Ew 3Ridcipgn Dai3tg Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml1 48104 ANGOLA: Escaping the imperialist Saturday, January 31, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan I praise of Lebanon peace For the past nine months, Leba- non has been engulfed in a bloody civil war between Christians and Moslems that has disrupted the lives of millions and destroyed its major city; some 6,000 people have been unnecessarily killed. And as with most Middle East disputes, a few outsiders got into the action: Syria, which couldn't send troops because of an Israeli ultimatum promising in- tervention, instead encouraged Pal- estinian guerrillas to take up sides with the Moslems. The subsequent fighting led to a cease-fire which, unlike others in the past, is working. Under the cease-fire agreement, Prime Minister Rashid Karami will form a new Cabinet "to include all parties," unlike the old system where the Christians - a 40 per cent mi- nority -- held most of the political and economic power; and Moslems could not become president. The political balance between the two factions will finally shift to something more equitable. Current President Suleiman Franjieh will lose much of his power to the prime minister and the previously Chris- tian-dominated legislature will come to an end. The tensions will no doubt remain and the sound of gunfire will prob- ably continue in Lebanon, but the cease-fire and resulting covenants are a step in the right direction, even if it doesn't last -- and histori- cal perspective has shown us that it might flounder. Obviously, the Pal- estinians are central to the whole issue of peace in the area, and Leba- non is now part of that problem. Rashid Karami By MARTY KAUFMAN and KAREN LERNER THE U.S. government's inter- vention in Vietnam was in sharp contradiction to the Viet- namese people's interest, and to our people's interest. Under the guise of "stopping Communism" and "protecting freedom" mil- lions of people died. A handful of corporations got fat off war contracts while the military burget swelled and needed so- cial services were slashed. The war also revealed the racist nature of U.S. foreign policy as a non-white people were sub- jected to genocidal war, and black U.S. soldiers died at a higher rate than white soldiers, being sent to the "front" more often. This time Black Africans are under racist attack. Once again the U.S. government on behalf of the monopoly corporations is attempting to stamp out a people's struggle for national liberation.sThe peoplerof Angola have been struggling for free- dom for over 400 years. The last fourteen years of struggle have been under the leadership of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola - the MPLA. THE MPLA for these 14 years has always been the voice and force for freedom. The MPLA built schools, hospitals, trade unions, and a government while they fought the Portugese colon- izers. Who stood up for the free- dom of the Angolan people? It is Angola's true liberation move- ment. It was the Soviet Union, Cuba and the other socialist countries who gave arms. Afri- can nations also supported the liberation movement. China in- itially sided with the Angolan patriots, but now has deserted the cause of national liberation and sides with the racists of South Africa and the U.S. Portugal, though it had sev- eral colonies in Africa, was an economically and militarily weak nation. Portugal's colonial- ists needed outside support in order to continue their control of these colonies. Who helped these Portugese colonizers? Who helped to keep the Ango- lan people enslaved? It was the U.S., Britain, France, West Ger- many, Japan, and South Africa. It was the so-called "free world" that stood against free- dom for the Angolan people. U.S. citizens must understand that U.S. involvement in Angola did not start in 1975 when the People's Republic of Angola was proclaimed, under MPLA lead- ership. The U.S. has supported reactionary forces in Angola for at least 25 years, not only leader of the MPLA stated: "It is when we have become inde- pendent and free, and are be- ginning to build our state, that the U.S. State Department be- comes worried by the fact that we have Soviet arms. Just be- cause the Soviet Union supplies us with weapons, it does not mean that we have become a satellite. We have never been one. We have never asked Mos- cow for advice on how to set up our state. All the major de- cisions in our country are taken by our movement, our govern- ment and our people." WHAT IS THE REAL issue in the struggle of the Angolan people? We can clearly see that the issue is not one of commu- nism or anti-communism, as the U.S. government would have us see it. The issue is whether the people of Angola will be free to control the oil, iron, dia- monds, coffee, and other re- sources of their country; or whether their resources will