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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 99 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 25, 1976 10 Cents Eigi
ht Pages
~Last laugh
City Councilwoman Kathy Kozachenko (SHRP-
Second Ward) had the last laugh when a joke
played on her by city Democrats backfired.
At last Monday's council meeting, ,Kozachenko
introduced a resolution directing the city attor-
ney's office to draw up a rent control ordinance
modeled on the 1973 SHRP rent control ballot
proposal. To her surprise, the Democrats sup-
ported the resolution, although in the past only
Councilwoman Carol Jones (D-Second Ward) has
back such a measure. After the resolution
passe: the Democrats smugly revealed their
reason for supporting the measure: the ballot
proposal Kozachenko referred to was voted on
in 1974, not 1973. The Democrats later said that
they were playing a prank of their SHRP col-
league. However, Kozachenko discovered that while
the proposal was voted on in April, 1974, it was
officially filed in the city clerk's office Dec. 30,
1973. Acting City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw is com-
plying with the order and council is scheduled
to take a first reading on the proposed ordi-
nance Feb. 2.
There's plenty to do if you're interested in
art or food. There will be a benefit dinner to
help send people of the Youth Right Bicentennial
in Chicago next month in the South Lounge of
East Quad from 5 to 7 p.m.; a buck and a half
buys a plate of spaghetti and the trimmings
six EMU faculty members are showing a variety
of their artistic works at the Ann Arbor City Hall;
the exhibition is on display until Feb. 20 ... there's
also a number of cultural events afoot on Mon-
day ... from noon until T p.m. on Monday; the
Ann Arbor Art Association is hosting a brown
bag lunch at 117 W. Liberty; the public is in-
vited to dine and chat with local artists ... Michael
Mandziuk is presenting a lecture/demonstration
on acrylic, hard-edge paintings at 8 p.m. at the
Ann Arbor Art Association ... there will be an
organizational meeting of the "Science for the
People" club at 7:30 p.m. in 3056 Natural Science
Bldg. .. the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre is having
open auditions for its next studio production at
7:30 p.m. in the Civic Theatre Bldg., 201 Mul-
holland ... Daphne Williams and Marion Johnson
will be speaking on women in other cultures at
7:30 p.m. in Rm. 1309 in the School of Education
and the Spartacus Youth League is holding a
forum on Angola at 7:30 p.m. in the Kuenzel
Room at the Union.
Fastest growing profession
Ever since William Masters and Virginia John-
son attracted nationwide attention to themselves
and their clinic, countless con-artists have billed
themselves as sexual therapists in the hopes of
flattening the wallets of the naive. As a result,
30 bonafide sex specialists gathered in St. Louis
Thursday and Friday to start formulating a code
of ethics of the burgeoning, unregulated practice
of sex therapy. The doctors, psychologists, social
workers, theologians, sociologists and lawyers spent
the two days discussing the ethical dilemmas fac-
ing sex clinics. According to Masters, the esti-
mated number of self-proclaimed sex therapists
across the nation has jumped from less than a
dozen six years ago to as many as 5,000 to-
day. Of those, he said possibly only 100 could
be considered legitimate 'therapists. "There are
any number of pseudo sex clinics where the main
idea is to bilk the public," he said.
Who knows?
Walter Cronkite and John Chancellor, respond-
ing intheir most indignant, acerbic manner, de-
nied charges that they are on a list of journalists
paid by the CIA. The accusations were made in
an interview on the Metromedia station in Wash-
ington by Sam Jaffe,- a television correspondent
in the 1950's and 60's. He said that Cronkite,
Chancellor and ABC president William Sheehan
were on a list of CIA media contacts which con-
tained between 30 and 200 names.
Pink pop
Someday soon, that bottle of red pop sitting
in the back of your refrigerator may become a
collectors item. Because of the Food and Drug
Administration's recent ban on Red Dye No. 2,
red pop may resemble pink lemonade and grape
pop may fade away entirely, according to Bor-
den, Inc. Researchers at the firm's headquarters
said the dye had been used in such items as pie
fillings, soft drinks, and ice cream. They have
been attempting for several months to find a sub-
stitute for the banned substance. A Borden spokes-
person said that other dyes they have experi-
mented with dan'ttproducethe same color in-
tensity. The FDA banned the dye Monday be-
cause it may contain a cancer causing agent.
On the ins
... staff writer Lois Josimovich introduces us
to Esther and Horst Mathia, operators of the
local pet cemetery in the Sunday Magazine ...
nnr C- -- Tnsnfxnfn r- - rwt r Ao o . nop
SAN FRANCISCO (UP) - The time of reck-
oning finally has come for Patricia Hearst.
