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February 04, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-04

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Low- -3
See Today for Details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 107

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 4, 1976

10 Cents

Eight Pages


Pop-tops stopped
Those days of flying down the highway with the
top of your convertible rolled down and the wind
blowing through your hair will soon be gone for
good. The Cadillac corporation has announced
that its convertible, will go out of production
within a couple of months - marking the end of
the American. soft-top. Meanwhile, some Cadillac
dealers are paying astronomical prices to gobble
up the last trickle of the cars. Warren Shafer, a
Cadillac sales manager in one Chicago suburb
says he can sell "every one we can get. We're
offering to pay other dealers $2,000 over cost for
one." A Miami dealer called the softtops "a better
investment than the stock market, jewelry and
anything else I can think of."
Rumble, rumble
At least 10 communities in the downriver De-
troit area were struck by an earthquake Monday
afternoon that registered 3.25 on the Richter Scale.
The quake, which lasted from a few seconds to two
minutes, was felt in an area stretching more than
10 miles - from Trenton south to Rockford and
some 20 miles from New Boston to across Lake
Erie to Colchester, Ontario, according to the Na-
tional Weather Service. Police in the areas were
flooded with calls from residents who felt their
homes shake, but no injuries or damage were re-
Happenings .. .
.. are slim today.,The University's division of
Biological Science will present a seminar by Jack
Hailman on Phototaxis: a Reassessment at 4:00 in
lecture room 1, MLB . . . Ars Musica will pre-
sent a Baroque concert tonight at 8:00 in the
Pendleton Arts Center of the Union . . . the Un-
ion Gallery will be the site of a ceramics exhibi-
tion; the show will last until Feb. 29. . . . the
Center for Russian and East European Studies is
having a brown bag lunch at 12:00 in Lane Hall;
Henryka Yakushev will be the speaker . . . and
there will be a mass meeting sponsored by PIR-
GIM on nuclear safeguards in the multi-purpose
room, third floor of the UGLI at 7:00 tonight .. .
the Ann Arbor Tenants Union will hold a meet-
ing on the fourth floor of the Union at 7:00 . . .
and there will be a demonstration against the CIA,
dorm rate increases at the Regents' meeting to-
Lost in space
Deserters from the Great Lost UFO Cult are
straggling back after a summer and autumn of
spiritual wandering, mostly to no avail. Last April,
a group of 24 from Oregon and California left their
families and possessions to follow a mysterious duo
called The Two, who promised that those daring
to give up everything would be transported aboard
a UFO to another spiritual plane. The Two were
later. identified as Marshall Applewhite, 44, and
Bonnie Nettles, 48, both of Houston. They traveled.
to various parts of the country, sometimes camp-
ing in the desert. According to Joan Culpepper,
one of the disillusioned disciples, most of the fol-
lowers are now scattered across the West and
Southwest, still believing they will "graduate" to
a higher state of spiritual knowledge. Her defec-
tion came when leaders of her group accused he
of being too outspoken andahcreating dissension.
"Some have gone back to their former lives and
it's beautiful," she said. "Sometimes it's not." One
of those who couldn't go home agai is under
treatment by a psychologist, and two are in Ari-
zona "getting themselves together," she said.
Blown away
Two years ago, Joseph Dhauyre, 77, signed pa-
pers to leave his body to science after his death.
Last Sunday, wearing a beat-up hat and a worn
topcoat, he hobbled with a cane into the Toulouse,
France Medical Center. "Excuse me for bother-
ing you," he commented to the receptionist, draw-

ing the official documents from his coat pocket.
"Two years ago I gave my body to science. The
time has come. I'm sick. You must kill me. My
body will be immediately available," the old man
asserted. "Even at your age, there's plenty of
time to die," the receptionist responded. Two
nearby medical students who overheard the con-
versation said, "Our job is to save life, not to
end it." "Oh," said Dhauyre, "I thought you could
end it as well." Not to be outdone, the old man
turned and walked a hundred feet toward the
door, took a pistel from his pocket, put it to his
head and blew his brains out. The Tolouse Medi-
cal Center then took possession of his body.
On the inside ...
Arts Page will include a review of the Tom
Paxton concert by Stenhen Selbst . . . Editorial
Page will feature an article on public power . . .
and Snorts Page will have complete coverage of
last night's hockey game.
On the oui 57 C.. .
If you don't mind cold tenneratires, we'll have

