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February 03, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-03

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for Details

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 106

Latest Deadline in the State
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 3, 1976 10 Cents

Eight Pages plus Supplement


Under new management
The old gives way to the new starting with
today's issue of The Daily. Our editorial staff has
elected Rob Meachum and Bill Turque Co-Editors-
in-Chief for the coming year. Rounding out the
senior staff will be Managing Editor Jeff Ris-
tine, Executive Editor Tim Schick, and Editorial
Director Stephen Hersh. The old guard won't be
fading away entirely, however, as outgoing Man-
aging Editor Jeff Sorensen and Co-Editor-in-Chief
Cheryl Pilate move over to helm the Arts and
Entertainment Page and the Sunday Magazine
respectively. We wish them all the best of luck.
They'll need it.
Bomb scare
Residents of Markley were jolted from the calm
of a lazy Sunday afternoon when city police re-
ceived a call announcing the existence of a bomb
somewhere in the dorm. Although it was a false
alarm, evacuating residents were seen fleeing with
their most prized possessions. One student left his
$3000 stereo system in his room but took along his
honors thesis. Must be a matter of priorities, we
Art fair
It may seem a bit premature, but if you are in-
terested in applying for space at next summer's
art fair, send your name and address to: Ann Ar-
bor Street Art Fair, Inc. P. 0. Box 1352, Ann Ar-
bor, MI. 48106. Each applicant must return three
to five slides of the art medium to be displayed
with their application.
Happeinigs.. .
.. .begin today at high noon with a brown bag
lunch at the Michigan Undergraduate Economics
Assoc. in Rm. 102 of the Econ. Bldg.. . . Psycholo-
gy and Social Work Prof. Jesse Gordon will speak
at the Ann Arbor Public Library at 12:00 on "The
Impact of Local Government Employment Pro-
grams . . ." Dr. Marsha Clinkscales will discuss
her study on differences in non-verbal behavior
between Blacks and Whites at the Center for Con-
tinuing Education of Women, 328 Thompson St. at
12:00 . . . Muhammad's Temple of Islam presents
Sister's Co-op, from 2 until 5 p.m. at 331 Thomp-
son St. . . . A meeting to discuss issues surround-
ing the housing lottery, off-campus housing, and
tenants rights will be held in Markley's main lob-
by, at 7:30 . . . Future Worlds will present clinical
psychologist Rollo May at 3 p.m. in Hill Aud.. .
Duane Niatum will read his poetry at 4:10 in the
Pendleton Arts Center on the second floor of
the Union . . . the Undergraduate Political Science
Association will hold a mass meeting tonight at
7:30 in 6602 Haven Hall . . . Residential College
Lecture series presents Sabra Slaughter, com-
munity psychologist, sneaking on "Recantiring
Afro-American History in the US: An Oral History
Approach, at 7 n.m. in East Quad's Greene Loine
m.t.The Coalitiontto stonSenate Bill One will
meet at7:30 p.m. at 332 S. Stte.
The Shadow knows
It was a miracle Punxsutawney Phil didn't
freeze to death yesterday. Phil, the groundhog who
made the small Pennsylvania town whose name
he bears famous, emerged from his electrically
heated burrow and saw his shadow-assuring us
of winter for six more weeks. As if we needed
him to tell us.
Revolutionary relief
Amid 'all the Bicentennial hoopla, there is one
vital question that has yet to be answered: Will
there be enough toilets in Philadelphia this sum-

mer? "We'll have enough to meet the crowds,"
says William Rafsky, head of Philadelphia '76, the
organization planning the city's celebration. A
check revealed that the city had only 380 public
toilets in its historic area, not enough to handle the
expected 10 to 20 million visitors. So, last week,
Philadelphia '76 announced it would be taking
bids for 3 trailer facilities containing 20 toilets
each. Consideringrthe popnlarity of the song "Phil-
adelnhia Freedom," maybe they could call the
toilets Elton Johns.
On the inside ...
The editorial rage feavures gay activist Dan
Tsang writing about the murder of gays in Ger-
many during World War Two . . . and on the
sports page, Kathy TIennighan recaps last night's
basketball action against Wisconsin.
On the outside...
Looks like winter will continue full force for at
least the rest of the week. A storm moving south-