Just one week less than two years after she
was kidnaped by the Symbionese Liberation Ar-
my, she goes on trial this week for armed
THE JURY will be called upon to decide
once and for all whether she became "Tania,"
the darling of the American revolutionary left,
because she wanted to or because she feared
for her life.
The trial, expected to last about eight weeks,
is scheduled to begin Tuesday after a day of
hearing defense motions tomorrow. Arguments
on the motions were delayed last week because
the judge, U. S. District Judge Oliver Carter,
underwent minor surgery.
Trial to begin on Tuesi
ered on tape recordings that turned the tiny SLA
into America's most notorious radical group.
But throughout, her family, and since her arrest
her defense attorneys, have insisted that she
was a victim of her captors; not a soldier com-
rade who willingly carried automatic weapons
and talked of fighting for revolution.
HEA4RST, the 21 year old granddaughter of
famed publisher William Randolph Hearst, is
charged with taking part in the $10,660 holdup of
a San Francisco bank on April 15, 1974, 10 weeks
after she was kidnaped, along with four mem-
bers of the SIA who were killed the next month
in a fire and shootout with Los Angeles police.
Two bystanders were wounded as the bank rob-
bers fled to two waiting getaway cars.
The formal charges against
bank robbery and use of a fir
a felony. A bank robbery con'
maximum sentence of 25 years
a $10,000 fine, and she could be
additional one to 10 years on the
The long search for PatriciaF
ably the most embarrassing in
history. More than 8,500 agent
of dollars looking for the 100
whose father, Randolph Hearst
the San Francisco Examiner.
The government's case agains
based primarily on the evidence
1,200 photographs taken by bank
the 10 minute holdup of a neigh
Bank branch six blocks south
reckon in
More than 90 secret subpoenas have been is-
a y sued to government witnesses, although only
about half are expected to testify, according to
the chief prosecutor, U. S. Attorney James
her are armed Browning.
earm to commit In a summary prepared by prosecutors for
viction carries a Judge Carter, the government's interpretation' of
in prison and or the holdup photographs - which have been
sentenced to an put together in movie form - was described:
firearm charge. "HEARST first appears on a frame simul-
Hearst was prob- taneously with Camilla Hall one of the SLA
the FBI's long members. Miss Hearst is seen to take up a
:s spent millions position in the middle of the bank lobby facing
pound woman, in a southerly direction so as to cover customers
is president of lying on the floor and on the officer's plat-
form .
st Miss Hearst is "At the moment of the shooting Hearst's mouth
of witnesses and is open and her facial expression is subject to
cameras during the interpretation of the viewer of the photo. She
borhood Hibernia is also seen in the film as either directing or
of Golden Gate See HEARST, Page 2
For months after her kidnaping, Patty
ed police and the FBI, her family and a
nated public with revolutionary rhetoric
China explodes
mto nuci,
By Reuter and UPI
HONG KONG - China,
declaring its intention to
break the "nuclear mono-
poly" of the "superpowers,"
announced yesterday it had
conducted an 18th nuclear
test explosion.
The test was Friday, ac-
cording to the official New
China News Agency.
ALTHOUGH the explosion was
presumably set off at the' main
nuclear testing site near Lop
Nor in the remote Sinkiang re-
gion of northwest China, the
wants end
ear monopoly
announcement did not say
whether it was in the atmo-
sphere or underground or say
how powerful it was.
It was the first since China
began setting off nuclear blasts
in 1964 that such a blast was
not first announced by monitor-
ing agencies outside China.
The most recent test, con-
ducted last Oct. 27, was detected
and announced first by L ian
IN WASHINGTON, a spokes-
person for the office of Public
Affairs, Energy Research and
Development Administration
said the blast was detected by
Traying: Fun and
games in the Arb
Screams cut through the cold, crisp air. They are the screams
of mock terror mixed with a lot of excitement - they sound just
like the noises made by captives on a roller-coaster.
To the people shouting their lungs out, traying in the Arb may
be better than the scariest carnival ride -- after all it's free. All
anyone had to do to get in on the action is filch a plastic tray
from a dorm and wait for the snow.
BUT THE SPORT ALSO requires some measure of guts be-
cause once a tray is set in motion down the steep hills of the Arb,
it cannot be controlled and may break apart beneath the rider.
"You cannot stay on them. There's nothing to hang on to,"
says Dale McCurdy a. veteran visitor to the Arb. "Once you go
flying you're done for."
Although many people use unbreakable metal trays instead of
plastic ones, McCurdy swears by the dormatory specials.
'METAL TRAYS get ruined just as badly as plastic," he notes.
"They become all dented.".
According to McCurdy, another problem with trays is that
they get bogged down in snow. They only slide well on hard ice,
much to the dismay of individuals suddenly separated from them.
