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January 22, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-22

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 96

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 22, 1976 10 Cents Eight Pages

1ir S Et c tL6 A
Shaved and shorn
And here's another chapter in the never-ending
quest for employment. Local barbers have wit-
nessed a considerable upsurge in business as job
interviewers begin to invade the sleeping college
community. "The interview haircut trend contin-
ues till the end of February," says Jerry Erikson,
a hair cutter at the Coach and Four on State
Street. "I must have taken five pounds of hair
off one guy." Erikson said yesterday's fare in-
cluded three beards among other fallen locks, and
he also claims holidays are a big time for ear
exposing as college kiddies try to impress the
folks. The barbers in Nickels Arcade were more
subdued in their evaluation. "I usually don't in-
quire why they want their hair cut," said one
barber. "They want to look better, self-esteem, I
Happenings.. ..
. ..begin at Waterman Gym today at 3:30 with
a meeting of the Advisory Committee for Recrea-
tional Intramural Club Sports . . . Dr. Robert Bak-
ker of Harvard University will lecture on "Dino-
saur Renaissance and the Evolution of Efficiency"
in Rm. 1528 C. C. Little at 4 p.m. as part of the
University's Department of Geology and Mineralo-
gy- lecture series . . . from 4-6 p.m., Prof. John
Raines of Temple University will lecture on
"Marxism and Radical Religion" at the Guild
House, 802 Monroe . . , and at 7:30 same station
there will be a poetry reading with Steve Schwartz
and Jim Paul . . . The Citizens for Public Safety
will present proposals to the SGC board to help
state residents cope with the economic crunch at
8 p.m. on the 2nd floor of the Union . . . and there
is an SGC meeting on the 3rd floor of the Union
at 7 p.m. . ip in the air about what you could
do for entertainment this weekend? The U-M sky-
divers are holding a first jump course at 7 p.m. at
1042 E. Engin . . . or if it's downhill allthe way
for you, the U-M Ski Club is having a meeting at
7:30 at the Kuenzel Room of the Union featuring
a ski movie . . . The Campus Chapel at 1236
Washtenaw Ct. is presenting a workshop entitled,
"Cadillacs or Communes: Choosing a Lifestyle."
Tonight at' 7:30 is the second session; a panel of
five Christians representing various lifestyles will
speak . . . The Institute of Public Policy Studies
presents Edward Gramlich, a visiting prof. from
Cornell University, who will give an economist's-
eye-view of New York's fiscal crisis at 8 p.m. in
Rm. 102 in the Econ bldg . . . and the Demo-
cratic Party is holding a monthly membership
mass meeting at 8 p.m. in the public library. After
the meeting, 2nd ward Democratic workers are
invited to meet at 532 Walnut at 9:30.
Quesera sera
When a person commits a serious crime, you
don't let them take their weapons to jail. So a
young chap from Canada serving three life terms
for two sex slayings and a third attempt will be
leaving a vital organ of his on the prison operating
table. Henry Williams, 26, is not a victim of' a
return to the Middle Ages. He volunteered for the
"rehabilitation" program. Justice Edson Haines,
who- suggested Williams' castration, said he was
"to be congratulated for his insight and courage."
Three psychiatrists at the trial testified that its
use on sex criminals in Denmark had an 85 per
cent success rate. Williams' decision came after
lengthy discussion with his wife and, of course,
the Salvation Army. Commented one local observ-
er, "Well, it's better than watching 17 Doris Day
Let conscience be
your gide
Last month, the terrorist Emiliano Zapata Group

bombed a Bank of America branch in Berkeley,
Calif. in one of many such incidents in the San
Francisco Bay area. Now the organization has sent
$25 and $50 dollar money orders to householders
whose windows were shattered in the blast, apolo-
gizing for the trouble they caused. "After careful
consideration and discussion within our unit," the
revolutionaries said in their notes, "we have
decided to help pay for the glass damage caused
by the concussion. We apologize for the incon-
veniences this has caused, but we are certain you
would willingly sacrifice a few windows to get
these parasites out of our community." The money
orders, were signed by "Rosa Cabanas," a revolu-
tionary believed to have been killed in a foreign
country last year-which probably makes the
householders glad the group didn't send checks.
On the o utside..
Stephen Selbst reports on the Varsity Re-
serve basketball game on the Sports Page . . .
and the Editorial Page takes a close look at the
current situation in Angola.

U.S., Soviets discuss


want to
ptn point
A group of local high school
students would like to "pin-
point" the spot where Michigan
was first declared a state-with
a 22 foot needle-shaped monu-
But the county doesn't think
the plan is too sharp.
THE BOARD of Commission-
ers, which has its offices inside
the County Building on Huron
and N. Fourth, near the site
where Michigan wassnamed a
state in 1837, is not so sure it
wants the giant pinhead planted
at the historic spot.
"It's not art. It's nothing but
pop art - an aluminum pin,"
objected County Commissioner
Ray Bradbury. "If you want
to put it somewhere, then take
it over to the Diag, near all
the other pinheads in town."
The board listened to the
Huron High School students'
idea for the second time last
night. They are expected to
refer it to committee.
THE PROJECT had been vot-
ed down at a commissioners'
See STUDENTS, Page 8

shi fts
stand oni
2 issues
By AP and Reuter
MOSCOW - Negotiations
for a new U.S.-Soviet nu-
clear weapons treaty moved
ahead yesterday as Soviet
leader L e o n i d Brezhnev
moderated his country's po-
sition on the two key issues
still in dispute, U.S. offi-
cials said.
Another issue given high
priority by the Americans,
the conflict in Angola, ap-
peared to h a v e received
1 i tat 1 e attention so far in
Brezhnev's Kremlin t a 1 k s
w i t h Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger.
THE TWO men sparred over
Angola before the meeting be-
gan and Kissinger said later it
had only been mentioned in the
opening discussions.
After.3% hours of talks in the
K r e m 1i n, American officials
claimed an advance toward the
nuclear accord that has eluded
the two superpowers for 14
months. Another sesison of talks
was set for noon (4 A.m. EST)
An American participant said
See U.S., Page 2

