'cage Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, January 30, 19115 Daily Classti eds ROOMMATES 1 OR 2 MALES to share apartment. Own room. Call Mike, 668-6100; Mgr.. 769-3672. 03Y206 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Black Pocketbook with Con- tact Lenses. Reward. 662-3435. 97A0201 FOR RENT FOR RENT STUDIO APARTMENT-Furnnshed, OWN ROOM in 2 bdrm. apt. 10 heated, and laundry room. $135 mo. minx. from EMU and UM. Large 307 Thompson St. 665-8055 after 6 modern apt. with all conveniences- p.m. 9800205 Rent, 100/month negotiable. Callj ------m----- - ornings and nights. 434-4941.1 SINGLE-FEMALE for Apartment; (Even if ad is old!) 34C0131 ; close, reasonable. 764-7032 after 6:30. - ....- 880204 COMPLETELY FURNISHED Apart- ments. One block from campus. 8 ROOM, clean, quiet, some cooking, month Fall and Winter leases, 2 and? very close to campus. $100/mo. grad 4 month Summer leases. Tenants preferred. 995-9438. 450130 p.ay only electric and phone. UNI- VERSITY TOWERS APTS., 536 S. FALL 1 976 Forest, 761-2680.ecte OFFICE/STUDIO SPACE for rent. %1 Modern and 2 bedroom units block off campus. 994-0627, 2-4 p.m., directly on campus Mon.-Fri, cC131 For information call _ LIFE IN THE UNDERGROUND! Cozy, subterranean, one-bdrm. apt., campus area, $1 10/mo. Available Feb.. Ca 769-7941 a for A RTMENAdler, ntes 995-9494. PART EN S700128 418 E. Washington, basement 1?2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, with 668-6906 663-3641 basement, covered parking, private cCtc patio, furnished, centrally heated/ A.C., near campus, $225/mo. Avail- NOWV RENTING able February 15. Call 769-8585 er- sistently. 3900201 FALL 1976 andfrom campus every hour. See manager at Apt. K-I or call: THOMPSON 994.39s APARTMENTS ect (at corner of William & Thompson) T Furnished efficIency, 1 & 2 bedroom T HE H I GH LA N DS apartments. See manager at Apt. 216 or call: One & two bedroom unfurnished 665-2289 apartments. Lighted tennis court, pool and security lock system Buses' URGENTLY NEEDED by Feb. 10- FOUND - Large black and white 1 woman to share 2-bdrm., bi-level male dog w/NYC ASPCA tag No. apt. In heart of U-M campus. Must 61290, Jan. 28 on S. State, Sent to share bdrm.; own parking space. Humane Society. 662-5585. dA0201 Rent $75/mo. Feb.-Aug. 995-2167. - Evenings persistently. 01Y0204 FOUND-3 KEYS found near E. ----------- - --- University and Hill St. Saturday. TO SHARE a two bedroom apt. next 995-7615. A0201 to North Campus. For $70, no se- --. -- curity deposit, no utilities. Call 995- COAT STOLEN from Union. Return 8348. 89Y201 keys in pocket. Reward. Several --------- jIkeys, wedding band. 763-3241. 82A21 COME LIVE in the professor's I - house (without the professor). Pi- LOST-6 KEYS, black leather pocket ano, fireplace, beautifully fur- case, campus. 995-1665. 68A202 nished. 995-3658. 41Y130 LOST: Dog, medium size male Ger- FEMINIST WOMEN to share farm- man Shepherd, completely tan, house with women and gay men. leather collar. Call Dan, 769-0748. 5 miles from town. $78/month, ow 48A0130 room. 995-3510. 5Y201 1 I I ---LOST: Female 7 month %x Shepherd TRAVEL and ? Husky. Black and white markings. Answers to "Tash." 995- CAN'T GET TO ASIA. AFRICA, 4021. 53A0130 EUROPE, AMERICAS SOON Ukk ENOUGH? International - Iintercul- FOUND: A keychain with 8 keys tural contact here in Ann cArbor was found on 1/25 at the corner of now. Eat at Friend's International Madison and State. Call 995-9083. Co-op. 761-7435, Tom/Carol. 