fage Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, December 10, 1975 FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY -1 :::.,., FOR RENT SUBLET HELP WANTED PETS AND SUPPLIES PERSONAL Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 0-10 1.15 2.30 3.05 3.80 4.55 5.30 11-15 1.40 2.80 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 16-20 1.65 3.30 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 21-25 1.90 3.80 5.00 6.20 7.40 8.60 26-30 2.15 4.30 5 65 7.00 8.35 9.70 31-35 2.40 4.80 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 36-40 2.65 5.30 6.95 8.60 10.25 11.90 41-45 2.90 5.80 7.60 9.40 11.20 13.00 46-50 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 add. .75 .90 1.05 1 .20 1 .35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.95 1.95 3.45 4.95 6.45 8.95 INCHE 1 2 3 4 5 S 3.15 5.651 8.151 10.65 13.15 6.30 11.30 16.30 21.30 26.30 8.25 14.75 21.25 27.90 34.40 10 20 18.20 26.20 34.20 42.20 12.15 21.65 31.15 40.65 50.15 14.10 25.10 36.10 47.10 58.10 1 Et SDWN ROOM in house, share cook- I WOMAN WANTED to share room in COORDINATES NEEDED: 2-% time/ SEE real beauty and splendor at its CAN'T GO SOUTH FOR WINTER? ng. etc. $90/month. Jan.-Aug. 995- large 2-bedroom house. Huge kitch- 1 full-time paid positions. Creative best this summer in Colorado, by Warm. friendly place to take meals 5202 after 7:30. 36C1210 en, living room, dining room. Free arts workshop. Come to 621 E. Wil- back-packing in the mountains. Call and make friends. FRIENDS CEN- --- -off-street parking. $100/mo. utilities liam and ask Switchboard for job Mary for information about the TER INTERNATIONAL CO-OP. Call MALE SPACE available in large included. Call 665-4290 or 663-6643. descriptions and applications, package, 995-2167, after 7:00 p.m. Tom or Carol, 761-7435. 82F0108 ' ouble, East Quad, for winter term- 16U1212 09H1213 77P0107 . ____ Lyle, 764-4677. 32C1211- E E gh n e t - ------_.__--NE---EARS--2 or 3 BEDROOMS in apartment. BABYSITTER for two boys, ages 6 ggWANTED TO RENT nd real. athering reflean ROOM. 520 Ann. carpet, refrigerator. Near campus. 995-8780. 13U1210 and 8. Monday thri Friday, 2:30 to B and Margaret Be. 76-J04.L te avaibe. $105/month. 9--- 5:30. Begin Jan. 5. Job will also in- LOOKING FOR 2-bdrm. flat. Will 88F1210 7406 after 5 p.m. 66C1210 eld sm ooig n-iph hue SUBLET: Jan-Aug. Own furn. room dude some cooking and light house- take over lease. Call Chris. 481-0527 - COED LIVING: Spaces open in Ow- in older apartment. Great location keeping. $3 per hour. Call after 6 after 5:00. 40L1211 EXPRESSIVE MOVMENTS' en Co-op. Please call Sue, Dale, 761- $87.50/month. 662-8822. 33U1213 p.m. 769-0181. 07H1212 ----------- CREATIVE DANCE WORKSHOP 3959. 15C1210 ONE-BDRM. furnished apartment. PERMANENT clinical staff position, MISCELLANEOUS Friday eve.-Sat., Jan. 16-17. No ex- ---- State near campus. Available Jan - ---~~ ----- --~ - perience nec. Margaret and Bob ONE, TWO, and 3-MAN OFFICES 995-9616. 83U1211 2onal, part-time or more, back- THE THRIFT SHOP Blood, 769-0046. 87F011 1 Modern Building -fround in behavior modification Is for Christmas shopping. Monday- -- - Newly Decorated SUBLET: North Campus, winter ideal. On-job training for Weight Friday from 10-12 and 2-4. Saturday iontrl. n-abtio nCal 94-019PIN ALLANhCOFE Central air-condition term, single or double. 