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January 07, 1976 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-07

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Wednesday, January 7, 1976


rragt Nine


r* Even if
it Hurts
Leba Hertz-r

Blue, cagers





Orange Bowl ...


. . . more than just a game
WHEN FORMER Michigan wide receiver Bo Rather was aslied
what he remembered the most about the 1972 Rose Bowl, he
replied, "the 11 o'clock curfew."
In 1970, things weren't much better in Pasadena as the
Wolverines were confined to a monastery during their stay in
But in sunny Miami, Florida, things were different for
Michigan. The team resided in the Sheraton Four- Ambassa-
dors Hotel located on Biscayne Bay near downtown Miami,
and the players were given more free time in preparation
for the Orange Bowl.
Rather, who now plays for the Chicago Bears, feels that
coach Bo Schembechler handled his players differently than
when he played for the Wolverines.
"He's eased up," said Rather, "but he wasn't less lenient
with the players in Miami than with my team."
Academic advisor Jim Betts, who played strong safety in
the 1970 Rose Bowl, seemed to echo Rather's sentiments.
"At the Rose Bowl we stayed at a monastery," said Betts.
"The only advantage was that you concentrated on the game
and didn't have too much temptation. When you are staying
on a mountain 50 feet above sea level with nothing around, there
is not too much temptation."
While attitudes towards preparation for a Bowl game have
seemed to change, one may wonder which is better-all work
and no play or vice versa.
Perhaps Glenn Dickey in his book The Jock Empire says it
best when he writes that the total experience, not winning, is
the best objective in a Bowl game.
Betts, although saying he was looking at things with a dif-
ferent viewpoint as a staff member rather than a player, elabo-
rated on the positive nature of giving the players an easier
"The two Bowls were as different as night and day," said
Betts. "The Orange Bowl was a lot looser-practices, accessi-
bility to other areas, curfews, etc. I would have much rather
have had it that way.
"All we had were practices twice a day and a ride on the
bus," he continued. "Meetings were held every night and
there was little time for anything. I don't think Schembech-
ler's policies on the Orange Bowl were detrimental to the
game. It was less uptight."
Playing in a relaxed atmosphere, contrary to many beliefs,
will not have any optcome on the result of the game. If any-
thing, the results will be beneficial.
While in 1970, unforseen circumstances-namely Schembech-
ler's heart attack-resulted in Michigan's loss in the Rose Bowl,
there was no outward excuse for its defeat in 1972. Perhaps in
1972, Stanford, who won the Rose Bowl 13-12, enjoyed itself
before the game and was able to upset an overworked Michigan
This year the Wolverines lost, but at least they didn't beat
"They gave them every opportunity to rest this year,"
said Betts. "They were worked fairly hard, but it didn't
kill them. This year, I just think Oklahoma was the better
While the Wolverines lost to Oklahoma, the players expressed
that they had a great time and were motivated for the game.
Captain Don Dufek said before the game, "We're having a
great time. We went to Disney World, Jai Dlai, Fort Lauderdale
and the beaches. Miami is a beautiful town. Everywhere you
go, people are friendly. It's a real nice time, but we are still on
"I really don't know how relaxed it is," he continued. "It
is the Christmas season. The hardest thing to adjust to is the
relaxed feelings. We have had a great time, but we are still
on raps."
Once the Orange Bowl was over, there was hardly any
doubt that despite losing, Michigan tried its best.
Schembechler said after the game, "This Michigan team
played hard-very hard. It was just not good enough to beat a
team of the caliber of Oklahoma. I wanted to win the game.
We gambled all evening. But I think Oklahoma's a great team-
the finest team I've played."
No team in any sport should be judged on the outcome of a
game. Rather, how the team handles itself on and off the field
should be the criteria in judging its excellence.
Although Michigan lost to the Sooners, the Wolverines proved
on New Year's that they deserved to be in the Orange Bowl.
For they played their hearts out on the field, accepted defeat,
and most importantly enjoyed the experience of finally not being
home on January 1 and just having a good time.
All individuals interested in """"°"
playing for the Michigan La-

crosse club should plan to at -
tend a meeting January 13 at
7:30 p.m. in the club locker
room at the corner of Hill and
Division. The club is open to
graduates and undergraduates.
For more information, call
John at 994-5879.

FOR SOME, winter vacation
meant lounging under the sun
in south Florida, others a trip
north for skiing, and a great
many spent their break relaxing
in front of the television set
watching football games. For
the Michigan basketball team,I
it was hardly a vacation at all.
The Wolverines played seven
games between the end of class-I
es and the start of the new
semestertchalking up six wins.
Included among the victories
were triumphs over Northwest-
ern and Minnesota, giving John-
ny Orr's squad a league-leading
2-0 conference record.
"We're very happy to get
those two victories," Orr said.
"Now we have to beat Wiscon-,
sin on Thursday and Indiana,I
Saturday." The Wolverines face
a grueling three games in five
days, completing a stretch of
five games in ten days.
MICHIGAN started vacation
with a 106-80 triumph of the
Dayton Flyers. The Wolverines'
superior speed was the differ-
ence, as they ran the fast break
to perfection. Six players talliedl
in double figures and Phil Hub-
bard pulled down 17 rebounds,
before fouling out, to trigger the
Following final examinations,
the Maize and Blue successfully
defended its Michigan Nnvita-
tional Tournament champion-
ship, bouncing Southern Illinois
74-49, and Miami (O) 90-76. John'
Robinson was named the tour-
ney's Most Valuable Player as
he hit on an outstanding 18 of
21 shots in the two games,
scoring 39 points.

