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January 24, 1976 - Image 1

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 98

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 24, 1976 10 Cents Eight Pages

*q ~

Supports strike
State Representative Perry Bullard yesterday
expressed his "strong support" for the Ann Arbor
Tenants' Union rent strike and said he was intro-
ducing a bill which would provide a legal struc-
ture for tenant-andlord collective bargaining.
"Collective bargaining will bring rationality into
the situation," Bullard said, "by allowing an
orderly, as well as equitable, settlement of dis-
Happenig's . .
are hardly rich today. The Ann Arbor
Ecology Center holds a workshop on urban ecology
and ;community organizing skills from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. at Calvary Presbyterian Church, 2727 Fern-
wood . . . The Engineering School offers an all-day
"Card Box Clean-up" at the Computing Center and
NUBS . . . and the Music School has an 8 p.m.
Arts Chorale program at the Power Center.
All the news fit to plant
The House intelligence committee has learned
that the CIA planted stories with the Reuter news
agency and foreign news media, according to a
committee source. Reuter, a British-based wire
service, provides news for many U.S. media, in-
cluding The Daily, The New York Times and The
Toledo Blade. CIA Director William Colby report-
edly told the committee that Reuter was considered
a foreign news agency and therefore was "an open
target," but that American news service such
as the AP were untouched. The source added that
Colby said 11 fulltime agents posed as journalists
and that The Company maintains a liason with
the State Department and the U.S. Information
Agency to warn them of planted stories so Ameri-
can government agencies will not rely on them
as factual. In London, the managing director of
Reuter said: "Reuter has been in the news busi-
ness for 125 years, largely because we know the
difference between the truth and lies. If any so-
called intelligence organization has paid stringers
to pass its handouts to Reuter in the guise of news,
it is highly likely that organization has been
wasting the taxpayers' money."
79-year-old Baltimore woman was brought back
to life Thursday after being dead for 37 years.
Rosalie Kelly, 79, vanished without a trace in
1939 and was declared dead. She tured up re-
cently in a Maryland nursing home and has been
battling to inherit her own estate ever since.
Fortunately, her $8,000 estate was never dissolved
and Kelly's rights to administer it have been
restored by the Baltimore city court, which finally
confirmed- she was alive.
Victory for voyeurs
Uninhibited swimmers still have a right to grin
and bare it on the nation's only legal nude beach,
but they'll have to put up with crowds of gawkers
The San Diego city council voted 5-4 this week to
continue allowing nudity on their famous Black's
Beach, a 900-foot strip of sand and broken glass
near the San Diego campus of the University of
California. "We've already heard about skinny-dip
tours coming here because of this," complained
Councilman Lee Hubbard. "I can see San Diego
becoming an international Mecca for tourists of
all kinds, with stops at the zoo, Sea World and
Black's Beach." Sort of like Central Park, the
Empire State Building and the Times Square
hookers, we guess.
Burger burgeon
Now you can suffer from indigestion and mal-
nutrition in London, too. McDonald's has cleared
the way for a new greaseburger outlet, gaudy
golden arches and all,, in March on the Hay-
market, a famous boulevard in the shadow of

Buckingham Palace. But the chain's head in
Britain, Bob Rhea, has to gamble against a few
problems with his London chophouse. Britons like
to eat everything with knives and forks, and they
generally don't take kindly to strangers putting
seasoning on their food. However, they prefer
their "chips" with vinegar, an ingrediant Mac's
leaves out. Rhea had to back down on another
problem-the queen's agents decided the word
"hamburger" in blazing neon lights might "lower
the tone" of the neighborhood. "It was not worth
arguing with them," Rhea says. "They will even-
tually come to realize the word 'hamburger' is
nothing to be ashamed of." Judging from experi-
ence, we'd predict Mac's will be ashamed about
a little more than words. Rhea's not stopping
there, either. "We want to see those golden arches
all over England. That would make the people
in the States very happy," he says. Unless they
eat the stuff, too.
On the inside ...
You'll find an account on the state of war in
Northern "Ireland by PNS writer Richard Boyle
on the Edit Page . . . Arts gives you its weekly