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
A GROUP OF Huron High School students, who want to mark the site where Michigan was declared a state with a 22
foot pin-shaped monument, protest the Board of Commissioners refusal to approve their project thus far. Pictured is a
model of the proposed sculpture; the final product may be done by professionals.

SGC dismantled;

replaced by
Student Government Council
no longer exists.
The Central Student Judiciary
(CSJ) ruled yesterday that the
council "is no longer a function-
ing body" and ordered the im-
mediate implementation of a
government plan adopted by
University students last Novem-
THE 5-0 DECISION means
that the-Michigan Student As-
..' sembly (MSA) - a governing
body that will include the for-
mer members of SGC plus 17
representatives from the sepa-
Goodman rate college governments within
--------------- -
'U' panel approves
research proposal
A University committee ruled yesterday that a controversial
classified research proposal complies with regental guidelines
governing the type of secret work that may be done here, although
the project had been questioned previously on those grounds.
The Research Policies Committee voted 11-I' in closed ses-
sion that a proposal for a highly sophisticated radar antenna sys-
tem submitted by two University professors does not violate a
rule that secret research done at the University cannot endanger
human life.
PHYSICS PROFESSOR Jens Zorn, one of three persons who
screen classified proposals for the University, states in a memo
that he believes the proposal failed to meet that regental regula-
His challenge automatically referred the project to the Re-
search Policies Committee for further review.
The committee met yesterday afternoon to discuss the mat-
ter and to hear' from Engineering Prof. Thomas Senior, who co-
authored the proposal with fellow Engineering Prof. Ralph Hiatt.
See 'U', Page 8

the University-is now in effect.
foThe plan was originally slated
for implementation this April,
but an oversight by SGC offi-
cials in drawing up the referen-
dum designating the April date
prompted a suit and yesterday's
After proposals have been ap-
proved by the student body, the
methods for implementation of
those referenda are usually dic-
tated by a provision in the pro-
posal or by SGC constitutional
HOWEVER, any parliamen-
tary procedure not coverned in
the constitution is deferred to
Robert's Rules of Order.
In this instance, the former
SGC members failed to official-
Iv designate an implementation
date and Robert's noted that,
unless otherwise specified, ref-
erenda take effect immediately.
The CSJ also ruled that SGC
President Debra Goodman and
Vice President David Mitchell
are no longer officers, but will
be voting members of the MSA.
Officers will be elected by the
at-large body.
unsuccessful candidate for SGC,
brought the suit and said last
night that he was "extremely
tpleaised with the results.
"I brought the sit as a .test,"
Freeman continued., "It .(the
MS A plan) should have taken
effect immediately. It forces
SV' to follow the law."
But Goodman called the move
by Freeman "irresponsible and
"WE ,MADE a mistake es-
sertiallv-we didn't say it would
take effect in Aoril. The con-
stitution is kind of hazy on
See SGC, Page 8

* Bromberg performs
Popular folk singer David Bromberg, who performs in Ann Arbor regularly, s i n g s his way
through a benefit for the Ark last night.



Daane believ
datory collec
search Group
be illegal.
Since Septe
have been au
ed $1.50 alon
bill in order
However, a

counsel uestions lglty
C PIRGIM fee collection
N PARSIGIAN tain a refund if desired. University's primary concerns,"
Daane said.
Counsel Roderick In an opinion released Mon-
es the present man- day, Daane said that involun- He cited similar cases in both
tion system used by tary or mandatory collection Maryland and Massachusetts.
ublic Interest Re- from students to support a non- In 1973, the Attorney General
min Michigan) may University group could be ille- of Maryland found that the Uni-
gal if the group does not deal versity of Maryland did not have
,mber, s t u d e n t s with the University's primary the authority to impose a man-
itomatically assess- concerns. datory (but refundable) fee for
g with their tuition the support of the Maryland
to fund the group. PIRGIM'S GOALS may be at counterpart of PIRGIM because
student could ob- "too great a distance from the ". . . it does not appear that
support of this organization is
either necessary and convenient
0 0 q to the objects for which the
In 11 9state institutions of higher edu-
~nding ike At:henierstyo
cation have been founded."
chusetts, trustees were advised
1976, calls for total expenditures of $394.2 billion by their legal counsel that a $2
nd revenues of $351.3 billion, leaving a defict of $43 per student refundable fee,
illion, the second highest since World War II. But similar to the refundable fee
ord said a balanced budget should be possible by here, was mandatory in nature
979. and.,therefore could not be
A- 4- ,-, or a thorized.-


proposes defense sp

WASHINGTON (,)-President Ford yesterday pro-
posed increased defense spending, higher Social Se-
curity taxes and cutbacks in some welfare programs
in a fiscal 1977 budget that he said would help restore
stability to the national economy.

in "a cruel shell game in which vital programs in the
areas of health, education, social services and child
nutrition are significantly cut back."
Rep. Brock Adams of Washington, chairman of the

1 ,

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