At some dorms students can obtain trays at the front desk in
See TRAYING, Page 6
the U.S. atomic energy d!cction
system. The spokesperson said
the test was carried out in the
atmosphere and was in the low-
yield range-less than 20 kilo-
"The conducting of nece:sary
and limited nuclear tests by
China is entirely for the purp >se
of defense and for breaking the
nuclear monopoly by the super-
powers and for ultimately .bol-
ishing nuclear weapons," the
announcement said.
There was some diplomatic
speculation that Chinas. iatost
test might have been timed to
c incide with Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger's visit to the
Soviet Union for talks on stra-
tegic arms limitation. If it was,
it er'm a bit late.
CHINA IS vigorously oop ,,-_d
to the Soviet-American arms
limitation talks. Chinese leaders
have warned reneatedly that the
United States is falling into a
Sniet tran.
TN ISSUING these warnings
with considerable regularity,- the
Chinese have made it clear that
they have no intention of ah'ding
by any miclear test ban agree-
ment that does not provide fcr
destruction of all nuclear weap-
The announcement on the lat-
est test said China would try
to "achieve the lofty g)al of
complete prohibition and thor-
ough destruction of nuclear
q anon s."
It also reiterated Pekii:g's
oromise that "at no time and
in no circumstances will China
be the first to use niclear
CHINA TESTED a series of
atomic and hydrogen bombs be-
tween 1964 and 1969, its first
underground nuclear tet was
conducted at Lop Nor in Sep-
tember. 1969.
China's ICBMs are iL the 8,000-
mile (12,800-kilometac) range,
according to Jane's.
AP Photo
Slashin' Swede
Ingemar Stenmark carves his way through the slalom poles in Kitzbuehel, Austria on the way to
winning the World Cup Slalom yesterday. The Swede beat Italians Oustav Thoeni and Piero Gros
for his third slalom triumph this season.
Wallace takes early lead
in MIss. delegate caucus
Hitting the bottle has plenty
of class at Martha Cook f.
The wine flowed like water
from a faucet last night as some
60 Martha Cook residents andr
their guests were treated to a
wine tasting party by a Detroit-
area wine merchant.
Walter Rosenberg, who fan-
cies himself a "wine consul-<
tant," is anti-liquor and ex-f
plained that the only intent off
the party was to "come away
with a good, warm feeling."
"LIQUOR," he continued, "is
solely a depressant, but wine,
on the other hand, is the great-
est natural tranquilizer without
anv side effects."
j "Wine is the only way to go,"
he asserted to the receptive
au dien ce.
Suach is his dislike of the hard-
From Wire Service Reports
JACKSON, Miss. - Alabama
Gov. George Wallace fared well
yesterday in the first test of
Southern strength among Demo-
crats seeking the presidential
nomination as he easily outdis-
tanced the field in the Missis-
sippi delegate caucuses.
By late last night about 31
per cent of the approximately
3,000 county convention dele-
gates had been chosen by the
precinct caucuses. Wallace gar-
nered almost 41 per cent of the
FORMER Georgia Gov. Jim-
my Carter received 17 per cent
of participants. Another 24 per
cent of the delegates were re-
ported uncommitted.
Trailing the leaders was Sar-
gent Shriver, who ran well in
black areas, with 13 per cent.
Former Oklahoma Senator Fred
Harris and Texas Senator Lloyd
Bensten had only negligible
None of the other Democratic
contenders were vying for votes
in the Mississippi delegation to
the party's national convention
this summer.
T H E PRECINCT caucuses
represent the first step in a
observers said it was crucial
that he beat Carter, who has
been running an anti-Wallace
campaign from the outset.
liminary returns came in, Wal-
lace claimed victory for himself
and his supporters.
Carter, however, said that he
did not see his distant second
place finish as a setback.
"I think he had a larger con-
stituency to draw from and bet-
ter name recognition and I've
got toaattributehis showing to
the fact that he reached his
people," Carter said of the Wal-
lace showing.
"I DO NOT expect or need to
finish first in every state," Car-
ter added. He said that if he
can finish first or second in
most of the states in which he
is running, "the inevitable re-
sult will be more delegates for
us than anyone else."
Carter handily won a similar
delegate caucus vote in Iowa
earlier this month.
Meanwhile, in Boston former
Watergate Prosecutor Archibald
See WALLACE, Page 6
U.S. Signsiltary
accord with Spain
MADRID, Spain (A') - The United States and Spain signed a
five-year treaty yesterday extending American use of four
military bases on Spanish soil in return for $1.22 billion in aid
and the withdrawal of 10 U.S. missile-firing submarines from a
Spanish port.
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger signed his name 36 times
to copies of the treaty and its annexes in a nationally televised
ceremony with Foreign Minister Jose Maria de Areilza.
U.S. OFFICIALS, while insisting the agreement is not a com-