83P201 --_ DENVER--1 or 2 riders to share LOST: Brown wallet near IM. driving and expenses. Leave 2/5 Building. Reward. 995-2310. 57A0130 (PM.). Return 2/15. Joel, 994-0145 FOUND: Corner of Catherine & days, 761-7053. 79P131IState. Black puppy. Call Jody or ACAPULCO. Spring Break, beach- Barb. 665-0609. dA0130 front hotel, $316. Deadline Feb. 2.A G C E SKI. PARK CITY, UTAH. Spring ; BARGAIN CORNER break, $285. Deadline Feb. 4. - UAC TRAVEL, 2nd Floor, Mich. W DO IT ALL Union 763-2147. 98P0204Well, almost . . . Two poor, but SPRING BREAK-New York ($81.73); responsible females are looking for Newark ($81.73); Boston ($90.73); a home from May-August (or any Los Angeles ($218.73); San Fran- part thereof); will house, dog, and/ cisco ($218.73); San Diego (218.73). or plant sit for you. PLEASE call, Deadline Feb. 4. UAC TRAVEL, 2nd 764-9671 or 764-3889 or write Mich- Floor, Michigan Union, 763-2147.j igan Daily Box 21. References avail- 96P0204 able. dW2Ol SANSSOUCI (across from U-M Stadium) Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom apart- ments. Parking available. Buses to and from campus every zhour. See manager at Apt. K-1 or call: 994-3955 eCtc FEMALE DOUBLE ROOM in a co- op. Call Mr. Lutz at ICC. 662-4414. 2400131 FALL '76 EXTREMELY NICE ON-CAMPUS APARTMENTS AND HOUSES Nancy and Jean will be glad to help you with your housing needs. STOP BY-OR CALL US CAMPUS RENTALS 1335 S. University 665-8825 Monday-Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 10:00-2:00 VISCOUNT APARTMENTS 2 and 3 Bedroom Bi-Levels and Tri-Levels MODEL OPEN to and from campus daily. 1697 Broadway, Apt. 303 769-3672 cCt c BAITS LEASE FOR SALE "CHEAP." CALL 761-4007 after 5 p.m. 710204 SUBLET MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS GARRARD Z92 changer for sale. Includes base, dustcover and Shure M91ED. Best offer near $100. Call Chris at 663-6860. 54X0131 V FltJ.. OMIN AVAILALET Stri *, enr- !, LOWNROMilrgst-mnpar- E : *rngs, p r- ment inAnn largest 3-manvailablepartb.- cussion and band instruments, tap 1st. Renewal option after August. sluIst uctors. Apollo Music Center, Grad student preferred. 761-4324 323 S. Main. 761-9340. exte ateu 6:00 p.m. 77U130 P.A. EQUIPMENT. JBL, Crown. Also SUBLET: bedroom apt. furnished, TEAC 3340S 4-track. Must sell. 229- utilities included May 1-Sept. 1. 5217.39X0201 Ideal location. 995-5036 eves. L.P. CONGA DRUMS. Also Kustom 47U0206 P.A.. Ampeg practice amp. Call I- FOR SALE 229-5217. 40X0201 One male dorm lease in a South GUITARS-Classical, steel; violins, Quad triple. January rent free. 764-1and flutes. 665-7348 or 429-9241. cXtc 8620. 44U131 FEMALE to share bedroom in 2- GUITARS, 40r off list. Garcia, Her- bedroom apartment. Rent negoti- nandis, Ramirez. 665-7348 or 429- able. Call 995-8362 persistently. 241. r 83U129 1 REPAIR, adjustment and restora- ~-Eon of all string instruments. WANTED TO RENT Quality work, completely guaran- _ teed. Great Lakes Banjo Co., 1342 N.I 5 BEDROOM HOUSE for fall. Call Iain. 994-4964. cXtc 663-4981. dL130 -- --- - - - -- ---- --- - --- -- ---- NEW SHIPMENT of Upright Pianos NEEDED: House for 6-7 people for from $175. Apollo Music Center, 761-1 next year. Will pay $25 for first 9430, cXtc claim on your lease. Please call im- - mediately and persistently. 995 - TUESDAY SALE: up to 25% off, 4864. dLl3l must mention ad. See Don, Apollo - Music Center. 