995-4342. 10-12. losed Saturday December 203 PINBALL AND COFFEE Central reception area 90U1213 18H1221 until Jan. 5 for holidays. 68M1210 First floor space --- - - / --- --- The Cross-Eyed Moose and Tommy's Individual offices of Suites JAN.-AUG. 2-bdrm. furnished apt., ATTENTION: Grad students with LEARN TO P1I LOT Holiday Camp invite you to enjoy 761-8786 days; 662-4155 evenings. dishwasher, air cond., parking, close teaching experience. Position open free coffee every morning. cF1212 87C1210 to campus. Call 995-8893. 97Ul213 , sHE BIG RIG working in local schools. Wor -d REGISTRATION now accepted for ON CAMPUS deluxe efficiency. Fur- SUBLET: large room ($100/month) study preferred. Contact Laura Rosa We train men and women to be- classes starting January 12. Phone nished, air conditioned. $180/month. or small room ($85/mo.) share kit- 763-3548 61H1212 come professional semi-truck driv- 994-8400 to requert a free catalog Call 668-6906 or 995-4406. 75C1213 chen and bath. Call 995-8480. ers. Approved VA Benefits. Proven on Art. Photography, Dance, Phy- - ----R-M-_-b a -; 93U1213 WANTED: dependable buspeople to placement assistance. 439-1068. Uni- sical Arts and Communications OWN BEDROOM incopo-bded. apart- ent, near campus, A/C, furnished, LUCKY MALE: Sacrifice space in work lunch next term at the D.U. ted Systems Incorporated. Washte- W rkshops. ART WORLDS. 21312 $1mo. rer mals, ra ourhd, up-cmfortale 2-bdr apt. $70/mo House, 1331 Hill. Call 761-5227 or naw County Enrollment Secretary. S. Main St., Ann Arbor, Mi 48108. .$105/mo. Prefer male grad or up- comfortable 2-bdrm. apt. $70/ma.99-270H233M2 4F23 perclassman to live with grad. Take negotiabls. 994-6489. 94U1213 995-9277. 05H1213 03M1210 43F213 over existing lease 995-9653. 0501213 CLOSE TO BUS. SCHOOL. Lease CREATIVE BABYSITTER for pro- APERSONALATTRACTIVE, intelligent committee till Aug. Available now, 2-bdrm., fessor and working wife. Small seeks submissions. Cooley Awards FAtboys. 3-5 days a week. 8:30 a.m.- U-M STYLISTS Christmas specials Committee. 33F1210 Af dl n:00 p.m. Begin Jan. 5. References. -k EXTREMELY N ICE versity near Hill, parking, $265/mo. - aall this week. Sale on all hair care BE IN CONTROL. Any male can Call 995-9062. 98U1210 Clproducts. 10 percent off on RK and learn to last longer. 65-page illus- ON-CAMPUSONE MALE needed to sublet room in en U- trated instruction book. Send $13.48. AOPArRTMENToSo PART TIME Union. Open 8:30 a.m.-5 :3pm. Northwest Instructional Systems, quiet co-ed house. Good location Dynamic person needed to run IBM cF1213 Box 348, Walled Lake Mi. 48088 AND HOUSES 668-6376. 95U1211 Photo Copier. 8 a.m. to 12 noon - 07F121 N.B.: Each Qrouo of charocter, counts as one word. Hvrhenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines eauals 1 inch 5 words per line FOR RENT VAILABLE Jan. I: Modern, furp- shed, 1-bedroom apt. Super-close y campus Air conditioning. $205. 35-8786. dC1212 WN ROOM, 2-man apartment. U 'owers. Dec. rent free and take over inter lease. Mark, 995-0403. $115 ionth. 34C1213f WN ROOM in house for rent for inter term. Share with 4 other ales-$85/mo. plus utilities. Call avid, 994-3782. 00C1211 WO ROOMS in 3-man, 3-bdrm. %- ouse. State and Lawrence, close to ampus, med. center. $93/mo. 994- 362. 03C1213 ARGE ROOM in 2-bdrm. furnished pt. near Yost. Available Jan.