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December 11, 1975 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1975-12-11

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Thursday, December 1 1 1975


Page Seven


In-fighting stymies councti progress
(Continued from Page 1) Henry (R-Third Ward). "I think partly by the absence of an ov- thought the Democrats would cil Democrats share, according said Keogh.
really sure just how long he that comes not just through erall perspective on setting city take some of the aspects and to some city officials. That at- "Democrats basicall
would remain in that seat as the way the CDRS decision was goals, incorporate them into their own:I titude has sharply clashed with you do get involved -
city Republicans, including the made, but the wrangling over changes," said Kozachenko. the Republicans' belief that things are being done,
defeated Mayor James Stephen- everything does it too. The "SINCE I'VE been here, I've But even more gruelling than council members are "policy- policies are being ma
son, were embroiled in a law- credibility is on a decline at never heard anyone on city the budget fight has been coun- makers" and are overstepping With Democrats I t
suit with the city, charging that this point - it's going down." council saying, 'Here are the cil's unceasing struggle to work their bounds when they attempt have more of an issue
the controversial preferential Mayor. Albert Wheeler said goals of the city - here's what out a CDRS plan. The question I to implement all facets of a coming - together or
votig system under which he feels that infighting is a we want to do," Murray said, of how to spend the $2.4 millioniplan. apart than Republican
Wheeler was elected was un- basic fact of life on council. "I Murray cited council's inabil- in revenue-sharing monies has "People are having an ever- Those basic conceptu
constitutional. think Council's running a lot ity to agree on changes in the taken a lion's share of council's: increasing say in their govern-n
It was apparent to council better than two, three, or even city budget last summer as one time and effort since Septem- ment," said Henry. "This isn't ences between parties
members then that the working four years ago. Last year you key example of an issue that ber. a benevolent dictatorship, it's hps been more strc
order they had become accus- had people siting on the side they never resolved. After six not Big Brother. I can't say 'I pressed on each coun
tomed to under the heavy-hand- saying 'Shut up, you drunken weeks of battling to a stand-! AND IT is over the issue of know what's better for you:I
ed direction of Stephenson, was s.o.b.' still, council was only able to CDRS that some council mem- than anyone else.' If a council;council is to move fo
effect a relatively miniscule bers have displayed their great- member has spent 200 or even the major issues c
gone. "I THINK there's more re- $60,000 change in Murray's pro- est intrangsigence: Kozachenko 1,000 hours on a proposal, it the city, they will ha
BUT IN the seven months spect now, and I try to con- posed budget. decided ultimately to unite with doesn't mean he knows the is- gin not only compror
since then council has failed duct council more fairly than Murray complains, "Demo- council Republicans on the issue, sue any better than the guy on petnpolitical projects,
to set any newprecedent for before, moving from Democrats crats were disagreeing with and Wheeler vetoed' the result the street." reconil ome of
11toRpulias al u isgeengwth4of that coalition. But Councilwoman Elizabeth da mental political diffi
a working order, and they re- to Republicans equally. Wrang- Democrats, Republicans with oftacaitn.BtCncwmnEizeh
main trapped in the same quag- ling is what government is all Republicans - how can they Most council members name Keogh (D-First Ward) clairms
mire they stumbled into during about. I don't know what the expect to be able to do any. Wheeler as the chief culprit in' that by the GOP credo, nothing
that first meeting. hell Henry wants on council." thing as a council when they the CDRS holdup, citing his ever gets done.
Council members cite philo- City Administrator Sylvester can't even agree with their own penchant for "going over every-
sophical differences, basic mis Murray disagreed with Wheeler party?" thing with a fine-tooth comb," "THE Republicans just sit up
trusts and the new partisan on this point saying, "When as one councilperson put it, as there in the ivory towers and
lineup as the greatest factors people watching on cable tele- K 0 Z A C H E N K 0 re- the reason for the lengthy delay they make these pronounce-
contributing to their ineffective- vision see all that shouting on calls feeling frustrated because in the allocation of those funds. ments and then you let every-
ness. ' council they start to wonder ' she could not negotiate a com- "We could have come up one else do it . . . They view
Those problems, council mem- what's going on." promise with council Demo- with six votes for influencing policy as 'We ought to have
bers say, have resulted at Murray added that he feels 'crats at the time. "We (SHR- the administrator to change histhe streets.' Now, where they're
times in bitter haggling oved I that the growing lack of faith P) had a budget . . . we never budget, but the Mayor refused paved, how often the potholes
major issues, including the in City Council has been caused thought would pass, but we to work with us," she said. "Heacixg, hat'sa terof
hotly-debated Community De---- ---refused to go to the seven vote acm let tirrel vance attethr o
velopment Revenue Sharing (C- Trecommendation route, and we
DRS) funds and city budget al- sing hi 'ended up with a budget just
locations. 1like we had under Stephenson."
BEYOND these issue-oriented "It was just held up too long," 1 st ANNUAL
many city officials, claim is (R-Fifth Ward) shortly after O RA N G EA
proems, hrtilowverle at:ff~7Oi 'arse _.,.._,._.,,_. , .,saidCounilma_ Gealdell.A L
ciotilpseyWelrs ia

y believe
- in how
how the
hink you
r falling-
ual differ-
have per-
ongly im-
cil mem-
1 split. If
rward on
ve to be-
mising on
but also
'heir fun-

Leathersfrom Mexico
C . IImports and Crafts
SeJIered Deren from the Americas
309 E. LIBERTY 995-4222
1 1 -8 MON.-THUR.; 1 1-9 FR I., SAT.


