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December 12, 1975 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-12-12

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Friday, December 12, 197T


Page F o

During an otherwise somnolent fall, rock artist Bruce While the sun was rising on the morning of Feb. 19, some 250 minority
Springsteet maixa3-;cd to ignite a Hill Auditorium students marched into the Administration Building and vowed to re-
crowd into a iEry fervor of adulation. Accompanied main until their demands were met. As one of the group's leaders,
by the E. Street Band during his Sept. 23 perform- Bill Hunter, motions for quiet, President Robben Fleming prepares to
as> , e ni' ni from the East Coast demonstrated make a statement to the students and eager members of the press. The
he s n his way to super stardom. Only a month - three day sit-in ended when Fleming promised to meet with the
later, both Time and Newsweek put Springsteen in group's leaders the following week concerning minority enrollment
the na j)al lmelight with splashy ever stories. demands.

It was the fourth day of the month-long GEO strike, and enthusiasm was still
abundant. Undaunted by the chilling mid-February cold, some 2,500 union mem-
bers and student supporters rallied on the Diag and marched to Regents' Plaza.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes emerged from his sanctuary
in the Administration Building to tell the crowd he was ready to listen to their

ALTL THAT'S LEFT are a couple of blue
books with nothing but unblemished
white between the lines, a few basketball
games, and maybe - with a little free
time - a cheapo movie or two.
The year is about over. You can see it in
people's faces. Tired. Drawn. Only visions
of term papers. But there was energy
* * *
iN FEBRUARY, the cold wind sung the
faces of a bunch of resolute teaching
fellows as they marched in a picket line
in front of Angell Hall singing old Wob-
blie songs.
They keut on rmarching and sincine, too.
Finally the strike was settled as the Uni-
versity administration agreed to a con-
tract. The union had won its survival, but
little else of substantive value.
The Graduate Emploves' Orcanization
lent a brief l'Iimipse of the bygone days -
the days of race -- to the undernradu-
ates, most of whom had only heard sec-
ond-hand tales of such things. There
were chants, demonstrations, and arrests.
And also a good excuse for not going to
c1 ss.
A BOUT THE SAME time, about 250 mi-
noritv strdents rinped a nage out of
Photography by
the Daily "Staff




s t'rikey

the Strawberry Statement and occupied
the second floor of the Administration
Building, demanding increased minority
enrollment and hiring.
The group dwindled over the three days
of the sit-in, and the remaining protest-
ers marched out double file with cheers
of victory over some ill-defined foe, after
receiving a promise of an audience with
President Robben Fleming.
* * *
("LASSES BEGAN the same this year as
every other - only registration was
different. A new system called CRISP
forced many students to stand in line for
hours, waiting for that precious course
schedule that would eventually entitle
them to seek out Graduate Library cubic-

A ND THEN Bruce Springsteen boogied
his way into town. For one fabulous
night, he snatched students away -from
their eye-straining textbooks and forced
them on their feet. After all, who could
ignore such hardcore rock 'n roll favor-
ites as "C. C. Rider," "Good Golly, Miss
Molly," and "Twist 'n Shout?"
SOMEHOW, the rest of the term slipped
away while professors lectured on the
value of intellectual inquiry and students
girded themselves for the final crunch.
Now, it's simply a matter of surviving
the academic deluge for one more week.
Just gritting one's teeth and surviving.

For two successive years, a Republican-dominated City Council had refused to
declare the third week in June Gay Pride Week. Last summer, the community's
lesbians and homosexuals finally got their wish when council's new liberal ma-
jority passed a resolution declaring the week of June 22 Gay Pride Week. Local
gays and their supporters cheered and applauded when self-proclaimed lesbian
Kathy Kozachenko (SHRP-Second Ward) introduced the resolution.

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