-Aug. FOR RENT OWN ROOM in apartment for fe- male, close to campus. $94. Call Maureen, 665-8220. 02C1213 OWN ROOM, $110. Share house with; pink-o. grads 769-4806. 04C1213 WANTED: Male to take over half the lease for 2-man apt. 1 bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen. Starting Jan. 1. 21C1211 MALE SINGLE: Single room lease, Nancy and Jean will be glad to Couzens Hall, 764-4840. 20C1212 help you with Jour housing needs. OWN ROOM In large 2-bdrm, apt., STOP BY-OR CALL US cable TV, piano, to share with quiet R Grad. 26C1212 CAMPUS FEMALE: Own room. Nice 3-bdrm.- 1335 S University apt. $85/mo. Close to campus. Caro- line. 995-5807. 2701212 665-8825 AVAILABLE JAN. for one people. Room in 2-bedroom campus. 995-1970. or .tw oI apt. on 27U1213 1-BEDROOM, large, nicely furnish- ed apt. Across from Rackham on Huron 662-6694 99U1210 FEMALE-Jan. through Aug. Own bedroom in lovely spacious 3 bed- room apartment. A C, carpeting. daily. $2.00/hr. Call 662-5575 for ap- IT A RECORD pointment. cH1213 On any of our pinball machines " BUMPER STICKERS.Gusto, print- --.__-. and win a free submarine sandwich. ed while-Ul-walt! MBL FHI'SS. 12171 TYPIST Tommy's Holiday Camp, Packard & Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0942. DState, and The Crosseyed Moose, cFtc4 Dynamic person needed for full- ;1 iet F22 - lime typing position. Must type 50EE 613 E. Liberty.UcFN2H2 -NE?- - wpm $275ir.Ca. 66-575.cH113NEED SOME SUNSHINE? aqm. S2.75 hr. Call 662-5575. ca1213 PEOPLE interested in participating If sunshine on your shoulders -D-f--oin Seth workshop and discussion makes you happy, Thayer Washington. Writing on group call 665-9839 or 994-5931. Ft. Lauderdale over Christmas will front. Identify tonclai. 764-1 24F1212 make you high. front. Identify to claim. 764-4311 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Su n.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- ber of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment. i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisers names may never be evealed. Number of lines in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin to any extent (ie. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of- charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. n PERSONAL BOARD EXAM tutoring - enroll- ments now being accepted for S. H. Kaplan Tutoring Courses to pre- pare for thc MOATS, DAT, and LSSAT board. Call (313) 354-0085, lo- cally 662-3149 cFtc LET ANN ARBOR'S only diamond expert help you style your engage- ment ring. It costs less. Over 5.000 U-M men have. Austin Diamond, 1209 S University, 663-7151, cEFtc COPIES - 2%c each Lowest Prices Anywhere IMPRESS, 524 E. William, 665-4321 cFtc * 2 FREE GAMES * CAMPUS PINBALL 1217 S. University 1 ad per person cFto TRANSMOGRIFYING TYPING All electric. Serving the academic, professional and business communi- ties for 15 years PRINT'ING, RESU- MES, EDITING. TASK, 761-4148. cJtc XEROX AND OFFSET fast, low cost duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 cFtc Answer to Previous Puzzle MAZE J I L T S 8EC K I RON AM IN E ANMAN CANDYSP0TS LUTE A B E O P E N T A L L W IE D E L G IRO ROCKER SAN ATIVE E T H E L EQUAL FIX C HA D S T U D W I S T A E T L U R A Y T H E I R R E S I DED HA A A T L A S GL U T TRUMAN D IAM TAU RIGA EARLYB IRDS I C A L S P A D E F A A Y 0 E L G A R SPAD 20/mo. 665-2401 after 6 p.m. V 1701212 OMPLETELY FURNISHED APART- tENTS. Weekly housekeeping serv- e, one block from campus. 