will be meeting with his old fans
d authographing his latest book-
eacher's Notebook
4n autobiography now available in
paperback for just $I

the most crtica o r ai eeers (Continued from Page 1) igan's. For instance, Indiana;
created by the internal bicker- BUT EMPLOYE parties, re- University charged a double'
ig: a decine in credibility. The cently axed to save money, may room rate of $1,097 compared
community, some officials say, be reinstated because of strong to the University's $1,400. At In-
has lost faith in city politics, objections from University staff. diana, food service is consoli-
"I think council has lost The committee blamed the dated into large units and utili-
credibility," said Councilman need for increased revenue on ties are not paid by room and'
rising costs around the Univer- board fees.
:: :: ::: sity, and the loss of $300,000
Daily Official Bull tin !which had been previously sup- WHILE regretting the neces-,
.- - plied to Housing by the Univer- sity for a rate hike, DiMattiaI
sitv's General Fund. says, "Good housing programs
rr., _ --_ - -- -- 1 _11 .+_ _ - -^- V - lncr .'

elan for the federal funding al-
location nearly a month ago.
"And all he did in that time is
take a 360 degree turn. He went
right back to the original citi-
zens' committee proposal."
BUT THAT insistence on
working programs through to
the last detail reflects a basic
political philosophy that coun-;

New Year's Eve
at the famous
Pier 17 Lounge



Thursday, December 11 The residence halls for single dt come cap. We have a''fw
Day Calendar students have a budget which counseling program which is one
Program for Educational Oppor- includes $17 million for operat- of the best in the country." DaCing, favors, ome and talk t Preston loso
tunnty: Bilingual - Bicultural Educ1. hrsd'eure
Conf. - Armando Ayala, 'r"ech- ing expenses and $900,000 from Kathie Beauvais, East Quad Thors d'oeuvres
niques and Teaching Strategies., the General Fund for educa- Building Director, s a y s, "I TICKETS: $7.50 at door
Campus Inn, 9 am; Rodolfo Marti- tional costs, such as Resident couldn't survive half a day with-
nez. "Community Involvement" Advisor and librarian salaries.|out my RA's and RD's." If +£$6.50 in advance by moil
Campus Inn, 2 pm. In addition, $500,000 must be Dtickets 14ll1be
WCaM Louis, Tilly.e "lNew In diin 50,0 utb rates remain constant, despite (tickets will be
Awareness of women in the Social kept in a reserve fund for ma- spiralling inflation, "We can mailed to you)
scIences," 10 m. jo, unexpected expenses. decrease the burden this year,(f l Send check or money order to:
AAUP Chapter Meeting: George The committee investigated adae t gretn the u- y er, S cky r
Johnston, "The Age and Rank Com- other Big Ten universities with and make it greater in the fu-
of theadorm rates less than Mich- ture," Beauvais says. - MCHIGAN'S MOST PIER 17 Little
rs Bates E. U. Club, noon; MCIA' OTPE 7L tl r f s o o ke t r
Museum of Anthropology: Michael' _COMPLETE BOOKSTORE 1717 NW 17 Ave.
Brown, "La Chonguinada: The Role M i , . 2.r
of Transvesttes, Clowns, and Bicy-a,
ofe Reflectors In a Fiesta e o D of or CALL in Ann Arbor
Highland Peru," 2009 Ruthven Mu- or CAgLSinppngCrnte
smsld.non Maple Village Shopping Center
seums Bldg., noon. 66_0
MRET: Frederick Neidhardt. "Plas- O
mold Diseases and Health Care De-r-
livery," 1057 MHRI, 3:45 pm
Astronomy: Dr. Robert P. Kraft, ® emJUUA ,pgF
an n Nitrogen Abundances i " I
M92 Giants," P&A Coloq. Um., 4
pm. M eeting I KTCHN -; "'.
pm. .*'. .
University Club: Sports 'N Smor- -
gasbord, 6 pm. ' ,uwYda ~
Mimetroupe: The Smile: other
works, Arena Theatre, Frieze, 8 pm. [FROM JULIA CHiLD'S
PTP: O'Neill's Long Day's sour- KRO C EU -I fomH I --S
ney Into Night, Power. 8 pm.
G & S Society: The Pirates ofT crowaves andMagiC
Penzance, Mendelsohn, 8 pm. Mixers to Meat Cuts
Committee to Re-open RosenburgM
Case: Taped interview with Michael and Weeping Meringue.
Meeropol, Channel 8, Cable TV, E
pm. 5List Price $15.00
Chemistry: Charles Sih, U. of BORDERS' PRICE $13.50
Wisconsin. "Bio-organic Chemistry-
and Synthetic Organic," 1300 : * 1/ % ZF ALL
Cdm. 8 pmo. 8-10 D " 10%OFF,,IAL.L i
IPPS: Aaron Wildavsky, Berke- HARDBACKS
1ev, "Doing Better and Feeling
Worse: The Political Pathology of AB* BEST SELECTION
Health Policy," Assembly Hall, 4th' A LLOiAL OK
Fi OFsmi a1, e en fU in SLE BOOKS I"STEVE HAREY '
Mr., Rackhatulym.,Fm: ooIh (ase en o£Uion) ' IN US
Women's StudisFlmWo h DSel)l)0 ~jl~l
May Wilson?; Antonia, Le. Rm. 1, I*IQAilr~~
MLB 9pm. AGEND.: 1976 CALENDARS & Cockney Rebel
F iBARGAINING: Contract Issues " GALLERY
Towers Research Committee 303 S. STATE
Strategy 6
Bargaining Team 668-7652
HousingThYBest ars ur Lives
University Family HousinSTEVTAELhYeSEEHRLE
an eie cal &Cckey Rbe ps& Cockney yRebel
and Residence Halls s
for Immediate and! ea.
Steve Harley & Cockney Bebel Will Appear in Concert in
W inter Term Detroit Friday, Dec. 12.
Occupancy TAPES
300 S. STATE


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