oo i
Food fi0
Did you ever sit through an entire lecture
thinking only of a Milky Way candy bar? Do you
ever glut yourself on secret late-night refrigera-
tor raids when there is no one around to discover
your insatiable gastronomical binges?
If you answer "yes" to either or both of the
above questions, you may be suffering from a
serious compulsive eating problem. It is a prob-
lem widespread enough on this campus to have
prompted several students to found a chapter of
Overeater's Anonymous (OA), where compulsive
eaters can gather to discuss their problems with
others and plan methods to combat their afflic-
JULIE teaches fourth grade. At 170 pounds,
she can hardly be described as pleasingly plump.
Yet, compared with her previous peak weight of
242, she might as well be Olive Oil.
"Can you 'believe it? I used to sneak down
to the kindergarten room on my breaks and eat
their cookies," she said. "All the children knew
me, because I was always down there eating.
may talky
at grad f
<y exercises
University Regent Sarah Pow-
er (D-Ann Arbor) yesterday let
slip that French feminist Fran-
coise Giroud may be the speak-
er at Spring Commencement
Duringa luncheon at Guild
House, Power discussed the
University's commitment to In-
ternational Women's Year and
mentioned that the school is
considering a woman as the
keynote commencement
SHE THEN linked Giroud,
France's Secretary of State for
the Condition of Women, to the
The University has not offi-
cially announced who will be
the speaker at graduation.
Several University officials,
including other members of the
Board ofRegents, would not
deny that Giroud was , being
considered as a possible speak-
er for the May 1 commence-
AFTER HER talk, Power de-
clined to repeat the statement
about Giroud but would' not
deny it.
Before becoming a member of
the French cabinet, Giroud was
a noted writer who edited the
news weekly L'Express for Deane Baum
more than 20 years. work without
The Board of Regents has
narrowed the list of possible
commencement s p e a k e r s to
three persons.
A UNIVERSITY official said
yesterday that the selection pro-
cess has not been completed. M
He indicated that one of the
candidates had been invited but
no confirmation of his or her
acceptance has been received WASHINGTO
by the University. dent Ford's pl
Ordinarily, announcement of million medic
the commencement speaker is against cata
not made until later in the year could cost dou
and even . then is subject to lion stated in
change. informed sour
For example, last year Secre- dav

tary of -State Henry Kissinger
was scheduled to give the ad- The Whitea
dress but was replaced several Management ai
davs before the ceremony by a last-minute
Yale University President King- vide more ge
maniBrewster. benefits for t
The Regents also select sev- disabled in ane
eral people to receive honorary sources said, b
degrees as part of the com- costs were not
mencement ceremonies. budget.



The kids in my class used to bring, me goodies
as a bribe!"
Food to a compulsive eater is not unlike liquor
to an alcoholic. It can become an obsession cap-
able of overwhelming one's entire life.
OA IS patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous
(AA), and was organized in Los Angeles in 1960
to help those with an inability to cope with
their overeating. A campus branch was estab-
lished last October.
"I was always on diets, I tried them all," said
Mary, a freshperson. But my problem just got
worse. In eleventh grade, I gained over 30 pounds
in one month. I found myself lying constantly to
cover up my habit, gorging myself when no one
was around. I even used to eat out of garbage
Only five-feet tall, Mary once tipped the scales
at over 140 pounds. She would wear her coat all
day during classes to hide her obesity. After
joining PA, she lost over 40 pounds.
"I HAD TO accept the fact that I ate com-
piilsively and that I couldn't control it on my

e bulgin
own," she said. "At my first OA meeting, I found
people who understood and cared about me, who
didn't think of me as just a weak-willed glutton."
Compulsive overeaters say that there are
"trigger foods" which can set off an eating binge
at any time. These foods are not necessarily
sweets. They may be bread, nuts, cheese, even
wheat germ.
"When I got going, I'd eat anything that
wasn't nailed down," Julie said. "I'm a genu-
ine motormouth. It doesn't matter what the stuff
tastes like, I'd shove it down."
JULIE SAYS that unlike an alcoholic, who nev-
er has to touch liquor again once he or she
stops, overeaters must deal with food in some
form every day of their lives.
OA is not a weight-loss program. Its members
believe that they are afflicted with a disease. To
join one must only admit their powerlessness
over food, and must want to overcome it by sur-
rendering to a "Power greater than ourselves."
"This power we call upon to help us is not
necessarily God or any other supreme being,"
said Sue, a senior who has tried several diets.


"The important thing is understanding that you
can't do it on your own, and that is one of the
toughest steps in joining."
OA TREATMENT begins with abstinence, a
strict control of food intake guided by a food
sponsor. Weekly meetings are vital to the indi-
vidual's program,-where fellowship and support
are extended to each.
Telephone calls and literature, most of which
is modified AA material, are available, for rein-
forcement between meetings and are essential
during crisis periods.
Along with the inevitable guilt and frustration
that accompanies compulsive overeating, it can
also lead to diabetes, heart disease, and, in ex-
treme cases, death. The mental anguish resulting
from being fat in a think-thin, ever-dieting so-
ciety has led to brokeni marriages, theft, prosti-
tution, and occasionally, suicide.
"People can't understand that it is 'a disease
for us," said one OA member. "They are always
suggesting that you go on a diet, not realizing
that we can never eat normally. Food just isn't
the same to us."


