Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, December 9, 197 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, December 9, 1 9T TtI-5TORE-5OVFFE SUPER SALE! X-MAS ' YES FOLKS, WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER SALE! Everything's 20 % OFF. That means our TURQUOISE PRICES are the lowest of any plaCe around! So ... Stop by and do your Christmas shopping early! THE STONE SHOPPE 4 1103 S. UNIVERSITY 662-6054 OPNTILL 9 P.M. MON., THURS., and FRIDAY OPEN TSUNDAY, 12-5 P.M. TILL XMAS rTW 1 '$$$$$$ I WA State iscount -NW4OU0 QUIET PLEASE Yefling: Bad vibes Highway hookers beckon to lonely truck drivers via radio CHICAGO OP) - Screaming kids are more than a bother - they may be a health hazard to themselves. Dr. Robert Toohill of the Med- Ical College of Wisconsin, Mil- waukee, says children who shout, talk loudly and incessant- ly or scream may develop nod- ules on the vocal cords. IN A REPORT in the October issue of the Archives of Oto- laryngology, published by the American Medical Association, Toohill says about one per cent WEST SIDE BOOK SHOP FINE USED & RARE BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 113 W. Liberty-995-1891 OPEN SUNDAYS 12:00-5:00 P.M. Mon.-Sot. 11:00 a.m.-6:00 P.M. Thurs. & Fri. Nites til 9:00 P.M. of all children develop vocal nodules, which result in a hoarse, raspy voice. He studied 77 children who had the problem and found that boys outnumbered girls three to one and that it reaches a peak between ages five and ten. Other researchers have found that psychological factors, such as anxiety and stress at home or school, contribute to devel- opment of vocal nodules. AND TOOHILL, an ear, nose and throat specialist, found that in 66 of those he studied, the parents reported such personal- ity traits as aggressiveness, hy- peractivity, nervousness, tense- ness, frustration or emotional disturbance. Sixty-two were described as being screamers, incessant talkers or loud talkers. The physician noted also that 63 of the 77 had older brothers or sisters or both which might contribute to the kind of atmos- phere in which the child has to compete for attention. "THE development of vocal nodules corresponds to the age at which children enter, group activities," the physician ob- served. "The problem is fre- quently not apparent until the child enters school and has to cope with groups on a regular basis," he added. In only three patients could abrupt circumstances be related to the onset of symptoms, the physician said. One boy abused his voice while playing quarterback for a football team. One noted hoarse- ness after singing. A girl strained her voice during play- acting. Various types of therapy are used to treat the problem. These involve speech therapists, social workers, psychologists and psy- chiatrists and, in rare cases, DALLAS (UPI)-Truck driv-, must have talked wth her a ers think the seductive young dozen times," he said. voices beckoning over their citi- The Federal Communications zens band radios belong to Commission (FCC) has been in-! highway hookers. vestigating the reports o' pros- Officials think it's just a teen- titutes using CB rado to makel age tease, but Texas trucker their pitches. flash his lights atba car full young grls in the parking 1 "But in all the incidents * watched, -as soon as the tfru pulled in the girls would te the hell out of there. I me they flat floorboarded those ca Bob Smith says he knows of at least one voice that's no joke. SMITH, who drives regularly through 18 states, says it's not uncommon to hear a female voice come on the CB receiver offering a little company to the lonely truckers. He tells about a certain lady who makes an explicit pitch ot? 157 near Effingham, Ill. "She'll ask if you're an 18- wheeler and you say, yeah, and she'll ask if you'd like a little entertainment. She'll tell you wha t'l t nct$15 00M and ev- "WE'RE NOT sure yet. We to get as far away as fast know in some cases they are they could." girl juveniles just teasing the PRYON the FCC is truckers," says Carl Pryon, dis- R says trict head of the FCC. sure whataction, if any, can "But we haven't ruled out the taken against the callers. possibility that the monitors are "It's not against the law pickng up signals from pimps tease truckers. These girls a trying to get hold of prostitutes, probably in their family ca or prostitutes trying to solicit and their parents are licens business." operators. Pryon said the Dallas Com- "If the conversation is ji munity Radio Watch used mo-isgetvadntocr bile monitors and direction-find- ugreist much we can do.c ing equipment to investigate the n n incidents. . But, Pryon said if genui surgeons. vnaL1 iIL, 01w. , uvU Some of the children observed erything right over the radio." by Toohill improved just as SMITH SAID the voice invites much without treatment as the trucker to pull over at a those who received treatment. freeway rest stop where, he The nodules often disappear said, he has seen a car parked when the voice changes at pub- on many of his trips. berty. "I never stopped myself but I BOB HITCH, head of the CRW, said the monitors usually tracked the voices to truck stops. "We sat and listened to the exchanges, and after a while some truck would pull in and prostiuear found solicit over' the air waves, the F could take some action. "Well," he said. "We co probably lift their license. against the law to advertise CB channels." ... L , 307 S. STATE Ph. 994-1262 --NEW HOURS-- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 9-6 ALL SINGLE ALBUMS EVERYDAY PRICE $3.99 OR LESS NOT A SALE A III 'A I. 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