4- onth winter lease. Rentals from 5 per month. University Towers. bone 761-2680. 64C1213 Paste this inside your medicine cabinet. Canes I signals 1.Changeinbowekar bladderhabits. I 2.Asoethatdoesnot I I heal. I I 3.Unusualbleedingor disharge. 4.Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere. 1 5. Indigestion or difficulty I in swallowing. 6. Obvious change in wart ormole. 1 .. Nagging cough or 1 * hoarseness.I I I 1 Ifyouhaveawarningsignal, I see your doctor I 1 I I Amercan 1 I Cancer Society# m CONOB Y H P B I TlS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE PUBUSIIER THOMPSON APARTMENTS: effici- Monday-Friday 9:00-5:30 -- cy v .<'<"- ISatuday10:0-2.0 310%mo Cal Pegy 95-27 1U212 etwen 2&s5tdFB2w -t-u-rBstno totourin own! n6 ngts ency available Jan. 1, $177/mo. Call Saturday 10:00-2:00 S1lO mo. Call Peggy 995-2724. between 2 & 5 dF1209 KATHY UNELL, Susie Pollakand in Lauderdale $269/package 153 665-2289, 31C1212--_U-2--I Sue Yak, air only. $99/accommodations only. FEMAALEDE or ere ana syCal 995-1066 and get a tan. FEMALE SOUTH CAMPUS CO-OP: VISCOUNT APARTMENTS ONE BEDROOM furnished campus MUSICAL MDSE., Your Secret Santas say (Stevens). Winter term, inexpensIve, 2 and 3 Bedroom apartment Jan.-Aug. sublet $245 RADIOS, RSEPAeIRSn ee ig t96F1210 2ad3Bdom6562.24U1211 _ EAR Well keep doing nice things . . .. great location, friendly atmosphere. Bi-Levels and Tr-Levels 665-6829 .m dMUprightEianos Sara, 761-1058. 2901212 - -- .,O S EnaeolfNEW SHIPMENT of Upright Pianosm old MarkleyHall.HOLIDAY BLUES? Rel 8MODEL OPEN LEASE FOR SALE in large double of from $175. Apollo Music Center, 761- Merry Christmas and Happy pool Angela massages muscles in ROOM IN house. 5 minutes to cam-'Adams House (male) in West Quad. 9430. cXtc Chanukah. 70F1210 exclusive atmosphere. Legit. Coin- RmM-F, 12-2, 6-8 Weekends, 2-4 Beautiful courtyard view 764-3889 ------ ---------- para ively inexpensive. 971-6867, pus. Rent negotiable. Prefer fe- 1316 Geddes No. 3 dU1211 TUESDAY SALE: tp to 25% off, HOLIDAY VACATION SPECIAL 971-1489. cFtc Smae. Call Le days 76-5562: eve- - must E mD etion a ee Don. Apolo starts Dec. 21-Jan. 3. Billiards at - SINGLE ROOM in house near Pack- LIKE THE SUBURBAN LIFE? Music Center, 323 S. Main, 761-9430. $1/hr. M-Pin Bowling, win a FREE I TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. and HOUSE: Redecorated, 2-bdrm. Capeare and Platt. $95. 971-8618, 763- Own bedroom in large, modern apt. cXtc GAME. At the Union, open 1 p.m. Auto-Owners Insurance Co. offer Cod, rec. room and bar, bath and % 2068 persistently. 22C1210 off campus, 4 miles. $105. P.M. call Closed only Dec. 24, 25, 31 and Jan. auto and renter's insurance at lower full tedattached2 SINGLE BEDROOMS in co-ed for details, 971-7752. 9-11 p.m. 1. cF1213 rates in Ann Arbor. Call Mrs. Spears" I fully carpetes, attaced-garage, cop- khouse near campus. 662-6726. TP A--- - -at 662-3107 for a quotation. Spring- pertone applaces, fenced-in yard, 83C1211 SALE Alice Lloyd leases Male or - - -.. OPEN regular hours during study er-Kleinschmidt Agency, Inc., 206 large corner lot off Platt, East Side. female. Double. 764-5909. 25U1212 PAN-AMERICAN HIGHWAY: Want Iand exams. BILLIARDS, BOWLING E. Huron. cFtc $29.500 or for rent $275/mo. 971- 1-BEDROOM EFFICIENCY: quiet, -..