i Ei 3ft r4w an Daitl Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1 48104 PAT OLIPHANT Slapstick satire and politi~cal punditry Tuesday December 9, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Kissing Kissinger goodbye IF PRESIDENT FORD intends to make "moral diplomacy" more than just a catch-phrase, he must first rid his foreign policy brain- trust of the domineering and highly immoral presence of Henry Kissin- ger. For well over a year ,the people in Congress and the national journals have questioned Kissinger's role in the U.S.'s interventionist policy to- ward Salvador Allende's Chile. As the evidence piled up implicating Kissinger the chief architect of CIA subversion in Chile, the Secretary maneuvered to place the aura of high office between himself and ac- countability for his actions. By ar- guing the need for complete atten- tion to the on-going responsibilities of his office, Kissinger in effect turn- ed the attack back on his accusers. When he threatened to resin rather than countenance such de- meaning accusations, he vas chal- lenging the patriotism of his accus- ers. Never ones to resist coercion when skillfully denloved, the folks on the Hill quickly fell in line behind Kissinger. TZISSINGER'S RECORD AS advisor for national security affairs umnder Nixon and later as secretary of state for both Nixon and Ford has chilling- ly and consistently combined mis- layed genius with abuse of power. As the world's most outspoken ad- vocate of detente as well as articula- tor of its conditions, Kissinger gar- nered recognition beyond the bor- ders of the U.S. and the West. So a swift rise from relative ob- scurity to international prominence prompts the question: is a reasoned approach to detente - a policy which stresses the aversion of nu- clear annihilation at all costs - a policy of messianic or simply intuI- tive proportions? Is no one in the American dinlo- matic corps except Renry Kissin ePr capable of impressing on world leaders the need for peace at all costs? TSHE SECRETARY OF state, since his first China initiative under Nixon, has displayed a remarkable facility for creating compromise where it didn't seem possible. But he also proved perfectly willing to re- sort to strong-arm tactics where dip- lomatic elan made no impression. Two years ago reports began trick- ling out of congressional staffs that Kissinger had used his influence as TODAY'S STAFF: News: Barb Cornell, Jim Finklestein, Rob Meachum, Stephen Selbst, Jeff Sorensen Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Michael Beckman, Paul Haskins, Debra Hur- witz, Tom Stevens Arts Page: David Blomquist Photo Technician: Ken Fink head of the elite national security "Forty Committee" to mastermind U. S. manipulation of domestic Chi- lean affairs. This manipulation took many forms, including CIA disrup- tion of Chile's free elections; har- rassment of socialist President Sal- vador Allende and his administra- tion; and the purposeful fomenting of coups, most of which were abor- tive. What role, if any, Kissinger had in Allende's death and the ascension to power of Chile's present reaction- ary regime has not yet been deter- mined. But the fact of Kissinger's direct involvement in the Chile init- iatives is no longer up for debate, es- pecially in light of last week's con- firmation of that involvement by senate investigators. THE FORD ADMINISTRATION must not continue to make ex- cuses for Kissinger. After last week's revelations, the rhetoric of peace can no longer obscure the debased pur- poses which move him. President Ford's moral diplomacy can be no more than a self-delusion or a calculated lie until he removes Kissinger from the top echelon of government. For their part, the American peo- ple and media must come to grips with the facts and impress on the President their inevitable conclu- sion: "Kissinger must go!" Photography Staff KEN FINK PAULINE LUBENS Chief Photographer Picture Editor E. SUSAN SHEINER ........ Staff Photographer GORDON TUCKER ........ Staff Photographer Editorial Staff GORDON ATCHESON CHERYL PTrATE Co-Editors-in-Chief DAVID BLOMQUIST ...........Arts Editor BARBARA CORNELL .. Sunday Magazine Editor PAUL HASKINS..............Editorial Director DEBRA HURWITZ......Asst. Editorial Director MARY LONG .... Sunday Magazine Editor JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY Sunday Magazine Editor SARA RIMER................ Executive Editor STEPHEN SELBST................City Editor JEFF SORENSON............Managing Editor STAFF WRITERS: Tom Alien, Glen Allerhand, Marc Basson, Dana Baumann, Michael Beck- man, Ellen Breslow, Mitch Dunitz, Ted Ev- anoff, Jim Finkelstein, Elaine Fletcher, David ,Garfinkel, Tom Godel, Charlotte Heeg, Stephen Hersh, Lois Josimovih. Tom Kett- ler, Linda Kloote, Chris Kochmanski, Doc Kralik, Jay Levin, Andy Lilly, Ann Marie Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Lubens, Teri Mageau, Angelique Matney Rob Mea- chum, Robert Miller, Jim Nicol, Maureen Nolan, Ken Parsigian, Cathy Reutter, Jeff Ristine, Annmarie Schiavi, Tim ,Schick, Kar- en Schulkins, Rick Soble, Tom Stevens, Steve Stojic, Cathi Suak Jim Tobin, Bill Turque Jim Valk, David Weinberg, Margaret Yao. Sports Staff BRIAN DEMING Sports Editor MARCIA MERKER . . . Executive Editor LEBA HERTZ .. Managing Editor JEFF SCHILLER .. . . .... .. Associate Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Al Hrapsky, Jeff Liebster, Ray O'Hara, Michael Wilson NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Bonino, ToM Cameron, Tom Duranceau, Andy Glazer. Kathy Henne- ghan, Ed Lange, Rich Lerner, Scott Lewis, Bill Stieg By TOM STEVENS PAT OLIPHANT is perhaps the best editorial cartoonist in the country today. His lucid lively style is widely imitated and his punch is generally un- paralleled. "I came from Austrail-yer in 1955," Oliphant told me in his still pronounced accent during my telephone conversation with him. "I've been involved in newspapers much of my life. I started as a copy boy at a local paper and went from there." When Oliphant left his edi- torial cartooning job in his homeland, he immediately took up residence at the Denver (Colorado) Post. Last spring he split from the Post to work for the Washing- ton (D.C.) Star where he holds down a prestigious daily front page spot for his work. Now established, Oliphant can get nasty in his cartoons, and he does indeed, but most al- ways within the limits of taste and satire. THESE TALENTS are amply displayed in a recent cartoon that has Ron Nessen and Jerry Ford standing before a crump- led limousine labled "Credibili- ty." Says Nessen, dressed in mechanic's garb, "Fixing this is going to cost you a bun- dle." Editorial cartooning is unique among American career pur- suits in that here alone can the creativity of the artist and the cynical eye of the political pundit merge and bear fruit. Oliphant's cartoons are as popular as they are outstand- ing. In contrast to the old school style of editorial cartooning which employs heavy lines and grainy shading, Oliphant goes with what looks like a maga- zine gag cartoon style. Along with the sporty technique used by Oliphant and (now) others, another up and coming format in political cartoons is the hori- zontal, which offers much more potential for innovation than the old-school, upright boxes. INSTEAD OF STAYING with dry political statements that are more opinions than inte- grated criticisms, the new style favors a more slapstick ap- proach, the kind of sardonic lampooning that digs deeper and bites harder than a Gila Mon- ster with hydraulic jaws. Among Oliphant's contempor- aries in this genre are such pen-wits as Don Wright of the Miami Herald and Jeff MacNel- ly of the Richmond News Lead- er. A recent MacNelly cartoon lambasted the widely controver- sial UN Zionism as racism de- cision by portraying Uganda's Idi Amin proposing to the UN assembly that idiocy be declared a form of intellect. Others around Amin bore such name-plates as Weganda, They- ganda, Lower Tract and The Fun Republic of Chuckles. A pig wrapped in Amin's arm was identified as a representative 77 'EASY wiTHAT STUFF-- ONE WP CAN KILL 500,000 PEOPLE? -Copyright, Los Angeles Times. Reprinted with permission. of The Incredibly Glorious Peo- ples Provisional Democratic Council of Revolutionary Free States of the Ridiculous Repub- lic of Bilge. In the front row there appears a Hitler blowing on a party favor and, to his left, a bespectacled chimpanzee in a formal business suit. Two rows back to the right a torso wearing a white tuxedo and black bow tie has a stump with a clothes hanger hook in it sprouting from the collar hole. The name marker is blank. THE TREND IS obviously to- ward presenting a more humor- ous message while increasing the degree of social and politi- cal comment. Pat Oliphant still heads the pack but others are catching up to the Australian wizard. Of Oliphant's peer group, Frank Williams, Detroit Free Press editorial cartoonist of 32 years, commented, "Oliphant paved the way for the new style, and 'he's good, I like him, but these new styles are starting to look too much alike." There is a bright future for the editorial cartoon, though. There are about 70 more work- ing editorial cartoonists today than in 1970 when the Ameri- can- Association of Editorial Cartoonists was formed." Williams added that the influ- ence of cartooning pioneers had much to do with Oliphant's emergence. "OLIPHANT IS drawing in a style reminiscent of the very early American cartoonists, with perhaps not as much exaggera- tion but quite the same meticu- lous detail," Williams explained. Bill Mauldin, of World War Two Willie and Joe fame, now editorial cartoonist for the Chi- cago Sun-Times has been con- ducting a seminar in political cartooning at Lale University, says, "I admire Oliphant, and it's true that the way he draws is