Pooo Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY V1Wedne sday, February 4, 1975 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 4, 1976 Native American studies offered Shakey Jake keeps, on swingin' at 76 By ANDREA LILLY, T h e University Extension Service is offering a first-of-its- kind course in Native American studies this semester. dian and doctoral candidate at Michigan State in animal ecol- ogy, and George Cornell, a Chippewa Indian and M.A. can- didate in ecological psychology. Alcoze and Cornell say the The course is designed to course will expand upon the con- touch upon nearly all aspects of tributions of Native Americans Native American culture as well to various aspects of contem- as discuss various treaties be- porary society and government. tween the U.S. government and The importance of symbolism in the Native Americans. It will the areas of music, dance, also include a study of Native jewelry and spiritual power will Anierican history, story telling, also be discussed. legends and religion. The course will conclude with INSTRUCTORS for the course a discussion of contemporary which will begin tomorrow are issues regarding Native Ame- Thomas Alcoze, a Cherokee In- can affairs. ii 0 0 - n~r C)i"?<3... C Cr () . '.... o . oC - 5 --)'.+S - o.Daily Valentines Clum Deadline:aNoon Friday, Feb.13 -- Special Love Rates -" O ~ * kl# <& Say i between the sheets . . of the Michigan Daily SORRY NO PHONE ORDERS 0L- = : : : (Continued from Page 1) told me not to tell you," he says. And if you ask him where he sleeps or gets his money, don't expect a straight answer. "I never worked a day in my life," he rasps, in his peculiar, high pitched cackle. "And I'll sleep where I want to." Jake feels that a lot of the world's ills are caused by too much jealousy, hate, and a love of money. "I don't like money," he says. "I don't care if I don't have none." Jake was born in New Or- leans, which he left six years ago. He now divides his time between. Ann Arbor and Sagi- naw, where his seven brothers and nine sisters live. "They're all married," Jake said, 'but not me. I'm too busy to get married. And don't try to keep up with me, you're too slow." And as for the 1912 Centen- nial, Jake says it was a blues and jazz festival in New Orleans that two million people attended. Jake remembers it well, al- though he was only twelve at the time. "It was nice. We partied for three days and had a nice time. Things were better then, world was different." Jake started playing his gui- tar at age one, and often in- formally entertains at Dooley's. "It doesn't bother me none. I've played in front of half a million hippies," he said, in reference to his alleged Woodstock appear- ance. Jake can only read his own name, but has a certain street wisdom beyond even his own advanced years. Buy him a Coke or a 7-Up one day (that's all he'll drink) and get him talking. But take what he says with a grain of salt.. . or maybe even a whole shaker. COIN SPECIALIST LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (A') -- Coach Frank Broyles' punting specialist, Tommy Cheyne, was named game captain for the test against Utah State. But he never saw action. "Good thing we named him captain," said Broyles. "The coin flip was the only time he made it onto the field." The ra- zorbacks never needed to punt against Utah. the Kissinger chides Congress: Angola SAN FRANCISCO (P)-Secre-i At the same time Kissinger tary of State Henry Kissinger said that the United States andI blamed Congress yesterday for its allies can and must prevent helping to set an "ominous pre- { the Soviets from using their cedent" in Angola by halting power "for unilateral advantage U.S. support for anti-Soviet fac- and political expansion." tions. Angola, he said, represents "If the pattern is not broken the first time Moscow has now we will face harder choices moved militarily at long dis- and higher costs in the future," tance to impose a regime of its Kissinger said. choice. The secretary made the state- "It is the first time," he said, ment in a speech prepared for "that the United States has the Commonwealth Club of San failed to respond to Soviet mil- Francisco and the World Affairs itary moves outside the imme- Council of Northern California diate Soviet orbit. And it is the before attending a "Salute to first time. that Congress has Israel" at the Beverly Hilton halted national action in the Hotel in Los Angeles. Israeli middle of a crisis." Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin Last week, despite a personal also was scheduled to attend the appeal by President Ford, the affair. House voted 323 to 99 to ban Kissinger called for a bal-f covert American military aid anced policy of firmness and to anti-Soviet forces in Angola. conciliation in dealing with the The Senate already had taken Soviet Union. similar action. "We must accept," he said, "that sovereign states, especial- Although -New Jersey ranks ly of roughly equal power, can- first in the nation in population not impose unacceptable condi- density, the states does not have tions on each other and must a single commercial television proceed by compromise." station. Regents to decide on dorm rate hike. (Continued from Page 1) official Alan Barak. "If they is. voluntary because "students(the Regents) decide against us need never pay if they signifyI that'll be it. There won't -beaa they don't wish to pay." PIRGIM around this time next IF THE Regents decide] year." PAINTER PANTS AT OPEN SUNDAY (12-5) 330 S. STATE