con- tinue to be controlled by Gulf Oil and the other Western multi- national corporations. Whether there will be a complete revo- lution and total freedom or par- tial revolution and limited free- dom for the people of Angola is at stake. Who in Angola fights against complete freedom? The National Front for the Liberation of An- gola (FNLA) and the National Union for the Total Independ- ence of Angola (UNITA) are with the CIA, but directly through the Azores Agreement and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The U.S. is the main military supplier of NATO. THE SOVIET UNION, in con- trast to the U.S., has tradition- ally supported liberation move- ments in Algeria, Guinea-Bis- sau, as well as certain inde- pendent African states. Yet, there is no Soviet "satellite" on the African continent. In an interview with the French pa- per LeMonde excerpted in the N.Y. Times Jan. 9, Dr. Agos- tino Neto, President of the Peo- ple's Republic of Angola and What is the real issue in the struggle of the Angolan peo- pie? We can clearly see that the issue is not one of cominunisn or anti-communism, as the U.S. government would have us see i/. supported by the U.S., France, Britain, Zaire, South Africa, China, and all the multinational corporations. Except for China, the relative newcomer, these are the same forces who sup- ported the Portugese against the people of Angola. Racist South Africa has invaded An- gola with U.S. support and has joined forces with FNLA and UNITA. The head of FNLA, Holden Roberto, has been on the CIA payroll since 1961. According to the N.Y. Times, he has gotten over $10,000 a year. FNLA is not even based in Angola, but in Zaire. PresidentAMobutu of Zaire is Roberto's brother-in- law. Mobutu came to power after the CIA helped assassin- ate Patrice Lumumba in 1961. Among UNITA's members are former members of the fascist Portuguese secret police. We ask what kind of liberation movements team up with sold- iers from South Africa, a coun- try that would virtually enslave them-as the black majority are in racist South Africa? WHAT POLITICAL objectives do South Africa and the U.S. aggressors hope to achieve by invading Angola? A successful liberation struggle in Angola would further isolate the racist government of South Africa. An- gola borders Namibia, a na- tion illegally occupied by South Africa since 1920. With Angola joining Mozanbique, which also borders South Africa, as being free from foreign domination, the U.S. control in southern Af- rica would crumble even more. The U.S. and South Africa are afraid that a democratic gov- ernment in Angola might pro- vide an example for the peo- ple of other African nations to, follow, especially the black ma- jority in South Africa. There- fore, a successful liberation struggle in Angola would be a defeat of international racism led by the governments of South Africa and the U.S. Racism has always been used to justify the subjugation of peoples by a colonial nation and the defeat of % racism in southern Africa would therefore weaken any at- tempts by the U.S. to maintain its imperialist system of ex- ploitation over people in Latin America and Asia, as well as Africa. This is why despite the ex- perience of Vietnam and the defeat of U.S. aggression Ford and the big corporations are aiding (actually creating) fake liberation movements and open- ly intervening with their racist bedfellow-South Africa. President Ford is giving over The SALT talks: Problem of trust $50 million (without congres- sional or people's approval), in military and economic aid to so-called "anti-communist" fac- tions in Angola. Ford is not asking $50 million for the un- employed of Detroit, Chicago, New York etc. This $50 million could be used to pay many stu- dents' tuition and housing. Every working person in the U.S. should be for freedom in southern Africa. Every working person should be for the peo- ple of Angola controlling their own national resources. One of the main causes of high unerm- ployment in the U.S. is the in- vestment of U.S.-based banks and multinational corporations in Africa and other parts of the world. The multinationals are shifting production in their plants from the U.S. to other parts of the world for cheap labor and lower taxes. Their shifting is costing Americans jobs with young people being hit especially hard. Among mi- nority youth unemployment is reaching epidemic levels-over 50% in some cities. It is estimated that 5 million jobs have been lost since 1968 coke because of U.S.