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December 10, 1975 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1975-12-10

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Wednesday, December 10, 1975



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Fw m w By RAY O'HARA
Bow picture crified...
Bear not so choosy
Now that this year's annual Most Despicable Man in Colleg
Football Award has been presented to Bear Bryant for hi
choosing of Penn State to oppose his own Crimson Tide in th
Sugar Bowl, perhaps a revisionist history is now in order.
To review, it should be remembered that on November 15
the earliest legal day for the extension of bowl invitations, ther
were four teams of prime interest to all the major bowls: Ne
braska, Oklahoma, Michigan and Ohio State.
The winner of the OSU-Michigan was, of course, under
contract to take its show to the Rose Bowl (the Granddaddy
of them all, they say, and if you don't believe me, just
listen to Curt Gowdy.) Furthermore, the winner of Oklahoma-
Nebraska was under contract to appear in the Orange Bowl.
A trivial application of the principle of subtraction thus
revealed that two of those four teams would be eligible to go
Recent reports have indicated that since the Orange Bow
seemed to be the likely place for the Big Ten delegate to show
up, the Sugar Bowl should have been the destination of the Bi
Eight runner-up. Why the Sugar Bowl? Because the Cotto
Bowl was deathly afraid of a Texas-Oklahoma rematch an
would have nothing to do with the Big Eight for that very reason
The Bear Afrai?
However, Alabama's 'Bear' Bryant was supposed to be s
frightened of a game with the Sooners or Cornhuskers that h
demanded and got Penn State to come to the Sugar Bowl in
stead. Everyone that was anyone conceded Penn State to b
weaker than the Big Eight powerhouses. Thusly, the 'Bear
seemed to have manuevered himself into a game that was close
to hom~e, in a new Superdome and which he might even win.
Although the foregoing scenario is now accepted as fact,
largely due to the fact that Bryant did not offer an alternative
explanation, there is a nagging and perhaps fatal flaw In It.
To wit: the Sugar Bowl and the Cotton Bowl both officially
extended invitations to the Big Ten giants to come to their
bowls should they lose the impending conference title clash.
Yes, folks, at 6 p.m. on November 15 the Orange, Cotton,
and Sugar Bowls all extended an open hand to the loser (at that
time still unknown) of the Michigan-Ohio State game, the earliest
possible moment for such a bid. Moreover, the Sugar Bowl ap-
pears to have forced the hand of the Orange Bowl in the whole
A former president of the Orange Bowl explained in Cham-
paign at that time that he had extended the invitation on behalf
of the Orange Bowl Committee. Under further questioning he
revealed that his bowl had moved "defensively" against an
extremely likely Sugar Bowl bid. They had wanted to wait until
after the OSU-Michigan game to make their invitation.
If the 'Bear' pulled the strings, why would he like
Michigan as opposed to Oklahoma? OSU as opposed to Ne-
braska. The relevant scores read Missouri 20, Alabama 7;
Nebraska 30, Missouri 7 and Michigan 31, Missouri 7. On the
afternoon of November 15 Oklahoma edged the Tigers 28-27.
Big Ten No Slouch
Obviously, nobody in his right mind would pick on OSU or
Michigan for an easy mark. Especially not 'Bear' Bryant, who
had reliable evidence that the Crimson Tide would be plastered
in such an ill-advised adventure. There was, to clarify the point,
little to choose between the Big Ten loser and the Big Eight
loser. Why then, did Bryant object to the possibility of playing
Nebraska or Oklahoma and not to the equally imposing pros-
pect of coming up against Michigan or Ohio State? Good ques-
tion. Real good, if I say so myself.
First things first. The Sugar Bowl Committee was apparently
not Bryant's vassal if one assumes that he was afraid to play
one of the biggies. They went ahead and invited one anyway.
Wayne Duke, who was in a clearing house role for the Big Ten,
confirmed that.
On the other hand, the Committee might be bending to
Bryant's wishes but for another reason, personal animosity.
Oklahoma, which should have been livid over the slight did
not seem to be as upset as Nebraska at the event. The Corn-
husker athletic departemnt hurled invective at Bryant and
their version of the story seems to have stuck, i.e. the 'Bear'
was afraid of defeat and therefore opted for Penn State.