Wayman Britt hit for 20 points Las Vegas.
in the win over SIU and Rickey
Green passed out ten assists. "I could say a lot of things
Hubbard led the Wolverines with about the officiating but that
21 points as the team shot a wouldn't do any good," Orr said.
blistering 57.8 per cent to stop "The thing to do is to not come
Mimai. Miami'srChuck Good-'back here and play again.
year, and Princeton's Armond ",
Hill joined Robinson, Hubbard, 'I thought about taking my
and Britt on the all-tournament team off the floor and refusing
squad. to play.
AFTER WINNING their own GREEN WAS the only Wolver-
tournament the Wolverines haditeam esortea20-pony
a week off before heading west team a shedscore O20sled n
for the Las Vegas Holiday Clas- the loss. Eddie Owens led all
sic. Michigan broke even shat- scorers with 32 points, and was
tering La Salle 86-71 before fall-
ing to Nevada-Las Vegas 108-94. After spending New Year's
"We just didn't look very Eve back in Ann Arbor, the
sharp out there," Orr said fol- cagers jetted to Evanston to
lowing the win over the Explor- onen the Big Ten season against
ers. "Fortunately our reserves Northwestern. Once again, Mich-
came in and did a good job for igan had more speed than its
us." opponents could handle, racing
Dave Baxter came in to score to an 82-72 decision. The Wolver-
nine points while Joel Thompson lead and commanded the game
came off the bench to team with the rest of the way.
Hubbard to control the boards.o
Green led the Wolverine scor- Michigan's fast break was
ing attacw0 o1 shots f theEclicking as the cagers shot for
ting oand 10 of sho from the a 56 per cent clip from the floor.
floor and four of five from the Once again Green topped the
free throw line. Wolverines in scoring, toudling
.20 points.
IN THE following night's fi-
nal, the house odds caught up THE WOLVERINES returned
with the Wolverines as Las Ve- home to play Minnesota Mon-
gas registered its 30th straight day night in Jim Dutcher's Ann
hoame couirt victory. Michigan day nihtmcing.DTcher'srAnn
ontshot and outrebounded the Aover homesmistan t waformer
Runnin' Rebels but lost the sented with a resolution from
g-imn at the free throw line. retdwharsouinfm
the Michigan State Legislature
Las Vegas made 28 trips to in his honor at halftime; how-
the charity stripe compared to ever his team did not present
12 free shots for the Wolverines. him with a particularly scintil-
The officials called 25 personal lating performance.

and three technical fouls on
ichigan. while calling 13 on

The Wolverines outplayed the r
Goohers in all facets of the
game, in recording a 95-72 win.
Michigan dominated the boards, MICHIGAN FRESHMAN CENTER Phil Hubbard (35) g
45-28 and shot at .569 rate. The Korkowski (53) while Gopher center Mike Thompson (4
Maize and Blue made more than Arena. Hubbard finished with 14 rebounds and 29 points i
two-thirds of its outside shots in
the second half, as Green was I win, 95-72. Michigan's season record now stands at 8-2.
loose for easy fast break bas-_

grabs a rebound from Minnesota's Gary
3) looks on Monday night at Crisler
n a contest the Wolverines went on to

kets time and time again. There will be a general
meeting for all intramural
Green set a career high wvith athletic managers Fr i d a y,
32 points as Hubbard added 20 January 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the
'oints and pulled down 14 re Sports Coliseum. It is impor-
bounds. tant that every team manager
Today the Wolverines leave from all divisions attend.
for Madison to face Big Ten co- C
leader Wisconsin in a ;ame to SCORES
morrow night. Michigan and Buffalo 114, L.A. A1
Wisconsin sport identical 8-2, New Orleans 104, Chicago 98
records, both the Badgers de- Washington 103, K.C. Omaha 98
feats coming in Milwaukee at Atlanta 91, Milwaukee 87
the hands of third-ranked Mar- Atlanta 4, Detroit 3
quette. N.Y. Islanders 8, K.C. 1



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Michigan Frosh & Sophomores


Doi v Photo by SCOTT ECCKER
DEFENSIVE END Dan Jilek (81) drags down Oklahoma
quarterback Steve Davis in second quarter action from the
Orange Bowl. Jilek and his comrades played well throughout
the game, faltering only twice. One of those breakdowns
came on a nifty piece of running by Sooner split end Billy
Brooks, who scored on a 39 yard reverse. The other Okla-
homa touchdown was scored by Davis as he rambled 20 yards
on an option play in the third quarter.

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