323 S. Main, 761-9430. PETS AND SUPPLiES etc Turkish Arts & Gifts Sheepskin coats are on sale 3 off, only 3 left Hand-embroidered blouses, skirts, dresses 215 E. Liberty 10:30-6 p.m. 761-5554 cWtc SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DEN IMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SALE ITEMS Cowboy Boots ...... $10 Sweaters ... from $5.50 Selected Pants..... . ....... ....from $5.00 COATS: Down and Fiber Fill II 20% off More in-store bargains 207 E. Liberty 663-86 1 1 FOR SALE FURNITURE-8 ft. leather couch with mahagony trim and matching arm chair. Call 973-1275. 90B206 STEREO RECEIVER for sale, Ta- tashiba ST 500, 35 watts per chan- nel, never used, cost $320. Will sel for $275. Save $45. Must sell for tuition. Call Mark, 995-5999. 81B131 HARD JAVELIN SKIS, 190 cm., $120. Lange Pro boots, women's 8, $60. Call 487-1711. 85B0131 RCA COLOR TV and double bed. Both excellent condition. 769-1598. 69B202 SONY TC-10 Car Stereo Cassette tape player. Orig. $120, want $75 or best offer. Call 763-2605. Ask for Jeff. After 11 p.m. dB130 MUST SELL refrigerator. Sears, 5 cu. ft. 3 months old, $180. Call Kerry, 764-9888. 56B0130 FENDER CORONADO bass with case. 434-0477 49B0131 CANNON FTB with 18 FD series lens. Call David, 995-8624. 37B0131 POLES, BOOTS, SKIS - Krysta Grand Prix, 170's, fiberglas, Cubco bindings. Call 995-9850. 36B0130 FIREWOOD, mixed hardwoods, 4x8' x18" Delivered, $25. 662-2639. 23B0204 SHEEPSKIN COATS for men an women. All sizes. Persian House of Imports. 769-8555. cBtc FALL 1976 Modern 1 and 2 bedroom units directly on campus. eCt BUSINESS SERVICES SWIMMING LESSONS-W.S.I. certi- fied instructor. Call Mark, 995-5999 and arrange a time. 800131 BANDS FOR FRAT PARTIES. Don, 761-9431 and 487-5526. cJtc BICYCLE OWNERS-I will come to you and your bicycle and teach while I tune. Pick-up repair serv- ice. Modest rates negotiable. Call Josh, 761-0496. 990131 BANDS for frat parties. Don, 761- 9431 and 487-5526. cJtc WE'LL DO IT ALL Well, almost . . . Two poor, but responsible females are looking for a home from May-August (or any part thereof); will house, dog, and/ or plant sit for you. PLEASE call, 764-9671 or 764-3889 or write Mich- igan Daily Box 21. References avail- able. dJ201 STEAM CARPET CLEANING lic a square foot. 9x12 carpet $11.88 Excellent references. Free estimates. Insured. Tompkin's Steam Extrac- tion. 663-4303, 662-5077. cJtc OVERSEAS SUMMER JOBS-or per- manent. Asia, Europe, Australia, 1 South America, Africa. All fields, $600-$1,900 monthly. Great benefits. [Write: International Employment Research, Box 3893D1, Seattle, WA. 98124. 70J207 [ AM a full-time, free lance typist with considerable experience typing nooks, dissertations, papers. I type over 100 wpm, perfect accuracy guaranteed. Base rate 70c per page. IBM Correcting Selectric. Call Bill, 365-0166. cJtc IKE'S MINI-MOVER Want to move in a hurry? Truck available for small moving within 25 miles. 973-0763. 78J0131 EDITORIAL SERVICES Highest references 769-2931 05J131 TYPING, Copying, Binding. Editing, Keypunching, Notary Service. THE SECRETARIAT Dissertation Speciaists 812 S. State Street 8 a.m.-10 p.m. 994-3594 SITUATIONS WANTED WE'LL DO IT ALL Well, almost . . . Two poor, but responsible females are looking for a home from May-August (or any part thereof); will house, dog, and or plant sit for you. PLEASE call, 764-9671 or 764-3889 or write Mich- igan Daily Box 21. References avail- able. d0201 MISCELLANEOUS PARKING SPACE AVAILABLE For weekly transportation 'to mar- ket. Call persistently. 