ST. (Nickels Afcade) 761-6207 Hearst jury selection completed SAN FRANCISCO (P)-A final; pool of three dozen prospects was chosen yesterday for thej jury in Patricia Hearst's bank robbery trial, clearing the way. for opening arguments today, the second anniversary of her kidnaping. The selection of the 18 menj and 18 women completed five' days of closed-door interroga-: tion by U.S. District Court Judge Oliver Carter. The next step will be challenges today by both sides-12 for the defense and eight for ' the prosecution-that' will leave 12 regular jurors and four alternates, who will decide the case. THE POOL of 36 i predomi- nantly middle-aged, ranging in age from 23 to 70. It includes professionals, housewives, labor- ers and one woman who de- scribed herself as an "unem- ployed American Indian." All were told by Judge Carter I to bring their suitcases to the I courthouse today. The 16 chosen can expect to spend the next month of their lives in a hotel, shielded from news of the trial. About an hour before the pros- pects were reminded by Carter not to read or listen to news of Academy admits 3 women NEW LONDON, Conn. () - The first three women to be accepted by a U. S. military academy were named yester- day by the U. S. Coast Guard Academy, an academy spokes- man said. The women are: Susan Koll- meyer, of Groton; Conn.; Cath- ryn Lis, of Mristol, Conn., and!I Cynthia Snead of. Melbourne, Fla. Snead told the Norwich Bul- letin yesterday that she would attend the academy and plans to major in oceanography. The two other women, who plan en-: gineering careers, said they were undecided about whether they would attend school at the academy. LT. CHARLES King, the aca- demy's public information of- ficer, said the women had.been selected for the academy's fall, class. The women, all top scholars in theirhhigh school classes, were chosen along with- 47 males in the academy's early acceptance program, t h e spokesman said. against using the current plan for next fall, they will undoubt- edly approve a plan suggested by Regent.David Laro (R-Flint) calling for students to be charged the $1.50 fee only if they return a form sent out with the tuition bills. PIRGIM officials claim that this plan would spell the demise of PIRGIM. "This decision is a matter of life and death," said PIRGIM During the Public Comments Session today presentations are expected from both the Ann Arbor Tenants Union and an anti-NSA group, that is protest- ing the recent NSA. recruiting drive on campus. There have been rumors that either or both of these groups might stage a demonstration, but they have refused to comment on the speculations. the case, defense attorney Al- bert Johnson told reporters that the judge had signed an order for his young cilent to be taken to a doctor for X-rays to be a s e d for "evidentiary pur- poses." HE WOULD not elaborate, but chief defense Attorney F. Lee Bailey said later the X-rays would seek to uncover whether Hearst had suffered a skull fracture when struck by her ter- rorist abductors. Ford asks states to decide on abortion (Continued from Page 1) support for an anti-abortion amendment, although several others say they oppose abortion in principle. Constitutional amendments have been proposed both to ban abortion and to return the authority to the states for regu- lating abortion. A HOUSE Judiciary subcom- mittee on civil and constitutional rights begins hearings today on abortion amendments. The proposals backed by Rea- gan and Wallace would have the effect of returning to the situa- tion prior to the Supreme Court ruling when abortions were gen- erally banned but allowed in specific emergencies. Ford said he is agaiinst these Myspeaks at (Continued from Page 1) According to May, his per-- sonal friend Daniel Ellsberg endured a long period of intro- spection after making public the Pentagon Papers. "Daniel didn't know whether he 'actually;.could help end. the war one day sooner by releasing the papers, but he felt he had to take the risk." THE PENTAGON PAPERS, released by Ellsbergs during the Viet Nam war, was a clas- sified study of the conflict con- taining material considered by the government to be sensitive 'to U. S. security. Elsberg was subsequently tried, but the case was thrown out when it was dis- covered that government agents broke into Ellsberg's phychia- trist's' office. May also stressed the ethical implications of scientific re- search. "In splitting the atom, the scientist should be at awe with playing with the universe," he said. "It's important to consid- er the moral implications of things which seem to be non- moral in nature.. LECTURE-8 p.m. WED., FEB. 4 RABBI MARC TANENBAUM I "JEWISH-CHRISTIAN RELATIONS: THE PRESENT CONDITION" Rabbi Tanenbaum is Interreliiaous Director of Affairs, Director for the American Jewish Committee and has orrticipated in all maior neotiations with the Vatican, World Council of Churches et a!. At HKLLEL-1429 Hill St. L r wrr rn ... IrrrrNri .aMr E is meeting Thursday, Feb. 5 INFORMATION AND SIGN-UP FOR: .1. Sun Valley, Idaho-Spring Break Trip 2. Boyne Mt. Weekend 3. Collingwood, Ontario Weekend 4 Local Trios A SKI FILM and MORE! Kuenzel Room, Mich Union 7:30 p.m. I FOR BIG TIME PINBALL See us o Union Lanes I I I I open l a.m. I The kiss that lasts a lifetimelong! DON'T MISS THE A KIWANIS S E "I NNUAL ALE 8 P.M. 'I I rhis delightful sterling silver kiss will remind her forever of your affection. It faithfully reproduces the famous wrapped chocolate kiss-all but the calories. Just $17.50. i