By AP and Reuter
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-Daniel Moyni-
han, America's outspoken Ambassador to
the United Nations yesterday submitted
his resignation to President Ford so that
he can return to Harvard University.
He submitted his resignation only 6%
months after he presented his credentials.
In that short time, he got more attention and
created more controversy than had many of his
predecessors in two or three years.
HE TALKED back to critics of the United
States with scorn or wit that often outraged Third
World diplomats, dismayed some Western Euro-
peans and delighted a large section of the
American public.
Nudged by the feeling that he was not getting
enough support from Washington, he twice took
v Y initiatives that won him endorsements from Pres-
ident Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kis-
In November, he withdrew a threat to resign
and last week he sent a controversial cablegram
to Kissinger and all U.S. embassies claiming
that conservative diplomats in the State Depart-
ment opposed his campaign to crack the anti-
American bloc at the United Nations.
THE AMBASSADOR, who was on leave from
Harvard, said in his letter of resignation to
President Ford that "it is time to return to
In a letter of reply, Ford accepted Moynihan's
resignation "with the deepest regret and re-
luctance," declaring that the ambassador had
"asserted our position forcefully, cogently and
honestly" at the United Nations.
Moynihan, 49, and standing 6 feet 5 inches, is
a broad-shouldered diplomat with a ruddy, baby
face and a floppy shock of white hair.
HE WAS BORN in Tulsa, Okla., but moved to
se New York City with his parents when he was 6
years old. When his father walked out on the
I family in 1938, young Moynihan peddled news-
papers, shined shoes and later tended bar in his
mother's saloon on 42nd Street at Times Square.
A liberal intellectual who earned his Ph.D. at
Tufts University, Moynihan has been involved in
AP Photo his share of controversies through the years,
which have seen him serve in various posts under
Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon.
Ringling HE SERVED President Nixon as a presidential
Jackson- counselor and then, in 1972, as Ambassador to
While working as a presidential counselor he
wrote a memo that the race problem in the
United States could benefit from a period of
"benign neglect."
In 1965, he was embroiled in controversy when,
working in the Labor Department in the Johnson
administration, he was the chief architect of a
report entitled "The Negro Family, the Case for
National Action."
a go-ahead, See MOYNIHAN, Page 8


PLO will be
recognized b
CAIRO (Reuter)-President Anwar Sadat said
in an interview yesterday that he had tacit agree-
ment from the United States to recognize the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
In an interview with the Lebanese weekly
magazine Al-Hawadess, published by the Cairo
daily newspaper Al-Ahram, President Sadat said
he had "more than a pledge from the United
States to recognize the Palestine Liberation
Organization, but I am not in a position to
reveal it."
THE EGYPTIAN President said the Syrians
fomented the recent civil war in Lebanon by
supplying arms to the combatants, though the
Lebanese were primarily to blame because their
leaders were too busy looking after their personal
He supported Syrian mediation to end the wAr
but the Syrians subjugated the Palestinians. He
said a Palestine delegation had told him recently
Palestinians "are geographically committed to
the Syrians while politically committed to the
See SADAT, Page 8

Two rare Siberian tiger cubs were stolen last Saturday night from their cage at the
Brothers circus. They came home to mother yesterday after being recovered from a
ville, Florida home. Two missing circus employes are suspected of robbing the cradle

DNA study qui
By JEFF RISTINE experimentsi
said the likel
Important questions concerning the hazards of altered bacte
genetic transplants and who should have a voice
in judging the acceptability of the risks must DNA is the
be answered before the controversial genetic the basic unit
experiments continue, two University professors ant experime
urged yesterday. from their bat
Humanities Prof. Susan Wright and Prof. Don- that genes fr
ald Michael from the Institute for Social Re- be attached.
search raised the questions at the first of three The new DN
scheduled campus programs at Rackham on other bacteriu
DNA recombinant research. tics of that b
"WVHILE many of the claimed benefits are
dubious," Wright charged, "the biological haz- MUCH CON
ards associated with recombinant techniques are stems from t
relatively clear." ant DNA ex(
One of the hazards, she said, is a possibility terium which
that harmful mutant bacteria could escape from cess of tryin
the laboratory and contaminate humans on the She urged
outside. The steps planned to avoid such an ac- proach" to D
cident are incomplete and may not be stringent decision - mak
eniough, she added. charged toc
But Microbiology Professor David Jackson, scientific fie
who plans to continue with the DNA recombinant
Students march on
Diagtin CIA protest