995-4233. 66M130, WANTED TO BUY WANTED-2 tickets to Christopher Parkening at Power Center January 30. Call Bob, 763-3987. 86K0130! HELP WANTED f DISABLED working woman needs5 attendant help (bathing, dressing, meals, etc.), some mornings and - evenings. Packard-Fourth area. 662-t 2734 evenings and weekends. dH0130 LUNCH AND DINNER help at Med- ical Fraternity. Meals as wages. Work apprx. 35 min./meal. Call Kim or Hanley, 761-6515. 03H0203 MAKE BIG MONEY selling UM Yearbooks. Contact Michiganensian at 420 Maynard or call 764-0561. 67H0201 Spot or Part-time TECHNICAL WRITER for catalogus preparation. Experienced; some electronics background. call NEWMAN COMPUTER EXCHANGE 973-1230 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 02H0205 CAREER CONSULTANTS 111 W. KINGSLEY ANN ARBOR, MI 48103 665-8306 Management Trainees-Finance Men. and Women. Decent salary. Great benefits. cH201 MUSICIANS N E E D ED. Forming commercial Rock Band seeks bassist and drummer. Call Charlie after five, 994-4753. 840201 HOUSEKEEPER for family. 2-7 p.m. Mon.-Friday. $62.50/wk. Call 662- 6021 after 4 p.m. 61H131 QUALIFIED work study scholar needed 10 hours plus per week in Library of Technical Journal. $3.25/ hr. Call S. Fedunok, 764-7228. 5511203 Have you always wanted to be a FALL ORIENTATION LEADER? Come sign up for a chance in the Orientation Office, 2530 SAB, be- tween 1-28 and 2-19. Affirmative Action, Non-discriminatory Employ- er. 64H213 SALES PERSON WANTED. $50 plus 20%. 994-2627, 994-0627, 2-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri. cHl31 EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - RACKHAM STUDENT & SPOUSES.' 2014 A Rackham Building, 763-5272. 88H129 PERSONAL WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc PERSONAL Growth Group. For gay women and gay men. For details, 665-2397, 761-6811. 92F203 FLESH GORDON flashes thru Ann Arbor FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Jan. 30th & 31st Midnights at the Matrix Theatre. Don't miss this extraterrestrial science fiction porno movie!!! For info: 994-0627. cFl31 COMPLETE PROPHYLACTIC de- partment at the Vilage Apothe- cary, 1112 S. University. ept ATTENTION: Anyone on campus that was re- cruited by the CIA and Is willing to talk about the experience for an article to appear in The New York Times, please call Rob Meachum at 994-0363 or 764-0552. If you prefer, write Box 19, The Michigan Daily. Strict anonymity is guaranteed. dF0201 PASSPORT-APPLICATION PHOTOS. Mondays 7 p.m. Michigan Daily. Ken, 764-0552 72F411 MAGNIFICENT Magic & Sparkling Sorcery1 Master magician & illusion- ist DENNIS LOOMIS will amaze all with a special matinee show at the MATRIX THEATRE Saturday, Feb- ruary 7th at 2 p.m. For Info cal 994-0627. Special discount for stu- dents and people under 12. cF207 OPEN LATE TONIGHT - 'til 1:00 a.m. Billiards and Bowling at the Union, cF0131 Offset Printing, Xerox Copies Xerox reductions, photostats Halftones, Typesetting and much more ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 cFtc CORRECTION!1 Passport photos are no longer taken on Friday at the Daily but are now taken Mondays at 7 p.m. Yesterday's ad was inserted by error. Ken Fink. dFl3O BUMPER STICKERS. Custom print- ed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0942. cFtc FEMALE NEEDED (grad preferred) to share 1-bedroom, furnished apt. near medical center. Parking. Lease through August. $82/mo. or nego- tiable. Call Sue at 668-8462. 