Psychologist Rollo May yesterday warned that
society must re-examine its values if it plans to
address tomorrow's problems constructively.
"Only a creative re-evaluation of personal and
societal values will thwart the inevitable decline
of modern society," May told an attentive crowd
of about 800 at Hill Aud.
MAY SPOKE as part of the Future Worlds
series. His speech coincided with the Univer-
sity's Values Week 1976, a program to facilitate
inquiry into value-related issues.
"We are currently in a state of transition be-
tween dying conventional mores and the new
values which are not yet born," said May, point-
ing to Watergate as an example of a bankrupt
value system.
May added that the old order of rationality and
competition is either dying or dead. "Society now
reflects this destruction of values," he explained.


cultural assessment

MAY POINTED to our current disintegration
of values by criticizing the media.
"In the 40's, the press would never photograph
FDR from the waist down," said May. "But
now we find Kennedy's love affairs splashed all
over the front page. It's a curious change."
He said that the disintegration of values is also
reflected in ever-present "radical pessimism", as
exemplified by today's blue collar workers. He
quoted an article in the National Observer in
which blue collar workers said that the basic
problem of society- today is a "loss of com-
HE STATED, however, that "If history is per-
ceived in a cyclical way, Jhe rapid pessimism of
today can be understood as something which
could change as situations change."
When asked why society should again get in-
volved in political change, May said one has to
do whatever possible to change things as an

act of "personal integrity."
May said that many college
expressing interest in offsetting
values, but he cautioned against

presidents are
the decline of
any attempt on

the University's part to "program values".
"THIS WOULD produce an empty form of be-
havior," he explained. "We can't be content
with copformity."
He added that when obedience is the central
criteria in programming values, individual re-
sponsibility, autonomy and confidence in one's
abilities are destroyed.
May suggested that one cure for the decline in
values might lie in introspection.
"NEARLY all of the Chicago Seven have gone
through psychotherapy in order to discover them-
selves; to clear up their personal conflicts so as
to proceed to make constructive social change,"
he said.


See MAY, Page 2


to decide



- President Ford said yes-
terday he would oppose a
constitutional amendment
prohibiting abortion, but
prefers one that would give
states the right to decide
such issues.
"I do not believe in abor-
tion on demand," Ford said
in a television interview
with CBS correspondent
Walter Cronkite. But he
added that there must be
some flexibility in the law
to permit abortion in cases
involving the mother's ill-
ness or rape.
HE SAID that while he did
not agree with the Sunreme
Court's 1973 decision legalizing
abortion, he had taken an oath
of office to uphold the law as
interoreted by the court and
would do so.
The high court has ruled that
a state cannot bar a woman
from obtaining an abortion from
a licensed physician during the
first three months of pregnancy.
The decision permits the regula-
tion of abortion in the second
three months of pregnancy to
preserve and protect the
mother's health. States are per-
mitted to forbid abortions in the
final three months.
Ford said, "I do not believe

in abortion on demand. I do
not agree with the court de-
HE SAID he agreed there
were instances, such as illness
of the mother and rape, "when
abortion should be permitted."
But, he said he felt the "prefer-
able answer" was through an
amendment that would permit
the states to make their own
decisions on their own abortion

Ronald Reagan, Ford's rival
far the GOP presidential nomi-
nation, has endorsed =a consti-
tutional amendment x approach
that would, in effect, prevent
most abortions but allow them
in extreme cases such as when
a mother's life is in danger.
Among Democratic candidates,
only George Wallace has voiced
See FORD, Page 2

