SUNDAY MAGAZINE See Inside Im A6F Tr4tn -an :Z 7 iii FLUFFY IHigh-29 Low-14 See Today for Details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 105 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 1, 1976 10 Cents Eight Pages USEE1vSQppM CAL 16D4Ly Right to bite The state Supreme Court has upheld the right of dogs to bite people who step on their tails. In a 2-2 decision the court ruled that stepping on a dog's tail is provocation. Under state law a dog's owner is liable for damages when it bites a person unless the dog was provoked. The court didn't say if humans have the right to bite back. " Hayes blasted The Ohio State Lantern is calling for Woody Hayes' resignation. In an editorial Friday, the Ohio State student newspaper said it was time the trustees and the university president look at the controversial coach's conduct. The Lantern was critical of Hayes' actions following the Buckeyes' 23-10 loss to UCLA in the Rose Bowl, including the dismissal of defensive standout Nick Buonamici. "In spite of the furor it would create among Hayes' loyal fans, the trustees and President Em- arson should ask for his resignation," stated the Lantern. "Not only would this ease embarrassment for the University and help the players to get a coach who treats them as human beings, but it would help Hayes' legend as well. Hayes would fade away form as a martyr before too many more incidents take the polish off his shining armor," the paper said. " Happenings ... . . .are not in great supply today . . . Monday is a different story, at 1 p.m. there is a demon- stration of the Diag against CIA and NSA recruit- ment on campus . . . at 7:30 Dr. Gerald Bender of UCLA will speak on the situation in Angola, and the movie "Sambizanga" will be presented in Aud. C Angell Hall. " Peek-a-boo When noises in the walls started following them around, three women attending Glassboro State College became worried. Police investigating the situation discovered a plushly carpeted crawlspace connecting the landlord's apartment with each of the women's apartments. Built into the crawlspace were vents allowing a person to see virtually ev- ery inch of the three apartments. The passage- way was also equipped with mirrors and pillows to allow comfortable viewing around corners. In the attic was a red light attached to each of the bath- room lights, which according to police, would alert anyone in the attic that the bathrooms were in use. The landlord was arraigned on three counts of invasion of privacy. Childhood hero Tommy Rettig, 33, former child star of the tele- vision show "Lassie" was found guilty Friday of conspiring to import cocaine into California from Peru. Rettig, who starred in "Lassie" in the fifties, claimed he and a companion were writing a book on cocaine smuggling and were framed by the real smugglers. The jury debated a full day be- fore returning the guilty verdict. Sentencing is scheduled for February 23. 0 Easy rider Clinging to the undercarriage of a train going up to 90 miles an hour, a 12-year-old runaway travel- ed 60 miles Friday night after a fight with his mother. Shawn Murphy, of London, Canada was found under the train in Chatham, Canada, cov- ered with slush. He was treated for exposure in a hospital and released. One official remarked "It's a miracle he survived." Communist monolith The factions in the world Communist bloc are bickering again. This time the Cubans are charg- ing China with cooperating with "the reactionary and imperialist force" in Angola. Friday's issue of "Granma," the official Cuban newspaper, car- ried an editorial saying the Chinese government has taken "the repugnant task of spreading the most vile propaganda against the Soviet Union and Cuba for their internationalist aid to Ango- lan people." It concluded that Angola will win "de- spite the delirious and frantic Maoist din." On the inside... The Sunday magazine presents four profiles of people at work. Sports page offers the complete coverage of yesterday's basketball game with Iowa. US. stiA WASHINGTON M1-The government's largest student aid program has run out of money and, unless Congres comes up with extra funds, more than 1.2 million needy college students will lose an average of $160 they had counted on receiving this year. "The situation is very serious," said Peter Voigt, who heads the Basic Educational Oppor- tunity Grants program in the U.S. Office of Education. THE TIGHT MONEY economy and unusually large higher education enrollment increases last fall combined to produce an unprecedented demand on grant funds this year, he said. The program had surpluses the previous two years. If Congress fails to allow the program to draw an advance of $160 million on next year's ap- propriation, or to pass a supplemental appropria- tion, he said, "we will have to ask institutions to c den ttd reduce every award by 20 per cent which would, of course, cause chaos." That would cut the average grant during the 1975-76 school year from about $800 to $640. Grants can go up to a maximum of $1,400 for the neediest students. VOIGT SAID the program had only $820 million to spend on grants this year but expects demands to approach $1 billion. Applications were being received at the rate of 40,000 a week last October and November and still are coming in at the rate of 15,000 to 20,000 a week, he said. Applications for the current year will be accepted until March 15. Applications are now available for next school year when, for the first time, grants will be available for freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors in most post-secondary institutions. DURING THE first year of the program, grants were made to about 70,000 freshpersons fudgn r12m l in s et t u i t i o n g r a n t c u t s i n 1 9 7 6 rI e and about $60 million of the $110 million appro- priation was unspent. The second year, when both freshpersons and sophomores were eligible, a total of 574,000 grants was made but about $182 million out of $529 million was unspent. At the present time, Voigt said,, about 800 colleges and post-secondary schools have not received grants for their students and will re- ceive only 33 per cent of their requested amounts. Without more money, he said, all 5,500 institutions will have to cut all