78F131 YOUNG and attractive Irish lass seeks male companionship. Should be intelligent, attractive, and at least half Irish. Must have blue eyes. Engineers need not reply. Call MaryAnn, 763-2894. dF130 COPYING CLOSEST TO CAMPUS Books-Class Notes-Papers-Resume Dissertation quality, low prices. From 2%c per copy 211 5. State (by Gino's) 7 days/week plus evenings 662-3969 cFtc TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. and Auto-Owners Insurance Co. offer auto and renter's insurance at lower rates in Ann Arbor. Call Mrs. Spears at 662-3107 for a quotation. Spring- er-Kleinschmidt Agency, Inc., 206 Z. Huron. cFtc WE TELL it like it is, 7 lanes of bowling, 11 pinball machines, 1 electronic and don't forget our footsie-footsie. Union Bowling. cF0130 WE'LL DO IT ALL Well, almost . . . Two poor but responsible females are looking for a home from May-August (or any part thereof); will house, dog, and/ or plant sit for you. PLEASE call, 764-9671 or 764-3889 or write Mich- igan Daily Box 21. References avail- able. dF201 PERSONAL WE MAKE YOU feel so comfortable, CR you might even fall asleep on us- we are that good. U-M Stylists ati the Union. cF0130 fre INTERESTED IN NO-FRILLS LOW COST JET TRAVEL to Europe, - - Africa, the Middle East. the Far PROVID East? EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS has housing been helping peooie travel on a woeks., budget with maximum flexibility House.7 and minimum hassle for six years. For more info call toll-free 800-223-;Through 5569 63F201 Weight DIRECT PURCHASING volume sell-j ing and marginal profits assure you;- that vour diamond will be an in XEI vestment at Austin Diamond, 1209 fas S. University. 663-7151. cFtc PINBALL W IZARDS 1217 S TEST YOUR SKILL ON THE --- -- NEXT LINE AMERIC PIZZA MACHINES AT looking TOMMY'S HOLIDAY CAMP authors. Packard and State Collegec CROSSEYED MOOSE 613 E. Liberty LI B High-score for the week wins I am a a pizza from Pizza Bob's I a cF4130 corn, an lFto30a Into bae skiing,f and plan dome. M ual, sen person. with peo air with to meet womant and futu PERSONAL :OSSEYED MOOSE invites you to enjoy . e coffee every morning. 613 E. Liberty cFl31 E SUPPORT and temporary for teenagers 1 day to 2 Couch is fine. Call Ozone 769-6540. 11F0305 MANENT WEIGHT LOSS B e h a v i o r Modification. Control National, 994-0019. cFtc ROX AND OFFSET st, low cost duplicating COPY QUIUK S University 769-0560 cEic AN-as-apple-pie committee for mature, sophisticated Cooley Awards Committee, of Engineering. 02F130 ERATED WOMEN liberated male, 26, capri- d computer professional. I'm ck-packing in the Rockies, furniture making, pottery, n to build my own home/ ly plants consider me cas- nsitive, andgenerally nice I dig sharing conversation ople and not just filling the hollow words. I would like the uncommon liberated to share interests, hopes, ures. Please write to Box 31. 17F202 ANYONE wishing to know the whereabouts of The Cooley Awards Committee, please call 764-1420. 