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December 11, 1975 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page



:43 tii49

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 81

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December H1, 1975

10 Cents.

Ten Pages


Conflict, mistrust plague City Hall

Classified love
We at The Daily get lots of strange mail, but
imagine our surprise yesterday when we opened
an envelope to find a wedding invitation. The pret-
ty pink card was sent here by James Stillwater
as testimonial to the power of personal advertis-
ing. Stillwater placed a personal in the Daily last
July asking for an "intelligent, warm, honest, not
over-weight woman who is interested in a serious
relationship." lie said he "received telephone calls
from one or two losers, a woman who wanted to
know what kind of results I was getting, a student
from Iraq who wanted me to sell him the names
and telephone numbers of the women in whom I
was not interested, and a most remarkable woman
with whom I quickly fell in love." That woman
was Susan Jarchow, and the happy couple will be
joined in holy matrimony the 27th of December.
Child care
Plans for the opening of a new University multi-
ctltural child-care center, located within the Inter-
national Center, are in the works. Student and
faculty parents interested in expressing support
for the project should contact Elizabeth Daven-
port in the Office of Student Programs.
GEO wins one
Trespass charges, filed last winter against 51
Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) members
during the strike, have been dismissed. The GEO
members were arrested at the entrance of the
motor pool of the University's Plant Department
off Greene St. Police said at the time that the
pickets were blocking the entrance to the motor
pool. All defendants had pleaded not guilty to the
charges, which were dismissed after an agreement
had been reached by the University and GEO
. . Greek food is the big event today - a
Grecian Holiday Food Fair will be held from 9
a.m.-9 p.m. at the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox
Social Hall, 414 N. Main St. A bake sale will be on
during those hours and luncheons and dinners will
be served continuously between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m.
. .. the Advisory committee on recreation intra-
murals and club sports meets at 2 p.m. in Water-
man Gym, Rm. 6 . . . at 4 p.m. a women's forum
featuring Kathy Fojtik, president, Washtenaw
County chapter of NOW, and Sarudazi Churuche-
minzwa of the Zimbabwe African National Libera-
tion Army will be held in the Michigan League
Ballroom . . . at 7:30 p.m. the Socialist Human
Rights Party (SHRP) meets to select candidates
for city council in the SHRP office at 516 E. Wil-
liam .. also at 8 p.m. the Sierra Club meets at
the West Side Presbyterian Church, 1679 Broad-
way, to discuss an attack on the EPA . . . the In-
stitute of Public Policy Studies presents Aaron
Wildavsky speaking on "Doing better and feeling
worse: a political pathology of Health policy" in
the Assembly Hall, Rakham.
Ky gets booed
Cornell University is one place former South
Vietnamese Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky will
not remember fondly. He was booed off stage there
in what he called the worst reception he has re-
ceived in this country. During a 25-minute ques-
tion-and-answer session before he fled an audience
of 1,800 last night, Ky denied that he had carried
a kilo of heroin into the United States, had partici-
pated in stealing land from peasants and once
said he admired Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. About a
third of the audience repeatedly booed and jeered
at Ky's responses. As the booing grew louder, Ky
retreated from the stage. However, Ky said he
would continue to accept speaking engagements
around the country.
Snper rin-off!
Look, up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
No, it's a rip-off! The two creators of the Super-
man cartoon have claimed that they were morally,
if not legally, ripped off when they sold "forever"

the rights to their creation in 1948. Joseph Shuster
and Jerry Siegel, both 61, are almost destitute now,
and are seeking a fair cut from the present own-
ers of the copyright. Warner Communications, the
parent company of comic book publisher National
Periodicals, has offered the dynamic duo $15,000
a year for the rest of their lives. Shuster and
Siegel are holding out for more, and want their
heirs to takea cut as well. But, as Gil Scott-Heron
will tell you, there's no such thing as the mild-
mannered renorter who can step into a phone
booth and solve all your nroblems.
On the inside
. . . last night's basketball results are on the
Snorts Page . . . the Edit Page presents a story on
the political situation in Australia by Robin Os-
borne . . . and James Valk previews the new Stan-
ley Kubrick film called Barry Lvndon on the Arts