---.--...-to talk to people with recent ex- I and PINBALL at the Union. cF1212 14756. cC1213 clean, furnished, campus. Available FEMALE - Own room. Beautiful, j perience driving car from U.S. to --------I-PERMANENT weight loss, soking Bn- -edroma $- - 1 Jan. $180/mo. includes util.. park- friendly home with three others. South America. 971-5209 after 6. 15%DISCOUNT on contact lens pre- reduction, study efficiency, tension 1r BDOOM in 2-bd .om p $10 ing. No pets. 995-1847 or 668-6151. Two blocks from campus. $112.50/ 19G1212 parations at the Village Apothecary, control, through behavior modtfi- NerNrhCmu u.Vr o-Iafter 5. 79C1212 mo. includes all utilities. 994-0247.1 -... .. .. .. 1112 S. University. cptecatn.Cl 9-09 Portable. Women welcome. Mark, cfe .1022m.icue l tlte.9 27-JN oWsigoation. Call 994-0019. cFtc fortable Women wlcome. Mrk~ ____56UI213 HAUL MY JUNK to Washington, ____c~ 763-6651, 764-0378. 8101213 DOUBLES $75 on Cambridge. Jim,. - - D.C. for fun and profit. Rich, 995- HELP YOUTH In crisis. Be a tem- 761-5857. 25C1213 R5291 .86G1211 porary parent. 1 day-2 wks. Call Offset Printing, Xerox, Wedding OWN ROOM in furnished 3 bdrm _R ___ATES_ _..OO_.A-__Ozone House, 769-6540. 85F1210 and Social Announcements apt. in house. On quiet street close 1 or 2 FEMALES needed to complete - -- -- ---- CHRISTMAS IN CALIFORNIA. Fly- ARBOR I NSTANT to campus. Vegetarian option. 995- 2-bedroom furnished apt, starting FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to ing out Dec. 20, returning Dec. 28. BARGAIN CORNER 3613. 7101212 January. Convenient location, very share 1-bedroom apt. Large, furn- Share expenses, very reasonable. BARGAIN - _ .PR T .heap. Call 994-0958, 44C1210 ished, close to campus. 314 Packard, mRound trip or one-way. Call after GUATEMALEN IMPORT Products,' LEASE FOR SALE: Female space n .No. 3. Call 995-4848 after 5. 13Y1212 5:30 p.m. 585-3667. 11G1210 Tapestries, Shirts, Dresses, Blankets, 214 S. 4TH AVE. 994-4664j East Quad. Best location in the COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3-man - - -. - - ...----- - --- ----- more. Great Christmas bargains. cEtc ;aation. Call ary, 764-4696, apt. near central campus. Bi-level, FREE RENT for Jan. Room in 4- PAT'S PLACE, 18 North Washing-- -- 72C1212 dishwasher. Available January. Call bdrm. apt. near campus. Furnished. PHOTO SUPPLIES t Ypsilanti 2W1211 WE ING INVITATIONS-Mod or -_- 995-8733. 8801210 Available Dec. 20. 761-3861, 16Y1210- ----- - ---- traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to _____... ..- ANNOUNCING THE MICHIGANEN- For a quick snackk or whole meal cFtc share 3 bedroom apartment. 3 min- 3-BEDROOM HOUSE: 1 yr. lease. l 33.7 SECONDS to V-Bell. Very close SIAN PHOTO CONTEST. Even with TRY -------. utes to classes. $75/mo. 9954559- Located 1641 S. State. Large back to campus. Three looking for fourth a Brownie, you can win big prizes. PREGNANT? Need help? Call Prob- 67C1212 yard, $240.00/month. Available Jan. male. Modern apt. building. Good from Bivouac, Big George's, and VEGETABLE lem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283 400 S. - -' 1. 665-7151, 6501210 landlords. $60/mo. (cheap). 995- Purchase. Call 764-0561. Entries due Division, Free pregnancy tests OWN ROOM In 3-bdrm apt. 2 k 1.66,-7191- - - ----1704. 