nothing absolutely new and original, but it is a departure from the conventional. "A lot of people are really blatantly imitating Oliphant, which is indeed the sincerest form of flattery I suppose. Wright's signature in his car- toons is much like Oliphant's you may notice. As a matter of fact, Oliphant told me that sometimes magazines run a re- print of one of Wright's car- toons and mail the check to him instead of Wright." THOUGH THE editorial car- toon remains predominant among political art forms, the comics page now has a political representative. Garry Trudeau's political Doonesbury strip has turned the heads of those who once wrote off the comics page as a wasteland of cheap gags. "It's good and it fills a need," says Oliphant. A lot of people must agree judging from the overwhelming- ly favorable response Trudeau's strip has met with since it was introduced five years ago. Editorial cartoonists resent those who dismiss them as nig- gling iconoclasts with no real mission except to take innocu- ous pokes at government. The well done political cartoon is supposed to make its readers think. Furthermore, a political cartoonist who shies away from controversy is being unfair to both his paper and his read- ers. TO BE GOOD, the cartoonist must keep up with the news as much as possible, interpret his feelings, and take a strong editorial position in his car- toon. Like anyone else, a cartoon- ist has to be able to take it as well as dish it out. And Oli- phant's ascerbic artwork has at- tracted more than its share of public uproar. "I got a lot of feedback when I did a job that made fun of .womens' rights to the effect that we have our ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) and the Irish have their IRA," he re- lated. In the particular cartoon that Oliphant spoke of, the irritating comment was made by Punk Penguin, a sidelight asset to all of his cartoons. Oliphant created Punk Penguin when he sought to overcome restrictions placed on his editorial view- points by his superiors. Punk was a low key way to add de- sired oomph to the lampooning of an issue, but people now surely look for and enjoy Punk as much as ever. QUITE A BIT of independence accompanies Oliphant's lofty status among cartoonists. His endeavors go wholly unchalleng- ed by his editors. "I have complete say," Oh- phant remarked. For all his talent, though, Oli- phant can credit a large share of his success to supreme self- confidence. 'Back when others might have harbored doubts about the sprite artist's future, Oliphant had faith in himself. Common sense tells us that not unusually, this is the gen- eral case with all high achie- vers, even Richard Nixon, ob- ject of numerous Oliphant barbs. Pat Oliphant is editorial prince, who sits in his office, refusing to divulge even what kind of pen and ink he uses. Even telling him that simply by knowing the brand names of his materials one could . not dupli- cate his work did .not move him. He still declined 'to tell all, saying that these are "kin- da trade secrets, aren't they?" Oliphant did reveal, however, where a special paper he uses can be obtained. When a fluid is painted onto the surface of this paper, halftones magically appear, creating some very in- teresting effects. THE PAPER IS available from a company called the Graphix Corporation,, some- where in the Cleveland, Ohio area. So much for that bit of esoteric information. As to comic favorites, Oli- phant here, too, declined to di- vulge any specifics. "I: have a lot of comics I like," le al- lowed. Olinhant seems a somewhat careful personality whose true id is best revealed in his crea- tions. Even so, Oliphant is just Oliphant. There isn't a whole lot to analyze; he's really just the best around. Tom Stevens is a member of the Editorial Page staff, Letters to. The' Daily The Lighter Side . . l ;i __1 Clash of the quasis: State vs. enterprise 'wi.Dick West v- By DICK WEST WASHINGTON (UPI) - If the railroad relief bill passed by the Senate last week ever becomes law, it will hasten the day when the hand on the throttle held by Casey Jones will be- long the Uncle Sam. The measure provides for a quasi-governmental agency, Con- rail, to take over the freight operations of seven bankrupt north- eastern rail lines. Meanwhile, another quasi-government agency, Amtrak, would take over the Washington-New York-Boston passenger corridor. Any agency that gets into the railroad business these days has got to be a little quasi. But this could be the start of something big. To fully appreciate the potential, you need to tie it in with another financially troubled operation, the federal postal service. With the government taking over railroads going broke under private ownership, we are now hearing proposals that the floun- dering postal service be turned over to private enterprise. BOTH MIGHT BE acts of desperation, but maybe, just maybe, they point the way to economic stability in