk and other dairy pro- ducts, fish and meat. Different plant proteins are strong in some EAAs and weak in others. Since in order to maintain health' it is important for all of the EAAs to be present sim- ultaneously, you should make certain, if you are going to re- strict your diet to plant foods, that you eat foods which com- pliment each other with respect to EAAs. For example, certain plants called legumes (like dried beans, split peas, and lentils) are strong in the amino acid known as lysine, good in isoleucine but deficient in the one know as tryptophan. Nuts and seeds (like almonds, sun- flower seeds etc.) on the other hand, are deficient in isoleucine and lysine but strong in tryp- tophan. Thus these two types of plant foods would be considered complimentary and if eaten in the same meal would provide a good balance of the amino acids. A meal of bean soup and pea- nut butter on whole wheat bread would also be excellent. A third example of a good com- plimentary mixt'rre would be a casserole containing soybeans, rice, wheat germ and pecans. Incidentally, we wish to in- form you that our nutrition clin- ic is in the process of setting up educational sessions which will deal with this important tonic in greater depth. If you wish to attend one of these group sessions you can call for an appointment at 763-0224. Question: In last Wednesday's Daily you said that "crabs" are contracted through close physi- cal contact. However, Dr. Segat (at least) will inform you that thev are also commonly con- tracted by sharing clothes, tow- els, toilets, etc. This could in- chide trying onvclothes in stores! Why do youi insist on snreading these VD-like myths? You are a disservice to stu- dents. If students have health ouestions, let them ask real doctors and find the truth. Do yoi have the guts to resnond? Answer: Hey, hey, why so beliuerent? The fact that crabs are indeed commonly soread by all the means you mention does not x;egate the fact that they are even more readily spread by close physical contact. One fnct does not cancel ont anoth- er. However, we are sorry we did not elaborate on the as- nects von are talking about. In or own gutsv way we'd like to sav that arguing a Point by calling names (i.e., calling 1s a disservice because of a lack of emnhnsis and not misinfor- pnatlon) is kid stuff. You can crhk ot our facts by any re- liah1e book on the subiect or by f"4ther discnssions with doc- tors (hah real and unreal). Onstion: Ts it possible for a virgin to use Tampax during her menstrual period? Answer: Although there are some women whose hymenal openings are so small that a tampon can only be inserted with difficulty, it has been our experience that most women learn to insert vaginal tampons to control their menstrual bleeding with only a minimal stretching of the hymen. (In fact, some physicians feel that this gradual minimal stretch- ing accomplished by the con- stant use of tampons, may pre- pare women for later sexual intercourse with less difficulty). In addition, the use of a tam- pon may serve the added func- tion of helping a woman be- come acquainted with her re- productive antaomy and help- ing her to overcome any taboos against touching her genitals. If you are using a tampon for the first time, it may be help- ful for you to begin with the "junior" size and to lubricate the tip far easier insertion. Send any health related ques- tions to: Health Educators U-M Health Service 207 Fletcher Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109 Safety for University busing By STEPHEN KURSMAN On January 29 at about 4:30 p.m., the Bursley-Baits bus stopped behind Bursley as usual. Some people walked in front of the bus, others behind. All crossed the street except one: he was hit by a car. According to one witness, the car ap- proached from the direction of Baits, mov- ing quickly. The witness moved out from in front of the bus, and the car slowed down. But not enough, for the witness looked around and saw the victim bounce off the car's fender into the air, landing on the pavement. THE SIMPLE FACT is that this accident need not have occurred. The implementation of a few common sense measures would have made this particular accident, and others like it which may occur, almost im- possible. First of all, the bus let the riders off on the street instead of pulling into the cir- cle behind Bursley. This is dangerous, es- pecially during rush-hour. The buses pick up students from the circle in back of Burs- ley; the bus should stop there to drop them off as well. The few seconds which may be gained by avoiding the circle are not worth the risk of injury or even death. But let's assume that the time element is very important, so buses can't use the circle. Jeff Goldsmith, a frequent rider, an- grily points out that there are no signs to warn motorists of crossing pedestrians. If a few well-posted warning signs were there, the accident might not have occurred. THE CARS THEMSELVES are often mov- ing too fast, and they are not required to stop for the buses. According to the Ann Arbor Police Department, there is nothing - state or local - that requires a motorist to stop for a U-M bus that is loading or unload- ing. The driver of the vehicle is free to keep moving around the bus, to the rish of the rider-pedestrian. Sam Mickelson, a Bursley resident, plans to circulate a petition asking that red flash- ing lights be put on all U-M buses. This is a good idea. The accident is unfortunate evidence that these lights are needed now, and as North Campus becomes more populous in the future, they will be needed that much more. Another suggestion comes from Goldsmith, who questions the wisdom of buses pulling out from Fuller Pool, especially at night. He claims that the oncoming traffic makes this a dangerous practice,. and a likely loca- tion for another accident. The overall message is clear. Correctible dangers exist in the bus service. Safety anyone? 1i%4EFZE6No wm-m PR?&Em..\A)E 3us-r DI&A 4 ) 4LE Stephen Kursman Daily editorial page is a new member of The staff. Letters to The Daily Clerical debate To The Daily: I WOULD LIKE to comment on the charges which have been leveled against the Clericals for a Democratic Union by the "Unity" Caucus in recent weeks. Two examples, repre- sentative of all "Unity" propa- ganda, are the letters to The Daily from Ronald Jones, hus- band of the former "Unity" Caucus boss of Local 2001, and Lisa Gumtow. "Unity's" charg- es are both absurd and danger- ous - they range from sheer lie to subtle but harmful dis- tortion. assessing "militant, dedicated, capable and experienced lead- ership." What is more important is. looking at the positions of union leaders and the consisten- cy of their actions. Since June, CDU has consistently stood for and fought for the rights of the membership of Local 2001, while "Unity" has fought to maintain its control over the member- ship. THE MOST REVEALING sen- tence in Jones' letter is the fol- lowing: "Do the major CDU candidates have any loyalties or obligations, political or finan- cial, which will compromise terests of Americans?" Yes, we have heard it all before. McCarthyist smears are not new from the right-wing "Uni- ty" Caucus. From the day "Uni- ty" first crawled into view (September 28, 1975), it has had no positive program of its own for Local 2001. A creature of the UAW bureaucrats, "Unity" was born of an anti-CDU smear campaign and has drawn its pathetic nourishment from such smears. During the last elec- tion, CDU put forward an ex- tensive program of action for Local 2001, so that union mem- bers could know exactly where we stnd Uny" n .,frwad "Unity" would be fatal both to democracy and to struggle. "Unity" must also be stopped b'ecause right-wing smears by desperate bureaucrats are ex- ceedingly dangerous to all our free thought, speech and activi- ty. CDU challenges "Unity" to debate openly any union or political issue of concern to union members. But we also call on University clericals and other UAW members to show the UAW and "Unity" bureaucrats that we will not permit the deadly virus of McCarthyism to take over our unions again. Seen Hansen be the second consecutive wom- an to speak at commencement - Alice Rivlin having been the December speaker. We are happy to bring to your attention the fact that Francoise Giroud will be the THIRD con- secutive woman commencement speaker at the University of Michigan. In August, Dr. Mary Ellen Avery, chair of the Pe- diatrics Department at Harvard University, received an honor- ary degree and delivered the commencement address. As the staff of the UM In- ternational Women's Year Com- mittee, we are delighted to see suich distinguished women hon-