89Y1211 Dec. 10. Enter anything ad every- U NDION cFtc from campus. Call Carole, 995-4811 thingdD1210 after m.a 6301210cSUBLET OWN ROOM: kitchen, living roo him - ~ll IN THE UNION after 5. 63C1210 SWUBLETkthe, vn rm, ------------------------! AKC registered Pekinese--make ____________ _______ Ann Arbor's lowest-priced natural AK eitrd eieemk _____ __. . . . . -$90/mo. Grad or prof. student pre- D~AR An- cherished gift in anyone's stocking. TWO PERSONS to fill out 4-bdrm CHEAP, modern apartment, 2-3 per- ferreO. Gll 73 6-7OM AND BOARD foods cafeteria. Open Monday-Fri- We mal and fales ch house, old west side. 995-8952. TV, sons. 5 min. walk to campus. Avail- 06Y1213 ---- ----- day, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 12W1210 971-4756. cF123 Stereo. 56C1213 able Dec. 21. 994-5760. 10U1212 LOOKING for a place to live? The! ----- - ------- - ---------- ---- --ROOMMATE: For own room in large fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta is, LARGE furnished efficiency, cam- SUBLET EFFICIENCY: $140. Jan.- house. Cheap. Co-op. No smoking. looking for boarders for next term. ,.,. pus-hospitals location, January oc- Aug. Security deposit. 995-9718 be- I Call 769-2350. Wd1211jWe offer 19 meals per week for $740 oupancy. 995-3642. 5701210 fore 9 a.m./after 11 p.m. 11U1213 a semester. Call 761-5950 for details. ___________-__ _____ -2-WOMEN NEED third to share 08E1212 ROOM in 3-man townhouse. Three NICELY FURNISHED, large room, modern furnished bi-level apt Two miles from campus. $60/mo. Grad close to campus. April lease Call bedrooms. 1700 Geddes, apt. C-21. WINTER double room/board, North imale preferred. Call 995-2972 after- Joy, 995-9438. 01U1212 $108, plus electricity/month. Call Campus. $130. Ken, 663-6955. noons. 5201210 large fully firnished Mary. 99G9344. 39Y1211 91E iFT S1975 LOS ANGE MALE ROOMMATE needed for mod- freshly painted, partially paneled AY or STRAIGHT iale to share FREE ROOM w. University family ACROSS 53 Enjoys ern bilevel apartment in nice quiet 'room. Jan./Aug. located close to with another in Jan. Own in exchange for household chores 1 Melodeon fruits c neighborhood near campus. 995- campus in upstairs apt. of house. $117 Kingsley. Call persistent- d errands. Must have car. Call Iand erngandy. Mainspehavetcar. CaL A B F U R COATS 6 Man's name 54 Eastern 9861. 3001210 Ideal for one or two. 994-0311, ask '163-3995. 85Y1212 663-7885 after 7 p.m. 912E12130e ------- - -Ifor Mark N. Wed, after 10, Thurs. -3 S 10 Chess term Europi TWO FEMALES to share bedroom in all day Fri and Sat, after 7 p.m. ONE FEMALE to share room in mo- MOSHER ]ease available for Winter 14 "Tails" of a coin 55 Schola 3-bdrm. apt. Close to campus. 665- 14U1212 deOn -EsLE t. se tomcinpma- term. Double. Extra wide room. Call 15 Pretentious 56 Far c 82.9023-. .. - 11221dern S-person apt. Close to campus, 7492.6E23Handknit Wool 1 rtniu 6Fne 8- - FEMAE ONLY: own room in 2-bed- dishwasher, fireplace, and location Mittens, Gloves 16 Senorita's name 59 Crop ir FOR RENT: share room in great 2- room, furnished apt. $107/mo., in- close to campus provided. 994- ROOM AND BOARD, reasonable 17 Unfit of a sort 3566. dYl2llrts1hn16-97 6E22Scs waes1 ni oedroom apt. Central campus loca- cluding heat. Available in Jan. Call .rates.- Bermudians, for 62 Siberia Clon. Available Dec. 15. Ring Steve 995-5393 evenings. 