Did, Kissinger cause
Moyiiihan to resign
By AP and Reuter
UNITED NATIONS, New York - As the search for his
successor began yesterday, many people here believe Daniel
Patrick Moynihan decided to resign as U.N. ambassador because
he felt he lacked firm backing from Secretary of State Henry
Moynihan, 48, perhaps the most controversial U.S. Ambassador
ever sent to the United Nations, resigned Monday night.
AMONG NAMES being mentioned yesterday as possible sue-
cessors were those of two women-Rita Hauser, a prominent
lawyer, and Shirley Temple Black, the former child star who is
now Ambassador to Ghana.
Moynihan said he will resume teaching at Harvard, but will
keep an eye on the New York Senate seat of Conservative-
Republican James Buckley.
QUALIFIED SOURCES said President Ford's and Kissinger's
expressions of support for Moynihan had been unconvincing.
The ambassador threatened to resign last November and again
last week, after he criticized the State Department.
See MOYNIHAN, Page 8

Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER

Snow Bowl

Several snow-covered law students play a cold game of football outside of the Education Build-
ing. Yesterday's match was dubbed the, "Pneumonia Bowl" by the participants.

Regents to

vote today



rate inerease

The University Board of Re-
gents will meet today to vote
on an 8.9 per cent dorm rate in-
crease proposed by Housing Di-
rector John Feldkamp.
In what may turn out to be
the busiest meeting of the year,
the Regents will also decide
how to fund PIRGIM next fall.
The meeting may be punctuated
with demonstrations by the Ann
Arbor Tenant's Union and a
group protesting the 'National
Security Agency (NSA).
THE PROPOSED dorm rate

hike would raise the price of a
double room from $1402 to $1512
and rates for single rooms from
$1565 to $1753.
Feldkamp said that the hike
was necessary to maintain the
presentlevel of services. He
added that dorm rates haven't
kept pace with inflation.
"Residence hall rates have not
kept pace with general changes
in the outside economy, as a
double room in a traditional res-
idence hall rented at $900 for
two terms in 1964-65 now rents
for $1400, a $500 increase,"

Profs see decline
of Miranda decision
Two University law professors foresee the continued decline
of the "Miranda Warning," the landmark 1966 Supreme Court
decision thrust into prominence again last Saturday with the
murder of its namesake in a skid row Phoenix bar.
The "Miranda Warning," originating from Ernesto Miranda's
successful appeal of a 1963 conviction for rape and murder, forces
police to advise arrested suspects of their constitutional rights.
These include the right to remain silent and the right to free
legal counsel.
TlE COURTS, however, have narrowed the scope of the
r'!liig in recenttyears. In 1971, thedSupreme Court permittedbthe
use of statements obtained from defendants who had not been

Feldkamp explained. "That's a
55.6 per cent increase in 11
years, but the Consumer Price
Index has risen 75.6 per cent in
the same period."
DORM RATES weren't in-
creased last year, despite Feld,
kamp's plea for a three per
cent hike, because the Regents
felt they hadn't had enough
time to make a decision. Rates
were hiked in 1973 and again
in 1974.
Feldkamp would make no
prediction on today's vote say-
ing, "I really don't know what
the Regents will decide, but
I'm hopeful that they'll approve
the hike. We need that money."
The Regents must also decide
how to fund PIRGIM next term.
Under the present funding sys-
tem students are automatically
chargedthe $1.50 fee. To obtain
a refund a student must then
fill out and return a form. that
will be sent with each student's
tuition bill.
THE REGENTS were sched-
iled to approve this same plan,
for next term at their January
meeting when University Pres-
ident Robben Fleming informed
the Board that University Gen-
eral Counsel Roderick Daane
thought the present PIRGIM
finding system might be illegal
because it isn't "completely

om ewhere# inths tow today
Somewhere in this town today
is a 76-year-old soldier of for-
tune who has known the pleas-.
ures of 5,000 women, played the
guitar at Woodstock, and at-
tended the 1912 Centennial (the
1912 Centennial?).r
He's Shakey Jake Woods, a
near-institution in Ann Arbor.
Jake's regular haunts are the
Fishbowl, Dooley's, or the front
of Discount Records on State r
St where he can be found
whistlingrat the women and
hawking copies of The Sun.
Jake has apparently found his
own image marketable, as wit-
nessed by the Shakey Jake T-
shirts he also peddles.
Jake thinks Ann Arbor is the ,Y .
most hip town there is," but
says the young people here "jus'
don't know "how to act. They
can't conduct themselves in pub- r

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