grants 20 per cent. "I certainly don't. think the administration considers that to be a viable option," he said. THE GREATER demand for grants this year, he said, "reflect the economy, of course, and the unusually large increase in enrollments - slightly under 10 per cent - that no one had anticipated." "I also think the program has caught on, ap- plications were sent out earlier and institutions got the word," he said. The budget requests $715 million for the 1976-77 school year but that amount is clearly inadequate, Voigt said. Ford calls for reduced taxes, iu By RICK SOBLE hard and Special To The Daily their own themselves DEARBORN - Presidentt Ford yesterday called for TO RED an economic pro- Ford sugg gram aimed at reducing in areas w federal t a x e s, providing centives tc more jobs in the private pansion a sector and balancing the jobs. budget by 1979. But he promise fu Ford told delegates to the night and I 1976 Midwest Republican the coming Leadership Conference here is acrel Although that the federal govern- ; about his p ment should not get into the conven the business of providing speculation jobs because "make-work" about thel programs require years to FOR in get off the ground. Marvin E "THE FEDERAL government can create the economic climate and the incentives, through changes in its tax policies and other programs,, to encourage and expedite the creation of productive, permanent, private jobs," the President told GOP leaders from 13 states. Ford's address - which con- tained nothing really new - highlighted a two-day conference that attracted such party not- ables as Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, Federal Energy Administrator Frank Zarb and cabinet members Earl Butz and Elliot Richardson. After the luncheon speech, Ford headed for Williamsburg, Virginia, to continuehisspoliti- cal stumping in this election year. AT BOTH stops, Ford attack- ed the Democratic-controlled Congress for touting increased government spending as the an- swer to the country's current economic woes. H-e claimed that excessive government budgets would lead to more inflation. 'The heart and soul of my pro- gram is to hold down the growth of federal spending . . . By matching federal spending cuts with federal tax cuts, we can return to the people who work federat riore jobs pay taxes more money to spend ," Ford said. of for UCE unemployment, ested that businesses ith jobless rates over cent be given tax in- stimulate plant ex- nd to create more added "one cannot ill employment over- hope nobody does in g debate, because it illusion." Ford did not talk residential campaign, ntion was filled with a n d predictions November election. stance, Congressman sch (R-Ann Arbor), who is running for the Senate, said yesterday that he has "no doubt that Ford will be elected" despite a stiff challenge from former California Governor Ron- ald Reagan. Another delegate noted that Ford should be almost unbeat- able in his home state. "Reagan doesn't seem to be turning people on here," he said. Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, speaking after the Presi- dent, warned that the GOP shouldn't move too far to the right for fear o '"abandoning the middle stream." BUTZ predicted that Ford will face Senator Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.) in the presidential election and that the moderate voters will or-'-de the winning See FO' D, Page 6 Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS PRESIDENT FORD surrounded himself with 1,010 of .the GOP's faithful at a luncheon yesterday to kick off a two-day Republican leadership conference attended by representatives from 13 Mid- west states. The well-heeled delegates paid $35 apiece to hear the President speak. Cream of the GOPtoasts the President at posh hotel By CATHERINE REUTTER Special To The Daily DEARBORN-The cream of the midwest Re- publicans gathered at the posh new Hyatt Re- gency Hotel here this weekend for a marathon pep rally with political cheers led by President Ford, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and other high ranking GOP officials. Instead of shakers and confetti, there were red and blue elephant matchbooks and pins, color buttons of Gerry and Betty together, and pins that proclaimed, "I'm a Republican from FORD country." THE MORE than 1,000 Republicans who con- tributed $35 apiece got a banquet dinner and the chance of a presidential handshake for their money. They also heard speeches by Governor A nd the band Wiliam Milliken and other Republican bigwigs. This weekend's conference was not a conven- tion or a caucus and no delegates to the na- tional convention in Kansas City were chosen. National Committee Chairwoman Mary Louise Smith struck the major theme when she de- clared, "We must win here in the Midwest in order to win (nationally)." Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz same note, urging that Republican pledge to do all "I can" to succeed. struck the Americans BETWEEN speeches the conferees, who were mostly white, over thirty and well dressed, loung- ed in the Hyatt's shag-carpeted lobby with its five, circular elevators. There, the convention- like spirit ran high. Women wearing straw hats See CREAM, Page 6 Ui-E_ Photo L. YC'1LIVt RP&h played on . . . anmdOn, and On By MITCH DUNITZ YPSTLANTI - With an audience of parents, friends and local businessmen cheering them on, 4' Eastern Michigan University students are trying to play non-stop longer than any other bVd in history. Looking a little ragged, but maintaining en- th"siasrn, the band is shooting for the record of 4S hoirs coirrently held by Monteb:llo High School i, 'lon'ebllo. Crlifornia. Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN EMPLOYES HOIST the sign for State St.'s new deli. Corned beef lovers can satisfy their desires at the eatery that just opened on the corner of Hill and State. New delicatessen opens on State St. By MIKE NORTON There's a delicatessen on State St. again. The corned beef and dill pickle fiends who have gone hungry since October - when the campus area's only deli, the Vaudeville, shut its doors - can gorge themselves once again. BOTH BRANCHES of the Vaudeville, one on State St. and the other on South University, closed at the end of Oc- >: :. $ °.