Council credibility ebbs
Editor's note: The following articles are the first two
parts of a three-part series exploring the evolution of City
Council and city hall operations since last April's general
When the Ann Arbor City Council convened for the first time
under newly-elected Democratic Mayor Albert Wheeler last April,
the atmosphere was tense, the meeting unorganized. and a host of
uanswered questions hung in the air.
There were only four new faces on council following the April
7 elections, but they represented an enormous shift in partisan
THE REPUBLICANS lost their seven-member majority and
now held only five council seats. The Democratic tally also
changed as they gained a seat, boosting their membership to five.
The only constant was the single vote of the Socialist Human
Rights Party (SHRP) held by Kathy Kozachenko.
Adding to the uncertainties that the new 5-5-1 split created
was the question of Wheeler's status as city Mayor. No one was

SHRP power waning
Councilwoman Kathy Kozachenko reached the boiling point
two months ago. An entire term of frustration exploded and the
council chambers erupted in chaos as she. shouted: "I won't shut-up.
I'm'speaking right now . . . I never said I'd play by the rules."
Kozachenko, the sole Socialist Human Rights Party (SHRP)
representative on City Council, later accused Councilwoman Carol
Jones (D-Second Ward) of attempting to pull the microphone away
from her.
ALTHOUGH this scene was an isolated incident, it was indica-
tive of Kozachenkos long-standing discontent. Almost since the day
she took office in April, 1974, she has felt frustrated and isolated
from the others members of council. And at the core of her hos-
tility toward city politics and the electoral system in general sits
one key fact: Kathy Kozachenko has given up on City Council.
"It's a very odd thing for me to ever have been on City Coun-
cil," she said recently. "In fact I've forgotten how odd it is. It's
not where I want to be. It's not with the people I want to be with,

Wheeler Kozachenko




Kissinger case
ICompromises with Ford

By AP and Reuter
House of Representatives
Intelligence Committee yes-
terday dropped its effort to
charge Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger with con-
tempt of Congress after the
White House provided it
with information on covert
Drawing scattered ap-
plause, Chairman Otis Pike
(D-N.Y.) t o 1 d the House
that Ford aides have "sub-
stantially complied" with a
subpoena against Kissinger
for information - although
the committee will not be
allowed to see the docu-
ments it wanted.
PIKE TOLD the committee he
was dropping the contempt ac-
tion on promise of getting de-
tails of 20 State Department re-
quests for covert U.S. political
operations abroad since 1961.
"W~e did not get everything
we wanted," Pike told his com-
mittee, "but we got more than
they were willing to give up."
The committee had approved
a contempt of Congress citation
Nov. 14. If the House had voted
the citation, Kissinger could
theoretically have been sen-
tenced to a year in jail and be
given a $1,000 fine, but Pike had
said repeatedly there was never
any danger of Kissinger going
to jail.
Republican, Rep. Robert Mc-
Clory of Illinois, said the elev-
enth hour compromise offer sent
to Pike Tuesday afternoon from
White House aides was ordered
by Ford personally.
"When the President got back
(from China) they met with the
President at once and the Presi-
dent told them to give us what
we want," McClory said.
Pike agreed to drop the con-
tempt action against Kissinger
after getting a report from a
committee delegation that the
information puts Kissinger in
"substantial compliance" with
a committee subpoena.
COUNSEL A. Searle Field
said the delegation got "very
good assurance" at the White
House that the committee will