15U1212 33.7fOECONDS to VX-BELL.OReryclOseP Shirts, and Dresses example region or Curly at 994-0189. 6301210 . - pu- - -----I 37SCNs.Treok-BLL.VeryFwnD CO-OPLEASE. University FEMALE to share 2-person apart-'to campus. Three lookIngf fourth owned. Great people, excellent food, Fur and Real 20 Ameche 64 "There FEMALE GRAD. Assume lease Jan. ment. Friendly and studious room- ladlor $oder60 . hbuildi. 9ood very cheap. Mark, 764-6541. I Leather Bags 21 First things a --, OWN ROOM. Modern 2-bdrm. apt. mate. Close. Call Bette, 668-7195. l os7. 9Y5- 62E1211 H Si r , 23 Informed 65 Cargo near campus. 994-0472. 34012121 22U1212 1s704. 89Y1211 Hn, $7 Ja madeSilver24 Coming out 66 Agains ______~ --------- FEMLE ROMMATEROOM-Madison & Division, $75,i Jewelry 2 orss ertig ~ ~~FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Share kvial a.1 alNc,68 26 Tourists' ga thing: I Inee.Saeavailable Jan. 1. Call Nick, 6683gerg bedroom in large apt. Near campus. 8132. 54E1211 Rugs 28 Baldwins 67 Plane 995-9527. 55Y1213 And Tapestry 30 Oils for 68 Curren ROOMMATE NEEDED to fill vacan- BR 687LEASE764e0066 in Copper, Brass, machinery 69 Buildin Dy in modern 4-man apt. Central Onyx & Ceramics 31 Noted water- location. Furnished. 668-8453. USED CARS color artist DOWN 58Y1210 215 E. Liberty 32 Whimper 1 Roman 6r it .. l I YOUR OWN bathroom and bedroomI'71 DODGE WAGON. Great for that 10:30-6 p.m. 761-5554 33 Norse god 2 Wester !!ai alt 11 LES IlMES the of n eans r's robe rop nsurance n forest by hangs space t the Lat. of 1917 t of air ng lots N poet n city hamps ian well: Lat, ses easure oestring elt area 22 25 See 42 Across Samuel's mentor PUT 26 Isms 27 But: Ger. 28 Beginner's Latin verb 29 Brazilian port 30 Readily under- stood 32 British diarist 34 Symbol of penitence 35 Fee-faw-fum 36 Maroons 39 Thailand's neighbor 40 Plato's mythical land 43 Boorish 46 Schooldance 48 -- majesty 49 Hardly any 50 Legislative --: Abbr. 51 Used tire 52 Tuneful refrain 53 Street brawler 55 Wealth 57 Pulitzer prize winner, 1958 58 Southern food 60 Fidel's friend 631 Scepter 63 Tropical bird ':-:T ON YOUR DOORSTEP! Assume lease and share 2-man N.C.P Broadview apt. with quiet grad. $135/mo. 995-5380. 33Y1212 I BUSINESS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TYPEWRITING c Experienced. Dissertations, term pa- pers, compositions. Reasonable rates. Call 761-9253. 8-3. 73J1207 BANDS for frat parties. Don, 761-1 9431 and 487-5526. cJtc- Miami trip. Best offer. 663-9773 eves. 84N1213 LEAVING COUNTRY: '65 VW: good shape, $275. 761-5460. 53N1213 '68 DODGE Monaco - Excellent, condition. 53,900 miles. $550. 769- 5527. 49N1212 1966 PONTIAC Catalina: power - steering, brakes, automatic, best of- fer. 769-4334. 82N1213j BMW rare 2800 C.F. Near perfect cWtc SAM'S STORE 37 "Exodus"hei 38 Bright star in Pleiades 41 Eternity 42 Part of the @ro n 4l 3 Longc race 4 Ophidia ,5 Mark w 6 Dispos; 7 Girl 8 Wire m 9 - sh 10 Corn B 44 45 47 49 Why wait until the afternoon to find out what's happening when THE DAILY can be on your doorstep in time for breakfast? Read THE DAILY and keep up on world, local and campus news, and sports. ONLY $12 - d EDITORIAL SERVICE auto, power steering, a/c. and AM FM. Must sell. Keep trying, 1-541- Highest references: 769-2931. 0031. 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