this country. Maybe, in other words, what this country needs is a complete role reversal, with the government taking over the entire private sector and all federal functions becoming privately owned. On paper, at least, it looks good. Injecting the element of competition into such governmental activities as weather forecasting, census taking, national de- fense and law enforcement should create a multiplicity of new opportunities for fame and fortune. A typical success story might be that of Conrad Sheraton, a poor but ambitious ribbon clerk in Farthing's Cap, Miss. He scrapes together enough money to buy a small, rundown hotel and converts it into a two-cell calaboose, which he names the Sheraton Cooler. AT FIRST, ABOUT the only business he gets is locking up Saturday night drunks hauled in by the Apex Police Co., a locally owned constabulary. But, as luck would have it, Farthing's Can is selected as a training site by the Amalgamated Foot Soldier Corn., one of the nation's larger military manpower suppliers. arousal To The Daily: I READ THE ARTICLE that you carried in the Sunday Daily about Dr. Harris Rubin's re- search at Southern Illinois Uni- versity concerning the effect of pot smoking on sexual arousal. It seems that Dr. Rubin is turning on male students with high grade dope and then showing them a series of por- nographic films to see how being stoned affects one's sus- ceptibility to erotica. All of this is fine and good and undoubted- ly there are millions of men out there who would be more than willing to make the "big sacrifice" and subject them- selves to this torturous experi- ment. The women of the world, how- ever, have been slighted - dealt a "kick in the groin", so to speak. According to your ar- ticle women have been exclud- ed from this heavy bit of re- search because it is impossible to accurately guage their de- gree of arousal, whereas men's state of arousal, besides being fairly obvious, can be accurate- lv measured by a penile strain guage. The guage, which. Is a flexible circlet the thickness of of rubber band, fits unobtru- sively around the base of the penis where it measures blood volume and pressure pulse. I am afraid, however, that the exclusion of women from this experiment is just another ex- amnle of sexist attitudes domi- nating exnerimental design, for contrary to Dr. Rubin's claim an analogous device does exist to measure female sexual re- sponse. IN THE APRIL 1975 iss'le of "Psychology Today" Julia R. Heiman of SUNY Stonvbrook de- scribed her research in an ar- r "Physiological measures of female response aren't so easy, and until recently researchers had to rely on asking women what they felt. Last year George Sintchak and James Geer of SUNY Stonybrook de- veloped a way to measure blood volume and pressure pulse in the vagina. (Genital vasco- congestion, as Masters and Johnson have shown, is a prin- cipal physiological response dur- ing the initial stages of sex- ual arousal for both sexes.) Sint- chak and Geer came up with a simple device with a cumber- some name, the photoplethys- mograph, an acrylic cylinder that is only 1 3/4" by 1/2", which contains a photocell and light cource. The photocell reg- isters diffused light as vaginal pressure pulse and blood vol- ume change. (It is placed just inside the entrance of the va- gina, and is not used if the wo- man is menstruating.) The pho- tonlethysmograph can detect relatively low levels of arousal, and validation studies indicate that the device does reliably measure sexual response - as opposed, say, to anxiety, bore- dom, or apprehension." SO THERE YOU have it, a blatantly sexist study being snoorted by $121.000 in Fed- eral funds yet- Write your con- gressman, this sort of discrimi- nation must end! Equal repre- sentation in experimental de- sign! A chicken with every pat! A photoplethysmograph in ev- ery .. . Stephen Rosenblum College of Human Medicine Michigan State University Dec. 8 manifesto To The Daily: I REGRETTED THE mani- festo signed by eighty-five Uni- versity of Michigan faculty members, "An Open Letter to the University Community," which appeared in the Novem- ber 18 issue of the Daily be- cause I think it obscures the issues rather than clarifies the picture. Instead of accusing the Arabs of acting like Nazis, is it not time for the Israelis to set their own house in order? The Israe- lis have ejected seven hundred fifty thousand Arabs from their homes: they have confiscated ther nroverty: they have de- nied themcitizenship andhave claimd their own ethnic su- neriority in Palestine. What more did the Nazis do except the conrpntrntinn camps? ri-rk Houkins Profewor Emeritus Nov. 18 .:%'^c}i::{,t'"v{:;f:!L!"?,q:;Y~q:;"a, ;?'H,"^tvv"}?yt{{.w~si ;Yv~,., ,. ,, ;Y1:r;;..,,...t.,}}r "''. {."W,:At¢; A4.C~ Contact your reps- Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol 11111, Washington, D.C. 20515. i1 ' . aaBa F9t t' a Aee ? ti Zti l^"". \ V wl 1