Osborne Shunned?
Oklahoma accepted a tentative Fiesta Bowl bid. Nebraska
seethed. 'Husker coach Tom Osborne warned Bryant not to
"duck" them, the press started to pick it up and Bo Schem-
bechler called it the second worst bowl decision ever made.
Me thinks there is something here which does not meet the
eye. Me thinks also that either Bryant, the Sugar Bowl or both
hold some grudge against the Nebraska Athletic Department. II
wish I knew what it was but that is really the only situaion
which fits he facts. The bowl and he 'Bear' probably decided
between them who they could stand to shake hands with and
apparently Tom Osborne or one of his associates at Nebraska
was not on the list. It would seem that personal dislike moti-
vated 'Bear' Bryan to shun Nebraska more than the thrill of
victory attracted him to Penn State.
Featuring: SKY KING


By TOM CAMERON er right in your face."
Johnny Orr is very impress- Hubbard opposed Bernard
ed with the South Carolina bas- King, Tennessee's high - pow-
ketball team, his Wolverines er.d center, last weekend. Al-
face tonight at Crisler Arena. though King opened the game
"I think that before the sea- with a scoring spree, Hubbard
son is over," prophecized the contained him reasonably well
:Wolverine head coach, "South afterwards.
Carolina will be rated in the Starting at the other forward
top ten. for South Carolina is Nate Da-
{Orrai als tmpessed With vis. Despite being only 6-4, Da-
the HAo E talent pe vis can "fly to the boards"
} . "THEY HAVE excellent per- and is fundamental to the
sonnet," Orr said. "Alex En- Gamecock's fast break. Chuck
glish is a bona fide All-Ameri- Sherwood (6 - 10) handles the
can and Nate Davis is an excel- center position in place of Bob
Slentballplayer, as is (Mike) Mathias (6-7) -who was out with
"Tne gan (illy) b ruitt a leg injury, but may return to
"The game will be a real test action against the Wolverines.:
Nor us.e t Sherwood is tough under the
bNot everone agrees wth Orr boards but not as offensive-
\~~~ ~about South Carolina though.j minded as Mathias, h tre
They are not found in any of the for S Caoinas, who started
wire service polls nor in the well.
v r ::>x'. magazine polls. But Orr seems
to know something that nobody
else does.
"They run the ball real well,"
Orr said. "And English ... he's
a sunerstar."
ALEX ENGLISH, Carolina's
Doily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS 6-8, senior forward, replaces,
Tom Boswell (now with the
an easy two points in action Boston Celtics) as the team's
er Vanderbilt. Green, a junior big gun. English will put the
impressed Wolverine fans with pressure on freshman center
f play. He ranks third on the Phil Hubbard once more. "He's
age, and second in assists with really quick and a superleap-
er cent clip from the field. er," Orr said of English. "He'll
turn around and make a jump-

Wayman Britt, known for his rnination. Last season Truitt
defensive play, will be assign- had a disappointing freshman
ed to Davis at the start of the year and quit school after think-
game. Johnny Robinson may be ing he could not play college
defending Sherwood, but if he basketball.
does, he will be playing with SOUTH CAROLINA runs the
a pulled groin muscle he in- ball when the have the chance
curred last night at practice. and sets up in a 1-2-2 offense,
THE WOLVERINES will be d sometimes bringing English to
without the services of swing amhimpstTeng tEnlysro
man Don Johnston, who has de- ate between they cnstantly ro
cided to leave the team. The wingmen and the two forwards
6-6 senior felt that he would near to the basket.
not see enough playing time,
and wishes to devote more time On offense, the Wolverines
to his pre-dental studies. will face a man-to-man defense
The guard spots are handled and occasionally a 2-3 zone.
by Mike Dunleavy (6-2) and "They're a well coached
Billy Truitt (6-2). Co-captain team," Orr concluded. "They
Dunleavy is the backcourt lead- come in here undefeated and
er, considered dangerous in we'll just have to see if our
one-on-one situations. Truitt, a mental attitude can bounce
surprise starter, amazed coach back after that heart-breaking
Frank McGuire with his deter- loss at Tennessee."