-based foreign investments. These foreign in- vestments are also lowering tax revenues in the U.S. People, in the U.S. when we talk about freedom for peoples of Africa and other parts of the world, we are really . talking about saving our own jobs and stand- ard of living. Don't let our tax money be used to save profits for big banks and big busi- ness. Say no to U.S. investments in Angola. Write your repre- sentative in Congress demand- ing an end to U.S. military and economic intervention in Ango- la. Students, let us do our part to build a mass movement that unites people of all colors in the shops, on the farms, and on other campuses to demand an end to racist U.S. imperial- ism' in Angola, and stand on guard against U.S. aggression anywhere. Create jobs, not na- palm. Marty Kauf man and Karen Lerner are members of the Y o u n g Workers Liberation League. . ByJOHN THOMAS WHEN FORD goes to Mos- cow in June, he will find that the Strategic Arms Limita- tion Talks are facing a new, and unprecedented problem. Be- cause of a new American weap- on, the cruise missile, the So- viets will probably take a hard line over limits on their own weapons. The U.S. is proposing a trade of two weapons that are not totally compatible: the Soviet's new supersonic bomber, the BACKFIRE, for the American cruise missile. But, as regards enforcement of the agreements, the two weapons are different in one important respect - the American one can be hidden. Up until now, if either side cheated on the agreements, the fact would be easy to see-both sides have satellites that can tell when a weapon is being built or emplaced before the device capr even be completed. But the cruise missile is dif- ferent -- it is small (14 feet long), cheap (1 10th the cost of an TCBMI and can be launch- ed from 'nearly anywhere. THE DEVICE has a range of 500 miles, which means that nearly any target in eastern Europe or Southern Russia could be hit. The Russians will have no assurance, in fact, that we couldn't be building literally thousands of these little missiles behind their backs. (How many could be built for the cost of a year's CIA budget?) Given all the "nice" advan- tages of having cruise missiles, why don'tathe Russians'build some of their own? For the same reason that the Russians can't build electronic calcula- tors: the electronics. Only the United States can build the systemcalled "ground- following radar," which allows the missile to skim into its tar- get at treetop level, where the enemy's radar can't see it. Soviet electronics just can't make the grade, and it will be a number of years before they can. Thus, the Russians are faced with a puzzling dilemma. If you were a Russian negotia- tor, would you trust Jerry Ford to keep his word? John Thomas is a new mem- ber of The Daily editorial staff. Suleiman Franjieh Protest CIA recruitment SUPPORT the demonstration,, to be held Monday on the Diag at 1 p.m., protesting CIA and NSA recruiting on campus. The Central Intelligence Agency's faults are all too familiar for readers of the American press. The agency routinely acts as the U. S. govern- ment's tool for covert intervention in the affairs of other countries. In Chile, it contributed to the sub- version of the Allende government, opening the door for the coup setting up a fascist regime renowned for its cruelty. During the American war in Southeast Asia, it served as our gov- ernment's efficient tool for dealing death while keeping it a secret to the U. S. public. The list of cases of CIA meddling is too long to enumer- ate. And the CIA has carried on illegal domestic activities, violating the civil TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, Josephine Marcotty, Ken Parsigian, Cheryl Pilate, Jeff Ristine, Margaret Yao Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Stephen Hersh, Carole Quattro, Tom Stevens, John Thomas Arts Page: David Blomquist, Jeff Selbst Photo Technician: Scott Eccker rights of Americans -- but in this the group might possibily be surpas- sed by the National Security Agency (NSA). The NSA is brother to the CIA, our second intelligence-gather- ing agency. Unlike the CIA, NSA is authorized to gather domestic intel- ligence. And its activities have not been examined by the press with much scrutiny. We don't know ex- actly what the NSA does, but it would be naive to believe that its ac- tions are generally defensible in light of the CIA revelations. THE UNIVERSITY, in sponsoring CIA and NSA recruitment on campus, is aiding and abetting the organizations in their activities by helping them replenish their supply of agents. This is clearly wrong. While as a matter of civil right, stu- dents should be able to interview with these agencies as long as the agencies exist, the University should not be helping CIA and NSA gain ac- cess to a crop of potential new re- cruits. The time of mass campus demon- strations is passed, but if there is any political energy left here. It would be hard to think of a better target for protest than our covert intelligence community. ..{... J.. .. ... ....... ...... . .......................... .....................................: ': {J:. "::.if :".::.;'{.vt:::l. t....1..:::::'.':::ti^:{."