securit y
From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON-Leveling his strongest criticism ever
at Congress, outgoing CIA Director William Colby called
yesterday for sharp restrictions on the number of legis-
lators with access to intelligence secrets.
Meanwhile, the House Intelligence Committee voted
nine to four to disclose details of top secret CIA opera-
tions in Angola, Italy and elsewhere. The panel will make
the information public in its final report to be released
next week.
COLBY ARGUED that Congress should share control' of U.S.
intelligence activities, but said that "the system won't work" if
congressmen leak secrets to the press.
"The fewer members of Congress involved,. . . the better,"
Colby told the Senate Government Operations Committee in urging
the creation of a single committee to oversee covert operations,

AP Photo
Canine cop
of Kansas City restrains Silver, an 85-pound German Shepherd specially trained to
supervision inside buildings or fenced lots to help prevent theft and vandalism.
ldiucare uestioned,

with criminal penalties for staff
members who reveal secrets.
Colby said he was strongly
opposed to the present proce-
dure by which eight congres-
sional committees are briefed
on covert operations., "Every
one of the new projects that
were subjected to this process
has leaked into the public do-
main," he added in apparent
reference to recent news re-
ports about CIA operations in
Angola and Italy.
"I FEEL it is essential to re-
peal that procedure and replace
it by another which will include
provisions for adequate secre-
cv," Colby said. "The sooner
the better," he added later in
response to a question.
A second witness, former na-
tional security adviser Mc-
George Bundy, said it is wrong
to attribute the disclosure of
the Angolan operation to the
large number of committees
privy to CIA secrets.
The real cause, Bundy said,
"is the breakdown of the broad
political consensus which made
it possible 10 or 15 years ago
for the CIA to conduct such
See COLBY, Page 8

most of
From Wire Service Reports
BEIRUT-Units of the Pales-'
tine Liberation Army (PLA)
moved into Beirut yesterday and
took over responsibility for law
and order in the western, Mos-
lem-controlled part of the capi-
tal, a commando spokesperson
The PLA move followed a
cease-fire announced Thursday
night in Nebanon's civil war.
THE COMMANDO spokesper-
son issued a statement saying
that the Palestinian leaders, the
heads of the Lebanese leftwing
See MOSLEM, Page 2

N (P) - Presi-
an to protect 25
are patients
strophic illness
ble the $500 bil-
his new budget,
ces said yester-
House Office of
nd Budget made
decision to pro-
enerous hospital
he elderly and
election year, the
but the projected
updated in the

"THEY boxed themselves in,"
one source explained. Paul
O'Neill, OMB deputy director,
said that if that's true, "we've
got the funds to cover it."
He said the fiscal 1977 budget
contains $1.6 billion in contin-
gency funds to pay for unfore-
seen expenses.
The budget estimates that
Medicare catastrophic insur-
ance will cost $538 million, in-
cluding $330 million to assure
that no elderly person has to
pay more than $500 a year for
covered hospital and nursing
home care and another $208 mil-

Bomb scare hits state Capitol

lion for a $250 ceiling on doctor
THE ACTUAL cost of the hos-
pital catastrophic protection
could be as much as $700 mil-
lion to $900 million a year, how-
ever, because of the 11th-hour
budget office changes, the sour-
ces said.
An internal paper prepared
by the Social Security Admin-
istration says: "We understand
that a last-minute OMB decision
was made to submit the legis-
lation with a calendar year
ceiling even though the narra-
tive and numbers in the budget
document do not reflect this."
The $538 million estimate
was based on catastrophic cov-
erage for what Social Security
calls a patient's "benefit per-
iod," which might occur two or
three times a year.
O'NEILL said the administra-
tion wants the catastrophic pro-
tection to apply for a full cal-
endar year instead. "The Presi-
dent felt it was needed to help
the elderly and disabled deal
with catastrophic costs. He
tholuht it was the right thing.
to do."
Hew would not concede now
that the budget figures were too
low herawse the ndministra-

LANSING (UPI) - A bomb hoax forced the
evacuation of the state Capitol for 90 minutes
yesterday, convincing most employes to close
up shop for the weekend and others to head for
the warmth of nearby taverns.
The threat was telephoned to the FBI in Detroit
by a man identifying himself as a member of the
radical Weatherman Underground. The caller
said the bomb would explode five hours after
his warning.
AN EXTENSIVE search of the 97-year-old
building failed to turn up any suspected explo-
S?,+ n rn n 'ntin trno wit m1~n p-

Offices there were evacuated briefly just before
the lunch hour when a packet that appeared to
contain sticks of dynamite was found in a police
locker room. The actual contents were two
wooden sticks connected by a piece of copper
Although many capitol employes decided to go
home early once word of the bomb threat got
out, the building was not officially evacuated
until 2 p.m., just a half hour before the caller
said the bomb would explode.
ASKED ABOUT the delay, Carter said, "We
didn't have any evidence that anything would
h nnen hfore the timee iven to ius"

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