' I

RICKY GREEN goes up for
from Michigan's 90-63 win ov
college transfer, has already
his quick, aggressive style o
team with a 13.0 scoring aver
11. He is shooting at a 45.8 p



!J AU' crnirc

-= 7- -

WeInen stun O s
By The Associated Press Loyola scoring ace Tony Park-:Onna lso
ByW Tile Assocaers Smt Gophers grind er, who entered the game aver-
NEW YORK - Beaver Smith MINNEAPOLIS - Sophomores aging 22 points an outing, was
scored 22 points and sparked a. Michael Thompson and Osborne limited to nine
John's Redmen shocked sixth- Lockhartuconbten Innesota tos*D R IN K S
rankedaTennesseen79-70eintcot- I
ranked Tennessee 79-70 in cola 68-55 nonconference college Cardinals crunch
lege basketball last night. basketball victory over Loyola, LOUISVILLE - Ricky Gallon 6-
' Behind their high scorer, the. Ill., last night.E scored 20 points in 22 minutes
unranked Redmen took an early The 6-foot-11 Thompson drop- of action last night2as sixth- Movies every Mon. & Tues. Nites
lead o v e r the highly-touted ped in 22 points and pulled ranked Louisville throttled Cal
Southeastern Conference team down 18 rebounds, and Lock- . Poly 84-70 in college basketball. 15c HOT DOGS Every Friday from 2-5
and never lost it. hart added a career-high 19 Gallon paced a pair of Louis- p.m. while they last.
The Redmen led 43-35 at the points as Minnesota posted its ville surges in the opening mm- LIVEwetet
half as Smith scored 10 of his third victory of the year. utes of each half as the Cardi-EEANy
points, and then stretched Ralph Vallot scored 13 points, nals easily extended their un- 12 midnight,, featuring
their lead to 16 points before Houston Lloyd 12 and Rod Gad- beaten record to 3-0. Cal Poly STEVE SOFFERIN.
the Vols, behind Bernard King dy 10 for the Ramblers, who is 2-3.. 4.of
and Ernie Grunfeld, made a dropped to 3-3. With Gallon scoring 14 of his
late bid to close to within 3 The Gophers opened up a 20-8 points in the first half, Louis-1NO. C O VER
points, 71-68, in the last lead in the first half but had to ville built an 18-point lead at ___
minute. repel one charge by Loyola be- 34-16 with 5:56 left before tak-
But then St. John's ran off , fore moving to a 38-25 lead at ing a 42-32 halftime edge. MAYNARD
six straight points, including a internsssr s-. Rick Wilson had 12 for Louis-
rally-capping score by Smith TeR lr crdegtiyl hl o n ar VI
with 16 seconds left, to pull straight points to move within l wams had 10 apiece. ~-eWil-
saway from the Vols. 20-16 before Thompson ignited - - - -
Frank Alagia added 17 points first half. sge tente
and Glenn Williams scored 14 Lockhart a n d Thompson,
for the winners. King had 24 who were teamamtes at Jack- G
points and Grunfeld and Mike son High School in Miami,
Jackson scored 19 each for Ten- Fla., scored the Gophers' first
nessee. l1 points of the second half.
_________ ___The Gophers quickly movedA g
to a 20-point spread at 47-27 'M 4 .XL _j
SCORES j in a fast-break lay-in by Lock-' r
- _ hart, who scored 13 of hisj
- points in the second half.,S
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