get the information on the co-
vert operations it needs.
He said William Hyland, di-
rector of the State Department's
Bureau of Intelligence, briefed <.
the delegationtdirectly from the ..
20 State Department proposals
and from top secret minutes of
the National Security Council's
Committee of 40 meeting.
Apparently because Ford had
c l a i im e d executive privilege
against turning over everything
the committee subpoenaed, Hy-
land emphasized that the com-
mittee members were not al-
lowed to see the documents
THE DOCUMENTS will not be
turned over to the committee
but Field said the staff prob-
ably will take detailed notes at Kissinger
See HOUSE, Page 3
Senate panel posses
taX cut extension bill
WASHINGTON (P) - The Senate Finance Committee yester-
day approved a bill to continue this year's temporary tax cuts for
another six months.
Despite a presidential veto threat, the panel refused to tie
the politically-sensitive measure to a cut in federal spending.
The tax cut, which is slightly more generous to poorer and
larger families than the bill voted last week by the House, was
approved by the Finance Committee 14 to 4.
ON AN 11 to S vote minutes earlier, the committee rejected
an effort by Sen. Carl Curtis, (R-Neb.), to condition the tax cut
on a dollar-for-dollar reduction in federal spending.
Earlier in the day, President Ford renewed his threat to veto
any taxcut nothtied to a federal-spending reduction.tShortly after
that word reached Capitol Hill, Senate Democrats voted unani-
mously to reject Ford's conditions.
Democrats say Congress will be able to muster the required
two-thirds majority and override the expected veto.
If the veto is sustained, the average American worker would
see his or her taxes rise by eight per cent beginning in January.
The Senate is expected to consider the tax-cut bill early next
EXPECTED approval would send the measure to conference
with the House, and the bill could go to Ford by Wednesday.
Should he veto the bill immediately, Congress could attempt
to override before adjourning around Dec. 19 for the holidays.
Democrats have emphasized that if Ford attempts to block
their Christmas recess in order to force action on the bill, they
will send him the identical measure a second time.
The Senate version of the tax cut basically continues the anti-
See SENATE, Page 3

AP Photo
HOUSE INTELLIGENCE Committee Chairman Otis Pike, left, and A. Searle Field, committee
counsel, announce the panel will drop its threat to charge Secretary of State Henry Kissinger with
contempt of Congress. A compromise between th committee and the White House over State De-
partment documents was reached yesterday.


housing panel

to ask
The University Housing Rate
Study Committee is expected to
recommend to the Board of Re-
gents next month a dorm rate
hike averaging nine per cent.
If the Regents approve the
increase, doubles and triples
would cost an additional $112
next year and singles would
jump $188.

tee's recommendation, with a
possible minority proposal for a
smaller, 7.1 per cent hike, will
be presented to Housing Direc-
tor John Feldkamp and Vice
President for Student Services
Henry Johnson by the end of
the month. Any final decision on
a rate increase rests with the

Senate approves bill
for New York loans

The committee, an advisory
group of students and adminis-
trators, investigated several al-
ternatives, such as service cuts,
before reaching their tentative
decision last week. Committee
member Anne Johnson, a New-
berry resident, says, "Student
services have been cut down to
the bare minimum. We can't
"You need a 6.6 per cent hike
to break even," claims David
Faye, one of two members sup-
porting only the 7.1 per cent in-
crease. "We think it's the ut-
most that students can pay."
THE COMMITTEE considered
combining weekend meals by
serving West Quad residents at
Svith Quad, Mosher-Jordan at
Markley and Alice Lloyd at
Stockwell. The action would
save $96,000 annually.
A more drastic measure under
study world combine all five
Hil area dorms' mealaservice
into a single beilding. Construct-
i one service area "would
save us an awful lot of money
in the fiture," says Judy i-
Mcattia. assoiate housine direc-.

Studying for those finals:

billion supplemental appropria-
tions bill containing the funds
New York City can borrow from
the federl go-ernment to avert
default was passed yesterday by
the Senate and sent to the
House. where a vote is expected
next week.
Later, in a near unanimous
vote, the Senate anr-roved a

signed into law on Tuesday.
The Senate voted 79 to 2 to ap-
prove the bankruptcy bill, with
Sens. William Proxmire (D-
Wis.) and Charles Mathias (R-
Md) the only opponents. The
measure now goes to a confer-
ence committee with the House,
which had approved a similar
bill on Tuesday.
Ref-ro a " ro-ing the lc isla-

Final exams can do more than ruin a decent gradepoint
and all chance at law school. Nervous students who camp
out in the library during study days are prime targets for
tension headaches, the flu, insomnia, and diarrhea, Univer-
sity Health Service officials say.
While students who chug coffee as they bury them-
selves in books seem bent on destroying their health, they
worry frantically about being sick during exams, says Dr.
Anna Davol of Health Services' East Clinic.
DURING EXAMS the usunl "What me wnrv?" nergnn

'When you stay up
three. and four nights
in a row, you're more
aware of not feeling

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