}:M:"M ": }:":: }}t:"... ..:.., f ,. }.:1fJNtJfJ 11Yf'f}!1- ^'f:'y 'V::::::: i":J.":: ". f. ..... .,.:.. ...; ....., .........": :"::.:t".'."'.v: "t :': :: t"". "J:.1hV ..........: .: ":.:: J.v::: f."JCh 1"f::::.t --" V......f............,....................................................:..... .........................,......t ..4, .. ... ... .. 1............... . .9 ?.:::::.Nf}: fJ.::":v'J:. i : f.:'::.:': "::.:.:, h..SVJ:: J:.1 .............. r..,..{..1 t. }............ ... . . .....t':::..:":::. .................... ........ sand the Man' By JEFFREY SELBST THERE IS a running controversy going as to whether George Bernard Shaw ever really wrote one funny thing in his life. The anti-Shaw faction has an annoying tendency to quote long passages from Man and Superman and Heartbreak House to prove their points. The pro-Shaw group, known fondly as "little Shav- ers", quote from Arms and the Man. I saw the Acting Company's production of this latter play Thursday, and I really enjoyed it. It is by turns witty and engag- ing, yet deadly serious, though not nearly so talky and filled with hot air as are some of his later works. Written'in 1894, it pre- dated much of his cranky misanthropy, and was mercifully put to paper before he had the reputation of an old Fabian gasbag to live up to. THE ACTING COMPANY isn't nearly well-enough served by superlatives. I could positively wax idiotic over their work, but I'll just call them magnificent and let it go at that. Arms and the Man is about the foolishness of being human. Shaw argues persuasively for the virtues of the man-machine, but with his tongue in his cheek. The last lines of the play are evi- dence both to his admiration and his disgust: Sergius Saranoff, the heroic fraud, stares at the doorway where Capt. Bluntschli, the machine-man, has exited. "What a man!" he cries. But then the query, "Is he a man?", and the curtain is down. And so is the play about the war between the sexes, as it details the story of Sergius and his betrothed, Raina Petkoff, each of whom must own tip to the lies they live and accept love that knows no rank. It is thereby also about class distinction, self- perception, and the inevitable failure of man (though it is abun- dantly clear that manhood is preferable to machine-hood). BUT EVEN SO, Shaw is not yet so cynical as he will become -his man-machine still has a warm humanity, an "incurably ro- mantic disposition", anditdis not impossible to see whence some admiration for him might derive. Major Paul Petkoff, the uncivilized Bulgarian, is plaved with wonderful bluster and crude honesty by Benjamin Hendrickson. This is a man who is bewildered by the intrusion of Europe into his serene Bulgaria - he wants little of their wars, but has to make do with what there is. He is played with sympathetic humor. Sergius Saranoff (Peter Dvorsky) is a man who expects what is due him by birthright. (Ingmar Bergman possibly patterned the character of Carl-Magnus, the dragoon of Smiles of a Summer Night, and later A Little Night Music, after Sergius.) Dvorsky plays him with too much pomp and swagger, rendering a belief in him as a simple human being impossible. Maybe the over- playing was necessary, but I think not. I could have done with someone less insufferable. BUT NOTHING SHORT of raves suffice to describe the act- ing of Patti LuPone as the imperious, haughty fraud Raina Pet- koff. Restrained, puzzled, proud, silent-LuPone is a consummate actress and a mistress of all these emotions. Her facial expres- sionse xauaisite and her timningunsurpnassed. Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS Marcia Milgrom (left) cavorts with another cast member on the set of "Love's Spirit," a new dinner theatre presentation at the Campus Inn. Campus Inn's dinnertime revue ctures Love Spirit By ANDREW ZERMAN DON'T BE FOOLED by the innocuous title - Love Spirit is a dandy little musical revue. If sunny and chipper revues are your cup of tea (as they are mine), you should find the new Campus Inn dinner - thea- ter show diverting entertain- ment. THE SHOW is not without ir- ritations. To begin anything with the Ic Wpheter's diction- results. What kept the revue alive was a sense of humor. The serious ballads never quite made it, but the comic and up-tempo songs - "Ain't She Sweet", "Together", "You're Not Sick, You're Just in Love", among others - were delightful. Credit here must go to Greg Ganakas and Marcia Milgrom, choreo- grapher, as well as Hustoles. AFTER SEEING a number of shows she's chnrenoranhed. I've feel that he is talking to you alone. The most moving num- ber in the show was his: a ren- dition of "Didn't We" sung with heart-felt conviction. He was so likeable that when he announced a singalong, I even joined in. And I hate sing- alongs! DAVID JOHNSON and Patri- cia Harless were both the vic- tims of an all - encompassing blandness, which is not Jill \Y f f t~L \ \ A\ Z\ lR M\ 96111111111 WJ iIUU 1whl