02F130 Announcement Applications being accepted now. Earn up to 8 credits. USSR0u Vienna0 .Paris . Dijon * Nairobi * Nice * Florence * Perugia * Israel * Copenhagen 9 British Virgin Island 9 Geneva 0 Spain From $890 including round trip jet, tuition, room, board, accredited University programs. For new course catalogues/applications for summer or academic year: CENTER FOR FOREIGN STUDY 216 S. State (Next to Lane Hall) (above Marti Walkers) 626-5575 cFtc * 2 FREE GAMES * CAMPUS PINBALL 1217 S. University 1 ad per person cFe COPIES - 2%c each Lowest Prices Anywhere IMrRESS, 524 E. William, 665-4321 cFto ANYBODY out there want to teach me Esperanto? 764-9668, Amy. dFll1 PREGNANT? Need help? Call Prob- lem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283 400 S. Division. Free pregnancy tests. cFto FRIDAYS it's crowded. So for a choice of tables, come today. Open 'til 12:30 a.m. Billiards at the Union. cF0129 Answer to Previous Puzzle MATH U5H R APT A 5 LW P AAA A COQLASACUCUMBER KNAPSACK KNEADS MtILK H CANADA DONE V ER A G A T E B EN E T A A LA T S. LIT CL UD RA ANYTHIN B WIPEI SLUR A PPREN NL AR f O BLOWSHOTANDC0jL0 L O A NEN D K K EA SY DEPTS STAR CFS Office Study Abroad of 1976 M-F, 11-1, 6-8 Weekends, 2-4 --- ------ ----- A-S 1316 Geddes No. 3 IRISH SETTER PUPS USED CARS Beautiful confirmation show-type.' UPPER and lower flats for rent, Reasonable. One 3-yr. old female '71 AUSTIN Mini 1000. Clean. 30,000 near stadium. 1-(313)-626-5584. After free to home with a back yard. 461- miles. 35 m.p.g. $1,700. 478-9810, six. 18C0201 19826. 16T131 after 6:00 p m. 00N0204 i i f f t 1 i ANN ARBORT 91.7 FM TONIGHT at 8:05 p.m. , ., IThe Los Angeles thetas rx~h Classified Philharmonic ZUBIN MEH TA, conductor r Featuring: HAYDN: Symphony No. 22 in E-flat (Philosopher) DVORAK: Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104 SAMUEL MAYES, guest soloist WAGNER: Selected Orchestrat excerpts from music dramas PAID FOR BY THE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING CROSSWORD PUZZLE O 1976 LOS ANGELES TIMES " .n ACROSS 1 Beau Nash's city 5 Glengarry man 9 Nino's home 13 Part of the eye 14 - cloth 15 Manipulator 16 Insurrectionists, for short 17 Vague 20 Strain at a- 21 Glaze 23 Marble 22 Product of Kuwait 24 Wall Street man 25 Secondary, as a line or show 26 Less familiar 28 Prevent 29 Building material 30 Go cruising 82 Hit on the noggin 33 Hum 84 Wharf 35 Public dishonor 38 Surpasses, in a way 42 Famous bandmaster 43 Labor initials !2 3-4. 44 "-- aGrecian Urn" 45 Farm building 46 Reviver of the atomic theory,, circa 1804 48 Coin of Macao 49 Western univ. 50 Famous - songwriter 51 Again 52 College groups 54 Forward 55 Actor Paul 56 Nine: Prefix 57 Type of floor 58 Give forth - 59 Man from Riga 60 Ukrainian river DOWN . 1 Highly seasoned stews or soups 2 Thoroughfare: Sp. 3 Famous opera star 4 Poetic verb form 5 Watcher 6 Brilliant red 7 Type of dosage: Phrase 8 Experts at deduction 9 Select 6 7 8 10 "--wassay ing" 11 Area 12 King Minos' daughter 18 Through 19 Jacket material 24 Shock 25 Remained 27 City on the Rio Grande 29 Pepper 31 Distorted 32 Except 34 Mathematical result 35 Site of Darius' defeat, 333 B.C 36 Harmful 37 Thole pin, for one 38 Car necessity 39 "- alone" 40 "Wouldn'tit be 41 Humdinger 43 International trust 46 - gratia 47 Beginning 50 Young of the herring 51 Chooses 53 Naval in- telligence gp. 10 I1 2 SPRING BREAK TRAVELERS ATTENTION Take Advantage of the Airlines Bicentennial Spring Bargains Stays of seven days or longer offer SPECIAL 30% DISCOUNT rates but must be reserved and pur- chased AT LEAST 14 days before departure. 13 - --y-- 7 1 --- -t4 F-"--f-- - i i 261 I 33 1 25 h---' 31 - 34~ 35 42 36 P I i l 43 1 1 I I I I