es ion
if the University gives

lihood of infection from genetically
ria "is exceedingly low."
double-coiled molecules which form
ts of life-genes. In DNA recombin-
nts, tiny DNA rings are separated
acteria and split open chemically so
om a totally different species can
NA ring can then be placed into an-
um, and the hereditary characteris-
acterium will change and replicate.
,NCERN, from Wright and others,
he fact that the host of recombin-
periments is usually E coli, a bac-
thrives in human intestines.
g to improve it."
"a slower and more cautious ap-
NA recombinant experiments, with
king about the acceptability of risks
committees of persons from non-
See 'U', Page 8

Lebanese Christian militia
stocks new arms for war

By The Associated Press
BEIRUT, Lebanon-The lead-
er of Lebanon'stmain Christian
militia said yesterday he is im-
porting new arms because an-
other round of civil war is in-
evitable unless radical Pales-
tinians and Lebanese are "'beat-
en down."
"Now and tomorrow and the
day after tomorrow, as long as
we are obliged to defend our-
selves, we will buy arms for
ourselves," P h a 1 a n g e party
chieftain Pierre Gemayel said
in an interview with the Asso-

ciated Press.
"WE WOULD be imbeciles if
we did the opposite."
Gemayel's party fields the
largest Christian militia fight-
ing leftist forces backed by
Palestinian guerrillas. The most
influential Lebanese M o s 1 e m
leftist leader, Kamal Junblatt,
said in an interview with the
AP on Sunday that he, too, is
importing fresh arms, and he
predicted new fighting by
Their statements fit in with
actions during previous cease-

About 75 p e o p l e marched
from the Diag to the Student
Acti-ities Building (SAB) yes-
terday to protest CIA and Na-
tional Security Agency (NSA)
recruiting on campus.
Career Planning and Place-
ment Assistant Director Harold
Fowler met the protestors in the
thin floor SAB offices. When
the group asked him if there
were CIA renresentatives on
he replied, "They don't
work through this office. They
ha-e their own system of re-
HE DDED that the NSA has

thority to ban CIA recruiters
from campus. He suggested the
group should see them.
A WOMAN demonstrator ask-
ed, "Maybe the President should
come to us. Why do we always
have to go to him?" Fowler
agreed to try to persuade John-
son to come to the SAB. When
he returned, he said Johnson
was in conference.
When a protestor called John-
son's office, he was told John-
son was not in conference, not
in his office and it was none
of the protestor's business where
Johnson could be found.
The group decided to demon-

wb~> 4' ..foiled by
r blizzard
Special To The Daily
DETROIT - Elderly women
in outrageous fur coats and sun-
glasses, occasionally calling out
"Shalom!" waddled majestically
down the corridors in the wake
of flocks of schoolboys wearing
skullcaps and awed expressions.
Over 30 police officers sat
hunched around a table behind
a half-closed door. Outside the
room, waitresses in blue uni-
forms and white aprons saun-

fires when both sides rearmed.
GEMAYEL praised Syrian at-
tempts to mediate in the con-
flict, but he said they were "use-
less" unless the government re-
gains enough power to crush the
far left by force.
The 70 - year - old Phalangist
leader, his graying hair slicked
back 1920's style, spoke in his
office in "Phalange House" just
off Beirut's battle-scarred Mar-
tyrs Square. Bullet holes were
visible in the windows and fresh
concert covered a foot-wide gap
left by an artillery shell that
pierced the wall.
"It is necessary - first, first,
first-that the state regain con-
trol of security and take back
its sovereignty," he said. "As
long as there is no authority, I
don't know how this country is
going to make it.
"JUNBLATT and those who
are behind Junblatt destroyed
this country morally, and they
destroyed it physically by break-
ing its spine," Gemayel said.
"Well, now the terrain is open
to them.
"We are perhaps at the sixth
round now. They have seen we
aren't knocked out yet. They
think there hasn't been enough
misfortune, that there hasn't
been enough destruction. They
find the country still on its feet,
they are still trying to break it."
Gemayel emphasized that 95
Hall, and the individual in ques-
per cent of Lebanon's Chris-
tians, Moslems and Palestinians
have had enough of the combat

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